Hopelessly addicted to Weihenstaphener beer, such good Bavarian banana-y goodness and the perfect season to drink this type of stuff
It's always the perfect season to drink weihenstephaner.
Hopelessly addicted to Weihenstaphener beer, such good Bavarian banana-y goodness and the perfect season to drink this type of stuff
Hopelessly addicted to Weihenstaphener beer, such good Bavarian banana-y goodness and the perfect season to drink this type of stuff
If they keep the beers in the cellar, why should you expect them to cool them down more before serving them? It also says they offer ice baths if you want it chilled further.
FINALLY. After being off the shelf for months around here, Weyerbacher Quad is back in CT. Phew. Was worried it had disappeared.
Hey all, just a total shot in the dark.
I live in NJ but am visiting my folks just outside Knoxville, TN and can honestly say I don't know the craft beer scene here too well, but would love to find something to bring home with me.
Any recommendations for the Tennessee/Kentucky/etc area? Ideally something within reason along I-81 or I-75, etc etc. Have a 700+ mile drive as it is, but would be willing to veer off a bit for the right options.
This is a post that is about three weeks late. Every month, on the first Friday of said month, the The Beer Sessions invites beer bloggers to pen a post on a single subject. Each month a different blogger hosts the session by choosing a topic, and then subsequently summarizing all of the posts for that month. At the beginning of November, Session #81 brought us to an old chestnut (at least for me), as The Tasting Nitch asked, What about Women in Beer Culture?.
Its taken me an extra couple of weeks to finish this post, at least in part becasue I wanted to get the post just right. Its not easy to write down my thoughts on this subject without being characterized as bigoted, but all I can say is that Im not (bigoted), I am not a misogynist, I am not a sexist, and I have no problem with women brewing the beer that I drink. Nor am I about to lead a campaign to keep women out of pubs and bars, and nor do I have an issue with women in positions of responsibility, power, influence or as my superiors. Having said all of that, I do strongly believe that beer has a gender, and its not female. I do not think that statement is in any way contradictory to my stated position as a non-misogynist.
The whole, women in beer thing is a pretty straightforward question for me. Ive been asked about it over and over again, and I have always had a sort of matter of fact, shrug of the shoulders answer. Actually, if truth be known Im just not very passionate about the subject at all, rather to me, the whole thing is less about deep analysis, and much more about what I consider to be a cultural and natural, norm. For me, its just sort of simply the way it is and should be a natural law if you will.
I think the origin of my position about beers gender is fairly simple to trace. Growing up in 1970′s and 1980′s Britain and watching my dad frequent pubs where women were simply not welcome, obviously gave me a perspective and historical reference point that is difficult to shake. Not only were women not welcome, most women were quite OK with that, and wouldnt have wanted to spend any time in those pubs, anyway.
At that time, and even now to a large extent for me, pubs were a refuge for men - a place to be away from women. Pubs were mainly the working and middle class equivalents of the upper classes, gentlemens clubs*, where men went to get away from all things female rather than to meet and socialize with women. Pubs were dens and bastions of stereotypical male culture, where vulgarity, lewd behavior and words and actions not necessarily welcome in polite society were embraced and even encouraged. These were the places that I experienced at a very young age.
*for American readers I dont mean gentlemens club as in strip club, rather Im talking about exclusive male only, drinking establishments popular since approx. 150 years ago.
So what about beer as an entity (as opposed to pubs and pub culture) per se? Well, when women DID go into pubs it was customary for them to either drink something other than beer (typically wine or spirits), and if they did happen to consume beer, it was strictly in half-pint glasses. A woman drinking a pint of beer was really a very rare occurrence, and on the few occasions that it did occur, it would elicit some pretty interesting comments! As a result of this early exposure to these norms as they pertained to women and beer, even to this day, I find the image of a woman with a pint glass in her hand, truly and quintessentially unfeminine; Id even go as far as to say that I find it unattractive. As I am typing this I am literally imagining a woman in a typical barroom stance, with a 20 oz pint of beer, grasped at chest height about to be raised to her mouth, and I find it to be a masculine action that is not consummate with the fairer sex. That isnt to say that women that drink beer arent attractive outside of the beer drinking context, its simply me saying that I find the image of women in that situation and in that stance, less than appealing. For the record, theres plenty of women that agree with me on this one. (BTW, dont get me wrong, I fully understand that for a multitude of reasons that the same women that I find unattractive in this situation almost certainly find me equally or more unattractive, for 1001 different reasons!)
Please dont misunderstand me (and I know that might be a forlorn hope but its an appeal that I have to make), but beer and women are a strange mix for me. I really not sure why this gets on peoples nerves. What is it about society these days that gets people riled up when the idea that the genders might be different, is broached? It seems quite natural to me that some things are masculine, some things are feminine why cant we just accept that? I dont expect many to agree with me, but quite why youd be upset about my opinion is a little bit beyond me.
I know that this post will deliberately get twisted into all kinds of things that misrepresent me, and I know that I will take plenty of flak from the interwebs for what is written here, but if you spoke to me in person, looked me in the eye and we actually had a civilized discussion about this, I think youd see that I am not the misogynist that some will paint me to be, rather Im just a guy with a cultural background that makes my position seem quite normal to me.
Whatever. More beer-appreciating women for me.Obnoxious shitlord explains why beer is for men, and why he is repulsed by the sight of a girl with a pint glass:
"I'm not sexist, see? I called them the 'fairer sex!'"
That's a whole lot of words for something that could be said in one word: "derp".
