I don't listen to any modern music, and this is why.
What is why? Cause bad music exists?
Music is the most universal art medium there is, there's stuff out there for ya.
I don't listen to any modern music, and this is why.
Temperance can't be missed. Bebe will appear in every event leading up to the end of the game if you haven't finished his social link.
There are no social links that have specific time requirements in Persona 3 FES (or in the male route for P3P, for that matter....)
I have no doubt there is, the problem is not having the time sift through for it.
I have shows that I know are good and I'd enjoy that I don't have time for, doesn't help that if I can turn on the radio I hear auto-tuned garbage.![]()
I have no doubt there is, the problem is not having the time sift through for it.
I have shows that I know are good and I'd enjoy that I don't have time for, doesn't help that if I can turn on the radio I hear auto-tuned garbage.![]()
This could be said of a lot of forms of media.
-Enemy AI are all like hawkeye too. (seriously, the spot you so easily)
I have no doubt there is, the problem is not having the time sift through for it.
Guys, no joke: I had a dream last night that P5 was announced and it had the Catherine graphics look to it. It looked great, but my dream self was so jaded that I said, "this is a dream" and then I woke up.
I think I'm cracking.
Then there was that dream where I baked cookies with Naoto.
On chapter 5 of LoU, and I can totally see what you mean about auto-saving. I shouldn't be looking to suicide during it if an encounter goes a little sideways to finish it in better shape than I entered it. Still good tension, but no penalty really kind of hurts. Also not a fan of how easily I seem to be hoarding supplies. I find myself sometimes making stuff just so I can pick up something else.
What kind of cookies?
The game would be so much better with a save point like older survival horror titles like Resident Evil. The most you lose in TLOU is like a minute or so of gameplay...
Ah well as they say, most gamers these days want to go on a brisk walk rather than climb a mountain when it comes to difficulty.
Have you played the game on Hard or Survival?
I have no doubt there is, the problem is not having the time sift through for it.
I have shows that I know are good and I'd enjoy that I don't have time for, doesn't help that if I can turn on the radio I hear auto-tuned garbage.![]()
They sorta looked like fortune cookies... but with choc chips.
Must have been a lucky dream, I got my University results that morning.
edit: waitaminute Naoto is fortune arcana. I can dream the future.
I miss Dave![]()
Me too :/
Persons is great.
The Last of Us is great.
Music is great.
you mean Giant Bomb dave?
Although GB Dave is greatly missed too.
What happened to Lollipopdave? Banned?
I'm a person. Thank you very much for the compliment. :}
Started up P3P again and it's only now that I realize fusion spells are gone.
This could be said of a lot of forms of media.
If you're implying what I think you're implying, it's not the same.
I think he thinks you think he's implying what you think I think he's thinking.![]()
They're not gone!
They've just been converted into near-useless overpriced items!
....looks nice.
If you're implying what I think you're implying, it's not the same.
Friend of mine posted this. Just wanted to share.
Friend of mine posted this. Just wanted to share.
They really should've just spread a rumour that their entire group was completely invulnerable from harm.
Then we could've avoided the ending :'(