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Beer |OT|


Damn. Is that a whole case of one of the variants in addition to the stuff in front?


Considering how much you took for yourself, I'd say you are the asshat.
Yeah, hard to feel sorry for someone hauling a cartful of the stuff if someone snatches four 12oz bottles before them.

Not that I'm jealous, $35 spent in one day on beer is enough for me.


I was able to get:

3 bottles of Proprietors (Coconut)
2 bottles of Backyard Rye
7 bottles of Coffee
9 bottles of Barleywine (got 4 more which I sold to a friend at face value)
8 bottles of Regular (could have gotten a case or more but there is no reason to buy so much)

May post pics later. I drank one 2013 regular, a coffee, and a barleywine. They are all delicious, but the coffee is just amazing.


My brother got 10 bottles of BCBS. I hardly ever drink beer because I don't like it very much, but oh my god, what a delicious beverage.

I needed to sip it, though, as it was very strong. But damn, tasty.


It's not like this was from one store, but thanks for the kind word. Most of it will end up being shared amongst friends as well. Any other conclusions you care to jump to?
Nope. You got your fair share. Complaining about what you didn't get is nothing more than pointless complaining. No one is going to feel sorry for you. Don't know why you expect any sympathy with that original post.

Enjoy your haul.
I was able to get:

3 bottles of Proprietors (Coconut)
2 bottles of Backyard Rye
7 bottles of Coffee
9 bottles of Barleywine (got 4 more which I sold to a friend at face value)
8 bottles of Regular (could have gotten a case or more but there is no reason to buy so much)

May post pics later. I drank one 2013 regular, a coffee, and a barleywine. They are all delicious, but the coffee is just amazing.
Nice haul. If you're interested in trading a bottle of Proprietors let me know. I have a bottle of Vanilla if you're interested.


Question about storing....

I know 50-55F is ideal for cellaring. What if I plan on drinking it within 1-2 months? Put it in the fridge? Which types of beer would be fine at room temp for about a month? Should I always keep dry-hopped IPAs in the fridge, even if I'm going to drink them within the week?

Basically 50-55F isn't an option right now so I'm wondering what my alternative is.

Edit- I've had some Sierra Nevada Pale Ale at room temp for 2 months (not sure when it was brewed before that) and am also curious if I should expect the quality to have deteriorated much...
Question about storing....

I know 50-55F is ideal for cellaring. What if I plan on drinking it within 1-2 months? Put it in the fridge? Which types of beer would be fine at room temp for about a month? Should I always keep dry-hopped IPAs in the fridge, even if I'm going to drink them within the week?

Basically 50-55F isn't an option right now so I'm wondering what my alternative is.
Any IPA/DIPA should ideally be kept cold and drank sooner rather than later. Don't age IPAs at all. Higher ABV brews like Imperial Stouts and Barleywines are OK to cellar for years. If the beer depends on the hop flavor, time is the enemy. Within 90 days from bottle date is considered to be "fresh" by most guidelines.


Any IPA/DIPA should ideally be kept cold and drank sooner rather than later. Don't age IPAs at all. Higher ABV brews like Imperial Stouts and Barleywines are OK to cellar for years. If the beer depends on the hop flavor, time is the enemy. Within 90 days from bottle date is considered to be "fresh" by most guidelines.
Sorry, I might not have been clear. With respect to IPAs, I was just wondering if they'd be pretty much the same if they were purchased, stored at room temp, and drank within a week or two (cold). I'm running out of room in my fridge, you see, and I'm accumulating beer faster than I can drink it. This will only continue to get worst as well since my advent calendar begins in two days....!

And generally I'm wondering if I was to store stouts or winter ales (low on hops) or other such malty beers at room temp, would that be quite forgiving for a few/several weeks? Not sure how desperate I should be to keep certain beers cold/cellared when those options are lacking.

Also, do you think it's worth cellaring a scotch ale/wee heavy that's just 7.5% ABV? I've been told yes, but that was by someone who represents the company.

