I think the problem is Batista is rumored to have been promised "you'll come back huge and win at WM" as part of his new deal. So Bryan winning a title shot at WM and winning the belt at ER in his hometown is the most predictable, boring outcome to come of this.
Imagine Punk not getting a title shot and not beating Cena at MITB 2011 after his big promo and just fighting Sheamus or something. It's bizarre. People wanted someone new and different then, and three years later they're still waiting.
It feels like the crowd's really into Roman Reigns in a "we know you're exactly what they're looking for, and we'll give you a shot at winning us over" place with the crowd, too. Ryback had that when he was a face. Go watch Ryback vs Punk stuff, it's weird how over he was.
Also, I'm not into anyone shitting on Cena or Orton. Those are two of the best pro wrestlers ever, and Orton is definitely peaking now. He's just already old news and should be in the Hogan role in a Hogan vs Rock type of feud. They've just kept doing Hogan vs Hogan shit instead for a full decade now, and it's boring. It's a waste of good talent.