They added a hero today.
excuse me it's called a Shaper
They added a hero today.
You reminded me they got a new hero today!
Dawngate is the best.
Salous the Pentinent
It might actually be not too far from the truth.Valve too busy working on L4D3 to work on Dota.
when do i get a strife beta key
s2 pls
You reminded me they got a new hero today!
Dawngate is the best.
Salous the Pentinent
Is their beta limited to a few days a week? Got in for this weekend but I'm not sure if it's one time or they just don't have the servers up all the time.
fuck diretide im gettin a new phone
Also I think I still have DawnGate and Strife beta keys.
You reminded me they got a new hero today!
Dawngate is the best.
Salous the Pentinent
I'll check back when I get back. I'm pretty sure I have at least 4 for DawnGate left. Maybe 1 for Strife.:O Can I have a strife?
I'll check back when I get back. I'm pretty sure I have at least 4 for DawnGate left. Maybe 1 for Strife.
I wouldn't mind giving Dawngate a look
I wouldn't mind giving Dawngate a look
Yeah, likewise.
see what happens when you dont add heroes valve
Come on, they've only had two months since TI3.They can only blame themselves.
Are they really not in CD? Never looked that close.I feel like heroes that are not enabled in CM should still be in CD. It is not a tournament game mode so it should be fair game.
I just tried 6.79 Axe.
I don't know how good he is (nor do I care because he's Axe) but god damn if you make Bloodstone and Scepter on him you become the DUNK GOD!
You kinda need both though if you want to go for a Dunk heavy game. Bloodstone instead of Vanguard or any other tanky item to keep your mana and health up while Scepter so that you can get the high threshold to kill. Otherwise the ulti has too low of a threshold to make impact in team fights. At 625 you can definitely get some chain deaths going on in a team fight.
Are they really not in CD? Never looked that close.
No need for Linkens, would rather get Blink.yea, this is what I'm saying! Bloodstone, aghs, linkens, blade mail (thorn mail, whatever the f it's called).
No need for Linkens, would rather get Blink.
A lot of theory crafters have told me that Blade Mail on Axe is a bad idea and it's counter intuitive to how the hero works. In real matches though it works out well for me so I occasionally make it against glass cannon heroes.
*reinstalls SMITE*
git gud m8So this whole time I've been writing down lists of heroes I enjoyed playing, to remind myself when it comes to RD or SD that I should pick so-and-so if given the choice because I had fun with that hero. My list got too big though so today I decided that a better idea would be to make a hero shit list, to remind me which heroes I didn't enjoy playing. Here's my Dota 2 Shit List so far:
Night Stalker
Sand King
Skeleton King
Drow Ranger
Lone Druid
Phantom Lancer
QoP of Pain
Storm Spirit
Witch Doctor
Some of those could change, but for one reason or another I didn't have a good time with those heroes.
Yes I am bored as fuck
SMITE is awesomein small doses.
git gud m8
those heroes are awesome
How you gonna hate on Meepo man
so we ded gaem nao?
Nothing against him, just way too difficult for me to play. Kinda like Invoker. I really like Invoker but I just don't play enough Dota to pull him off.
Timbersaw annoyed me because I was so damn mana starved for most of the game. I hate that feeling.
Rapidly approaching that point.
I go for classical double shield one salve Axe jungle start. I make straight Ring of Health then I make Arcane Boots to help me spam Battle Hunger, get a few kills. I then convert Boots and the Ring to Bloodstone. After that I either go Blink or Scepter.just tried the bloodstone aghs on axe, you have a really slow start and you really need those early kills. if not you are fucked. then again if you make it goddamn charles barkley aint got shit on you