Steam Holiday Sales 2013 |OT2| DIE HARD (AND HAPPY NEW YEAR)

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Reposting since a little more than 1 hour and a half are left on it:
ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 5 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below that corresponds to the key you want (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering).

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This is a free for all! You can entry for multiple games on the list below. Send an individual PM for each game you'd like to win.
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition -- MB-E3B8B8113A56964F - Taken by Zom. 63 entrants total.
Long Live The Queen -- MB-E7F8FA3CA217BFF7 - Taken by RS4-. 121 entrants total.
Titan Quest Gold -- MB-5CCA8BD56968C011 - Taken by Majukun. 32 entrants total.
Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians -- MB-A699118920112239 - Taken by Deques. 37 entrants total.
Dust: An Elysian Tail -- MB-61F6366394818389 - Taken by Arukado. 92 entrants total.



All controller support. For some reason BioWare vehemently refuses to give any of their PC games controller support.

I'd forgotten it was on sale today, so good thing I mentioned it. :lol
Jade Empire's an exception, though with that battle system it'd be way harder to rationalize. It's still bone headed at least for the Mass Effect games that were also console oriented and in this era of an easy reliable baseline for controller support.


The K+M setup for the ME games is pretty damn cool. Since you can easily access your powers by binding them to the number keys, that makes combat a bit more fast paced on PC than on consoles.

Also I remember reading somewhere that, because of the instant access you have to powers on the keyboard, Bioware actually balanced combat to make it more difficult on PC than on consoles. Don't know if that's true though.
Jade Empire's an exception, though with that battle system it'd be way harder to rationalize. It's still bone headed at least for the Mass Effect games that were also console oriented and in this era of an easy reliable baseline for controller support.

BioWare gonna BioWare, I guess. I miss my 'Press Y to VANGUARD SMASH'-button. :(

Dragon Age: Inquisition had better have controller support. I think I remember reading somewhere that it would, but I'm not sure.


I am going through every Steam game I either don't own or have wishlisted to see if there's anything I can add to my wishlist.

I did that some time ago for games released this year. My wishlist went from 80+ games to 120+ games. And then I weeped.

Also nice giveaway Lain. I hope enyone who doesn't yet own SC4 is entering for that game. I went through a SC4 phase so to speak and that game was an absolute time vampire, probably even more than Master of Orion 2 and Civ.


Alright, so here we go.

Risk of Rain may be in my top 5 games of 2013.


This is a simple explanation of it and I could drone on for hours about it (much to my friends' irritation) but I'll save you from that. Let's just say it is an incredible amount of fun as you learn each character who plays DRASTICALLY differently and try to get to the end.
Post Approved by Dambrosi.

Seriously, the only bad mark against the game is the difficulty of unlocking new classes. The game is pretty flawless at what it does otherwise.

I was interested in it when I first heard of it, but then I read up a little about it and watched some vids etc. Seems like an unlock/loot-driven game with a bunch of shit on screen, is that an unfair assessment (because I'm not interested if so)?
Yeah, I'd be willing to describe it as such. But there's so much more to it. You're up against the clock in more ways than one, for one thing. Not just the countdown when you activate a teleporter, but also the "difficulty clock" in the top right corner, which increases the number and levels of monsters as it ticks down to your merciless and inevitable death.

Oh, just buy the damn thing, there's no Risk of Regret here.


Also I remember reading somewhere that, because of the instant access you have to powers on the keyboard, Bioware actually balanced combat to make it more difficult on PC than on consoles. Don't know if that's true though.

Probably true, Dragon Age is harder as well and i'd rather see interfaces getting changed to take advantage of kb/m than gamepad support. Optimally you'd have both of course and ME didn't go far enough, the inventory was absolutely terrible for example. *scrollscrollscroll* And instead of improving it they just removed a lot of stuff for ME2. :(


For me, unlocking the characters wasn't so bad in RoR. Slight issues I have with it is the levels (not random enough and only uhh, 5? 7? kinds) and the whole connect to IP thing instead of having an actual browser/join friend option :(


Yeah, I'd be willing to describe it as such. But there's so much more to it. You're up against the clock in more ways than one, for one thing. Not just the countdown when you activate a teleporter, but also the "difficulty clock" in the top right corner, which increases the number and levels of monsters as it ticks down to your merciless and inevitable death.

Oh, just buy the damn thing, there's no Risk of Regret here.

Eh, I think Rickenslacker and I have pretty similar tastes and his dissenting opinion kind of confirmed that the game's not my type of thing. I'll probably pick it up still when it's 75% off but not right now.


For me, unlocking the characters wasn't so bad in RoR. Slight issues I have with it is the levels (not random enough and only uhh, 5? 7? kinds) and the whole connect to IP thing instead of having an actual browser/join friend option :(

I think the limited randomization of the levels is the big thing holding me back right now. I had been imagining something like Spelunky, where new levels are procedurally generated every time you play. Does it really start feeling monotonous after a few games?
I bought Payday 2 the other day. So did my real life friends but they suck and stare at their libraries instead of playing them.

With that said, who wants to steal shit? Steam ID is f15starscream86. Add me if you'd like to play later and forever more.


