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Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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Loved the first episode of Servant x Service. A show that I can really relate to. Can't wait to see more!

I really enjoyed it too. Main girls reactive ahoge can give Arararagi a run for his money.
This is from the same manga author as Working!!, so I can already see why I loved it.


Hyouka 16

Oh, I wish Mayaka would have stood up and told that bitch off. "Don't give me that 'I'm sorry I didn't mean to' shit; I saw the smirk on your face you little shit-eating cunt!" I realize that she didn't mean to spill that dirty water all over her, just on her paper. But that's still being an enormous bitch.I don't get what their beef with her is, other than that she had an argument with one of them on the first day. Jesus, get the fuck over it.

What the hell was so "adult" about what Oreki suggested? The Jumooji thefts were teased in "A Corpse By Evening" the year before....okay? Where does the "adult" part come in? And why didn't he want Chitanda to hear it? I really don't see how that would make her upset; if anything, it would only get her more excited about the whole thing. Then again, maybe that's exactly what he was trying to avoid.

Ending was funny with Chitanda accidentally slamming her face into the table. And Oreki's sister makes an appearance. That's always good.
MJP 13

I like Ange and his Black 6 fits the role of the sixth ranger very well. Yeah I know this show isn't power rangers or sentai... but it is. As seen by

MJP 14

Where Izuru gets his battleizer upgrade, yeah it's not called that but it's basically what it is


Danganronpa 2

Yeah, this still feels irritatingly rushed. This episode covered the first death and investigation phase, but frankly, there was barely any actual investigation shown. Most pieces of important evidence were just flashed up on screen for a few seconds without any of the important explanation about how or where or in what context they were found. I hope nobody expects to have any chance of deducing what actually happened here, because with the information provided in this episode, that's not happening.

Also skipped over was the scene where Naegi and Sayaka spend time together, bond, and go looking for weapons to protect themselves with. I suspected this was going to be omitted, since as I recall it happens before Monokuma's "motive" event which was already covered last episode, but even so it was jarring when in this episode that entire day's worth of events was not only skipped over, but outright established as not happening at all. (The sword that Naegi and Sayaka found in their search is here mentioned in passing as having been in Naegi's room from the beginning. Of course there's no explanation of the sword's unique properties which become important clues in the trial to follow.) Overall, this means we've barely seen any actual interaction with Sayaka, and her character is weakened significantly.

One thing that was added in this episode compared to the game was (implied spoilers for future game events)
a shot of Sayaka looking brooding and suspicious on the night before the murder.
Really? Was that necessary? It's like they're actively trying to make things obvious that shouldn't be obvious at this point, while not providing any of the actual clues that ought to be given.

Finally, this could just be me, but I felt the lack of animation was much more jarring in this episode than in the last one. When the anime wasn't borrowing shots directly from the game, it often just looked plain cheap and lazy. Sigh. I'm not sure why I'm still even watching this.
Senyu 15

The last thing Senyu needs is to get too dark and serious :/ The middle part of this episode lost the humor for being almost too plot focused
Both of these are on my watch list for this evening.

The level to which Servant x Service reminded me of my own job was rather amusing :).

It also reminded me of when I studied in Japan during my Junior year of College...specifically, when I had to go to the Ward office to get my foreign registration card. Suffice to say, they were not accustomed to dealing with foreigners and my crappy Japanese ability at the time didn't help. Hilarity ensued.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Silver Spoon 01
Looks like horse shit. Just about as interesting as horse shit. Completely one tone and all the scenes are super predictable fish out of water stuff.


Subete no aware
Shin Oonuma actually storyboarded the OP, ED, and first episode of Watamote, so it's not a Shinbo situation. I suspect he has less hands-on involvement in Prisma Illya.
I almost want to watch that Fate thing to see for myself. But then again, it's a Fate thing so I'm already driven away.

Dat filter.

Will start watching today.
Wasn't this the pissing show? lol


Recorder to Randsel

Only one throwaway pedo joke at least?
But really, the bigger thing is that they switched to photo backgrounds for the entire show. I have no idea if this makes the show look better or cheaper though.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Going Home Club - 02



We have our ships everyone! Yaaaaay yaaaaaay!