Sorry for the various Qs. Still going through a bit of an education.
Sorry, I might not have been clear. With respect to IPAs, I was just wondering if they'd be pretty much the same if they were purchased, stored at room temp, and drank within a week or two (cold). I'm running out of room in my fridge, you see, and I'm accumulating beer faster than I can drink it. This will only continue to get worst as well since my advent calendar begins in two days....!
If you're drinking them within a few weeks they should be OK, but that can also depend on when they were bottled before you purchased them.

And generally I'm wondering if I was to store stouts or winter ales (low on hops) or other such malty beers at room temp, would that be quite forgiving for a few/several weeks? Not sure how desperate I should be to keep certain beers cold/cellared when those options are lacking.
Shouldn't be a problem (those could age for years most likely). Try to keep anything hoppy cold, the rest will be OK at room temp (ideally in a closet though, dark is better).

Also, do you think it's worth cellaring a scotch ale/wee heavy that's just 7.5% ABV? I've been told yes, but that was by someone who represents the company.
Again, shouldn't be a problem.

Sorry for the various Qs. Still going through a bit of an education.
No worries. Glad to help.
Grabbed 4 each of BCBS OG and the barleywine. Only two that have made to to AZ so far, as far as I know. Also had a glass of each on draft last night. So tasty.


First time I see we have a beer OT, awesome.

Drinking some Veltins at the moment. Nothing fancy, it was in the fridge. Didn't had the time to hit the supermarket earlier today.

I'll keep my eye on this thread.


Here's some Celebration in my new Toppling Goliath glass:

I'll probably hold off on opening any of my Bourbon County until I get school shit finished. I'd feel guilty indulging in the midst of my procrastination.

Finally getting to dig into this tonight. Totally worth the hype on it. So fucking good, and well earned after two busy days at working retail.


The Autumn Wind
Yeah, I'm enjoying a BCBS right now myself. Soooo good. I was planning on trying the Barleywine tonight too, but I'm already feeling it. Think I'll save that for tomorrow.
Yeah, I'm enjoying a BCBS right now myself. Soooo good. I was planning on trying the Barleywine tonight too, but I'm already feeling it. Think I'll save that for tomorrow.

Seems only the stout got out here in CT. Both stores I went to said their distributor only got the one style. Tempted to grab another four pack while I can, but probably wont. Will hold out hope that they get the barleywine or coffee one eventually.

Actually, I have one more regular store I need to check. Thankfully, now all three places I frequent recognize me and know the stuff I like, so they tell me of new stuff when I walk in. That is probably a bad thing for my liver and wallet.


The Autumn Wind
Actually, I have one more regular store I need to check. Thankfully, now all three places I frequent recognize me and know the stuff I like, so they tell me of new stuff when I walk in. That is probably a bad thing for my liver and wallet.
Ha! Tell me about it. The employees at my local Total Wine always make sure to tell me what they have "behind the counter." I blew $60 on beer on Thursday/Friday.
Ha! Tell me about it. The employees at my local Total Wine always make sure to tell me what they have "behind the counter." I blew $60 on beer on Thursday/Friday.

I was about the same from Wednesday and Friday. But now the main beer guy near my work knows me enough to keep things for me. And I found out he is a lifetime friend of a coworker of mine, so that helps too. Nice to have connections, even if they wind up being expensive.

And they still have Gandhi Bot there. Tempted to get more of that...


If you're drinking them within a few weeks they should be OK, but that can also depend on when they were bottled before you purchased them.

Shouldn't be a problem (those could age for years most likely). Try to keep anything hoppy cold, the rest will be OK at room temp (ideally in a closet though, dark is better).

Again, shouldn't be a problem.

No worries. Glad to help.
Thank, brother

Opened up my beer advent calendar just now.

Beer #1:

Most excited for the American beers. Maybe a BCBS or Russian River....... hah no
I'm guessing the beers in the calendar are from breweries that have an existing distribution deal with Craft Beer Importers (Ontario).

Stopped by Fremont Brewing this morning and had special kegs of Bourbon Abominable with vanilla and with coffee. Awesome.
Found Dirt Wolf again today here in CT. Very happy about that.

Tried Southern Tier Choklat today too. Good, but disappointing after Mokha. I don't regret buying it, but won't buy it again.


