Mr. Poolman
That's a cool giveaway Shade!
Squeeze in one last giveaway before the sale, enjoy.
Hopefully this will help kill time before the sale starts. 99% sure I did this right, but if the hyphen in Pac-Man janks it up I can always PM the winner.
<20 games to go to reach 1000. My e-peen is strong =). This sale might be the one. Hoping for cheap Deadpool, Grid 2, Remember Me, Black Ops 2, Trials, Mars: War Logs, Castle of Illusion, Duck Tales & Naruto.
Will someone post the great Indie thread? I got a ton of great games from there over the summer.
No, no sadness in the Steam-thread, here:
Squeeze in one last giveaway before the sale, enjoy.
Man the sale next week is gonna be great! Perfect timing though, as I get mah monies on Monday!
Man the sale next week is gonna be great! Perfect timing though, as I get mah monies on Monday!
Will someone post the great Indie thread? I got a ton of great games from there over the summer.
Man the sale next week is gonna be great! Perfect timing though, as I get mah monies on Monday!
Something I've been wondering lately - do the bundles with Greenlight games in them update to give full Steam keys once the games are passed? I mean I guess I assume yes but I didn't know.
I'm sure Toma will create a thread to highlight the Indie gems. Though the Autumn sale is usually the most low key sale so don't know about the quantity and deepness of the discounts will be. Guaranteed for Crimbo though.
I'm sorry, I think you mean the sale that starts today
lol whut?
I'm sure Toma will create a thread to highlight the Indie gems. Though the Autumn sale is usually the most low key sale so don't know about the quantity and deepness of the discounts will be. Guaranteed for Crimbo though.
Really? :<
Does it really start today? :<
But that leaked mail thing showed it starting next week!
I spent my budget on a damn Vita game!
Really? :<
Does it really start today? :<
But that leaked mail thing showed it starting next week!
I spent my budget on a damn Vita game!
Your reading comprehension needs patching.Really? :<
Does it really start today? :<
But that leaked mail thing showed it starting next week!
Really? :<
Does it really start today? :<
But that leaked mail thing showed it starting next week!
I spent my budget on a damn Vita game!
Really? :<
Does it really start today? :<
But that leaked mail thing showed it starting next week!
I spent my budget on a damn Vita game!
Quick question before the sale starts. Is this game really that good? I'm looking for a 3D platformer and I heard that this game is good but I just can see that goodness. I'm willing to take a leap of faith but i need a little push... (I'm on a tight budget during this sale but on winter things will change...)
Maybe for the best then, saved money is ok.
I got paid today, which is the greatest of timings.
However, going away tomorrow and had a hotel and theatre tickets to buy, so I'm going to be ruthless in my spending...
I almost made it through that with a straight face.
So... I run Fist Puncher for the first time, get a trading card. I go check and in the market there are 4 of them and the cheapest is 0.74 (no foil). Now the game dropped another card. It's the same one. Lucky day I guess?
Quick question before the sale starts. Is this game really that good? I'm looking for a 3D platformer and I heard that this game is good but I just can see that goodness. I'm willing to take a leap of faith but i need a little push... (I'm on a tight budget during this sale but on winter things will change...)
Well this kinda sucks. I'm usually ready every sale.
Might try and go on a blackout as to not have to deal with the disappointment.
@Hasney: It was, but also got P4G.
That's almost begging for an avatar quote. Plus I'm half tempted to ask what you're off to see. Must... Resist
@Hasney: It was, but also got P4G.
Quick question before the sale starts. Is this game really that good? I'm looking for a 3D platformer and I heard that this game is good but I just can't see that goodness. I'm willing to take a leap of faith but i need a little push... (I'm on a tight budget during this sale but on winter things will change...)
Quick question before the sale starts. Is this game really that good? I'm looking for a 3D platformer and I heard that this game is good but I just can't see that goodness. I'm willing to take a leap of faith but i need a little push... (I'm on a tight budget during this sale but on winter things will change...)
When does the sale start?
When does the sale start?
The Autumn Sale is shorter than the Summer and Winter Sales, but it's identical in terms of scope.
Yes. Buy this now even if the last time you cared about Pac-Man was 1986.
So which is better, Pac-Man championship or Galaga championship?
Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures is $19.99. I'm tempted.
If anyone cares for a good game, I made the Tiny Brains PS4/PC OT.
Pretty excited for this one and there's even a nice 30% pre-order discount on Steam.
What ever happened to that tokusatsu studio sim game
I am really hoping Steam sale has some type of meta game it makes the sale much more fun, and I spend more money so it is good for them. Come on GABE!
I haven't decided the order of my list yet. I'm getting kind of worried because I only have 5 games listed and while I didn't think this year was nearly as bad as 2010-2012 I had about 8 games on each of those years around this time. So I'm relying on the 3DS lineup to save things. There's nothing I really want that bad from the Steam sale either and I seriously doubt Splinter Cell will be good.
The games I have on my list, in no order right now, are
Last of Us
State of Decay
Batman Origins
Euro Truck Sim 2
1PM whatever time zone Valve is located.
I thought it was eastern time. Valve is in the west coast because only the awesome things are on the west.1PM whatever time zone Valve is located.
Actually it's 10AM where Valve is located. 1PM in Eastern Time zone.
I thought it was eastern time. Valve is in the west coast because only the awesome things are on the west.