STEAM 2013 Announcements & Updates VIII - Don't ask when the sales are starting.

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It's not a lot chaotic and you get used to it, unless something like this happen:


What the holy hell!? Really thinking of grabbing this. I definitely voted to greenlight it, so I'm ethically obligated to.
Right, I suppose everyone that wants this already has it, but you never know, right.

ModBot said:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below containing the key.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This giveaway is a LIGHTNING raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 15 minutes after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

Max Payne 3 Season Pass -- MB-611E5D9168570BE9 - Taken by The_Super_Inframan. 5 entrants total.



What kinda game is that? The screen has gotten me curious.
Here's a Quick Look of it. Those icons you see on the bottom half of the screen (on the left and right) are powerups that you can get, they're persistent buffs of sorts like having a drone the follows you or a circle of barbed wire to damage enemies. Apparently there's no limit to these, which is why half of that screenshot is basically buffs.
dmit Panda now i have to get it cause its interesting
all your fault -_-

What the holy hell!? Really thinking of grabbing this. I definitely voted to greenlight it, so I'm ethically obligated to.

hahaha wtf?! sold.

edit: I like how the difficulty is HAHAHAHA

Multiples of each powerup? Maybe they should add more difficulty levels. ^^

Yeah, this is the kinda thing that happens when I'm programming and something goes very wrong... (and yet I'm intrigued.)

What in the hell?

There is a video of the guy playing and the NeoGAF thread.


listen to the mad man
I've heard mixed thoughts on that. Nintendo for example doesn't believe so.

Nintendo's assertion is not supported by law. In fact, format shifting is not illegal in the vast majority of all jurisdictions and no jurisdiction has ever tested the legality of format-shifting by proxy (IE choosing to download a byte-for-byte identical digital copy of the game you own in lieu of making one yourself). It is clearly illegal for a site to offer such a copy to the general public, but that does not impact the legality of obtaining such a copy. The closest thing to a test case in the US is UMG v., where it was found that running a commercial service that format-shifted for people was not legal, but did not rule on user's actions. In Canada, downloading is completely legal.

In practice, the content of the law is irrelevant. No one has ever been prosecuted for downloading anything ever. What people are prosecuted for is uploading and/or making available content. So it really comes down to the moral question. Is it ethically acceptable to make a digital copy of something you own? If you agree, then do it. It comes down to who you think you're hurting by doing it. I personally feel as though the morality of ripping your own games is pretty comparable to the morality of downloading a byte-for-byte identical copy of the game from a site that you adblock without uploading a single byte. I think to argue otherwise is pretty difficult. Make your own decision.

For me, the question is is it acceptable for me to rip my own games? My sense is yes, on the basis that I have purchased the games, on the basis that the economic harm is zero, and on the basis that my old hardware is increasingly difficult to deal with and digital backups are valuable to me. I still buy virtual console games occasionally, because the benefit justifies the cost in my mind. Again, make your own decision.

As far as NeoGAF is concerned: Linking to any piracy site is bannable. Copping to obvious acts of piracy is bannable. Individuals with pre-release games who seem to be pirating are typically asked to substantiate ownership. Discussing personal backups is not bannable. Linking to content that is considered illegal, regardless of what my ethics tell me

That being said, it's an entirely other question whether or not, for instance, you are entitled to pirate a differing version of something you own. I don't think owning a PS2 game entitles me to pirate the PS3 HD remake of it. I don't think owning Chrono Trigger entitles me to pirate Chrono Trigger DS. I don't think owning The Last Express on GOG entitles me to download the recent updated version. I don't think owning a DVD entitles me to download a Blu-Ray copy.

If you do choose to rip your own content, it's actually pretty easy. In some jurisdictions, circumventing copy protection may technically be in violation of the law, so keep that in mind if you want to be overly literal in the way you follow laws.
- NES / SNES / Genesis / N64 / Game Boy / GBC / GBA: Retrode
- PS1 / PS2 / Sega CD / Sega Saturn: Your PC
- DS: Any model DS with a GBA slot, passthru flash card
- Wii / GameCube: Wii
- Audio CDs: iTunes
- DVDs: Handbrake, DVD Decrypter
- PC Games on CD or DVD: MagicDisc
- Blu-Rays: MakeMKV
- LPs: any kind of aux-in device
- VHS: VHS->DVD machine, see DVD instructions, or any kind of video-in
- Books: Scan (if you are willing to debind the book, that's even better, OCR
- De-DRMing iTunes stuff: Requiem
- De-DRMing Kindle stuff: Calibre


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Apparently India Gala hands out keys based on e-mail address. Buying a "gift" to send to your usual address? Enjoy paying $4.90 for the same keys! Ugh.

Edit: Oh, I got an additional gift upon refreshing the page. Odd. Crisis averted!


I just realized that the whole Assassins Creed series came after HL2:EP2 and there's 6 full-blown AC titles...

Not sure to laugh or cry.


Man! You guys that haven't played Risk of Rain really need to get on it. It's an amazing game. For an indie game like this to have an average of 2500 to 3000 players on at all times is a testament to how awesome this little title is.
I just realized that the whole Assassins Creed series came after HL2:EP2 and there's 6 full-blown AC titles...

Not sure to laugh or cry.
As well as the entirety of COD's modern warfare blowup.

We're now at approximately the amount of time it took between the releases of Half-Life and Half-Life 2, only with nothing to guide us through these trying times except for Dota and TF2 updates. Game-wise at least.

HL2:EP2 is better than all AC titles combined.

I'm sure there's something better in AC than 10 minutes of fighting regular antlions.
It's coming, but I don't think it's dependent on Source 2 on being released...

Valve really needs to do another 'raising the bar' for the HL game and tell us why it took so long.

Sure, they will simply say that they were guiding Steam itself through a crucial period of growth blah blah as the reason, I know it.


AC2 and AC: Brotherhood are actually very enjoyable, you can give them a try.

They do the same awful things 3 and black flag do, I don't know why 2 and brotherhood get free passes. In fact 2's the one who started this awful Ubisoft open world formula that has now spread to several other IPs of theirs.
AC2 and AC: Brotherhood are actually very enjoyable, you can give them a try.

Revelations is in the same league I'd say too, it's just that when you play these in order, you're very likely more bored with the latter ones than when you first played the series. Gameplay is the best in ACB and ACR, storywise its the best in AC2.


They do the same awful things 3 and black flag do, I don't know why 2 and brotherhood get free passes. In fact 2's the one who started this awful Ubisoft open world formula that has now spread to several other IPs of theirs.

That was actually the first game. The second one only fleshed it out more. Also, I don't think they get free passes, people just acknowledge them to be somewhat better at what they do than the others.
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