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‘Daily Show’ Correspondent Hasan Minhaj Eviscerates Congress For Inaction On Guns

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I don't usually like this guy but I guess its been a while he used to try way too hard. Seems much more comfortable now


The biggest power that the NRA holds isn't the money they funnel to campaigns. They have a direct line to voters and there is a sizeable portion that will vote the way the NRA tells them to.


The NRA seem like an absolutely evil organisation.

And the fact they have such a strong influence on US politics is terrifying.
Such a huge pile of corpses at their door.


I was mostly surprised 3.7 million does not seem like much at all given the number of years.

Even more shocking that it seems like that's all it takes too. Obviously they're bribed but for only 3.7 mill? I expected hundreds of millions at least.
Pretty sure I recently saw some numbers of people like John McCain having been bribe... I'm sorry, gotten "campaign donations" (or something like that) from NRA that were something in the veins of 7.5 million dollars for McCain alone.


Next time a dickhead says:
"You may take my guns from my cold, dead, ha~"
"That's government property now thank you."
Let them "live" up to their little "threats".

Hypocritical? Yeah, but honestly, fuck them all, their shitty and insane rhetoric has gone on long enough. I do not live in America, but I am tired as fuck having to worry about my family who does. I have a cousin who is lesbian, studying in a university in the state of New York, I've been dreadfully awaiting that there might be news about a school shooting targeting specifically LGBT people in her area because this shit happens so often its all just a roll of the dice now. Fuck that feeling.

So you're advocating for a government that kills people to take their guns after nothing but vocal protest, and you think in a society where THAT happens things will be better for minorities and LGBT+ individuals?


The NRA seem like an absolutely evil organisation.

And the fact they have such a strong influence on US politics is terrifying.
Such a huge pile of corpses at their door.

I work with a guy who has his NRA membership framed in his office.

He's incredibly nice as well and hard-working -- I think it's more of the leadership of the NRA rather than all the members of the NRA.

The 2nd Amendment is important in the sense of the context of America's founding -- the British would send troops to people's houses in the colonies and take away their weapons.

The problem is nowadays the whole gun issue needs to be re-defined and be allowed to look at objectively. I think until the NRA is seriously challenged and James Porter and Wayne LaPierre are asked to explain why the outcries for gun violence and why they are getting in the way, nothing will change.

Sadly, I think it will take something as serious as a person with a mental illness or serious issues murdering the NRA leadership before the NRA changes their behavior (if at all).


I work with a guy who has his NRA membership framed in his office.

He's incredibly nice as well and hard-working -- I think it's more of the leadership of the NRA rather than all the members of the NRA.

The 2nd Amendment is important in the sense of the context of America's founding -- the British would send troops to people's houses in the colonies and take away their weapons.

The problem is nowadays the whole gun issue needs to be re-defined and be allowed to look at objectively. I think until the NRA is seriously challenged and James Porter and Wayne LaPierre are asked to explain why the outcries for gun violence and why they are getting in the way, nothing will change.

Sadly, I think it will take something as serious as a person with a mental illness or serious issues murdering the NRA leadership before the NRA changes their behavior (if at all).

the second amendment was never intended to be carte blanche for individuals to own as many guns as they like

the nra redefining that is one of the great tragedies in american politics, and people who defend them are complicit in the gun violence epidemic even if they're nice people otherwise
People getting fixated on the 4.7 million number and alleging secret donations/bribes beyond that are kind of missing the point. The NRA spends a lot more money than that on influencing politics, it's true, but they don't give it to Congresspeople. They spend it on ads, on meetings, on spreading their message. Their actual strength is that they've convinced people (like, of We the People fame), that their stance on the second amendment is the correct one, and that it's worth becoming a single-issue voter for. That's why they wield th kind of influence they do, not because of base corruption. They don't need to bribe Republicans to vote their way, they've won over their hearts and minds.

And that's why this is so damn tricky. Repealing Citizens United would do effectively nothing to curtail the gun lobby's influence.


