Grand Theft Auto: Online |OT| The Stimulation Has Began!


Did a few more jobs with crew members, Customized a car, given 1,000 from rockstar for being a "good sport"

So basically if you're not the asshole in the semitruck that camped outside of the custom shop waiting to kill... you're given free $$!!!!


Neo Member
Can't get over how dissapointing this is. This is as far away from a persistent online GTA world you can get when everything is just instanced missions.
Even when the connection issues are fixed and loading might be faster it still throws you out of the world and into an instance to do a mission. Really takes away the feeling of being in an online world. Even APB handled the persistant GTA-online feeling better.

Things I want to do see they do with this game.

Amount of players and how they interact with eachother - 16 is not nearly enough. 64 might be better, but I'd say 100 would be a good amount. However, remove the stupid markers for people on the map. It's not really fun when you can see where everyone is. The only people that should be visible should be people that have a bounty on their head and perhaps people who have killed alot of players.

Missions - should be in the persistant world. It's fine with some missions like Heists being instanced, but the rest I want to see within the world. I want to see other players do a street race, I want to see other players hunting items or NPCs. To avoid griefing just make it so you can't kill people who are doing missions unless they attack you or something.

Random events - Would really like to see the random events from the SP expanded upon in the MP. There is no point to run around and explore the world. You can just sit with your map open and click on missions to join them, and since everything is instanced the whole free roam mode is pretty pointless.
I want random events happening around you which you can take part in while exploring. Nearby players will see these too and be able to join in.

Maybe this is just wishful thinking and kind of what I want GTA Online to be. One day we might have a GTA game like this.
Does anyone else get the error message "Online services for this account have been disabled" when trying to upload pictures? Is that something wrong with the servers or do I need to change my settings?


Im in, just did the 3rd mission

Tutorial so far:

Race mission

Drug deal mission

Hold up a convenient store.

Steal a car and go to LSC.

I think im in!!!

The Flash

Can't get over how dissapointing this is. This is as far away from a persistent online GTA world you can get when everything is just instanced missions.
Even when the connection issues are fixed and loading might be faster it still throws you out of the world and into an instance to do a mission. Really takes away the feeling of being in an online world. Even APB handled the persistant GTA-online feeling better.

Things I want to do see they do with this game.

Amount of players and how they interact with eachother - 16 is not nearly enough. 64 might be better, but I'd say 100 would be a good amount. However, remove the stupid markers for people on the map. It's not really fun when you can see where everyone is. The only people that should be visible should be people that have a bounty on their head and perhaps people who have killed alot of players.

Missions - should be in the persistant world. It's fine with some missions like Heists being instanced, but the rest I want to see within the world. I want to see other players do a street race, I want to see other players hunting items or NPCs. To avoid griefing just make it so you can't kill people who are doing missions unless they attack you or something.

Random events - Would really like to see the random events from the SP expanded upon in the MP. There is no point to run around and explore the world. You can just sit with your map open and click on missions to join them, and since everything is instanced the whole free roam mode is pretty pointless.
I want random events happening around you which you can take part in while exploring. Nearby players will see these too and be able to join in.

Maybe this is just wishful thinking and kind of what I want GTA Online to be. One day we might have a GTA game like this. the next five yeras
Did a few more jobs with crew members, Customized a car, given 1,000 from rockstar for being a "good sport"

So basically if you're not the asshole in the semitruck that camped outside of the custom shop waiting to kill... you're given free $$!!!!

I killed that motherfuc**r! POS! I just sexed out my car and was ready to leave when that douche was sitting there waiting for me to get out. He banged up my car, I went back in for a repair. Came out, dashed away..He somehow found me and ran me over the minute I stepped out my car. I respawned meeting with the angel, he found me again but this time I 180 my car past him and shot his window. He came out the car and attempt to kill me on foot. I aimed straight for his fucking head and blew his wig back.

I feel like this was a very good lady like moment for me.


