Frozen Synapse --- Taken by Kaper. 8 entrants total.MB-84B5A24829FE9FFB- Taken by Myshkin. 1 entrants total.
Modbot handed it out to two people apparently.
Go ahead and take it, Kaper.
Frozen Synapse --- Taken by Kaper. 8 entrants total.MB-84B5A24829FE9FFB- Taken by Myshkin. 1 entrants total.
Question for you guys!
And Yet It Moves - This game is crazy, rotating the screen to solve puzzles and platform around. Actually some good platforming and I liked it way more than for example VVVVVV. Yes the graphics are kinda amateurish but there's something charming with it too.
I've seen quite a few of those roulette style modbot giveaways, and They're great, the generousity of this community is truly something. But as... bemusing as giving away Bad Rats is, I thought i'd make the case for Time Gentlemen, Please to be the filler game.
1. It's a great game
2. As far as i can tell it's the cheapest stand alone game on steam during a sale
3. It could mean Ben and Dan 3 see's the cold light of day sooner.
I understand the joke of Bad Rats, but I thought I'd just suggest the option.
Edit: Well that's my first time seeing that image. No Sleep tonight
Best deal of the sale.
2nd best was that Tomb Raider Collection for $12.50
Yey! Guacamelee get.![]()
Can somebody quickly explain to me, what I need to do, to fix this error when launching the Amnesia: Dark Descent demo from Steam on my MacBook Air 2011?
What was the first?
The inevitable, "What as the first?"
$1.99 for one of the most memorable games I've ever played, Hotline Miami, is such a steal.
$1.99 for one of the most memorable games I've ever played, Hotline Miami, is such a steal.
And man, DayZ has been #1 all week...that game must be soaring in sales.
I really want to get Gunpoint, but I need a Mac version. Is that ever happening?
And man, DayZ has been #1 all week...that game must be soaring in sales.
It is Time Gentlemen, Please! and Ben There, Dan That! Special Edition Double Pack,
what?double pack?
Question for you guys!
In 2014, I have a goal to complete 200 games before the end of the year. I decided to start making a chart of games to aim to complete. I have a lot to play, so my question to you guys is to recommend some games you think I should play and beat next year that I currently own:
Thank you very much for anyone who gives me some opinions. Recommend anything on the list, even if it said I have played it before, as I do want to replay a few things and some are only partial or were me idling for cards or something.
$1.99 for one of the most memorable games I've ever played, Hotline Miami, is such a steal.
strange since not much are playing it,only 34k.
Modbot handed it out to two people apparently.
Go ahead and take it, Kaper.
Damn so many games. I'll look through a few of them and tell you about some that I played
AvP 2010 - I guess you like horror games and there is some nice horror in this game. Marine campaign is very streamlined and scripted but I still liked the feeling of the weapons and the two other campaigns are very different, a bit shorter but still pretty fun to play through because there's more freedom and you get to incapacitate human heads.
And Yet It Moves - This game is crazy, rotating the screen to solve puzzles and platform around. Actually some good platforming and I liked it way more than for example VVVVVV. Yes the graphics are kinda amateurish but there's something charming with it too.
Atom Zombie Smasher - Addicting 2D game, really fun if you like RTS (and tower defense, I guess). Objective is to prevent zombies, represented as pixels, to overtake the city and there are many methods to do so. Nice RPG element with unlocking more stuff as well. Need to play this one some more myself.
Batman: Arkham Asylum - Looks like you have tried this one a little, but liked City more. Anyway I just finished Asylum, have not tried the other games but damn this game took me by surprise. Great atmosphere especially if you're into prison environments like I am, awesome story and voice acting and some good exploration a la Metroid. Also a few great horror moments that took me by surprise to say the least!
BioShock - The best single player FPS I have ever played, together with HL2. Rapture is such a beautiful city and the game just oozes atmosphere. Not the best combat, but great story and I had fun freezing and shattering enemies over and over even though it was a bit easy.
BIT.TRIP BEAT - Best Pong clone ever, not many levels but if you like replaying stuff to get higher points this is a really great game. After a while you will know exactly where to place the pong and not miss a beat like you're a robot, took me forever to get a perfect on some levels. Also great music.
Burnout Paradise - A solid arcade game, probably the best together with the original Most Wanted. Yeah you will get sick of the Paradise City song but by then you've probably already raced around the whole city and just chilled together with some nice music.
Company of Heroes - Awesome campaign, I don't like playing this game online as it's too slow paced for me, but damn the missions are all really fun, especially if you're interested in war history. Much better than CoH2 and Opposing Fronts is just as great, didn't care for the second expansion though.
Crysis - Every time this game is brought up in a conversation with my friends, they just say it was a tech-demo that didn't have much of a soul. I can't understand why because the shooting is top notch, the story is interesting, there's some horror in there and I still haven't seen any technically better looking game, it's just a lot of fun blowing up structures and cutting down trees.
Darksiders - Are you into God of War, Zelda and Diablo? Then this is the perfect game. I'm just a sucker for the Gothic setting, they really nailed it. The story is something else with all the powerful characters, not something you see everyday, and exploring dungeons a la Zelda and slaying monsters with a better combat system than GoW makes it a damn good game.
Dead Space - Oh God this is a lovely horror game. If you really haven't tried it yet it's about time. I can't say the horror is the best part because it only scared me a few times and then I figured it out, but just the whole atmosphere of being completely lonely on a huge spaceship sucked me all up and even made me read the novels to know more about the background story (they are some of the best video game novels you can read as well). Also it's just really satisfying tearing off limbs and killing enemies with the awesome weapons.
Devil May Cry 4 - Pretty much like Castlevania: Curse of Darkness but technically superior. Again, love the Gothic setting and even though it's completely linear the combat system is great, some awesome boss fights and upgrades to gain. Actually the first DMC I played so can't say how it stands against the others.
