Also need Night of the Dead, pokemon d, uther party 1+2, and Warlocks.Coming this Christmas:
Full Parity Patch with back to back Diretide and Frostivus for 4 weeks of celebration to make up for the lack of updates until now. Private MMR values and stat tracking. Automated Guild Leagues and tournaments. Hotjoin games. DM, Tag team, OMGWTF. New genetic AI algorithms so you'll never have to play against humans ever again. Complete mod tools releasing along with Enfos, Tree Tag Enting, X Hero Siege, Wintermaul, TD, Tides of Blood, Vampirism, My Little Support Can't be This Rich Visual Novel, Infestation, and of course, Pudge Wars.
If I had to judge the game, no doubt that even if they stopped it's dev right now, I would still consider it to be one of the best game released in the last few year, with probably the best economic model ever used.I'm not going to lie, I might just be easy to please, but valve could never add anything ever again and I'd probably be fine with the fun I've gotten out of my time and money investment.
But that is the way they really do it. Valve is weird.
Also need Night of the Dead, pokemon d, uther party 1+2, and Warlocks.
I don't think I've played those but let it be done.
inb4 no Frostivious this year
A God Tier list that doesn't have Rockets on it (not the American kind) doesn't seem very godly to mehalloween candy tier list
god tier
1. nerds
2. skittles
3. sweetarts
dbz tribute.
valve gives no fucks about copyrights.
Is there anything deader than this game?
YOU ARE BORING AND SUCKSo this whole time I've been writing down lists of heroes I enjoyed playing, to remind myself when it comes to RD or SD that I should pick so-and-so if given the choice because I had fun with that hero. My list got too big though so today I decided that a better idea would be to make a hero shit list, to remind me which heroes I didn't enjoy playing. Here's my Dota 2 Shit List so far:
Sand King
Some of those could change, but for one reason or another I didn't have a good time with those heroes.
Yes I am bored as fuck
SMITE is awesomein small doses.
I managed to avoid getting any teenagers to my house. There was a group of little kids that came but unfortunately I had nothing to give away (I'm a type 1 diabetic so I can't just GIVE candy away)they're all cute. they really are. I love Halloween.
Now the teenage mothafuckas that come to my door...fuck them.
I can't find sandkingreadinganewspaper.jpg so you get this and a bonus pic instead.
1 hour and 30 minutes until Dota is officially dead.
I wonder what Sing's winrate would be if he solo pubbed for a month.
Work day is done. No way it'll come this late.
Depends on the situation.Guys I had a question, how should I use repel with omni?
You will remove ally buffs with Repel. So if someone has a haste rune activated for example, Repel will de-activate it.And also, what ability has? Could I remove spells on allies with it? I need some minifaq about this spell
I don't think I've played those but let it be done.
inhouse stream!!!!!!!!!!
Well they updated CS GO at like 8pm CST last night but they seem to actually care about that game
inhouse stream!!!!!!!!!!
I'm just giving up all hype, less stressful. Except TI4, if valve skimps on that I'm gonna be super upset.
We all know that is 3spooky5me for Valve.theres gonna be 3 heroes released all at once soon.
then everybody will forgive valve for this fiasco. wooo.
spirits + LC
I think you all are missing it.
Legion Commander is Half-Life 3.
༼つಥ_ಥ ༽つ RIP Diretide