People getting fixated on the 4.7 million number and alleging secret donations/bribes beyond that are kind of missing the point. The NRA spends a lot more money than that on influencing politics, it's true, but they don't give it to Congresspeople. They spend it on ads, on meetings, on spreading their message. Their actual strength is that they've convinced people (like, of We the People fame), that their stance on the second amendment is the correct one, and that it's worth becoming a single-issue voter for. That's why they wield th kind of influence they do, not because of base corruption. They don't need to bribe Republicans to vote their way, they've won over their hearts and minds.

And that's why this is so damn tricky. Repealing Citizens United would do effectively nothing to curtail the gun lobby's influence.

Yup. As usual politics is actually less about money and more about ideals. People actually believe the constitution was pretty much written by Jesus himself

Slavery used to be in the constitution. Imagine the boneheaded defenses trying to cite that and keep slavery around. It took a damn civil war to get that shit changed so it's not looking good for gun control to be honest


"I know being a member of Congress is hard. You gotta placate your base; you gotta look out for re-election; you gotta answer to lobbyists. But please persevere, because our thoughts and prayers are with you."



Yup. Orlando is nothing more than afew more numbers that some will easily forget about in a week. Elementary school kids get slaughtered and nothing changes. And people think this is the thing that will change the government's mind about guns?

These people clearly don't give a fuck and never will.

I'm hoping it's not just one single event but the overwhelming buildup of inconceivable atrocities over time until the public support of any decent person just isn't there anymore.


So you're advocating for a government that kills people to take their guns after nothing but vocal protest, and you think in a society where THAT happens things will be better for minorities and LGBT+ individuals?

Why do you think I said it was a hypocritical to think that of me? That is the point I am reaching however. The frustration year after year of constant mass murders in a country I like, listening to these lunatics blabber on every time "WE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT!" (They do), it is tearing on me and I want it to end.

Also, really? "nothing but vocal protest"? I am pretty sure that those have not been idle threats saying that they will kill if required to keep their guns, posing with their guns held above their heads screaming "You make take this from my cold, dead hand", all the more reason to take them away from those fuckers.


Why do you think I said it was a hypocritical to think that of me? That is the point I am reaching however. The frustration year after year of constant mass murders in a country I like, listening to these lunatics blabber on every time "WE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT!" (They do), it is tearing on me and I want it to end.

Also, really? "nothing but vocal protest"? I am pretty sure that those have not been idle threats saying that they will kill if required to keep their guns, posing with their guns held above their heads screaming "You make take this from my cold, dead hand", all the more reason to take them away from those fuckers.

In your example all you said was that the US government, would employ and train people to seek out and MURDER US citizens who simply protested the confiscation of their, until the point the law was enacted, legal and expensive property with zero compensation. You didn't mention that these people were holding weapons loaded and pointed at whatever enforcement agency you've thought up.

I still don't see why you're thinking this would make America better. How many would need to die to make you feel better? 100 gun owners? 1000 gun owners? Would that make America "safe" again?
The biggest power that the NRA holds isn't the money they funnel to campaigns. They have a direct line to voters and there is a sizeable portion that will vote the way the NRA tells them to.
Yup. The only problem is that most conservative politicians would rather end their careers trying to run for president than by taking a stand against gun violence.

Anyway, my favorite part of the Daily Show is the correspondents, and Hasan is currently my favorite.


In your example all you said was that the US government, would employ and train people to seek out and MURDER US citizens who simply protested the confiscation of their, until the point the law was enacted, legal and expensive property with zero compensation. You didn't mention that these people were holding weapons loaded and pointed at whatever enforcement agency you've thought up.

I still don't see why you're thinking this would make America better. How many would need to die to make you feel better? 100 gun owners? 1000 gun owners? Would that make America "safe" again?

Jesus, you don't think the implication was if they violently resisted? Do I have to write down a detailed plan that could just as well be submitted to the US. congress as a viable option in the event that such a law is made that requires citizens to turn in their weapons?

Of course I would want a law to pass first and foremost, but even then I believe the gundicks would resist cause they are "outside the law" or they didn't vote for the "muslim african Obama". And if they got violent, cause for some reason they possess the imagination they have a chance against the US. government, the people with the Air-to-Ground missile drones, I would shed no sympathy for them. Cause I have none. I am Swedish, we have some of the highest guns-per-person in the world but even in our culture we don't glorify guns or consider it a right to anyone, if our government wants your gun, you give it to them and no fellow citizen will protect you cause we don't give a shit if you really wanted to keep your gun.


