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Strike the Blood 3
"New" girl get!
Yukina is still cute as always and Teacher looks great in white.
Did not expect that scene to play out the way it did. Initially thought he was going down vertically instead of horizontal.
Holy crap yeah that is some lengthy stuff.
Meant to mention this when it first aired but just remembered recently.
Just a case of "boy do i really like that shot."
Oh god. Dat blue outline on the crotch area and angle. What is seen CANNOT BE UNSEEN
Well it's in line of how long I take with AA games.
I watched an episode. The speed for reading for me is fine at the moment, although it was hard to maintain attention. It might be because I'm not feeling well though.
Oh god. Dat blue outline on the crotch area and angle. What is seen CANNOT BE UNSEEN
Oh god. Dat blue outline on the crotch area and angle. What is seen CANNOT BE UNSEEN
Meant to mention this when it first aired but just remembered recently.
Just a case of "boy do i really like that shot."
What's a good romance anime in the same vein as Toradora?
if you haven't watched Cross Game watch Cross Game.
I think it just isn't as much fun as actually playing the game myself.
Clannad 1 end
So uh... Tomoyo is best girl. And OVA is canon in my books. I'll pretend After Story is a dream he's having.
Yes yes.
I think it's also that. It's not the kind of game that looks fun when you watch it.
I actually started posting occasional episode reviews again at least a season ago, so no, I didn't return just because of IS... but it probably is true that IS got me to actually read through the threads and reply to stuff more again, I admit.
I can never quite get the linkage people try to make between Aria and YKK. Thematically there's so crossover but in terms of execution it's such a vastly different beast. While YKK features Alpha doing to ditzy things, the overall tone of the show is a lot more laid back and has an almost countryside quietness to it while Aria, despite have similar moments of quiet reflection on life and such, is handled a lot more in your face in the animation, giving it a far more rambunctious feel.
Just something look out for if you go into Aria expecting more of the same!
She's not wrong.Nafe said:
Which is funny, since basically playing the game is mostly just watching it.
I think it just isn't as much fun as actually playing the game myself.
damn you're just churning through them
She's not wrong.
That's why I played the translation patch for the first two cases rather than watching a playthrough. It's far more fun to get personally involved in solving the case (even if I have to wait a little longer to find out what happens next), and the rush from finding a breakthrough is something that can't be experience just by watching someone else play.
Yeah, it's Aiko. Thinking about adjusting the colors to make it less purple.With your avatar I thought it was the purple Doremi girl but reverse search seems to show it's actually the blue girl. Is the blue one correct?
Clannad 1 end
So uh... Tomoyo is best girl.
AnimeGAF. What's your level of love for Cromartie High? Curious since I've been surprised by the community once or twice.
We're a unique bunch!AnimeGAF. What's your level of love for Cromartie High? Curious since I've been surprised by the community once or twice.
That's why I played the translation patch for the first two cases rather than watching a playthrough. It's far more fun to get personally involved in solving the case (even if I have to wait a little longer to find out what happens next), and the rush from finding a breakthrough is something that can't be experience just by watching someone else play.
I think that ratsel will open up a little in root academy , not enough but she will ..anyway , let's put the rest of teh cast in the spotlight (leaving gyamon for the end as usual )![]()
lucky gyamon
You have made a terrible mistake.
Armored Trooper Votoms - 23
Back to this after far too long of a break. Of course, Chirico is still a badass. Gets stabbed, doesn't give a fuck. Gets orders, doesn't give a fuck. And best of all, no juvenile whining.
Armored Trooper Votoms - 23
Back to this after far too long of a break. Of course, Chirico is still a badass. Gets stabbed, doesn't give a fuck. Gets orders, doesn't give a fuck. And best of all, no juvenile whining.
Perhaps, but we'll see in a few dozen episodes. After all, I've done this once already.
AnimeGAF. What's your level of love for Cromartie High? Curious since I've been surprised by the community once or twice.
She's not wrong.
Changing avs with me, huh.I imagine it is quite difficult to feel pain with the center of your nerve system gone.
Time to open my letters like a boss.
Changing avs with me, huh.
It better have a decapitation mode.
- Pokemon X and Y 01-02
That's mostly true, but you're leaving a few things out here, most notably that S1 did have some character changes. Remember when late in the season they "equalized" the harem, maybe starting from ep. 9 or 10? Sure the girls didn't lose character as badly as they did in S2, but suddenly seeing Char (and maybe also Houki)'s advantages disappear was ... odd.It makes no sense! "impressively totally incompetent?" What the hell is is?