So got my car (fully insurance etc) and been playing and hour or so later it says got no host or something. I then re-join and I have no car and I no number to ring the insurance in my contacts.

Any ideas what I should do?

Did it give you the phone number? I had an issue earlier where I canceled out of a phone call and didn't get the objective marker until they called again. It's probably bugged. Maybe try a new vehicle?


Did tutorial race but just against Lamar, that's progress.

Nice blurry white city satellite view for a while, and now I'm doing some meeting thing, guess that means it's working.....



Amount of players and how they interact with eachother - 16 is not nearly enough. 64 might be better, but I'd say 100 would be a good amount. However, remove the stupid markers for people on the map. It's not really fun when you can see where everyone is. The only people that should be visible should be people that have a bounty on their head and perhaps people who have killed alot of players.

100 people? We're still talking about GTA5 on current gen consoles, right?


They definitely toned down the city hustle and bustle online. Shit is a ghost town unless you do have a full lobby

I'm ps3 US


Can't get over how dissapointing this is. This is as far away from a persistent online GTA world you can get when everything is just instanced missions.
Even when the connection issues are fixed and loading might be faster it still throws you out of the world and into an instance to do a mission. Really takes away the feeling of being in an online world. Even APB handled the persistant GTA-online feeling better.

Things I want to do see they do with this game.

Amount of players and how they interact with eachother - 16 is not nearly enough. 64 might be better, but I'd say 100 would be a good amount. However, remove the stupid markers for people on the map. It's not really fun when you can see where everyone is. The only people that should be visible should be people that have a bounty on their head and perhaps people who have killed alot of players.

Missions - should be in the persistant world. It's fine with some missions like Heists being instanced, but the rest I want to see within the world. I want to see other players do a street race, I want to see other players hunting items or NPCs. To avoid griefing just make it so you can't kill people who are doing missions unless they attack you or something.

Random events - Would really like to see the random events from the SP expanded upon in the MP. There is no point to run around and explore the world. You can just sit with your map open and click on missions to join them, and since everything is instanced the whole free roam mode is pretty pointless.
I want random events happening around you which you can take part in while exploring. Nearby players will see these too and be able to join in.

Maybe this is just wishful thinking and kind of what I want GTA Online to be. One day we might have a GTA game like this.

We will on PC (but not by Rockstar). Based on how GTA San Andreas can perform with over 100 players in the gameworld with some of the San Andreas online mods, and this game is already setup to have multiplayer, I'm pretty sure the PC modding community will be able to create a more persistent version of GTA Online.


Damn... after playing earlier today and leveling up quite a bit, I just booted up now and my player is wiped. Having to start back at the Character Creator. Sad Possum is sad.


Meep!, That's some REALLY wishful thinking for 7/8 year-old hardware, but I do agree with your earlier points about mission structure.


here is my online char on PS3. I was able to play a round as i said before but unable to play with friends due to them being stuck on loadning..


and a weird low res mirror shot

Can't get over how dissapointing this is. This is as far away from a persistent online GTA world you can get when everything is just instanced missions.
Even when the connection issues are fixed and loading might be faster it still throws you out of the world and into an instance to do a mission. Really takes away the feeling of being in an online world. Even APB handled the persistant GTA-online feeling better.

Things I want to do see they do with this game.

Amount of players and how they interact with eachother - 16 is not nearly enough. 64 might be better, but I'd say 100 would be a good amount. However, remove the stupid markers for people on the map. It's not really fun when you can see where everyone is. The only people that should be visible should be people that have a bounty on their head and perhaps people who have killed alot of players.

Missions - should be in the persistant world. It's fine with some missions like Heists being instanced, but the rest I want to see within the world. I want to see other players do a street race, I want to see other players hunting items or NPCs. To avoid griefing just make it so you can't kill people who are doing missions unless they attack you or something.

Random events - Would really like to see the random events from the SP expanded upon in the MP. There is no point to run around and explore the world. You can just sit with your map open and click on missions to join them, and since everything is instanced the whole free roam mode is pretty pointless.
I want random events happening around you which you can take part in while exploring. Nearby players will see these too and be able to join in.

