What is the evil Parrots name? Best character in the game, imo.
I have a few questions.
I just got to the point where I can catch familiars. I have been trying to catch only one of each, but I'm wondering if there's any point in catching multiples?
Also, are there some familiars that are simply not good to use? I have NO idea what to look for or WHO to look for familiar wise, so I've just been using my default party for now.
Glad to see Draggle on PSN! Any way to download him twice so you can have two of them?
How many chips do you have left? There's a trophy you'll need chips for in the post-game.
It's available in Canada, I downloaded it last night.Is this only for the states? I wouldn't mind having one up here in Canada.![]()
I'm not even sure why they gave us AI companions.
They die within 10 seconds of a boss fight, there's really no use in having them around.![]()
It's available in Canada, I downloaded it last night.
Sorry, I'm a bit late, but I have some more to add to your questions.
1. There is a 3rd evolution for familiars that splits, but a lot of 2nd and 3rd evolutions you can catch later. I would say, for now 1 of each is more than enough. If you get bored of trying for 1 of each as you go I wouldn't worry too much about it.
2. There are some familiars that are bad, but considering Mite is one of the worst (later on), I would just pick and try what you like as it's very easy to power level familiars later if you find some you really like. I would avoid using familiars with extremely high evasion/accuracy though as that tends to be their primary stat later on making them less useful. Also if familiars level extremely slow, they probably have a very low level cap (some max their stats at say level 8, but take a long time to get to level 8). Overall, you could beat the entire game with most any party (even with just your starting familiars) so I would experiment and find what works for you. Personally, for most of the game, I had 1 main familiar per teammate and 2 slots I would experiment with until I eventually found a balanced party I liked if that helps you at all.
Sidenote: Some familiars like the elephant or skeleton can be very powerful, but are Late bloomers so their stats don't really start getting useful until around level 80+ (you will notice this on familiars gaining 1 stat per level). Others like Mite are early bloomers so they gain most of their stats in the first 20-30 levels. Just something to keep in mind when you're looking to build yourself a team.
About 986,000 - But I can easily get more. It only took me half an hour to get 2mil. How many do I need?
Thanks - someone mentioned the "collect them all" situation that surrounds having multiple familiars of the same genus. That's no biggie - I'll likely catch them all if I find myself enjoying the game enough.
Regarding the second, that's good to know, thanks. I've been playing around with a few different familiars. Knowing that I can get by with nearly any party makes it easier to pick familiars that look cool, haha. I won't feel like I'm stuck using certain familiars simply because their stat lines are "best".
About to finish it, fantastic game. It's my first RPG and loved it, after I've had a pretty difficult start. Can someone recommend me more RPG's that are not too difficult ( I played this game on easy and I had quite a hard time sometimes ) ?
I own a 360, PS3, 3DS and Vita btw.
About to finish it, fantastic game. It's my first RPG and loved it, after I've had a pretty difficult start. Can someone recommend me more RPG's that are not too difficult ( I played this game on easy and I had quite a hard time sometimes ) ?
I own a 360, PS3, 3DS and Vita btw.
If easy gave you a hard time you may want to look into other RPGs with different difficulty settings like Persona 4 Golden (Vita) or Tales of Graces F (PS3).
P4G - Turn-based battles, heavy and lengthy story, a lot of social aspects, "gotta-catch-em-all" syndrome with the Personas.
ToGF - Real-time battles (Ni No Kuni borrowed from this battle system), lengthy game, story is alright, lots of side quests, very fun combat.
Can't forget Vesperia since he has a 360. I love Tales of games, but I'm not sure they're the same experience as this game.
What exactly does the last merit award do? Should I save cards for it or get the cheaper ones first? :/
Sounds good to me.
I plan on doing this, but I haven't seen a good post game guide yet. Know of any?After beatingwas perhaps the most hilarious and unexpected thing that's ever happened to me in a video game.all of the postgame errands / bounties, getting the Philmobile
I plan on doing this, but I haven't seen a good post game guide yet. Know of any?
Can't forget Vesperia since he has a 360. I love Tales of games, but I'm not sure they're the same experience as this game.
Ugh.. fairly early on on the coast town...
I need to translate the Nazcaan phrase on the tools of wizardry page and I can't seem to translate it! Is the word tricky or am I just being dumb? I was able to translate "I smell" easily enough but that wasn't what they wanted
After beatingwas perhaps the most hilarious and unexpected thing that's ever happened to me in a video game.all of the postgame errands / bounties, getting the Philmobile
When's the first time I can encounter tokos? I absolutely love grinding myself into a fighting god in JRPGs, and from what I gather, these guys seem to give a ton of exp. Earlier grinding spots help also appreciated.
Look closely atthe wizards clothes in the picture.
I saw that and I get gibberish when I translate. Is is it just one word? Do I read from top to bottom?
I saw that and I get gibberish when I translate. Is is it just one word? Do I read from top to bottom?
BTW doesHorace appear somewhere after Castaway Cove? I haven't seen him after that and I just completed mornstar.
BTW doesHorace appear somewhere after Castaway Cove? I haven't seen him after that and I just completed mornstar.
You must have missed him in. How you missed him there I don't know, don't you have to talk to him beforeFairygroundYou can get the Levitate spell from the bird?
the bird gives it to u regardless
Ugh, I'm so close to this plat, but farming in this game sucks so much. I'm at 86% alchemy completion, and I really don't feel like farming for the rare stuffs...
Ugh, I'm so close to this plat, but farming in this game sucks so much. I'm at 86% alchemy completion, and I really don't feel like farming for the rare stuffs...
Yeah I'm really close to it too. Fortunately you don't have to do all the alchemy recipes so if you're really intent on getting the platinum don't bother with the hardest ones.
But you do have to repeatedly hit some foraging points for some of them don't you? What's the best way to make them respawn? I've tried quitting the game and restarting, sleeping at the inn, fighting some battles, and sometimes they don't respawn until I forget about them and come back hours later. Makes it really hard to collect the materials you need
All the ones I can think of would be challenging if you had trouble on Easy. I think most JRPGs are about medium difficulty outside of a few series. All the Tales of games have an easy setting though.
If easy gave you a hard time you may want to look into other RPGs with different difficulty settings like Persona 4 Golden (Vita) or Tales of Graces F (PS3).
P4G - Turn-based battles, heavy and lengthy story, a lot of social aspects, "gotta-catch-em-all" syndrome with the Personas.
ToGF - Real-time battles (Ni No Kuni borrowed from this battle system), lengthy game, story is alright, lots of side quests, very fun combat.
Edit: I forgot the Final Fantasy sale going on for PSN right now, $5 for Final Fantasy 6, 7, 8 or 9. All are solid turn-based choices, but remember the graphics are SNES/PS1 era. For your first Final Fantasy, 7/8/9 are all good options (although most people will probably say 9). You can play these on either PS3 or Vita.
2nd Edit: Pokemon games for your 3DS. I'm done now, really.
Can't forget Vesperia since he has a 360. I love Tales of games, but I'm not sure they're the same experience as this game.
Oh yea Vesperia is by far my favorite, but it doesn't have a difficulty setting like Graces F. That is the main reason I left it off, as it may be too difficult (Ex: that forest boss that was on the demo, still hard in the real game even if he was toned down from the demo).
Thanks guys. I'll gonna read some reviews about the games you mentioned. I was wondering...is Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance okay for newcomers?
A bit OT, but after having finished this game almost three times...
Does anything happen if you beat it again after doing everything?
I don't know, because I didn't do everything yet. Aside from getting a platinum, I kind of doubt it.