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Reggie Fils-Aime on Xbox One/PS4 lineups: "Meh"

Reggie is actually just speaking the truth, I'd rather him put some actual PR spin on the launch line-ups of the PS4 and Xbox One.

Even though the Wind Waker is "just" an HD remaster, the weight of that game bundled with the the Wii U hardware for $299 is a value that is hard to deny. Many people consider that game as one of the best ever made, how is the value lacking?









All those games combined will probably not even sell as much as NSMBU by this years end, let alone WW or 3DL.


Want to bet on that? Hell, I think Sonic Lost Worlds is gonna sell better than Mario this year

If you are going to do that image comparison thing at least use a not-terrible image of Mario:

Mario isn't even the best looking game on the system anyways, and we all know PS4/XB1 has better graphics. Better graphics or not, it doesn't change the strength of the Wii U lineup this year versus the weak PS4/XB1 launches, which is all Reggie is saying.


Titles like Mario Galaxy come to mind. These are "AAA" experiences just as much as you will find on next-gen systems when you're picking up the next Naughty Dog game, for instance (in my mind).

Problem is, Nintendo has actively gone against the AAA strategy for the better part of a decade or more.

Eh, I disagree. By using "aaa" I'm assuming you mean production value right?

Mario Galaxy 2 was released in 2010, and despite people's disdain for motion controls/guidance*, Nintendo spent a long time developing Skyward Sword and incorporated many of the Wii's "casual" features into a large adventure game.

Despite the hate for Metroid: Other M, its budget is anything but low. Additionally Kid Icarus Uprising is another example. They also just funded Platinum's most expensive game (an original ip) which is bombing spectacularly. Mario Kart 8 and Smash Bros will have "aaa" polish/budgets.

I agree that other titles re-use assets and are no doubt made on smaller budgets, but I don't think every title merits the "aaa" strategy. If more dev companies appreciated this, less of them would have to pack up shop, thanks to essentially trying to play the "dick-waving" game with other dev houses, when they simply couldn't compete from a financial/publisher backing point.

*Let's not beat around the bush, the hand-holding complaint can be leveled at pretty much every "aaa" game (be it in the form of assist messages, or linear, scripted sequences and so forth.).


Doesn't really matter what Reggie says or thinks, Nintendo are not on the same level as Sony and Microsoft.

Also, personally, Wii U had more launch titles that interested me than either of the new consoles. Give it a year though and PS4 will probably have more exclusives than Wii U has total games.
lmao, like any of those games will be a fraction of the fun of mario 3d world.

since when is killzone something to be excited about?

Mario 3D world looks and plays like its being phoned it. It will be the worst platformer of the fall and will be buried alive by Puppeteer, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, Sonic Lost Worlds and yes even Knack.

Mario games haven't been fun since at least 2010 some people would say even earlier than that.




[img]http://www.jacehallshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/screenlg1.jpg [img]
[img]http://stwot.motortrend.com/files/2013/05/Forza-5-McLaren-P1-rear.jpg [img]





If ever a junior deserved a banning...
If you are going to do that image comparison thing at least use a not-terrible image of Mario:

Mario isn't even the best looking game on the system anyways, and we all know PS4/XB1 has better graphics. Better graphics or not, it doesn't change the strength of the Wii U lineup this year versus the weak PS4/XB1 launches, which is all Reggie is saying.

And my argument is that the Wii U lineup isn't strong at all. Wind Waker is a damn remaster do you count Final Fantasy X and Kingdom Hearts HD as brand new games this Fall? I sure as hell dont. Wonderful 101 and pikmin 3 are ultra niche titles that cater to like 10 people. Donkey Kong Country will be the only strong game this holiday season. 3D World is not a standout Mario game and will not be a big system seller.
My experience is that I'm afraid of losing my digital games forever because Nintendo struggles to do things that Sony did out of the box.

Also, why is it that it's okay to downplay the PS4/XBone launches by saying "look at these games that came out nearly after the Wii U's launch!" Honestly, the Wii U needed to launch with 3D World, Wonderful 101, Wind Waker HD, Pikmin 3, Mario Kart 8, and DKCR2, or at least these games needed to come out earlier.


Mario 3D world looks and plays like its being phoned it. It will be the worst platformer of the fall and will be buried alive by Puppeteer, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, Sonic Lost Worlds and yes even Knack.

Mario games haven't been fun since at least 2010 some people would say even earlier than that.

Have of those games that you think Mario will be "buried alive" by are also Wii U exclusives, so I don't really think Nintendo cares if that does indeed happen.