This is a damn good speech. Great delivery. Passionate but not obnoxious. He's on point with everything. That crowd reaction though..


We should do a Kickstarter to defeat the NRA. The young people of the internet don't vote, so maybe this will work.


Jesus, you don't think the implication was if they violently resisted? Do I have to write down a detailed plan that could just as well be submitted to the US. congress as a viable option in the event that such a law is made that requires citizens to turn in their weapons?

Of course I would want a law to pass first and foremost, but even then I believe the gundicks would resist cause they are "outside the law" or they didn't vote for the "muslim african Obama". And if they got violent, cause for some reason they possess the imagination they have a chance against the US. government, the people with the Air-to-Ground missile drones, I would shed no sympathy for them. Cause I have none. I am Swedish, we have some of the highest guns-per-person in the world but even in our culture we don't glorify guns or consider it a right to anyone, if our government wants your gun, you give it to them and no fellow citizen will protect you cause we don't give a shit if you really wanted to keep your gun.

When someone is talking about killing people, yeah, I prefer specifics.

Wow. So now anyone who wouldn't agree with the removal of their rights is some kind of stereotypical racist? Come on dude. You have to know that not every gun owner in the US is a white middle aged Republican racist. What about the black dude who lives in a shitty neighborhood and legally carries a weapon? The sexual assault survivor who carries just to feel safe walking home at night? The gay dude saying "Armed Gays Can't Get Bashed?" The person in a wheelchair who can't fight off an attacker? The scope of gun ownership in America is vast!

I'm guessing you're saying the agency tasked with enforcing this new law would be the US military. Comprised of mostly Republican, mostly pro-2nd amendment soldiers asked to go take firearms from their fellow citizens, knowing it would lead to conflict? Do you REALLY think that's going to fly?

This is the ENTIRE problem with this argument is that NEITHER FUCKING SIDE WANTS TO COMPROMISE. We have you folks on the left saying "Take all the guns, change the constitution. Fuck them all." You have folks on the right saying "You won't take my guns, it's my right, fuck you." I have ZERO issues with stricter background checks, most gun owners don't. Plenty of us agree that the NRA is not in our best interests. I'm actually even OK with federally enforced magazine sizes, but with god know how many high capacity magazines are in the wild it won't actually make a difference.

There are ways to change things without stripping rights away from citizens.


Yup. As usual politics is actually less about money and more about ideals. People actually believe the constitution was pretty much written by Jesus himself

Slavery used to be in the constitution. Imagine the boneheaded defenses trying to cite that and keep slavery around. It took a damn civil war to get that shit changed so it's not looking good for gun control to be honest

The blind defence of this shitty outdated text in the gun violence threads has always struck me as quasi-religious.


Unconfirmed Member
When someone is talking about killing people, yeah, I prefer specifics.

Wow. So now anyone who wouldn't agree with the removal of their rights is some kind of stereotypical racist? Come on dude. You have to know that not every gun owner in the US is a white middle aged Republican racist. What about the black dude who lives in a shitty neighborhood and legally carries a weapon? The sexual assault survivor who carries just to feel safe walking home at night? The gay dude saying "Armed Gays Can't Get Bashed?" The person in a wheelchair who can't fight off an attacker? The scope of gun ownership in America is vast!

I'm guessing you're saying the agency tasked with enforcing this new law would be the US military. Comprised of mostly Republican, mostly pro-2nd amendment soldiers asked to go take firearms from their fellow citizens, knowing it would lead to conflict? Do you REALLY think that's going to fly?

This is the ENTIRE problem with this argument is that NEITHER FUCKING SIDE WANTS TO COMPROMISE. We have you folks on the left saying "Take all the guns, change the constitution. Fuck them all." You have folks on the right saying "You won't take my guns, it's my right, fuck you." I have ZERO issues with stricter background checks, most gun owners don't. Plenty of us agree that the NRA is not in our best interests. I'm actually even OK with federally enforced magazine sizes, but with god know how many high capacity magazines are in the wild it won't actually make a difference.

There are ways to change things without stripping rights away from citizens.

