One of these days, I need to get into K-on, just to see what the fuss is all about!
One of these days!
Yes, yes you should.
One of these days, I need to get into K-on, just to see what the fuss is all about!
One of these days!
I can't say i'm interested in swimming anime at all nor will I probably watch it, but good luck to KyoAni.
One of these days, I need to get into K-on, just to see what the fuss is all about!
One of these days!
Yes, if only because of how minor the announcement is vs. the reactions that it's set off in (some) people. The reaction is amazingly disproportionate to the trigger. Some people are clearly, personally offended by the very concept of KyoAni making a show featuring hot guys.
Yes, if only because of how minor the announcement is vs. the reactions that it's set off in (some) people. The reaction is amazingly disproportionate to the trigger. Some people are clearly, personally offended by the very concept of KyoAni making a show featuring hot guys.
I can't think of anyone who I consider to be acting unpleasant or asshole-osh on a regular basis, which is a blessing.
K-on has very high production values, great characters, fun themes and ideas, and occasionally even music. Its just really cute, really well made, and really fun. Once you watch it, even if you dont like it, you will immediately understand its popularity.
Also Ritsu is the best.
One day, one day... in the near future,Yes, yes you should.
It's a secret to everyone.Would I redact them if they were vanilla enough to share with other people?!?
I'm actually curious about the Japanese reactions to it other than the fujoshi.
One day, one day... in the near future,
You should watch it and Free simultaneously.
One day, one day... in the near future,
I'm actually curious about the Japanese reactions to it other than the fujoshi.
Too slow!wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Be sure to include a ranking so that we can all argue.
Luckily there are no bad rankings. All K-ONs should be loved but there is clearly a favorite for everyone.
KyoAni is pretty much saying they don't plan to work on anything of value all year. Is that a minor announcement?Yes, if only because of how minor the announcement is vs. the reactions that it's set off in (some) people. The reaction is amazingly disproportionate to the trigger. Some people are clearly, personally offended by the very concept of KyoAni making a show featuring hot guys.
Lol, clash of ideology!
KyoAni is pretty much saying they don't plan to work on anything of value all year. Is that a minor announcement?
Crazy how some people are so narrow-minded.
I mean, there's no romance/sex/whatever, I don't know how you can feel uncomfortable.
KyoAni is pretty much saying they don't plan to work on anything of value all year. Is that a minor announcement?
KyoAni is pretty much saying they don't plan to work on anything of value all year. Is that a minor announcement?
Don't be fooled ..this is in fact another garden .
"OMG the anime industry is really going down...seems like now i have the time to to graduate from college :/"
"Now proceed to apply lighter fluid to the eyes
I honestly didnt think Id see anything more soul-crushing than Ouran Highschool Host Club, but I was truly mistaken. However its true that highly recognised fujoshi anime are far and quite few.
Well let you have this one girls, we aint touching that shit."
etc etc. I don't really want to post the offensive stuff.
Insubstantial. Trashy. Forgettable. Bad.What exactly do you mean of no value?
I look forward to the OT for daily lives of swimming bros.
I look forward to the OT for daily lives of swimming bros.
They can stay in lacrosse and that basketball or whatever anime for the summer...oh we get more kurobas in the fall, and then haikyuu!! cant wait.
I feel similarly about it. Not into swimming anime or the depiction thereof. not even in haremshits. Just bores me. I dont even swim much IRL. Its blah. I watched Tsuritama with mostly dudes in it because fishing is awesome, and if this show was about fishing I would totally watch it.
I look forward to the OT for daily lives of swimming bros.
Oh yes. This show definitely needs an OT.
Insubstantial. Trashy. Forgettable. Bad.
But isn't it too early to jump to that conclusion as we don't even really know much about this show and that other new show they're working on this year?
Best team. I wont be around much this afternoon. Festival in town. There will be tens of thousands of cellphones and reception will be garbage. I shall return later tonight!
Supposedly one of the themes of the show is the upperbody, like there was some serious emphasis put on this. I think the other two are water and friendship.
Be still my beating heart.
That doesn't mean it couldn't be good. There's also the other new show they're working on that the name of is eluding me at the moment. The one with that old PV with magical people or whatever.
Again, I'm recounting secondhand sources but the director is supposedly a BL-fan. I don't know if it's going to be forgettable or bad but I would expect a lot of fanservice. The PV pretty much gives that away as well. So I think the trashy line is somewhat valid from what we've seen.
Again, I'm recounting secondhand sources but the director is supposedly a BL-fan. I don't know if it's going to be forgettable or bad but I would expect a lot of fanservice. The PV pretty much gives that away as well. So I think the trashy line is somewhat valid from what we've seen.
One thing I don't believe has been mentioned here yet is that Free! is based on a novel that got an honorable mention in the Kyoto Animation Award contest, in this case High Speed! by Koji Oji back in 2011. Between this, Chuunibyou, and Kyoukai no Kanata, KyoAni has really been mining material from there.
Yeah, and if they liked those enough to actually make a series that situation always seemed rather cheap coming from them... what kind of "superior" winner are they expecting to receive one day?Well that kills some hype considering how bad Chuu2 turned out. This is the same award where they haven't picked a "winner" for the past few years right?
The studio worked in a rather tasteful approach previously to show the full of illusion and fun bonds between classmates, and above all, friends. With rivalry included in the mix this maybe will aim to be more closer to a typical sports-genre show, but working those interactions between characters in a sweet fashion like they've done before is something I'd still like to see from it.I wonder if they'll buy Free! though. I guess it's too early to say considering we don't really know what the show will be like, but I have a feeling that while KyoAni has a diverse fanbase gender-wise, they haven't really attracted a fanbase which is into "boys being boys" so to speak. It'll be interesting to see how it goes.
Kyo-Ani arent the typer of studio that thrives on blatant fanservice. They are more subtle. By that I mean "trashy" fanservice. Im sure this show will still be tasteful about it.
That SNAFU show what the hell does SNAFU mean anyway sounds like a type of sneeze - 04
Dear god his... sister is a blood relation!!!
That SNAFU show what the hell does SNAFU mean anyway sounds like a type of sneeze - 04
Dear god his... sister is a blood relation!!!
I had to mull this over more than I would've liked.
Dokidoki had a good run.@Jewelpet Sunshine 1