Steam Summer Sale 2013 - Make sure you take the time to thank Gabenbot

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Nearly 2 hours in and I still havn't been able to get anything into my cart
Nothing for me today.
I would buy Hotline Miami, but I'm not sure. It's just 2 € alright, but my backlog is already quite full. It's discounted every now and then, so I'm not really missing a great deal here.

It's €2 man, just add it to your backlog.


Guys if you want to stop greedy GAFfers from taking all the keys, put NOWINNERSWEEKLY and/or GIVERSONLY restrictions on your giveaways. A witch-hunt isn't really a viable solution primarily because people will just forget about it in like a day.
I'm not activating these games on this Steam account because it is a temporary Steam account. I can't reach my other account because the validated email associated with my other account was closed by university services, and therefore I cannot recover the password which I've forgotten. As a result, I am currently ticked with Steam Tech Support. I have not played any of the games that I've won and I very much want them.
You should make your inventory public so that people know you aren't just taking the games to sell.

Also, stop claiming games you can't currently play. It's unfair to other people.


Fucking Steam, for some reason I can not sell items or cards on the market. A booster pack disappeard and I have sent a ticket to support that will probably be answered in 2 weeks time. Great timing. Fuck this shit!!!!

EDIT: The booster pack appeared out of thin air. 1 thing less to complain haha


So what's the limit on free games we can grab from Mod Bot? I know that each giveaway has rules that might not stop me from getting games but what's the unwritten code for this?

The unwritten rule is basically: don't be a greedy asshole and take only games you really want and are going to play. If you got something, it might be nice to wait a while before trying again, giving others a chance to win something too.


I had the selling error, but I managed to put on sale some cards through the website (I use Enhanced Steam, I don't know if it's available to everyone)


Ughh, I can't buy anything and I really want CS: GO and Hotline Miami. This really is a joke, maybe Valve should suspend the sale and work on the servers for a bit (I know some people are getting through).


Both of those games are very underwhelming in my opinion.

I would suggest saving your money, up to you.

I can see why both games would be enjoyable though.

I am just wondering if something is a flash sale, can it come up cheaper as a daily sale, say like tomorrow or a couple days from now?

I dont want to pull the trigger on Skyrim now for 40% if it's just going to be more saving in a day or two.


Via ModBot? You can't.

Check OP, Stump programmed it in but hasn't added a guide to the FAQ yet

Sounds like a temporary blacklist from ModBot is in order.

If it ends up being true, would probably be a perma ban from GAF.

I am just wondering if something is a flash sale, can it come up cheaper as a daily sale, say like tomorrow or a couple days from now?

I dont want to pull the trigger on Skyrim now for 40% if it's just going to be more saving in a day or two.

No Flash/Daily/Community will all be the same price.


Please add me to the group as well, thanks! 1337 post number - what a great day this is!


I have never looked into these collectible cards on Steam. I literally know absolutely NOTHING about them.

Can someone point me in the right direction. I want to learn about them, how to get them, etc.

I don't see a link giving me all the details anywhere in the client.


Via ModBot? You can't.


gift yourself the game through email

grab redeem url

pm it to modbot regularly (as in, game title in body, "register" in subject line)

how do you think I gave away 2 bad rats in the thread title

it aint officially endorsed or anything but it works


Some good deals on my wishlist:

qube 75%

to the moon 70%

Quantum Conundrum 66%

Gemini rue 60%

Analogue 66%

The Cave 75%

Antichamber 66%


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Man, Valve's servers are molten slags, aren't they?

Almost as slow as the Enhanced Steam servers. Working with hosting now, seeing if I can't get bumped up to better service to last the Steam sale.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
So how do you get the steam summer cards? By just playing the games that are on sale/have cards?

You receive Summer Sale cards by:

- Spending $10 on the store during the sale (one card per $10 spent)
- Voting on Community's Choice polls (one card per three votes)
- Completing a set of Summer Sale cards and crafting the badge (one card per level up)
- Trading with other users or purchasing directly via the Steam Market


Please add me to the group as well, thanks!


Make your profiles public people.

Via ModBot? You can't.

Check OP, Stump programmed it in but hasn't added a guide to the FAQ yet

Sounds like a temporary blacklist from ModBot is in order.

If it ends up being true, would probably be a perma ban from GAF.

I am just wondering if something is a flash sale, can it come up cheaper as a daily sale, say like tomorrow or a couple days from now?

I dont want to pull the trigger on Skyrim now for 40% if it's just going to be more saving in a day or two.

No Flash/Daily/Community will all be the same price.


Grab your pitchforks, fellow Gaffers.

For tonight we dine in hell.

Are you having problems in the Market fellow GAFfer?

I need to sell some cards before this flash deal is over, but sometimes my item is there, other is not, then it's there again. I want to sell one of those Mystery-not-so-mystery-anymore-cards.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
So what's the limit on free games we can grab from Mod Bot? I know that each giveaway has rules that might not stop me from getting games but what's the unwritten code for this?

There's no limit to the number of keys ModBot will give you, however you should really only grab what you personally want to play. If you're grabbing keys from every giveaway, someone will notice eventually and the people who give keys away may just start blacklisting you.

Basically, imagine the giveaway like a giant jar of coins. You're allowed to take whatever you need. Do you grab a few coins to get that candy bar you want, or do you grab the whole jar and snappily bark back a reply about hating the game not the player when someone calls B.S?

stop giving me gif ideas

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