Steam Summer Sale 2013 - Make sure you take the time to thank Gabenbot

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It's their fault for not restricting it man. It's fair play.

Wow. You're not a good person.

As someone who has given away a lot of games in the past, this attitude really rubs me the wrong way. I know you're the rare exception here. For the most part, people are great. I'm not angry with you, but wow am I disappointed in you.


Anyone getting this, when they try to buy something?

There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance.

I definitely don't think it's my card.


Giving Back:

ModBot said:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line and copy the key line below into the body of the PM.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- You must have given away a game through ModBot to become eligible for this giveaway.
- If you are a lurker--if you have both five or fewer posts in this Steam thread and five or fewer posts in the immediate previous one--you are not eligible for this giveaway.
- If you won a game from ModBot recently [since the start of beta testing for ModBot], you are not eligible for this giveaway.
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (stutte, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

XCOM: Enemy Unknown -- MB-43283D80FF5802D9 - Taken by Dr.Acula


hopefully the deals over the weekend will be pish or on games i already have, why did the steam sale have to start on the weekend when i'm working at T in the Park (Music festival in Scotland, its shite, horrible pishy shite)

p.s. my transaction still hasn't gone through. Gaben you arsehole, take my goddamn money


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
I said I'm owning them. And I am, I'm on a roll. How is that not something to be proud of? It's all fair play.

Meh, competing to be the Donald Trump of the Steam thread isn't a sport most are willing to cheer at.


maybe, but chances are you are not going to fully enjoy a lot of those games, while others would have

its a moral gray, and somewhat sketchy

You can't tell whether I won't be enjoying the game or not based on my winning it and them not. Schrodinggers Cat much?
As I said, I've redeemed the keys and also gave away games. Can't say that about everybody

I guess but that list would still be nice.

Unfortunately it shows a flaw of this whole thing which is modbot not being the main funnel point for these things so that data isn't as rock solid.

ModBot makes a post every day (hour?) posting said Hall of Fame/Shame list.

That could work although the only flaw of this whole thing is that people don't have to use modbot and this data is from it.


Blood Dragon soundtrack playing in the background makes this steam sale seem 100x more epic.

By the way. Blood Dragon is probably my favorite FPS I've played this year. Well worth a 50% sale price if it ever happens.
I've never really given anything away on Steam that wasn't gifted directly do someone.

If I buy a game and have it sent to my inventory, will it give me a key that I can give away?


Skyrim worth picking up if one doesn't play many RPGs, loved Dear Esther, Half-Life saga, etc? I like atmosphere and interesting worlds to explore.


What would you expect it to mean when it says "copy and paste the line below that corresponds to the key you want"? I would expect it means to highlight the line below that corresponds to the key you want, copy the line, and paste it into the PM.

I read it as copying the line next to the key that actually appears, i.e. the name of the game or whatever appears before the xxx-xxx key. Although it was silly of me to think that because that key is needed for the bot to work and make the connections between the games and users.


Blood Dragon soundtrack playing in the background makes this steam sale seem 100x more epic.

By the way. Blood Dragon is probably my favorite FPS I've played this year. Well worth a 50% sale price if it ever happens.

I hope it does go on sale. It's on my list.

My list is very short right now though.


Ok, going to grab some dinner, hope that the Market can get better so I can sell my Mystery Cards before Flash Sales ends, that CS Go is just in a sweet price.

See ya in a minute fellow GAFfers.
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