AirBrian hasnt chosen his car yet, I think thats the issue.
I am currently joined in all of my races...unless I can't even see the invite?
EDIT: No, it's there. Just refreshed and everything still shows up as ready to go. This game hates me.
AirBrian hasnt chosen his car yet, I think thats the issue.
It's ok though. At least I beat you sometimes!
Jungle elves are one of the other teams I like to play. The gorilla is so fun. I might have to stray from my Fallen Kingdom guys soon. I've played a lot of matches as them now. Might be time for a change.
Edit: I just saw that you whiffed on that attack. Haha. I can still win!
Here it is for the lazy:
Small World has never clicked for me, but I'll keep an eye on this. Sure won't be donating though.![]()
Through the Ages is dead? That sucks.
I am currently joined in all of my races...unless I can't even see the invite?
EDIT: No, it's there. Just refreshed and everything still shows up as ready to go. This game hates me.
I gotta play that team!!
Damnit Tim! If you get the killing blow in SW dont send the rematch! Loser sends rematch!
I hate seeing that its my turn, and then looking beside it to see an invite to another match, haha. Ruins the surprise of death! haha
Some people never reinvite. Hard to know when to initiate, but will keep that in mind for you.
I don't usually send rematches but happy to play any game any time.![]()
Summoner Wars joins Nightfall as a game I bought and never finished the tutorial. I even bought the faction pack because it was on sale...haha. I'll totally get around to it one day!
Now just stop beating me with the Jungle Elves!
I wonder what the counter for them is when you play FK. I have to change how I play completely since in one turn the JE can get people all the way across the map it seems. I usually just have a strategic defence rather than a complete block off of dudes.
If I lose, and want to play again I will usually send an invite. If I win, I never send invites, unless its vs my few friends who I play lots of board games with.
Skeleton Archers helps verus the Jungle Elves but its a hard match. Play me as JE and I'll play FK.
Plus we haven't played in awhile since I took a break from the game. I'm trying to slowly get back into it. I made tons of mistakes in my matches so far, including my game with Astrolad currently.
I dont really know how to play anything other than FK though. The deck I use for FK probably isnt even that good, I just like the diversity of it. SW is almost TOOOOOO deep for me to be playing on iOS, haha.
Whats a good JE deck? Once I have that built, I will send you a match.
I dont really know how to play anything other than FK though. The deck I use for FK probably isnt even that good, I just like the diversity of it. SW is almost TOOOOOO deep for me to be playing on iOS, haha.
Whats a good JE deck? Once I have that built, I will send you a match.
Ok cool.
I like all your lions Tim!
have to pay .99 for the courage IAP
Haha yeah kamikaze all the way. Nice job!Good game Astro. I knew I made a mistake moving Holleas but I covered it up (barely).
Your sly into my face was something else though. Good game.
Haha yeah kamikaze all the way. Nice job!
WTHHHH I beat Astro at PA!!
No idea how. They really need to do a better (or any) job of telling you how many star points you have.
They won't. Keeping track of the points is part of the game; see Ascension.
Ascension shows your star points.
But not your card points, so you're still missing half of the calculation.
Edit: At least with PA you can look at your deck and total your points, I think you can even do the same with your opponent by looking at the logs.
Is the series best out of three?
@Smiley I'm sending you an invite too so we can finish this toirney ASAP.
But not your card points, so you're still missing half of the calculation.
Edit: At least with PA you can look at your deck and total your points, I think you can even do the same with your opponent by looking at the logs.
how? so confused by this game
even when i win
Tap the green card that represents your deck. Brings a decklist on screen for you. If you want to know your total, I meant it in the sense you would have to add each card up individually using the known point values of each card.
What point value?? The stars? The tokens? The power?
Sorry to Tim and Eznark, I quit out on our Battle of the Bulge games.
Not a fan of the game mechanics at all.
No worries, I get where you're coming from.
Fuuuuuuck. The Khan Queso merc champ aparently effects your own fucking minions too.
Goddamnit! Haha
Oh yes he does lol. PS Haste + Vermin/Khan is an amazing thing.
Ultimate Showdown is pretty good.
Sort of a Magic Lite game, came out 5 days ago. It's free and matches last about 5 minutes, I found a game instantly over Gamecenter. UI is abit barebones but the game has alot of potential if the developers take it further. Rules are very easy to pick up. Booster packs and more decks take abit of grind to earn for free.
Currently the 3 themed decks are Medievel Robots, Zombies and Monkey Pirates.
Incoming Playdek sale this weekend. I believe all games and IAP will be 69p/$0.99
Nightfall worth picking up at .99?
Speaking of Playdek, Gamecocks did you ever try Ascension?