Oscar-worthy script.
Horrible and ign gave it a 10
Just Cause 2 was fucking bland and boring.GTA no fun allowed edition, please buy our a little bit of fun allowed DLC.
Just cause 2 makes gta seem incredibly archaic and poorly made.
The increased framerate along makes the PC version so much better. The 25FPS of the console versions was murder.
I assume it has 360 pad support?
Sad that the crazy mods i remember seeing a thread about a while back don't work with the steam version of GTA4 apparently as well.
Just Cause 2 was fucking bland and boring.
Just Cause 2 was fucking bland and boring.
Just Cause 2 was fucking bland and boring.
Meh. Not as good as San Andreas.
Yup. The only way to play.I assume it has 360 pad support?
All three of those games/series are great in their own right, but none of them hold a candle to GTA or GTA IV. Everyone else is still living in Rockstar's shadow.
Absolutely wrong. Sleeping Dogs is unequivocally better than GTA IV. No meme necessary.
Absolutely wrong. Sleeping Dogs is unequivocally better than GTA IV. No meme necessary.
Based purely on the hype and high scores the game received, GTA IV was the absolute worst current gen release on console IMHO. Terrible tech and boring game play is a bad combination for any big budget title. Sleeping Dogs is infinitely better.
You're "opinion" is invalid. Yup.
Sure, if you like borderline-offensive bad driving physics, boring story, uninspired city design and terrible police interaction it's a lot better.
This.Yeah, it was one of those HUEHUEHUE STAND ON A PLANE LOOK AT ME I'M FUN type of boring ass games. Play the demo for an hour and you've tried most of it.
Yeah, my lack of imagination is why it's boring.If your imagination sucks. I think it's overrated as fuck, but it's certainly not boring.
It's story is monotonous, but the explosion comment describes the open world aspect of it too lolIf explosions and stunts are not enough to keep you entertained for the entire game, there is nothing else to JC2 imo. Had a blast for 15 hours or so, then realised that I'd been doing the exact same shallow thing for about 10 of those hours and lost all desire to play it. Same happened with Skyrim.
I've always found the Oscar-worthy story thing silly on here, people use it to criticise the game rather than IGN
Based purely on the hype and high scores the game received, GTA IV was the absolute worst current gen release on console IMHO. Terrible tech and boring game play is a bad combination for any big budget title. Sleeping Dogs is infinitely better.
Ehh I liked Sleeping Dogs, but I came back to GTA more than I did Sleeping Dogs. Once I had finished the story I was done. I had my fun, I didn't see it getting any better from there.Absolutely wrong. Sleeping Dogs is unequivocally better than GTA IV. No meme necessary.
Hyperbole much?