Infinite Stratos worked, and I use worked here as in "ok, this is not that much worse than some random SF shit on kindle ebooks so I can see how someone would buy it," because as stupid as the premise was, as stupid as the characters were they fit the authors mold. Aside from the switch from Char to Charlotte which was just silly. But aside from that the characters stayed in what little character they had, the setting wasn't trampled and it kinda worked. It wasn't a good work but two plus two equaled four and hate it as I may it wasn't so stupid compared to the rest of its ilk that it stood out.
As I've said I definitely agree on the core of this point -- making all of the girls "yan" tsunderes, as only Rin fully was in the first season, was a major mistake, and it definitely breaks down the differences between the characters. I think that each one of them has manged to hold on to SOME of the things that make each unique, so I wouldn't go quite as far as you do here, but you are right that they've broken down the differences between the girls, which is kind of an issue when you started out with a series where all five main girls could be described as tsundere... Char less than the others, but she did have some of that in S1. But now they're even more similar, and all have some hitting-him "yan" tendencies. That change was bad.Season two's main problem, aside from being the second season of Infinite Stratos, which is a problem in of itself especially when Spice and Wolf season three's still a fucking no show, is that there's no longer any continuity amongst the characters. Charlotte is no longer Charlotte, Laura is no longer Laura, Rin's not Rin, Hyouki's not Hyouki, there's just girls drawn similarly to them from the first season doing fuck all whatever. In a show as bland and two dimensional as Infinite Stratos you should be able to tell which character is which by their lines alone(without audio or visual) since originally they were all distinct character archetypes, now, aside from Laura who's retained her habit of speaking about Ichika as her betrothed all of the other girls lines are interchangeable. But those are just lines, if we look at how these characters are portrayed they're now totally interchangeable. This is just crap. As long as the characterization is so poor I don't see how anyone cares about what exactly these characters do. They can now be any of the girls in the school, it makes no difference.
Heh... but no, it's definitely not worth the major changes ot the franchise just to get that result. (But yeah, I imagine there were some people somewhere who legitimately liked S1's characters...)And it's amusing because I kinda feel for anyone who actually liked the show. Lol. I'm sure someone, somewhere, really liked some of the characters and how they were portrayed originally. lol. hahahahahahaha. I'm kidding, those guys got what they deserved. Ahahahahaha.
Considering that Looney Tunes is the best animated anything ever and Nichijou is one of the best comedy animes (it's not quite Excel Saga's equal, but it's near the top of the next tier down), I couldn't disagree with your tone here any more strongly, I think...To me this has devolved into a Loony Tunes harem except now I can't count on the coyote being the coyote and shit. It's just a harem skecth comedy but aside from character likenesses and Ichika being dumb as always there's no relation from scene to scene any more. I don't think that works. Stupid shit like Charlotte summoning part of her robot in the classroom and shooting Ichika to them constantly breaking his door down and the like, it'd all make more sense in something like Nichijou than here. But even Nichijou had actual characters.
I'm sure S2 will have a story. This is how it usually goes in these kind of things, you know -- you start with the silly comedy, but eventually get to the serious later on. I'm sure that'll happen here too; there have been a few hints of the main plot already after all, and there was ep. 3's cliffhanger ending...It's a very weird tonal shift coming from season one which had a story, albeit a bad one, to tell along with the harem shenanigans . You can kinda feel even as far back as the second half of the first season where it seems the author was about to take it off the rails like with the rabbit girl. This to me is about as weird as if Full Metal Panic Fumoffu had actually been labeled season two. This is like Fumoffu except I doubt there'll be a Rugby or Quarantine level episode so it's much worse.
No, it wasn't, it was moderately entertaining fun.Because everything in that sequence was just drek.
I don't think that sequence from the second half of ep. 3 is completely out of character for the girls post-equalization (that is, after the point in S1 where all five are put on equal footing), honestly... that's one reason why I said that I liked that part better, I think it fits a bit better with S1's style, not worse.So I'll repeat my question, why did you hope for this instead of hoping for it to go back to how season one is?
I don't see how but I guess enjoyment levels this low are probably all within some arbitrary margin of error.
Well, I'm not saying I think the first episode of Clannad is a particular standout or anything - heck, it's been a while since I watched it, so I can't really recall what exactly happened in the first episode, and I do remember the series took a few episodes to get into its first proper arc.
However, I'm pretty sure there was nothing in there to justify calling it shit or worse than the likes of Angel Beats. It's clearly better than Angel Beats right from the start purely on the merit of the cast of characters, and I'm pretty sure it did a better job of introducing them as well.
Also, I'm pretty sure the first episode of Clannad included the Dango Daikazoku ED, so there goes the notion of it having no redeeming features. No excuse for ignoring that. Especially when you've been praising Angel Beats on the basis of its music alone.