That's the way it should be, unless you're 0 0 0.Also I just noticed in Battlelog that quits count as losses. Way to fuckin' go, DICE. :/
That's the way it should be, unless you're 0 0 0.
Auto-balance is a good thing and people who only play when their team is stacked aren't doing the community any favours.So, basically you're okay with the fact the game teamswitches you and you don't want that so you leave since the game auto-fills the spot you were in with friends instantly or the game counts a loss when you go to pee and don't quit out of the results screen? Really?
If you go to pee and get kicked out of the next round for inactivity you would be 0 0 0, and like I said I don't think you should be penalised for that.
Except I'm not getting kicked for inactivity as I come back before 3 minutes. But I don't want to play Conquest or the map or... so I leave. I'm then penalized as a loss despite the fact I haven't even played the round. See the issue?
If you haven't played the round you'll be 0 0 0 (0 kills, 0 deaths, 0 points).
Correct, except because I menu->quit I'm still counted as a "DNF"/loss on my record.
Also I just noticed in Battlelog that quits count as losses. Way to fuckin' go, DICE. :/
lostsupper was accused of team stacking by [BFO]PR3SIDENT or something similar. He called in for back up and then still got rolled lol
Late Join, Mortar Pop and Tank piloting turn around. Who runs this town? ME
Also I just noticed in Battlelog that quits count as losses. Way to fuckin' go, DICE. :/
My new TV
Battlefield looks much better especially in the dark
Yay! Congrats Rebel!
Did you play on an SD TV before this one? If you did you're probably going to do a lot better on the game with the new one!
There would be a ban coming my way if I said how I really feel about this.
Laters, Tatchy
Finished the assignments and have foolishly begun a quest to knock out the medals. Some thoughts:
- What the fuck is wrong with the people playing Tank Superiority? There's one flag. ONE FLAG! Surely we can drive our asses into the capture radius for the ten or so seconds required, right? Guys?
- Those Tank Superiority people are the worst.
Gun Master is more luck than anything. Air Superiority is the fucking bullshit one.
I had the easiest time winning games trying to go for the Gun Master medal. I think I've lost a couple of matches while going for it, most of which I joined halfway through. Maybe it was because I only played on Aftermath Gun Master servers, but everyone was soooo bad.
You can play Gun Master outside of the Close Shitters maps?![]()
I haven't really started on Air Superiority, but i assume it will be about as annoying as Tank Superiority.
*Tank is in the base, spot it*
*Faceless is dicking around with the chopper THAT CAN'T FUCKING ARM CRATES*
*Is the only fucking person at the base trying to DEFEND THE CRATES*
*Tank is in the base, spot it*
*Faceless is dicking around with the chopper THAT CAN'T FUCKING ARM CRATES*
*Is the only fucking person at the base trying to DEFEND THE CRATES*
You can tell he's pissed when he capitalizes. Pretty sure if I check my message list from Sekoku, it's just a stream of sternly worded capital sentences.
Can we gather a 360GAF squad in the next twenty minutes or so?
You can tell he's pissed when he capitalizes. Pretty sure if I check my message list from Sekoku, it's just a stream of sternly worded capital sentences.
You can tell he's pissed when he capitalizes. Pretty sure if I check my message list from Sekoku, it's just a stream of sternly worded capital sentences.
My message list with Sekoku.
I don't know what the "Gee, thanks" was for, but even when he's appreciative, he's smarmy, lol.
lol Sekoku's passion and dedication is kind of admirable.
Whateva. I do what I want.
(Toda always has to post that image, I swear)
Seriously though, if I have to yell at you to get back to base: You aren't paying attention.
I mean, shit, if I'm defending by myself and we lose the base three times... that should be ALARM BELLS RINGING to GTFO of their base and BACK to ours?
Whateva. I do what I want.
(Toda always has to post that image, I swear)
Seriously though, if I have to yell at you to get back to base: You aren't paying attention.
I mean, shit, if I'm defending by myself and we lose the base three times... that should be ALARM BELLS RINGING to GTFO of their base and BACK to ours?
For people who never played with Sek, you have to understand that he is physically unable to communicate verbally.
I'm gonna check, I think I snagged some screens of my inbox at one point and it was all Seks, all caps. Found it! This is back from BC2!
Love ya Seks!
For people who never played with Sekoku, you have to understand that he is physically unable to communicate verbally.
I just encountered an add for FIFA 13 in BF3 (PS3).
after starting the game it popped up in the lower right corner of the main menue, along with a "press square to buy" link to the store, it disappeared after a couple of seconds.
how long have these been there and wtf EA?