Not as strong as the first episode and used some lame jokes, but we had some :sdburton which makes everything better.


Oh boy, I wonder who those could be!

Will start watching today.

Spreading like wildfire.

I almost want to watch that Fate thing to see for myself. But then again, it's a Fate thing so I'm already driven away.

Dat filter.

Wasn't this the pissing show? lol


Recorder to Randsel

Only one throwaway pedo joke at least?
But really, the bigger thing is that they switched to photo backgrounds for the entire show. I have no idea if this makes the show look better or cheaper though.

Yes the show has a pee fetish.





It wins points for Not Tezuka there just dismissing the whole affair as gay.

Yeah. Zac reviewed it pretty venomously on the podcast, watched as prep for an interview with the anime director.
Ah Zac Bertschy. The twat for whom the phrase "Pretentious art asshole" was invented for. Frankly, if a SAO cosplayer ran his scrawny backside through with a plastic replica Buster Sword, it'd be too good a fate.


Neo Member
And now the wrath of a thousand Sucy fans will descend upon you like a raging storm.

It is rare I dislike someone more than the nerdy glasses character.

But honestly, Diana's boring nondescript henchwitches were like the most disappointing part of the whole thing. Everything else is vivid or interesting or whatever, and they're just booooring. Diana deserves better.


Silver Spoon - 5:23

Arakawa's designs have been faithfully adapted by Jun Nakai--there's a stocky familiarity to how they look, along with a vague sense of unease that at the end of FMA1, it all tied back into this universe anyways. Look out for Roy Mustang's distant descendant. The classroom/background has a drab, plain look to it that's not entirely appealing. The voicework is fitting; Ayahi Takagaki is a good match for the character.

Apparently the character's name is Inada Tamako, but perhaps it's misdirection and her name is actually Tamako Inada.


Free! - 02

I'm glad its closer to Kuroko than K-ON, Great episode.. Makoto still the best husbando.
Btw is Haru envy to fish, so he like to eat them? lol


Silver Spoon - 5:23

Arakawa's designs have been faithfully adapted by Jun Nakai--there's a stocky familiarity to how they look, along with a vague sense of unease that at the end of FMA1, it all tied back into this universe anyways. Look out for Roy Mustang's distant descendant. The classroom/background has a drab, plain look to it that's not entirely appealing. The voicework is fitting; Ayahi Takagaki is a good match for the character.

Apparently the character's name is Inada Tamako, but perhaps it's misdirection and her name is actually Tamako Inada.
Good review.


Silver Spoon 1

I think this series is going to be good. The premise is not crazy and very believable and the characters are lively.

Quick question regarding the origin on why he choose this school.

I haven't read the manga that much but I thought he choose the school because he thought it was going to be easy and basically a stepping stone for college. In the show it seems like his reason was a family one where he was basically by himself.


Silver Spoon 1

I think this series is going to be good. The premise is not crazy and very believable and the characters are lively.

Quick question regarding the origin on why he choose this school.

I haven't read the manga that much but I thought he choose the school because he thought it was going to be easy and basically a stepping stone for college. In the show it seems like his reason was a family one where he was basically by himself.

It's explained early on that he came to this school to
get away from his family
Silver Spoon - Episode 1

Ok, this wasn't all that great. I had very high expectations for this show and it didn't meet them, but it's still decent.

First of all they need to add some FREAKIN MUSIC AND SOUND EFFECTS!! Every single joke, and every punch line was met with a complete and utter silence in the show. I felt like I wasn't watching an anime because it was silent except for the character's talking.

The animation isn't all that great either. The only time the animation looked good was the wind blowing part, after that it looks like your everyday anime. Also I can't say that I laughed anytime during the show. I'm not sure if it was the lack of sound effects or music, but all the jokes were pretty bland and I'm not even hard to please when it comes to comedy.

The only time i laughed was at the end with the egg and chicken part where he ate the rice.

I'll give it a second episode to improve, but I'm very disappointed. This one was one of my most looked forward to anime of this season too :(


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world

It's explained early on that he came to this school to
get away from his family

It's explained early on through
a passive aggressive whisper the main character makes to himself when he is trying to talk to someone.

not enough stammering out of ten.
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