Even if we do assume that every single democrat wanted a 100% gun ban, the roadblock is still with republicans. That still doesn't mean they won't take any tiny step towards that they can.

That's why democrats did that 13 hour speaking filibuster just to get a gun ban for people that are banned from flying. They're trying absolutely everything they can to get any bit of regulations the right might agree with. Do you think democrats would vote no if Republicans put a bill to the floor that does the common sense stuff you're talking about?


The Autumn Wind
When someone is talking about killing people, yeah, I prefer specifics.

Wow. So now anyone who wouldn't agree with the removal of their rights is some kind of stereotypical racist? Come on dude. You have to know that not every gun owner in the US is a white middle aged Republican racist. What about the black dude who lives in a shitty neighborhood and legally carries a weapon? The sexual assault survivor who carries just to feel safe walking home at night? The gay dude saying "Armed Gays Can't Get Bashed?" The person in a wheelchair who can't fight off an attacker? The scope of gun ownership in America is vast!

I'm guessing you're saying the agency tasked with enforcing this new law would be the US military. Comprised of mostly Republican, mostly pro-2nd amendment soldiers asked to go take firearms from their fellow citizens, knowing it would lead to conflict? Do you REALLY think that's going to fly?

This is the ENTIRE problem with this argument is that NEITHER FUCKING SIDE WANTS TO COMPROMISE. We have you folks on the left saying "Take all the guns, change the constitution. Fuck them all." You have folks on the right saying "You won't take my guns, it's my right, fuck you." I have ZERO issues with stricter background checks, most gun owners don't. Plenty of us agree that the NRA is not in our best interests. I'm actually even OK with federally enforced magazine sizes, but with god know how many high capacity magazines are in the wild it won't actually make a difference.

There are ways to change things without stripping rights away from citizens.
This is such a bunch of "both sides are the same" bullshit. If any elected Democrats are for a complete gun ban, that's not what they're trying to push through at all. All they've done is try to compromise. Republicans refuse to budge at all because they're being controlled/paid/threatened by the NRA.


Even if we do assume that every single democrat wanted a 100% gun ban, the roadblock is still with republicans. That still doesn't mean they won't take any tiny step towards that they can.

That's why democrats did that 13 hour speaking filibuster just to get a gun ban for people that are banned from flying. They're trying absolutely everything they can to get any bit of regulations the right might agree with. Do you think democrats would vote no if Republicans put a bill to the floor that does the common sense stuff you're talking about?

I would hope not! Luckily most elected Democrats are moderate (which is why I'm a registered Democrat) and willing to compromise. But then they'll get shit from the more vocal members of the public for not going far enough, so who knows?

I should have specified I meant the extremes (which for the left unfortunately covers most elected Republicans) refusing to meet in the middle is a HUGE problem with gun reform.

This is such a bunch of "both sides are the same" bullshit. If any elected Democrats are for a complete gun ban, that's not what they're trying to push through at all. All they've done is try to compromise. Republicans refuse to budge at all because they're being controlled/paid/threatened by the NRA.

Then come election time those Dems are gonna deal with "Well Senator Stevens voted yes to XXX and because he didn't go far enough people died." from the growing voices calling for outright bans come reelection time. That's a scary thought for some lifetime politicians.

Don't get me wrong, it's definitely the Rep majority blocking it, but the extremes are both sides cause more issues that they're fixing right now.
Why do you think I said it was a hypocritical to think that of me? That is the point I am reaching however. The frustration year after year of constant mass murders in a country I like, listening to these lunatics blabber on every time "WE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT!" (They do), it is tearing on me and I want it to end.

Also, really? "nothing but vocal protest"? I am pretty sure that those have not been idle threats saying that they will kill if required to keep their guns, posing with their guns held above their heads screaming "You make take this from my cold, dead hand", all the more reason to take them away from those fuckers.
Good luck getting 300 million + guns off the street. And the fact that you're advocating for murder and a take over by the Goverment makes you no better then them.


And he called it a "right". The moment I hear that fucking wank over a dusty piece of shitty toilet paper written by racist slave owning men about 250 years ago and is more revered than the fucking bible cause the bible doesn't say you should have bangy bang bang guns I know the conversation is lost.

Fuck it:

I'm out.
Lobbying should be abolished period. I don't really give a fuck who can't bribe politicians for what.

