The Last of Us |OT| It Can’t Be For Nothing (Spoilers)


I can't be the only one who thought U2 was far superior to U3 right?

Maybe I'm biased because U2 was my first PS3 game but everything from the pacing to the opening to the story...I felt U2 did it better

Sure U3 had some jaw dropping setpieces - the cruise, the cargo plane - but the cruise just seemed way too short and all the great moments were revealed in the trailers IMO. And the whole "Who is Nathan Drake" subplot went nowhere.

On the other hand, that hanging train opening, the collapsing hotel, the train, the convoy...those are moments that I replay to this day.

No, everyone thought it was and still do.


Taken. Thanks.


Now no one will recognize me. I really like this avatar though.


-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Well, after the clusterfuck with MS and the X1 DRM issues, I feel drawn to the WiiU because it just seems more of a pure gaming device now. Plus, the PS3 is going to retire in the next year or so, and I've already played most of the best games for it. I owned one till late last year.

I think I'll try and get a really cheap 2nd hand PS3. I saw some of the Phat models for only $75 in a game shop a few weeks ago. That will do.

Ah, Okay. That actually sounds like a good plan.


I can't be the only one who thought U2 was far superior to U3 right?

Maybe I'm biased because U2 was my first PS3 game but everything from the pacing to the opening to the story...I felt U2 did it better

Sure U3 had some jaw dropping setpieces - the cruise, the cargo plane - but the cruise just seemed way too short and all the great moments were revealed in the trailers IMO. And the whole "Who is Nathan Drake" subplot went nowhere.

On the other hand, that hanging train opening, the collapsing hotel, the train, the convoy...those are moments that I replay to this day.

Uncharted 2 was the better game in every respect. I remember people saying "how are they going to top this with uncharted 3?" The answer is they didn't. As much as I love the series, I hope they retire it, same thing for god of war. Lets get a new ip from naughty dog for next gen.
Uncharted 2 was the better game in every respect. I remember people saying "how are they going to too this th uncharted 3?" The answer is they didn't. As much as I live the series, I hope they retire it, same goes for god of war. Lets get a new ip from naughty dog for next gen.
Don't want to derail the OT too much, but Uncharted 4 on PS4 is the one game I'd kill to see revealed

I could just imagine what ND could with next gen tech. I love set pieces and there are so many possibilities that haven't been done yet that is just ripe for Uncharted

- Any type of action scene set during an earthquake or tornado
- Chases across the Brazilian shantytown rooftops
- More collapsing structures


Loser slave of the system :(
Game can be pretty fucking scary at times. Just got past one part where I almost shat myself just trying to figure out what to do. Once I figured it out though, DAT SIGH OF RELIEF (disclaimer: I did not shit my pants). This game, man.
Don't want to derail the OT too much, but Uncharted 4 on PS4 is the one game I'd kill to see revealed

I could just imagine what ND could with next gen tech. I love set pieces and there are so many possibilities that haven't been done yet that is just ripe for Uncharted

- Any type of action scene set during an earthquake or tornado
- Chases across the Brazilian shantytown rooftops
- More collapsing structures

That's the trick. The generational gap would quell uncharted's sequel fatigue. As disappointed as I was with UC3 I would totally be down with UC4 on PS4.

For your avatar's sake, so do I.

If he is ever in another video, I will once again dawn Fabro as my avatar.

(Fabro is what he is named in my files :p)


Don't want to derail the OT too much, but Uncharted 4 on PS4 is the one game I'd kill to see revealed

I could just imagine what ND could with next gen tech. I love set pieces and there are so many possibilities that haven't been done yet that is just ripe for Uncharted

- Any type of action scene set during an earthquake or tornado
- Chases across the Brazilian shantytown rooftops
- More collapsing structures

I'd love to see an Uncharted located in South America, I'm from Peru so maybe the Amazon rainforest can be a great location, you could have action scenes in Peru and Brazil too.
Definitely stoked to see what Naughty Dog has got in store for us PS4 wise.

We can both keep them! I made mine, it's slightly different lighting haha. :)

But yeah, I agree until people start making avatars from cutscenes and such.

Now that you mention it, I hope we don't see spoilery avatars during the release weekend and the week after :p
I hope this game is just as good as the masterpiece that was UC3.

Thought I was gonna take that back? Haters gonna hate.

Who am I kidding though I'm sure this game will blow everything out of the water, I can hardly contain my excitement.
Don't want to derail the OT too much, but Uncharted 4 on PS4 is the one game I'd kill to see revealed

I could just imagine what ND could with next gen tech. I love set pieces and there are so many possibilities that haven't been done yet that is just ripe for Uncharted

- Any type of action scene set during an earthquake or tornado
- Chases across the Brazilian shantytown rooftops
- More collapsing structures

Seems to me as just an excuse to show off tech. I would rather prefer ND go the way of TLOU utilizing tech to achieve their artistic vision and not the other way around. This "setpiece" gimmick is done with almost 90% of the AAA games it's exhausting. There is no excuse to use next-gen power for flashy nonsensical backgrounds for the sake of "wow" factor. I'd rather they focus on AI, player agency and emergence to the next level. The set-pieces should only appear when they make sense unlike what they did with Uncharted 3.


Very few movies or games can make me emotional

The movie The Impossible (see it if you haven't, one of the most powerful movies I've ever seen, should have been a best picture nominee) was the last movie to do so
A game never has.

Is TLOU that good?

I've only seen the beginning..but if the beginning is any indication of where this narrative will take us then it's a big emphatic YES
Anyone know how the preorders are looking and are there any midnight releases? I know sales aren't that important here but a game like this deserves all the sales it could get.


I haven't played any indie titles. Overall am okay with any genre.
My first recommendation is always Spec Ops: The Line.

As far as some cool PC indies go:

Dust: An Elysian Tail
DLC Quest
To The Moon
Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing (isometric loot ARPG)

Honorable mention to Barkley's Shut Up and Jam Gaiden, which is completely free and the best game ever made.


Time to get comfortable, guys and gals.
We have the potential game of the generation to discuss in here.

That GIF really makes the lackluster compositing apparent. Wow at his neck. In related news, I'm scouring the LA area trying to get an early copy. It can't be for nothing.
Huh just got a call from a friend saying he got me a copy early. Why is it the games I don't really care about getting early I get early?


Aftershock LA
Uncharted 3 was awesome. There was simply no way it was going to meet the expectations of UC2.

Personally, I think UC2 = UC3, but I think the game just has a different focus and tone than the previous games. Each Uncharted has felt very different from one another, despite keeping the core of the series the same. For me, UC3 is subjected to the same hyperbolic levels of hats that MGS 4 and GTAIV get. The games are by no means perfect, but I've played truly terrible and dissappointing games, and those three ain't it.

Anyway, great OT, but I'll probably not be in here much, as due to already being near spoiled by the review thread, I'm not taking any more chances.
The only thing I know about them (usually don't look before completing a game) is that I haven't got a single one in eight hours lol

I haven't looked at the trophies either but I heard there aren't many (if any) story related ones other than for beating the game. It seems like ND didn't want to break the atmosphere/immersion by having trophies pop after every second. I kind of like that (even though I'm a trophy fiend).


I see a copy of The Last of Us Survival Edition on ebay for only $92. I read a couple of ya'll was looking for that edition.
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