Dota 2 |OT2| Ellen Pudge starring in Beyond Two Throws

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wow, I totally missed the new portraits of Earth and Ember Spirit in the game files (I know they were already discussed in here). No one tells me anything. :mad:
Missed them too, only saw them 2 days ago while checking the wiki.

Again another reason for me to fear Techies now being buried as a 'in a year or two' new hero now that the compendium objective didn't get met.

F**k them if i'm right.
no kirby im pretty sure thats fake come on now


Anybody else really unhappy with Faceless Void? I feel he needs a crapton of farm and even then he relies on his ultimate which requres the opponents to have poor positioning. Mask of Madness is terrible and will get you killed everytime you jump in, BKB is absolutely mandatory against a team with mass disables and yet it offers too little damage.
He's really one of the worst carries in the game despite being the best 1on1 hero in the game lategame.
Chronosphere allows him to get away with making glass cannon type items and if he gets two heroes in his Chronosphere they are usually dead. Killing 2 heroes without them even having a chance to play is big especially if one of them is the main carry. If you kill the carry first then you just pop your BKB and clean up the supports with your team.

Backtrack plus Evasion from Butterfly and BKB makes Void really hard to kill. If you aren't going to make MoM then at least make some attack speed items. MoM is really good on him, even for farming its good. You only really turn on MoM when Chronosphere is up as far as team fight goes to maximize damage while in Chronosphere.


Bull on a Donut
Missed them too, only saw them 2 days ago while checking the wiki.

Again another reason for me to fear Techies now being buried as a 'in a year or two' new hero now that the compendium objective didn't get met.

F**k them if i'm right.

Bro just think how terrorblade feels. One of the earliest most iconic dota heroes up there with pudge/sf/am has 0 concept art--no trace that he's ever been worked on. At least techies has something.


Bro just think how terrorblade feels. One of the earliest most iconic dota heroes up there with pudge/sf/am has 0 concept art--no trace that he's ever been worked on. At least techies has something.
True true.. but valve already proved with LC/abadon, that getting into the files first doesn't mean much when it comes to what to expect to be released first.

Getting earth spirit or Oracle before far older hero would seems like a joke to me ( but seems very possible in ES case, for a update centered on 'spirits' with ES ).


just had a lovely skywrath mage game, and i have to say, the merlini build is fucking legit as hell, i saw him play skywrath before i did this game, and he did a 2 null talismans into boots of travel build, and it worked amazingly well in this game, at the end i had so much farm i didnt know what to do with, i just bought a bloodstone,

also a question, if i get 2 sheep sticks, will they have independent cool downs, or the same one?


Low Tier
legit u guys think techies will be fun? Guess what its awful its awful for everyone that isn't playing techies and you bet your sweet ass you won't be able to pick techies fast enough. You'll regret ever wishing for techies so dont even think about it.
legit u guys think techies will be fun? Guess what its awful its awful for everyone that isn't playing techies and you bet your sweet ass you won't be able to pick techies fast enough. You'll regret ever wishing for techies so dont even think about it.

You're right, I want Gambler instead.


Not Wario
I'm reading up on their abilities as we speak to redeem myself later today, in-game.

edit: Ember Spirit seems fucking awesome.

They are the two heroes I'm looking forward to the most of the remaining heroes. If we actually get both of them up next, just wow. All these months of waiting redeemed!


That Legion Commander texture work does look pretty unfinished. Missing shade[r]s. Or it's just an unfortunate screenshot...


Techies sound like they'd be real fucking bitches to lane against. I assume their mines are revealed by truesight and can be destroyed with right-clicks before detonating, at least?


Bro just think how terrorblade feels. One of the earliest most iconic dota heroes up there with pudge/sf/am has 0 concept art--no trace that he's ever been worked on. At least techies has something.
Pretty sure there was some Terrorblade concept art...


That Legion Commander texture work does look pretty unfinished. Missing shade[r]s. Or it's just an unfortunate screenshot...