I'm guessing the beers in the calendar are from breweries that have an existing distribution deal with Craft Beer Importers (Ontario).

Stopped by Fremont Brewing this morning and had special kegs of Bourbon Abominable with vanilla and with coffee. Awesome.
I think that's exactly what it is. I checked their website weeks ago (before buying the calendar) and was actually a little disappointed by some of the breweries I saw. But admittedly I knew very few. And I've heard that the beers are supposed to be high quality choices.
I think that's exactly what it is. I checked their website weeks ago (before buying the calendar) and was actually a little disappointed by some of the breweries I saw. But admittedly I knew very few. And I've heard that the beers are supposed to be high quality choices.

What breweries were listed?


Seems only the stout got out here in CT. Both stores I went to said their distributor only got the one style. Tempted to grab another four pack while I can, but probably wont. Will hold out hope that they get the barleywine or coffee one eventually.

i should be getting the variants today in southern ct...


I read a review of this year's Bourbon County releases that said it's actually really good and has a lot of coconut flavor. Apparently there's even floating flecks of coconut flesh when it's poured. Too bad I won't get any, but it sounds nice.


Highly sought-after limited releases provoke the craft-beer boom's grossest bullshit: nerds with more free time than sense queuing up outside a liquor store before dawn, for instance, or shadowing a delivery truck from one stop to the next, or buying a shop's entire bottle allotment to sell or trade online.

That is awesome. The sentence, not the behavior.


The BevMo a block away from work still had a couple BCBS 4 packs so I walked over this morning and picked one up.

He said they might get some of the variants tomorrow but he didn't seem sure at all. Will definitely check tho, because I would love to have 4 packs of coffee and barleywine since I only have singles now.

Seth C

I love ommegang, but does anyone know if the brewery itself is a must visit? Also, any standout breweries around Syracuse?
I love ommegang, but does anyone know if the brewery itself is a must visit? Also, any standout breweries around Syracuse?

I've heard the brewery in Cooperstown is really cool, but they don't have much in the way of exclusive offerings on tap.

Empire Brewing sounds like your best bet in Syracuse.

Seth C

I've heard the brewery in Cooperstown is really cool, but they don't have much in the way of exclusive offerings on tap.

Empire Brewing sounds like your best bet in Syracuse.

Yeah. Guess it may be worth it for the experience anyway. Maybe I should just find a good beer bar in Syracuse.


Unconfirmed Member
I love ommegang, but does anyone know if the brewery itself is a must visit? Also, any standout breweries around Syracuse?

It's kind of in the middle of nowhere, which definitely adds to the charm, but just keep that in mind that there isnt much to do in the immediate vicinity.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I was able to get:

3 bottles of Proprietors (Coconut)
2 bottles of Backyard Rye
7 bottles of Coffee
9 bottles of Barleywine (got 4 more which I sold to a friend at face value)
8 bottles of Regular (could have gotten a case or more but there is no reason to buy so much)

May post pics later. I drank one 2013 regular, a coffee, and a barleywine. They are all delicious, but the coffee is just amazing.

Are you planning to just never have anything but BCBS? I bought 2 4-pks and I thought it was extravagant.


Are you planning to just never have anything but BCBS? I bought 2 4-pks and I thought it was extravagant.

haha yeah, I mean this is not something you can drink every day.

I plan on giving away almost half of it away as gifts. I have already tried one of each of the 12oz bottles with a friend. And one of each type will be drank around Christmas (between around 5-6 people)
It doesn't happen in Seattle, but some people here lost their minds over BCBS. Which is crazy, since Bbomb is readily available and incredible.
Friek is pretty good. I've also got a bottle of FW's Saison sitting in a box at my in-law's house in Omaha. Bought it in June, but didn't have any room in my check baggage for it to come back with me to Seattle. I'll be drinking it when back there later this month. Their Tropic King saison is also really nice.
I do enjoy Friek and Cutthroat is probably my favorite porter.

Also, are those 6x24oz cans of Upslope 10% IIPA? Why would they package them like that?

They're 19.2oz cans sold individually. Haven't had Friek yet. Had Tropic King from FW and really enjoyed it so looking forward to their Saison.
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