That being said, it won't. Mario is also the best selling platformer and it isn't going to be different this year. Moreover, I would like to know how you already know it will be the worst and how you know what it plays like exactly at this point and time.


Mario games apparently are not system sellers, but the tie ratio for NSMBU is exceptionally high; so probably by the time Wii U has sold, say 20m, NSMBU is well over 10m. I really doubt those games combined can sell that much.

He said by years end. Do you think the Wii U is going to sell 16 million units between now and 2014? Because it's currently at 3 million and some change.


All the lineups are kind of "meh" and I'd rather have titles like Battlefield 4 on my PC. Grinds my gears that there's no Gran Turismo, GTA V, or Batman game at launch but "meh"
He said by years end. Do you think the Wii U is going to sell 16 million units between now and 2014? Because it's currently at 3 million and some change.
He is talking about the lineups, not how many consoles will be sold, but rather how many games will be sold.

And anyway, do you think PS4/X1 are going to sell 10m this year?
I hope you guys remember this thread come January or whenever the sales numbers come in. Nintendo has made some real bad business decisions and alienated a big chunk of their fanbase (including me) and now it's time to pay the piper so to speak.

I think i'm being misunderstood. I want Nintendo to succeed but I know they are not going to with their current attitude, vision, and business strategy so I will continue to mock them until they change their ways and become a real player in the game industry again. The people rushing to Nintendo's defense and spinning and apologizing for them are doing a great disservice to the company and fans worldwide.


And my argument is that the Wii U lineup isn't strong at all. Wind Waker is a damn remaster do you count Final Fantasy X and Kingdom Hearts HD as brand new games this Fall? I sure as hell dont. Wonderful 101 and pikmin 3 are ultra niche titles that cater to like 10 people. Donkey Kong Country will be the only strong game this holiday season. 3D World is not a standout Mario game and will not be a big system seller.

I beg to differ. You are right, Wind Waker is just an HD remake, but they have a lot more than that.

Wonderful 101 and Pikmin 3 may be "ultra niche", but they are non-milked innovative IPs that are very quality games. Just because people aren't playing them doesn't mean they don't exist and aren't very good games.

DKC will be strong, but you I don't know how you don't expect Mario to not be strong as well. People on GAF may be getting tired of NSMB, even I am, but Mario 3D World is not NSMB. It is the first time a 3D Mario game has been four player and in HD, how is that not "stand out" or potentially system selling? This game will be huge for couch play with friends.

The lineup also includes other potential sellers like Wii Party (with that Wiimote+ pack in), Wii Fit, and Sonic Lost World. All of which have pretty strong sale potential.
I hope you guys remember this thread come January or whenever the sales numbers come in. Nintendo has made some real bad business decisions and alienated a big chunk of their fanbase (including me) and now it's time to pay the piper so to speak.
I surely will wait to see what PS4/X1 game will sell more than NSMBU by January.


Mario games apparently are not system sellers, but the tie ratio for NSMBU is exceptionally high; so probably by the time Wii U has sold, say 20m, NSMBU is well over 10m. I really doubt those games combined can sell that much.

See you at E3 2018.

This time next year, Killzone Shadow Fall alone will be probably be close to outselling it and you think all those games combined will not come close? Come on son.

And when you have virtually nothing else worthwhile buying at launch on the console are you really surprised the ratio is so high for NSMBU?


CEO of rival company saying the competition's lineup isn't that impressive?

Does this surprise anyone?

Granted, has he seen Titanfall?

Sorry, couldn't help it.


From a first party/exclusives point of view, I think he's right. Then again the Wii U has been out since November so you're damn right it better have some shit on the way.
Yup that's really the problem with his statement. I agee that both X1 and PS4 pales if you're only looking at the launch and first party software, Killzone, Driveclub, even Forza is nothing compared to a great Zelda or Mario experience in many gamers eyes, problem is that Zelda WW has already been played by most of us and the multiformat lineup on WiiU is still "Meh" almost a full year after launch.

But Nintendo is the underdog this gen so I still smiles happily when they're showing some balls, they need that ballsy panic mode attitude in everything they do if they aren't going to get completely run over this generarion.
Sorry but what game is this?

Crimson Dragon, and you better stop watching child porn.

See you at E3 2018.

This time next year, Killzone Shadow Fall alone will be probably be close to outselling it and you think all those games combined will not come close? Come on son.

And when you have virtually nothing else worthwhile buying at launch on the console are you really surprised the ratio is so high for NSMBU?
Yeah, cause we all know how KZ games historically sell so well. And again, how much PS4 do you think they are going to sell by 2014? Cause unless they sell 6m PS4, or KZ has a tie ratio of over 50%, it's not going to sell more than NSMBU.
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