CLANGACLANGACLANGThey won't get an exemption like they get an exemption for everything else they do?
CLANGACLANGACLANGThey won't get an exemption like they get an exemption for everything else they do?
Making up with off topic-ing:
Jimbo Delany on Ed OBannon and his lawsuit, JFF, and Playoffs!
read the article to fill in the blanks!
yeah, shit will go down if it happens
Looks a lot better than the stadium now. Always thought Kyle Field looked bare (read: ugly) compared to other stadiums. It's been getting better with some of the renovations over the past few years though.
Given prior support for student-athletes getting paid in some fashion in the state I wonder what the official stance is for University of Nebraska.
Looks a lot better than the stadium now. Always thought Kyle Field looked bare (read: ugly) compared to other stadiums. It's been getting better with some of the renovations over the past few years though.
had an error in there on frames, uploading a larger one
being in the B1G, it might get answered for them. Delany's talked about moving the B1G to Division III and no scholarships, to avoid the idea of "paying players"
being in the B1G, it might get answered for them. Delany's talked about moving the B1G to Division III and no scholarships, to avoid the idea of "paying players"
Hash tags just got banned by NCAA at being on football fields. Sorry Miss State, you can't put #HAILSTATE on your field now.
Man, I feel sad.
Hash tags just got banned by NCAA at being on football fields. Sorry Miss State, you can't put #HAILSTATE on your field now.
Looks a lot better than the stadium now. Always thought Kyle Field looked bare (read: ugly) compared to other stadiums. It's been getting better with some of the renovations over the past few years though.
That always was the point with Kyle Field, it was always about getting as many seats as possible for the money they had to use so things like the exterior took a backseat.
Apparently this rule applies only to things on the field of play. Out of bounds, sidelines, etc. do not count and are fine. Although I don't know if cowbell has them of the actual play field currently.
Yeah.It's going to be amazing if Ed O'Bannon wins that lawsuit.
More pictures and video here...
That always was the point with Kyle Field, it was always about getting as many seats as possible for the money they had to use so things like the exterior took a backseat. Now that they are effectively tearing down the entire thing a rebuilding (and have the budget) all that stuff is being put back in. I like that they are finally starting to make the buildings look similar. The football stadium is going to have a similar look to the Olsen Field which was just finished 2 yrs ago.
All that said there are already rumors about extra psl's and fees being added.... and our prices were already higher than most to make up for the student section.
The seats at kyle have to be some of the coziest in the country. If you're obese there's no way you'll fit in without part of your ass hanging over into your neighbors seat. Even for someone just a few pounds overweight its a struggle. That may have been okay in Seattle, but it's necessary to have bigger seats in the SEC.
The seats at kyle have to be some of the coziest in the country. If you're obese there's no way you'll fit in without part of your ass hanging over into your neighbors seat. Even for someone just a few pounds overweight its a struggle. That may have been okay in Seattle, but it's necessary to have bigger seats in the SEC.
More pictures and video here...
That always was the point with Kyle Field, it was always about getting as many seats as possible for the money they had to use so things like the exterior took a backseat. Now that they are effectively tearing down the entire thing a rebuilding (and have the budget) all that stuff is being put back in. I like that they are finally starting to make the buildings look similar. The football stadium is going to have a similar look to the Olsen Field which was just finished 2 yrs ago.
All that said there are already rumors about extra psl's and fees being added.... and our prices were already higher than most to make up for the student section.
Again goes to my point above of wanting to maximize every bit of space they had for seating.... one of the many things they are fixing with the redo is the seat width's. Will be curious how much of the stadium will be individual seats vs bench.
On a completely unrelated note.... today we finally get details of the SEC Network.
Beaver Stadium made the ultimate sacrifice of aesthetics for seating capacity.
It went from this:
I haven't really been following this but is this going to be an official SEC channel through ESPN or is just going to be an expansion of coverage through current partners?
I'm really sorry you had some bad experiences w/ the programs sh*tty fans. I really am, but the way you post about Penn State, it sounds like everyone and everything associated with it is completely and genuinely unredeemable. I'm not sure if you mean to come off that way.Speaking of Penn State, I discovered this nugget while reading up on Beaver Stadium. (I don't know if this was discussed back in November or not.)
2012 Team to Be Honored On Beaver Stadium Facade
So yeah, while it was kinda dumb that we gave our players rings this year, this was waaaaaaaaay dumber.
I'm really sorry you had some bad experiences w/ the programs sh*tty fans. I really am, but the way you post about Penn State, it sounds like everyone and everything associated with it is completely and genuinely unredeemable. I'm not sure if you mean to come off that way.
Moreover, in this case I think this is clouding your judgement.
The players who stayed saved the program from being in the gutter for a decade or more when they could have left Penn State without penalty. In hindsight, given how relatively bad the transfer experience was for players who did leave, it was in their best interest to stay, but absolutely no one was saying that a year ago. Also, from O'Brian's perspective, these kids not only saved his career, but actually boosted it when it was in their justified power to torpedo it. If it were me, I'd certainly want to do something beyond the team banquet to show my appreciation.
There is supposed to be a live stream on
edit: direct youtube link.!
RT @edsbs: Dear @coachgundy: please verify your current age and gender. (i.e., male, 40)
RT @CoachGundy: .@edsbs Gender: Male. Current Age: 45 #AskGundy
Cecil Hurt ‏@CecilHurt 51s
First blowout of football season: Total football games, SEC Network 45, Longhorn Network 2.
whatever the contract is, it's going to 2034
End of pay per view games? Please say yes
Clay Travis ‏@ClayTravisBGID 1m
Important to note that SEC Network will end all pay-per-view football games.
ESPN says SEC Network announcement is "taking the tarp off a ferrari."