46 years old... 46.
I'm going to go cry now.
You can never have too many Attack on Titan OP parodies.
Lol i put a "S" at the end of the "character" word.
Under the news section on the official Valvrave website there's an entry made on May 10th about some special event that will be held on September 29th with some of the voice cast attending as well as the shows musical talent such as T.M.Revolution x Nana Mizuki and angela.
The funny part is the ticket prices are listed as 6,666円. Haha.
It suffers from being handled badly overall. I seem to recall the male lead behaved slightly different in the manga and it has yet another horrific childhood friend as per the standard. It had some nice-ish ideas but felt like a rush job.Yumekui just has a disapointing end
I don't like recommending Honneamise, because it makes everything else a disappointment.
Honneamise is something you work up to, slowly, like climbing a mountain. When you reach the summit you can look behind you to see the endless craggy expanse, a living testament to your sweat and blood. And maybe, just maybe, you'll realize it was worth it.
And thus the world was saved by the power of the second Dragon Ball Z Broly movie.
IT IS TIME.[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon R] 088
(save Ami cause Ami sucks)
[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon R]
Real talk:
Ami sucks
It suffers from being handled badly overall. I seem to recall the male lead behaved slightly different in the manga and it has yet another horrific childhood friend as per the standard. It had some nice-ish ideas but felt like a rush job.
Still, I liked the OP and ED tracks but that's down to my own terrible taste in music.
Why the hell does she love frogs so much ?
Time for Baltimore to jazz it up in August -- Yoko Kanno returns to Otakon for a special solo piano concert.
Gun x Sword 3
HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG. The Eldora 5 reminded me of Power Rangers AND Gao Gai Gar, and the feels collided as the awesome exploded and old man heroic courage battles and returnings from the dead and SO AWESOME SYNTAX FAILURE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH
Entirely accurate.
Would be neat to see something like this thrive, but my expectations are kinda low.Anipopo Facebook Group said:FINALLY, we are officially announcing the launch of the website to be May 23rd (Thurs) in Japan time.
We already have couple projects on hand thats gonna be up on the site. Please check our FB pg out if you are interested =)
Fight the power.I was gonna post Madoka 10 impressions, but people are being Ami-hatin bitches again.So I'm not.
Mouretsu Pirates - 01
I wasn't a fan of Marika's voice at first, but by the end of the episode it was starting to grow on me. Not surprised that Chiaki's voiced by Hanazawa, her character reminded me of Kuroneko from Oreimo. Another thing: why does Marika refer to her mom by her first name? Seems incredibly distant when they're mother and daughter.
Anyway, back to Gunbuster!
I was gonna post Madoka 10 impressions, but people are being Ami-hatin bitches again.So I'm not.
Showing all four OPs at the same time only highlights how you stopped trying after OP2, Toei. Also the fact that you've used the same song for nearly ninety episodes. >_<
Tomorrow. I need to mentally prepare myself for Ikuhara.IT IS TIME.
Don't hate the messenger.You suck.
I bet you were one of the nerds in school.Ami's awesome for slipping in lines into the conversation like a dagger.
I'm sorry, but you are just not as pure for me.This is why we're meant to be together.
Ami is the choice for DWEEBS.I was gonna post Madoka 10 impressions, but people are being Ami-hatin bitches again.So I'm not.
This is why we're meant to be together.
Not a fan of Soviet boobies?
By the way, if you're tired of all the faux-incest shows and need something more... substantial, Media Blasters finally solicited the Aki Sora OVAs up on Right Stuf for a stealth release next week.
I totally forgot that. Escaflowne is so good.The Vision of Escaflowne 24
15:53 in.
DULANDAU ISThis is the happiest, most hilarious day of my life. I cannot stop crying. This is the twist of all twists. Oh my God. Oh my God. Who wrote this so I can kiss them? I. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.ALAN'S LITTLE SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Still am. :/I bet you were one of the nerds in school.
I totally forgot that. Escaflowne is so good.
That kinda just makes me want to never ever check out Shangri la, tbh.
ED 2 singer (ELISA) wont be there?
Looks like were finally getting the Eureka Seven AO Dub (BD/DVD) this summer from Funimations release slate for August.
Mirai Nikki is dvd only I guess.
I bet you were one of the nerds in school.
The list of Funimation's panels at Anime Boston made me realize I had no idea they'd announced the first two English cast members for Eureka Seven AO. Micah Solusod is Ao, and Monica Rial is Naru. (Amusingly enough, those two are also the dub voices for Touma and Index.)
#TeamAyumiMan fuck that, #TeamChihiro.
Well I would wager small pacing is not going to be a problem for this...
Less Kusunoki screen time ;_;
Sooo close.Code Geass 21
Lelouch's plan is basically coming entirely undone by the power of love. And also because he has been careless and sloppy as hell ever since that business with Mao awhile back. Now Euphemia has basically managed to secure from Schneizel (not the Pokemon), the 2nd Prince (which, as I understand, means there is someone between him and the King who is 1st in line for the Throne) to open up an area where Japanese are restored their rights.
In other words, Lelouch's Rebellion has been beautifully coopted and undermined by simple social reform. Whether you wish to chalk this up to Euphemia or Schneizel, it should be apparent now that Lelouch, for as cunning as he initially seemed has been outplayed in the game of thrones this turn.
Also, Suzaku and Euphemia are an adorable couple and my preferred characters over Lelouch and, I dunno, Pizza Hut?
Oh, and did they just imply that the Earl was gay to his fiance? Isn't that unwise to do before the wedding? Or does "He simply feels no attraction at all to women" really mean "He only likes giant robots." and isn't having a gay mechanic who is allegedly sexually attracted to the machines he builds kind of a cliche at this point in mecha history?