I have a feeling you actually played many of these, but if not I hope I helped a littleTime for sleep!
You've been so generous lately, so how can I say no? I wrote down some shorter game suggestions, so I'll leave the sprawling epics to other posters. I sorted your list by playtime and I'm looking through the unplayed games alphabetically, because you should probably play some of those
Alpha Protocol - awesome B-tier spy game that's best played with tongue in cheek; invest in game-breaking skills and enjoy the hilarious/amazing dialogue and wacky action. Took me about 14 hours for one play through.
Binary Domain - a gaf favorite that you've doubtlessly heard about by now. Another B-tier game, but one of my favorites from last year due to its combination Terminator shootiness and lovable action movie stereotypes as seen through a Japanese lens. Also one of the best-paced games I've ever played (outside of one or two long boss fights) - I played 2 hours the first day and had to stop, then came back for a 7 hour marathon to finish it the rest the next day.
Bionic Commando Rearmed and Bionic Commando Wifearmed - just got these in this sale, I'll have more to say about them later. I hear Rearmed is one of the best remakes ever, and Wifearmed is an underrated game with great (but now defunct on PC) multiplayer.
Bulletstorm - I liked this one a lot; the story is a bit more than just dicktits, and the shooting is rock solid in terms of audiovisual feedback. I liked all the weapons, and although I didn't care much for the points system, I had a great time with the set pieces and spectacle. Probably one of the best AAA FPS campaigns to come out in years, really. It has GFWL, so you may want to beat it and put it away quickly.
(holy shit I'm in the goddamn Bs. gonna pick more obscure games, if there are any)
Chime - a very mellow musical puzzler that's rather light on content, so jump in, play all the songs (about 6 or 7?), and be done with it if doesn't gel with you. It'll only take an hour or so.
FEAR - probably unrivaled in terms of gunplay, even to this day. However, the campaign is way too long for its own good, and the environments are repetitive throughout the entire game (warehouses, office complexes, etc.). I'd say play it for a few hours just to get a feel for the guns, then if you want more, keep playing, but if the dull environments are wearing you down, then don't feel bad about stopping, because the first 5 hours show off almost everything about the game mechanics-wise (obviously not story-wise).
Gunpoint - I played the beta and it was excellent, and I assume the full version is even better. The core mechanic of linking actions (turn off light switch -> link guard1's gun to light switch -> guard1 turns light back on, shoots guard2) is almost puzzle-like, and you can create some really clever solutions if you're so inclined.
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis - a classic SCUMM point and click from LucasArt's golden age. Great Harrison Ford sound-alike, and a very Indie-esque plot. Some of the puzzles are a bit much, but at least you can't die or screw up your own game. You may want to look into playing it in SCUMMVM, as I have no idea how the Steam version runs.
Mafia - This game has a solid, if unoriginal crime story to tell, but actually playing it kind of blows. Which is too bad, because the story is better than that of...
Mafia II - I remember how this game began, and ended. Not much else. I do remember it being absolutely gorgeous, though. Play this if you're looking for a period piece. It played like GTA-lite, and there are no real side missions to speak of; the city exists as a backdrop, not a playground. You can play and finish this in 10 hours or so.
Max Payne 2 - One of my favorite games of all time, and it's only about 5 hours long to boot. The comic book cutscenes are divine, the voice acting is perfect, and the shooting is still satisfying. I guess you should finish the first one, but for my money, MP1 is too long for its own good, though it does hold up well. I'd say read the wiki summary for MP1, then search YouTube for the first game's comic book cutscenes, then go to Max Payne 2.
Prince of Persia Sands of Time - great game that's the basis for modern platforming (i.e. Uncharted, nu-Tomb Raider, etc.). The puzzles are superb, the atmosphere is delightful in an Arabian Nights-ish way, and the combat blows. The elevator fight at the end of the game is a blemish on an otherwise amazing, almost perfect game.
Warhammer 40K: Space Marine - a really, really satisfying blend of melee and shooting that starts out strong, gets repetitive in the middle, then picks up towards the end, albeit with a shitty final boss fight and a cliffhanger. I think everybody who plays this agrees that a sequel could've been something really special, but as is, it's a great way to spend ~8 hours or so.
It's so touching that you finally got engaged to Modbot!
How good is it? I saw the trailer but didn't know if I would really like it. Looks like a good time waster but I was wondering about what would be the hook of the game.
Is the guac flash sale price the lowest its ever been?
Is the guac flash sale price the lowest its ever been?
Don't be silly. He finally proposed to Gabe.
How much is metro ll in the us?
How much is metro ll in the us?
It can be challenging but once you figure out how to go through a level and kill everyone you feel like such a badass. Also if you like collecting stuff there are quite a few masks to collect which increase the replayability. The soundtrack is also pretty awesome and totally fits the vibe of the game
How many hours did it take you to complete it on your 1st. run?
How many hours did it take you to complete it on your 1st. run?
Is the guac flash sale price the lowest its ever been?
Thanks guys, am yet to play 2033 yet, is it a worthwhile purchase?
Thanks guys, am yet to play 2033 yet, is it a worthwhile purchase?
It took me 6 hours. I found it easy to get into. The combat is simple, but enemy placement gives it a puzzle aspect. It uses the soundtrack brilliantly to give the whole world a coked out feel that gets more intense the deeper into the game you get.
It took me 6 hours, but I had replay some levels a TON of times because I'm so bad. I also didn't play the two bonus chapters. I'd still guess the average run through for the main game is about 5-6 hours though.
How many hours did it take you to complete it on your 1st. run?
How are these Sherlock Holme games? Good story and sound deduction reasoning?