Jive Turkey
Unconfirmed Member
Also wonder if anything happens if you get 100% in your Wizard's Companion.
Nothing other than seeing a 100% next to it in your progress report.
Also wonder if anything happens if you get 100% in your Wizard's Companion.
Nothing other than seeing a 100% next to it in your progress report.
So how do you get mana in this game? There is no mana regen...
I reached a door in the dungeon, but it requires the candles to be lit, I only have 2 mana left and 4 is required to light them up... there are 3 candles in all.
So I think I'm having the opposite problem then most people...
Oliver seems to die more in boss fights then Esther or Swaine. :S
casinos are killing me. i always spend too much time in there.
I don't know, because I didn't do everything yet. Aside from getting a platinum, I kind of doubt it.
Are you controlling Oliver in these boss fights? If so, are you using a familiar that doesn't have Defend/Evade? I ask because I found it very hard to die if you defended/evaded all of the bosses major attacks and also I'm curious if Oliver's AI is bad.
I seem to be missing the tenth(?) story. I did all the errands, bounties, etc. Aside from capturing them all, I have all the post-game stuff done. I'm not sure where it is.
Damn those Beachheads to hell...trying to do that side mission and they need to drop some gumblesomething...I think I killed 15 now and nothing,I even captured one lol...and 2 fights on the ship against the ones in the water around Skull mountain and I have to travel inside to refill,Esther and Swaine are out of mana and one of them is at 1 HP because they died...![]()
So which is the best final form for ghost wisperer's?
Can't decide which one to go with!
Yeah I control him, I just lose track of his health in boss fights. I focus too much on knowing when to defend. I then look up and realize my health is almost gone.
You can also get them from Major Byrdes around Skull Mountain. The good thing about targeting them instead of Beachheads like the quest suggests is that not only can you tell what you're going to fight (unlike water enemies) but you can steal gustplumes from them as well.
So far enjoying the game but man does Mr. Drippy say "Tidy" a lot.
Wish the actual anime footage had more frames though.
Ah,that's good to know thanks...and I never think of using Swaine to steal...? I never switch to Swaine in combat...
So far enjoying the game but man does Mr. Drippy say "Tidy" a lot.
Dat feel when some familiar is ready for capture and AI pops up AOE attack.
So how do you get mana in this game? There is no mana regen...
I reached a door in the dungeon, but it requires the candles to be lit, I only have 2 mana left and 4 is required to light them up... there are 3 candles in all.
this shit happened when I fucking hearted the golden draggy, and them damn Draco uses Earsplitter
goddamn asshole
Been slowly learning to spam all defense everytime i see a heart lol
if you're gonna do that dude's quest (collecting familiars), go with Wispula first, you're gonna need one anyway.
What what point in the game do I get mana regeneration? Also where do I redeem my pre-order familiars in-game?
What what point in the game do I get mana regeneration?
Ugh, I'm so close to this plat, but farming in this game sucks so much. I'm at 86% alchemy completion, and I really don't feel like farming for the rare stuffs...
Sure. If you're interested in the plot though, you gotta start with KH1. DDD won't make much sense if it's the first KH game you play. Gameplay-wise, it's nice.
Bioware tried doing it in Dragon Age and failed miserably at it, yet NNK is even worse. The system in FFXII seems like a pretty simple list of "If, then" checks, and they work. Why don't more developers go this route instead of trying to overcomplicate it to the point of not even working (Dragon Age) or too simplistic and general (NNK)? It wouldn't even need to be as "boring" as what's in FFXII either, but that game is still a masterwork in design by comparison to the AI in the other similar games. I personally still prefer turn-based combat, simply because you are on total control of what your party is doing. Some games can do real-time okay (Xenoblade), but if a developer insists on real-time where you only control one character at a time, then they better make sure the damn AI is up to snuff.
Alrighty, Esther joined. When will I get the ability to obtain new familiars, and when can I get a Dinoceros or whatever that super-powerful familiar was called again.
You can redeem downloaded familiar tickets approximately 5-6 hours into the game.I saw a free DLC (guess it's a familiar) up on the PS Store and downloaded it...anyone know how to get it in-game?
I saw a free DLC (guess it's a familiar) up on the PS Store and downloaded it...anyone know how to get it in-game?
You can tell her to not use any abilities at all. Other than that she will just waste her MP like it's the greatest thing ever. It's less than ideal.Hmm, maybe I'm doing something wrong but it seems like Esther is always out of mana and casts the most stupid of spells. What's the best thing to have her set as in the tactics menu?
I'm around 20ish hours in.Just got the boat