Here's some more WCW gold: Jake Roberts V Sting, a wheel is spun for the stipulation and it's clearly not a gimmicked wheel. It better not be anyway, because the stipulation is just insane.
Fucking lol. It has the same fucking midget from the Vader video. Are there anymore of these videos? These are amazing.
With the drama that has unfolded within WWE in the past week, WWE creative is now looking at several different options for WrestleMania XXX. The first is a Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H match with possibly the stipulation that Bryan gets a WWE World Heavyweight Title shot at Extreme Rules in Seattle. If Bryan ends up working Triple H at WrestleMania, they may put Sheamus in a match with Kane. John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt and Batista vs. Randy Orton would still happen.
Another option is John Cena vs. Triple H, Sheamus vs. Bray Wyatt and Orton vs. Batista vs. Bryan in a three-way for the belt. The other option they are looking at is Sheamus vs. Triple H, Cena vs. Wyatt and Bryan vs. Orton vs. Batista in a three-way.
All sounds awful if true.
Yes. IF it was true.
There you go...Put Bryan in the title match. Fans want to see him with the belt, nobody cares about Triple H.
Put Bryan in the title match. Fans want to see him with the belt, nobody cares about Triple H.
...but what about the Underbaker?
Speaking as someone who was a huge fan, it's probably time to hang them up and let this record stand.
All sounds awful if true.
Have Bryan win the title at WM then beat HHH at Extreme Rules. You've instantly created a star.
Sheamus and Cena feel entirely out of place in those matches. Sheamus, in particular, just getting shoehorned into a spot without any purpose.
Bryan vs Punk vs Cesaro, Triple Threat Iron Man match for the title. Maybe in an alternate bizarro universe where there's justice in this world.
Never understood why people drool over like versus like so much. There's a reason Punk versus Cena or Bryan versus Ryback so handily shit over any Punk/Bryan matches.
How about Bryan wins the title at WM, and then HHH beats him at Extreme Rules, continuing to build his legacy as the greatest champion in WWE history?
Thank you Based Haitch.
Cesaro was great in the Rumble. He looked very strong in that match. Wouldn't be surprised if he turns face soon and have a major push.
Have Bryan-Triple H wrestle at Mania. If Bryan wins, he faces the winner of Orton-Batista at the end of Mania. Make it a Bret-Luger-Yoko type of deal. Then have the triple threat in Seattle.
I'm trying to figure out out Bryan will get into the main event if that's the route they go with. I'd imagine they'll want him winning the title at Mania. He'll lose at EC, pinned last by Orton due to shenanigans somehow. Bryan calls Orton out over that on Raw, Batista comes out and reminds Bryan that he's the #1 Contender for Mania. Cue Vince/HHH/Steph/Kane. Then they'll give Bryan an opportunity to be placed in the title match but only if he wins a tournament or doesn't lose a single Raw until WM Orton isn't happy since he'll have to defend the title against two others and Batista isn't happy because he feels that Bryan doesn't deserve it so they both interfere in his matches, sometimes causing DQs for Bryan's opponent.
Just as long as it's not what happened with Rey in 2006 where after he lost his shot Teddy Long just said "Well Orton cheated so you can have your shot back".
Nobody wants to see Orton or Batista in a title match in ANY capacity at Mania.
A Money in the Bank ladder match at mania would solve all our problems.
And why should HHH even wwrestle at mania? He's the COO, dammit. GTFO.
Not a good enough reason. Vince McMahon is a novelty act. No-one wants to see HHH wrestle.Same reason Vince McMahon has wrestled at Mania?
Have Bryan-Triple H wrestle at Mania. If Bryan wins, he faces the winner of Orton-Batista at the end of Mania. Make it a Bret-Luger-Yoko type of deal. Then have the triple threat in Seattle.
Nobody wants to see Orton or Batista in a title match in ANY capacity at Mania.
Speaking as someone who was a huge fan, it's probably time to hang them up and let this record stand.
You always go out on your back.
Taker ain't retiring without a 1 at the end of his Mania record
You always go out on your back.
Taker ain't retiring without a 1 at the end of his Mania record
The streak never dies.
There's nobody worthwhile to take it from him.
Brock Lesnar.
Cena.The streak never dies.
There's nobody worthwhile to take it from him.
Have Bryan-Triple H wrestle at Mania. If Bryan wins, he faces the winner of Orton-Batista at the end of Mania. Make it a Bret-Luger-Yoko type of deal. Then have the triple threat in Seattle.
Does that make any difference? Cena doesn't need anything.Cena couldn't need it less.
When was the last trips even wrassled