Vice City and San Andreas are two of my absolute favorite games of all time, so going into GTA IV, my expectations were high to say the least. Instead, I got a game that controlled so poorly and was so BORING in comparison to its predecessors that I actually stopped playing in 2008, and didn't return until just a few weeks ago, to get ready for GTA V.
Even all these years later, displaced from the hype, the game is really boring. Characters are uninteresting and unlikeable. I couldn't give a single fuck about ENDING SPOILER
. I've played the game for over 30 hours at this point, and I can NOT get used to the driving controls. It's been a while since I've played Vice City and San Andreas, so I'm going to conclude that they aren't bad because they're different, they're bad because they're bad.
I have no motivation to return to the game now that I've completed the mainline missions, whereas I couldn't get enough of the world of Vice City and San Andreas. It still blows my mind how critically acclaimed the game was when it launched... it's solid, but nothing AMAZING, really. It deserved all the backlash it got.
V is looking very promising right now, but so did IV before it launched, so I'm hesitant to get too excited for it.
They're bad because you are bad, very simple.
I easily got the hang of the controls once I knew what is required, just STOP trying to think you can play IV like you can 99% other open world games, use some common sense when driving ( I REALLY don't mean this as an insult, just the way to describe it, sorry if you feel it is) and remember the basics.
It's not as simple as driving a little different from those games, you have to play quite a lot differently to those games to get IV physics.
By that I mean:
Break ahead of a turn, by ahead I mean like actually think ahead by some distance, the breaks are super sharp, I do hope they maybe were a little more sharper though
Cars roll and suspension exist in the vehicles, you car will roll a lot and effect handling A LOT if you are driving too fast and turning
When turning don't fully move the analog to turn as that will make you spin a little if you are going fast, smoothly turn it ( right speed, judge that by how much it is turning) into the corner to smoothly turn. Don't do twitchy controls.
Control the speed properly, too fast and you go into the wall, push the trigger ( quickly tap on the PC) like halfway in
Breaking too hard while going fast= tyre lock that causes you to slide, best not to slide.
Yes it sounds a bit too OTT, but again it's one of those things that once you understand and can do it in game, it will be very easy and you wont even think about it when driving, it will just naturally happen.
The payoff for learning these physics is that you not only get to appreciate the depth, quality and effort R* put into the driving, but you will also realise just how good the driving is ( I would say win online, but not much people play online now) and when you go back to games like SR, SD or JC you will naturally find the driving super easy straight away cause they are so simple.
Its not hard, it's not complicated for a open world game at all, it is just different and superior ( IMO, anyway)
Me and many people I know seem to be very capable of making turns at high speeds without crashing, weave through traffic at high speed and controls all types of cars without a problem, those complaining can too once you understand it,
Trust me, there are actually bad physics ( deadly premonition) and controls that may seem bad but only cause they are challenging in the beginning ( IV).
It's like with ANYTHING that is in depth, daunting and even annoying at first, but once you understand you will love it.