Last minute purchase: Rakuen
You guys weren't kidding about Hollow Knight. It's amazing. I'm one hour in and so far it feels like an amazing mash up between Dark Souls and Ori. Epic bosses with tight platforming and combat.
Go get it cheaper while you still can.
Depends on what you're looking for but since you only got Rocket League as MP game maybe go for PUBG. It's not discounted but it's amazing and get's your adrenaline pumping.
ah crap i thought i could still craft the summer badge after the event ended but i don't see the option
I was leaning towards PUBG too, PUBG it is.
I hope I won't regret not getting hollow knight now...
Is this the only big steam sale of the year?
No way we're getting a new Humble to replace the Software bundle today, right?
As long as the title has a Cold Steel reference, I don't care who makes the OT : P
Guess it's time to sell off the remaining cards I have, I dont see the option either. Was hoping to get another level from them but that's fine.ah crap i thought i could still craft the summer badge after the event ended but i don't see the option
I know I'm doing the same at this point. It's probably a couple months away.I should probably just wait for the actual 1.0 release to play Subnautica right? I know it's not far off and I'm really in no rush here.
- Alt-Enter to swap between full-screen and windowed should now function properly.
- By default, bloom is now turned off.
- By default, depth of field is turned off.
- Fixed an issue where invoking the Steam overlay would cause the voice action on a connected controller not to function.
- When launching RiME on a computer with multiple monitors attached, RiME would load on the monitor that is alphabetically first, even if it was not set as main. This should no longer happen.
- Fixed an issue in the Extras menu that would cause navigation issues when swapping between keyboard/controller.
- Lowered the volume of the music in the credits.
Guess it's time to sell off the remaining cards I have, I dont see the option either. Was hoping to get another level from them but that's fine.
I thought cards didnt expire for a month! I am missing one from a badge!
I have to imagine it's a bug, why would they make the cards not expire until August if you can't craft a badge with them? Why would anyone buy them if you can't do anything with them?
At least, the good thing about this is that the cards which I had bought were all used to craft a badge. I would have been so upset to learn that i had bought useless cards, so useless that I would not have been able to craft a useless badge with them! Come on, Gabe!
I finished up AC Black Flag. They relegated Haytham's story to a novel? Lame.
Was looking at XSEED sales and it seems Estival Versus got a nice boost from the sale, it's now at 46k owners, pretty nice for something whose lowest price was $30
TitS FC meanwhile is widening the gap from Ys Origin for being their best selling game in units
Xanadu Next and Little King's Story are still dead
for the record i bought Xanadu this sale
So, am I stuck with my NSFW sticker background, or is it still possible to play around with it without deleting it entirely from my profile page?
Gosh, all these trades for nothing... I had planned everything to be able to craft 2 additional levels without spending a dime...
You did good
I saw plenty of people picking it up around here but sadly that's still rather small in the grand scheme things
Huh, since when can't you craft badges with cards after the sale is over? Wasn't there usually a 2-week window or whatever where you could continue trading and crafting badges? Now I'm stuck with six full sets that I haven't crafted into a badge...
I have one set to...and they dont expire for a month...not sure why.
I have the option to sell them on the mobile app.
Reminder that this was written on the sticker page: no mention of a restriction regarding badge crafting.
Since I'm guessing this thread will be locked very soon, I wonder when this thread will degenerate like every other SteamGAF thread: in a barrage of digusting animu.