Techies sound like they'd be real fucking bitches to lane against. I assume their mines are revealed by truesight and can be destroyed with right-clicks before detonating, at least?

the legion commander in that screenshot looks the same as the one thats been in the game files for a few months now, half finished, no proper textures. doesnt look like she is gonna be released anytime soon if thats her current state.
The truth is Valve brought this upon themselves. Removed the beta tag, so they can't release unfinished content, but Valve stuff is never fully done anyway, so they can't release anything.

Mothafuckin' Catch-22.


yeah honestly neither of them look ready IMO. Doesn't mean the finished ones can't be patched in today but.

cmon vulv just release the tide omagahhhhhd!
I think you should get silence much earlier than that, at level 2 or 4. If you weren't using it before you really ought to be, it gives dp some utility that the hero really, really needs if you intend on doing things other than pushing empty lanes

Thankfully I was reading some older posts when I came across this. The craziness of the Diretide whining gobbled your helpful post up. Thanks for the tip. I'll put a point in Silence at 4 then.


Corporate Apologist
Maybe valve feels pity for us and is just going to release the heroes before finishing the textures.

I crack my self up.

Edit: I'm kraken myself up.
Maybe valve feels pity for us and is just going to release the heroes before finishing the textures.

I crack my self up.

shit they did that with tons of heroes already

thats why they had to go back and fix riki and earthshaker

My actual prediction is that's just an old picture and they're coming out with their nice textures tonight with THE DIRETIDE.

Remember when ET looked like John McCain? Or Treant came out of nowhere? It's not that crazy.


shit they did that with tons of heroes already

thats why they had to go back and fix riki and earthshaker

My actual prediction is that's just an old picture and they're coming out with their nice textures tonight with THE DIRETIDE.

Remember when ET looked like John McCain? Or Treant came out of nowhere? It's not that crazy.
Remember when Treant Protector looked even more unfinished than ET ever did, then suddenly released? Good times, back when they actually released heroes.
wish i could get my dawngate invite so i could play superior moba.

i'm sure they have a halloween mode and parity.

You reminded me they got a new hero today!

Dawngate is the best.


Salous the Pentinent

A member of a holy order of eastern assassin-monks, Salous had grown haunted and nauseated by his many murders. He confessed his sins to the Spirit of Control, which offered him the strength to redeem himself through deeds.

Salous is a melee, physical damage bruiser that excels in mobility, engages and counter-engages. Salous performs best in the jungle, boasting both good clear speeds and devastating ganks. Focusing on building damage can hone Salous into a powerful but fragile carry-killer, while focusing on defenses can make Salous a formidable frontline wall and engager. Salous synergizes particularly well with other melee Shapers, granting them a powerful Haste bonus immediately after engaging while simultaneously locking up squishy carries for easy kills. Salous’ ability to penetrate an enemy team frontline is remarkable, exceeding almost any other Shaper – knowing when to engage with your team is key to success.


Salous can use his abilities freely.


First Cast: Salous throws a resonating wave of force that reveals and marks the first enemy it strikes and 2 enemies behind them for 4 seconds, dealing 35/50/65/80/95 (+30% Power) physical damage to each.

Multi-Cast: Salous lunges at target marked enemy, dealing 75/90/105/120/135 (+50% Power) physical damage. Salous may recast Judgment once for each marked enemy.

Spirit Seals

Salous gains 20/30/40/50/60 Haste for 4 seconds and summons 3 Spirit Seals that orbit him and detonate when they touch an enemy, dealing 40/55/70/85/100 physical damage to enemies in the area.

If all orbs detonate, Salous's Haste bonus is refreshed and Salous increases nearby (550 range) ally Shaper Haste by 10/15/20/25/30 for 4 seconds.


Salous performs a binding spell on target enemy, dealing 70/110/150/190/230 (+50% Power) physical damage and rooting them for 1.35 seconds.


Salous releases a great wave of energy in an arc, dealing 150/250/350 (+75% Power) physical damage to adjacent enemies and stunning them for 1.5 seconds. Other enemies struck by the wave take 150/250/350 physical damage and their Movement Speeds are reduced by 40% to 80%, depending on how close they are to Salous.
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