At our most recent craft beer day, the crowd was like 40% female. It was awesome and definitely changed the atmosphere for the better.
That was really stupid.Obnoxious shitlord explains why beer is for men, and why he is repulsed by the sight of a girl with a pint glass:
"I'm not sexist, see? I called them the 'fairer sex!'"
Seems a bit random and dumb to jump on one post about bottled beer being on room-temperature shelves. Are there very many good beer stores that refrigerate their entire stock? I kind of wanted to just reply with a "Fuck off", but that wouldn't be very nice.
whered you get backwoods? i can get you gandhi no-problem, if you like DIPA's it's essential tasting....
I don't think I have ever been to a store that keeps Stouts refrigerated...
That guy is just being an ass. I could see wanting to keep IPAs cold, but no reason to jump on someone. Seems like a fake beer snob that read some shit on the Internet.
Edit: it looks like she knows what she's talking about, so she's just an ass lol
That's what I thought. I'd never heard anyone make a big deal about storing at room temperature for short periods of time, and thought it was odd.Your not wrong, storing the beer at room temp is no big deal. Especially a stout.
It's funny because I have heard the opposite. I was at a brewpub and a guy was picking up a bottle of a barrel aged stout, they only had it in the cooler and he asked if they had a room temperature bottle. Saying he was going to store it at cellar temp and that the temp variation would somehow ruin the beer.
Both views are complete BS.
Interesting. I guess some of their beers might change flavor after sitting for a month or more before even getting to the shelves, depending on the style. Speaking of which, I made the possibly ill-advised choice near the end of summer of buying a mixed case of Fat Tire, Ranger, and Rolle Bolle. Everything tasted okay, but probably would have been better fresh.New Belgium didn't sell their beer in Utah until recently, despite being just next door because they were worried it would be kept in storage at room temperature too long, and they said 30 days was their maximum.
I buy Abyss every year, but I don't think its actually all that good. It varies from good to gnawing on tree branches.
Tennessee's beer scene isn't that great. If you can, stop in Lexington and check out Country Boy Brewing (top choice), then West 6th. Tell them I sent you. Depending on when you're going I could meet you.
They had both at CT Beverage Mart in Farmington, CT. Just near where I work.
I have had so many opportunities to get Gandhi Bot and pass each time, and I have no idea why. I LOVE IPAs, and the workers at every store I go to say people go nuts for it. Yet, all the workers say it is very good but not worth the furor it creates when they get it in.
Either way, I shall get it one day. It was just that Backwoods sounded better for the kind of day I was having.
So you're 100% right about the Tennessee beer scene it seems. Took a ride to Knoxville and stopped at Bearden Beer Market outside the University of Tennessee. Cool place and unlike anything I'd find in Jersey. Actually found Sam Adams' Cherry Chocolate Bock on tap which was a surprise hit from a craft beer fest a year or so ago. Beyond that, picked up a Yazoo seasonal lager for the hell of it. Nothing much else to speak of and the liquor laws here are insane.
As for Lexington, doesn't look like it's a bad ride from here. I'm in Crossville right off I-40. I'd likely be heading through Saturday or Sunday. I'll keep you posted.
Tonight's drinking. I am a little scared. The Sweet Sixteen was great, but knocks you on your ass. I am terrified of this one.
Can't wait.![]()
I did quite like 16. Quite liking 17 so far. Well deserved after a long day at work.Sweet 16 is really good. It'll definitely warm you up on a cold day lol. Reborn sounds just as good.
That was really stupid.
On a somewhat related, but not really, note, was I wrong to be irritated by this Twitter comment the other day?
Seems a bit random and dumb to jump on one post about bottled beer being on room-temperature shelves. Are there very many good beer stores that refrigerate their entire stock? I kind of wanted to just reply with a "Fuck off", but that wouldn't be very nice.
Long week of work over. Never drank this before because it was expensive but thought I treat myself since it was payday. Man does this hit the sweet spot. Goes down nice and smooth. I wish I was a baller to get more of these soon. =[
97 on BeerAdvocate. Nice. I am jealous. Love me imperial stouts.
(Raises my glass of Jewbelation Reborn to drink with you)
Thank you, kind sir or ma'am. I'm very tempted to get some more of this in early 2014 before Ten Fidy gets discontinued for another year.
As for the previous person who asked how the Warlock was, it was pretty good. I enjoyed it more than Pumpking, that's for sure. I think the best pumpkin ale I drank this year was Shipyard's.
What came back with me from the first leg of my road trip. I've got a lot of beer to drink.
chug! chug! chug! chug!
Long week of work over. Never drank this before because it was expensive but thought I treat myself since it was payday. Man does this hit the sweet spot. Goes down nice and smooth. I wish I was a baller to get more of these soon. =[
I see Ghandi Bot every time I go to the store, but I always have something else in mind that I wanted to buy. Definitely gotta pick it up next time.
What came back with me from the first leg of my road trip. I've got a lot of beer to drink.
Deschutes' Abyss arrived in town today, but I had to pass. Instead I picked up a four-pack of the Vanilla Bean Buffalo Sweat Stout from Tallgrass and some Sierra Nevada Celebration. Haven't had either before, but I'm looking forward to trying both.
So... who is trying to get their hands on some BCBS on Black Friday?
I'll probably try to get a pack or two for the friends that have never been able to try it, and maybe to let some age a bit. Don't really think it blows away some of the other barrel aged stouts out there.
Am interested in trying to get my hands on some of the variants tho, if they make it to CA.