Finished Gone Home. That was quite the experience, akin to reading a good book with a glass or two of Red Whine.
But I would not call it a game, more like a more interactive Dear Esther.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Going through all of these games is reminding me how much I have a soft-spot for anything remotely horror, games that look so-bad-I-must-play-them (but does not cross the line into looking boring or too many complaints about being boring), and how often I don't put major games onto my wishlist.
I found Risk of Rain is far more strategic than Spelunky or Isaac

You have to stay on the move, since time is literally your enemy. You have to use the limited skills at your disposal at the optimal times and always be wary of your cooldowns.
ValdisStory or Dust? I'm debating which one to get by sale's end just not sure which is better.
This is a hard one. Valdis Story reminded me of a lot of 2D indie Darksiders, while I love Dust for the fluid animations/combat and art style

Haven't played enough Dust to give a well-rounded opinion but both are great games


Cook, Serve, Delicious was the best pick up of the sale.

That game is so satisfying, jamming out a lasagna in 5 seconds makes you feel like a wizard.
And there's a Ryan Davis tribute burger, which makes sense since it's his Quick Look that got me to buy it.
ValdisStory or Dust? I'm debating which one to get by sale's end just not sure which is better.

Ooooo. Tough call. I'd say...Dust is the tighter and more fun combat game, but if you play it once you're done.

Valdis on the other hand has more replayability, is way tougher and has a better plot.

I also Kickstartered Valdis, so I'm a bit biased.

Both are excellent games.
Forget the controller support, the absolute inability to get a deal on the dlc in Mass Effect 2/3 is freaking infuriating. I sold my 360 but rebought the series for super cheap on pc, having never played any of the dlc in 3. I figured I'd do one last grand tour of the series from the start with all the add-ons, but to get everything set back up on ME2 is still 30-40 bucks. Super annoying.


They're really challenging. I did manage to beat all of them without looking up a solution, but boy, it was really close sometimes, and I did curse while playing it. But it's a fantastic game. :)

Really? It's an amazing game, but I never cursed or found them too difficult. They were a joy to solve, but they never got the best of me.


The Swapper is amazing. If anyone wants an inventive, highly atmospheric puzzler with a gorgeous visual style and eerie soundscape, that is the game for you.

I'm trying to be vague about it because the less you know about it going in, the better. Don't read up on it, just buy it and play it. You won't regret it.
Ooooo. Tough call. I'd say...Dust is the tighter and more fun combat game, but if you play it once you're done.

Valdis on the other hand has more replayability, is way tougher and has a better plot.

I also Kickstartered Valdis, so I'm a bit biased.

Both are excellent games.

Valdis Story has free DLC coming
Boss Rush
new bosses
2 new playable characters


I have managed to spend less than 5€/day, on average. I'm proud of myself.


I must be close to the 100€ ...

The good thing is that I'm already in 385 games owned and I'm getting close to have all games I really want... I guess that now I will have to play them all :eek:


The physical form of blasphemy
Eh, I think Rickenslacker and I have pretty similar tastes and his dissenting opinion kind of confirmed that the game's not my type of thing. I'll probably pick it up still when it's 75% off but not right now.

Try the demo out for yourself.

I found Risk of Rain is far more strategic than Spelunky or Isaac

You have to stay on the move, since time is literally your enemy. You have to use the limited skills at your disposal at the optimal times and always be wary of your cooldowns.

Yea, I'd definitely say it's far more strategic than BOI. You have to manage way more in RoR. While I've had some shit runs due to RNG in RoR, most of the Ls I took, probably had more to do with me not keeping tabs on time and certain enemies, than me using one of 50 million negative items. It's also a bit easier to keep tabs on what items due what, imo. I still need a wiki for Isaac. lol.


Forget the controller support, the absolute inability to get a deal on the dlc in Mass Effect 2/3 is freaking infuriating. I sold my 360 but rebought the series for super cheap on pc, having never played any of the dlc in 3. I figured I'd do one last grand tour of the series from the start with all the add-ons, but to get everything set back up on ME2 is still 30-40 bucks. Super annoying.

That is a joke.


I must be close to the 100€ ...

The good thing is that I'm already in 385 games owned and I'm getting close to have all games I really want... I guess that now I will have to play them all :eek:

Until 2014's batch of games hits us, and there will always be some random indie games that blow us away.


need to try and steer clear of the sales now, found out that the headphones i was using for my ps3/360 dont sound or work that well on my pc and i found a beltin pair of Sennheiser gaming headphones that i want but they will suck all my funds dry.

I've had a good run.

but then again Steam sales....


Does not have twelve inches...
The Swapper is amazing. If anyone wants an inventive, highly atmospheric puzzler with a gorgeous visual style and eerie soundscape, that is the game for you.

I'm trying to be vague about it because the less you know about it going in, the better. Don't read up on it, just buy it and play it. You won't regret it.

I would like to add that the puzzles aren't impossible or extremely hard and that you are not forced to do a one puzzle after another, you can skip some and get back to them later on. And the soundtrack is godlike. My GOTY for sure.


Going through all of these games is reminding me how much I have a soft-spot for anything remotely horror, games that look so-bad-I-must-play-them (but does not cross the line into looking boring or too many complaints about being boring), and how often I don't put major games onto my wishlist.
I have soft spot for quirky games and genre mixes, everything of this sort usually gets bought. The only way to stop me from buying a game like that is to include zombies in it, geez, zombies are boring and uninspired and we were overexposed to them for years.


The Swapper is amazing. If anyone wants an inventive, highly atmospheric puzzler with a gorgeous visual style and eerie soundscape, that is the game for you.

I'm trying to be vague about it because the less you know about it going in, the better. Don't read up on it, just buy it and play it. You won't regret it.

How long is it?
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