How small an area are we talking about? I assumed it would be over the size of a neighborhood at least.
GTA Online next gen has to happen, the game would be out of beta, and it would look so soso so good. I would buy it. Think about it, 1080p 60fps?! Well I will be getting the PC version but I'm not sure I would want to play that one online. I only had good online experiences with console ports about none of the time on PC. The games seem so empty or buggy online (EA racing games, Driver SF, tried GTA4's online but nothing happened, etc.).
Does the 'join random mission' option include that awful Last Team Standing, or only the co-op stuff?
Similar question:
I'm in a crew, but when we go to the social club website there's only overview/hierarchy and.... Max payne 3 onthe front page. What' up with that? What needs to happen for our crew to actually be about gtao, so we can access that tab/those statistics?
I'm not sure if any of us have made it past the tutorial race yet, could that be the problem?
I only managed to play a little bit when it first launched, but for the people complaining about getting killed and losing money, wouldn't turning on passive mode (or whatever it's called) fix that??
You've gotta put all of your money the bank unless you're playing on 360... then it doesn't matter if you bank it or not since it's a bug where you lose money either way for now.
The character I've been playing with all day now appears to be gone.
However, I'm thinking that it's a temporary thing with the cloud and whatnot. Usually when I switch to GTAO from SP, it says that my progress will be saved automatically. Now, however, it says that "any unsaved progress will be lost." Yesterday the same character vanished, yet he was available again today.
What do you think, GAF, am I justified in my optimism?
Seems like they didn't patch the $9k mission![]()
It includes both.
The character I've been playing with all day now appears to be gone.
However, I'm thinking that it's a temporary thing with the cloud and whatnot. Usually when I switch to GTAO from SP, it says that my progress will be saved automatically. Now, however, it says that "any unsaved progress will be lost." Yesterday the same character vanished, yet he was available again today.
What do you think, GAF, am I justified in my optimism?
PS3 with patch should be fine, I "lost: character when cloud down but char was fine when they went back up
until 360 patch arrives you arent safe
The character I've been playing with all day now appears to be gone.
However, I'm thinking that it's a temporary thing with the cloud and whatnot. Usually when I switch to GTAO from SP, it says that my progress will be saved automatically. Now, however, it says that "any unsaved progress will be lost." Yesterday the same character vanished, yet he was available again today.
What do you think, GAF, am I justified in my optimism?
I don't like the death matches at all, theres no 'skill' needed, it's usually just being lucky and spawning behind a few other players, locking on and seeing how many you can kill before you die yourself. Maybe a mode with more health/armour, no lock-on...something
I don't like the death matches at all, theres no 'skill' needed, it's usually just being lucky and spawning behind a few other players, locking on and seeing how many you can kill before you die yourself. Maybe a mode with more health/armour, no lock-on...something
My level 16 just disappeared (PS3) that I have been using fine for 2 days now. I kind of expected it, but I will give it some time to see if it is temporary. A few people had it show back up.
GTA 4 still charting top 20 damn
Wait until it's back, don't make another character, even if it's in a alternate slot. It sucks but it's better to wait than to start all the way over, lose your character, and be stuck in tutorial mission limbo.
The hell is up with this last team standing job.
How the hell do i turn of others mics coming through my speakers?
Tried it for about two hours, didn't really enjoy any of it.
1. Character creation is awful. I thought people were overreacting, but they weren't. It's needlessly complex and nearly impossible to end up with an avatar you like unless you mash the random button 100 times
2. The intro is pretty lame, wasn't feeling the Lamar chemistry like he has in the singleplayer. Also the city is empty, it's pretty surreal driving around those empty streets. Also throwing 100 tutorial texts and explanations on screen while in a high-speed race or police chase isn't particularly convenien.
3. The missions I've played so far are okay, I guess
3. The game is basically one big free-for-all. Three times I tried to help someone who was being chased by the cops, only to end up with a bullet in the head myself for no reason whatsoever. Everybody is auto-hostile, which is exactly what I feared
I don't think I'll be coming back to online anytime soon.
What 9k mission is it? D:
Violent Duct. Easy 3-5 minute job even on Hard.
Rainbow Six Vegas seems random lol