Maybe this is just wishful thinking and kind of what I want GTA Online to be. One day we might have a GTA game like this.

Whats APB?

I agree with 'lack of instanced', 'random events' and 'markers over peoples head'. Don't know about the 100 players though lol as I reckon that's a technical aspect we need next gen for.

Coming to the 'markers over peoples head' - this needs sorting because it ruins any 'realness' to the gameplay. In TLOU it works but that's on small maps so I'm not sure what they can do but it needs something. In a Job/Mission it just seems daft when you 'know' eventually where someone is. I don't know, it's also too much the other way when you don't know where they are at all?!?. I wonder if something like in TLOU where it's sudden death and you get a 'zone' flash...


Whats APB?

I agree with 'lack of instanced', 'random events' and 'markers over peoples head'. Don't know about the 100 players though lol as I reckon that's a technical aspect we need next gen for.

Coming to the 'markers over peoples head' - this needs sorting because it ruins any 'realness' to the gameplay. In TLOU it works but that's on small maps so I'm not sure what they can do but it needs something. In a Job/Mission it just seems daft when you 'know' eventually where someone is. I don't know, it's also too much the other way when you don't know where they are at all?!?. I wonder if something like in TLOU where it's sudden death and you get a 'zone' flash...

APB was a game that was supposed to essentially be like an MMO version of GTA. It didn't work out though and they shut the game down fairly quickly. Their vision sounded really cool though, too bad they couldn't really deliver.


Yippee! I got in for the first time this morning! Managed to get through the race with Lamar and then did the drug mission. Will try more when I get home from work tonight.

NZ, PS3.

Evil Beaver

Nooooo...character gone! How does this fucking bug even exsist?! Its fucking ludicrous.

I've heard that if your missing character is in slot 1 then don't create another character in that same slot. When the rockstar servers come back your character should also come back.


Ok im in and i apparently have completed the tutorial. WOO!

So now if i turn off my xbox, will i still have to do the tutorial over? Can anyone confirm / deny?


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Baby steps..

I just had to create a new dude on PS3 and now I'm actually a baby step further than I got yesterday. Just chillin at a screen after the car got dropped off for me. I guess it's searching for people for me to race.

Baby steps..


After not being able to get through the tutorial because of how glitchy it is and after getting stuck in a never ending load screen, I come back to find my character has been deleted. This is fucking ridiculous.

Oh, and now the character creation has stopped working for me too. Fantastic.
I can't get into the first mission, just says "waiting for players" even though they show up on my screen. I'm not very surprised though, as for the people who have played it and are asking more I would be shocked if when this goes next gen (you know it will) they don't do more intresting content and a larger player limit.


Welp I just noticed that my online character was deleted. It's not a big deal since I had only made it to the race but it basically confirmed that I'm not going to even bother with this mode until they completely fix it. I would be real pissed if I made it to level 10 and it got deleted.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Launching Session.... it will work. I know it will. (PS3)

Yea this is the point I was at. Let it sit for about 10 minutes and got tired of listening to soul wax radio so I turned it off.

Guess I'll back off for another few days and hopefully they can get things sorted. I really don't want to dump time into a character only to have it wiped the next time the servers shit the bed.

Welp I just noticed that my online character was deleted. It's not a big deal since I had only made it to the race but it basically confirmed that I'm not going to even bother with this mode until they completely fix it. I would be real pissed if I made it to level 10 and it got deleted.

Exactly. My time is pretty important.
Guys who much GTA$ does money buy. (or did before they took down the option)? Dont want to buy anything given how your character can be wiped at any point. Just interested...


I had the same launching session problems as you guys.

I let it sit for 30 minutes, after all the players who had been matched with me quit it let me race Lamar by myself. You don't have to play with other people and honestly i may have gotten lucky but i let it sit there for 30-45 minutes of "Launching Session"
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