Tanahashi's putting his CMLL Universal 'title' on the line against Okada at the next PPV. Hope that isn't telegraphing a Tanahashi win. The CMLL Universal Championship looks like a title belt, but it's just for a yearly tournament winner and has never been defended in a match before.
This is why Naito is the best face. He called it. Tanahashi is a glory hog who only cares about himself and can't let things go. His gimmick is that he's phony.
dat kliqOwen called Sable ugly and homely, would you go against Owen's words?
I never 'got it' with Blackman. I didn't watch a lot of his prime anyways. My WWF viewing habits dropped from like 99 up to Undertaker's return. DX already sucked, and they expected me to watch a product where Owen was jobbing, Pillman was gone, Stone Cold was working at half speed and TRIPLE H was the focus?
Yeah, that's the one - Makoto's from Ice Ribbon originally, but signed to Tajiri's WNC promotion.
I agree, but not all the joshi are trained in shootstyle to that degree - at least when Syuri wrestle someone like Kana or Hikaru Shida she can go all out.
WWE need to bring back the Hardcore Championship. 24.7 defence. That shit is awesome. Do we ever find out who the Ninja assistant was that used to help out Raisen?
I wonder if Ivory is still hot.
Tonight's the night?
Oh right, forgot tonight's the PPV.
Seems Great Khali and Santino vs The Real Americans have been added to tonight's show
Now this is how you get people to care about what seems like a throwaway PPV!
Man, I forgot how good Space Marine was. If you never did play it, you should. Might turn you into a 40k fan.
Khali in a Giant Swing runs the real risk of knee separation. It'll be like Frankenstein's Creature fighting and it's legs being ripped off the seams.
Yep I went out a bought Eisenhorn and ravnor omnibus and some others after playing that game . 40k universe is pretty awesome
Didn't hurt that Dan abnett my favorite comics writer was the author of most of them
Tho shame well never get another space marine game
That'd be the fastest Khali's moved in ages. Would he even be able to stand up afterwards?
Khali in a Giant Swing runs the real risk of knee separation. It'll be like Frankenstein's Creature fighting and it's legs being ripped off the seams.
Tanahashi's putting his CMLL Universal 'title' on the line against Okada at the next PPV. Hope that isn't telegraphing a Tanahashi win. The CMLL Universal Championship looks like a title belt, but it's just for a yearly tournament winner and has never been defended in a match before.
100-revolution Giant Swing on Santino is more likely
Tonight's the night?