If that means the NRA goes back to its roots in being a Sports Shooting Club on the national level, great. That's typically what they are locally at events but nationally it's just policy level shit.

Lobbying should be ended.


The Autumn Wind
Then come election time those Dems are gonna deal with "Well Senator Stevens voted yes to XXX and because he didn't go far enough people died." from the growing voices calling for outright bans come reelection time. That's a scary thought for some lifetime politicians.

Don't get me wrong, it's definitely the Rep majority blocking it, but the extremes are both sides cause more issues that they're fixing right now.
Yeah, no one on the left thinks like this. You're just trying to justify the other side's behavior.
People actually believe the constitution was pretty much written by Jesus himself

Not true. They may say so, certainly. But many people, first among them the most vocal gun ownership advocates, are more than willing to stick their head in the sand about what the constitution says even while shouting "the Second Amendment!". They pick and choose only what supports their position.

For example, how many of the loudest gun nuts do you think will bring up the First Amendment to defend the rights of muslims when there's talk of closing mosques? They either ignore it, or they claim it's been twisted from its original intent, as in the case of same sex marriage. The "twisted" argument is particularly rich, considering the original intent of the 2nd amendment.


Yeah, no one on the left thinks like this. You're just trying to justify the other side's behavior.

Then why are we still seeing people in GAF threads, Facebook friends, the media, ect calling for outright bans? You don't think that when they vote they might not want a new person who claims to be harder on gun control than the incumbent?

And I'm not justifying them, because I'm not even a Republican, like I've said. I'd much prefer stricter gun control than any ban, and I wish both sides would work together. It shouldn't be easy for people on terrorist watch lists for fuck's sake to buy any weapon.


The Autumn Wind
Then why are we still seeing people in GAF threads, Facebook friends, the media, ect calling for outright bans? You don't think that when they vote they might not want a new person who claims to be harder on gun control than the incumbent?

And I'm not justifying them, because I'm not even a Republican, like I've said. I'd much prefer stricter gun control than any ban, and I wish both sides would work together. It shouldn't be easy for people on terrorist watch lists for fuck's sake to buy any weapon.
Tell you what, you give me an example of this ever happening, and I'll agree with you.


Tell you what, you give me an example of this ever happening, and I'll agree with you.

You got me confused, I admit. Are you saying you do not believe that anyone who leans left politically, and who truly wants an outright ban on guns, would not chose to vote in the next election cycle for a person who compromised versus someone saying they would work toward a ban?


The Autumn Wind
You got me confused, I admit. Are you saying you do not believe that anyone who leans left politically, and who truly wants an outright ban on guns, would not chose to vote in the next election cycle for a person who compromised versus someone saying they would work toward a ban?
Besides Some Bernie supporters (and ironically enough, probably not on this topic), Democrats don't generally deal in purity politics. I'm sure you'll have some that would like a politician pushing for a complete gun ban, but most realize that's not realistic and understand the need for compromise.


You got me confused, I admit. Are you saying you do not believe that anyone who leans left politically, and who truly wants an outright ban on guns, would not chose to vote in the next election cycle for a person who compromised versus someone saying they would work toward a ban?
Show me a democratic candidate who made a gun ban part of their platform and had all those leftists flock to them as a result.

Your scenario does not exist.


Show me a democratic candidate who made a gun ban part of their platform and had all those leftists flock to them as a result.

Your scenario does not exist.

Which is why I said "next election cycle." I'm not saying it's GOING to happen, I'm just postulating that it COULD, ya know?

I'm not even talking large scale elections, like President, I'm thinking more like Senator or House races which is why I used terms like constituent. Sorry if I wasn't clear enough.
That $4 million line was amazing. Even better was the moment immediately afterwards, when he just stared into the audience, as if waiting for a taker to come forward.


The Autumn Wind
Which is why I said "next election cycle." I'm not saying it's GOING to happen, I'm just postulating that it COULD, ya know?

I'm not even talking large scale elections, like President, I'm thinking more like Senator or House races which is why I used terms like constituent. Sorry if I wasn't clear enough.
You're getting far too bogged down with hypothetical scenarios. How about we focus on what's going on with each side right now?
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