31 Days of Horror: Invasion |OT| The October Movie Marathon

8. Hellraiser (1987)
First watch. Big "ugh" from me. It was just a bunch of gross stuff--I'm more into atmosphere and tension.

9. Gremlins (1984)
First watch. It wasn't bad, really, and it ... wasn't nearly as racist as I'd been led to believe. But the tone shifts between "monsters are eating my face" and "whimsical Spielberg childhood" were weird.

10. Phantasm (1979)
First watch. What a bizarre movie. It was like the movie you'd make if you had a few credit cards, loved horror movies, and you'd been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and you knew nothing you did meant anything. And I mean this in the best possible way.

11. 30 Days of Night (2007)
First watch. It was okay. Nice to see Manu Bennett get some work.


Resident Cheap Arse

Feedback - Stalkers attack a radio station and take the host hostage

Another one I'd never heard of previously, but Eddie Marsan is a solid actor and his being in the film meant it warranted a look.

I feel like this one is kinda skirting the line between thriller and horror. It's tense and there's blood and a bit of gore but it's very much a case of twists and reveals playing centre stage. Decent - better than a lot of "home invasion" horrors and the acting is spot on. Nice twist at the end where things do take a horror tone. Enjoyable - worth a watch.
5. A Nightmare on Elm Street


Would it be Halloween if I didn't watch this? Always a pleasure to see Robert Englund doing his thing as Freddy.

I always thought this had one of the best casts of any horror movie. A young Johnny Depp for one and Heather Langenkamp as Nancy is amazing. You also have veteran actors like John Saxon to round it out.

Truly a treat of a movie, and still holds up today. Freddy Krueger was scariest to me growing up and when I was younger I was frightened to fall asleep for a while. Wes Craven just knew how to make great movies.​


Resident Cheap Arse

The Block Island Sound - Guy living on an island with a small community is haunted by a mysterious sound

Sloooow. It's pretty clear that there wasn't much of a budget on this one and as such the film relies on creepy sounds and insinuation. Unfortunately it just ended up being VERY slow and uneventful. At just over 90 minutes is honestly felt like 2 hours+ and the end payoff didn't really hit home. Actors did the best they could with what they had, but this one's a miss for me.
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7 - Curve 6/10
It's not difficult to think about The Hitcher when you see the plot and the cover of the movie, and The Hitcher it's probably the best road movie I've seen.
This movie is ok, not bad, not awesome, good to kill the time, easy to watch


8 - The Night House - 8/10
Really like this one, good modern horror with a ghost story, good elements, atmosphere and creativity, I liked the plot of the
inverted house
Good to see something new with quality

9 - Bride of Re-Animator - 6/10
The first one is better, but the end of this movie is very good with lots of gore and creatures.

Thanks guys to indicate TUBI tv, there's a lot of gems there
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Cutty Flam


Last Shift
Directed by Anthony DiBlasi

A rookie cop on her first day is assigned a last shift at a police department before it is permanently shut down

This one got to me. I was feeling paranoid while watching this and still affected after it was finished as well for a slight bit. Last Shift receives a 10/10 when it comes to how frightening the film is. Suspense is extremely, and I do mean extremely, high in Last Shift. This is a very intense horror film. It was probably filmed with a low budget but the execution here in Last Shift is also a 10/10 just like the fright factor. I was actually paranoid and checking behind my back (watching in a room where my back was facing a closed door) periodically throughout the movie, maybe 8-10 times. Really on edge while watching this tbh, it's actually a terrifying horror movie. Through ominous sound, story, and well directed scenes, Last Resort brings to its viewers an experience that's bound to cause some terror, even to seasoned horror fanatics. Also thought that the script writing was pretty fluid, so the experience is believable and immersive in that regard too

Play this late at night with the lights off, have good headphones or earbuds on or if you have a good home movie theater play the movie with the volume kind of high. This is likely to scare its viewers pretty good, which is ironically kind of rare when watching horror flicks these days. Idk why but most horrors fail to bring actual fear to its audience. Last Shift does not. Overall rating 8/10


Playing catch up tonight:


If you enjoy vampire flicks, watch this. It's a really original take on the genre that humanizes vampires as addicts. There's a lot of deeper themes going on that I won't go into, but people that are into more artsy horror will love this.


This is a sort of western Twilight Zone. It's 2 strangers trading stories over a fire in the desert. Reminds me of Campfire Tales, if anyone has seen that. Interesting premise, but poorly done. If anyone is interested, it's on YouTube (and nowhere else. This film was only released on VHS.)

Cutty Flam


Directed by Tobe Hooper

Wasn't a fan at all. I actually watched 30 minutes or so about a decade ago but stopped watching because I knew it wasn't going to be good. Somehow my prediction turned out accurate. It's way too over the top, a ton of people screaming loud like bitches for maybe 15-20 minutes total during the entire thing, and the fat old lady was annoying as fuck when the action peaked. Although, her little speech before all that was kind of ominous. That scene and the one where the discussion between the father and his boss took place, those were my favorite horror bits in the entire movie. The clown scenes maybe a little bit of credit there but that's about it. The rest of the film doesn't really qualify as as a horror in my opinion. The youngest daughter being trapped in the spiritual realm through the tv by the poltergeists is an excellent idea but the overall story that surrounds this premise and the execution of it all is very poor. Movie dragged on and on

Acting 3/10
Horror 2/10
Story 4.5/10
Sound 1.5/10
Suspense 5/10
Overall 3.2/10

I thought this was going to be great because Stephen Spielberg was the writer and one of the producers involved in Poltergeist. His expertise might have helped bring some new and innovative ideas and scenes to the genre but this is a very poor horror film. It's like they wanted to do way too much and failed with nearly everything. I put it down for 3.2/10 but honestly it felt much worse. Fuck Poltergeist. By far the most overrated horror film in existence
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Old Retro

journal entry #1


October 1 - October 8

Evil Dead - Broke out the old DVD for this one. A true horror film with good yet dated special effects but has big delivery.
Friday the 13th part 2 - Only watched this for the origin of the hockey mask but was dissapointed/forgot. Could have skipped this cookie cutter movie.
An American Werewolf in London - Had never seen this one all the way before. Another one with fantastic special effects and great storyline.
Ghosts of Mars - I liked it in 2001 and I like it now. Ice Cube showed he could do action. Natasha is my hero! :messenger_smiling_hearts:
Priest - Love the cast! Plenty of good action and stuntwork. Still waiting for a damn sequel!
Route 666 - Not bad but not great. Very watchable but with half assed special effects. Without Lou Diamond Phillips I would not have even bothered seeing it.
The People Under the Stairs - Perfectly cast actors in this one, including Ving Rhames. Another that I loved in theaters and loved when I saw it again. A badass and fun movie.
Looker - Not a horror movie, but an exciting suspense/thriller. Was way ahead of it's time in 1981 and written by Michael Crichton. Saw this one at the movies and appreciated the action but didn't understand the concept until now. A true gem of the early 80s.


22. The Wolfman - 2010
October 9th

23. Alone In The Dark - 1982


4 dangerous psychiatric patients evade the mental hospital persuaded that the new doctor killed and replace their previous psychiatrist.

I had High hope for this one, being a slasher movie with 4 actual maniacs on the loose. Sadly barely any actions to see here, I wished Donald Pleasance was in more scenes, it was almost a relief every time he showed up. but yeah, I kind of lost interest in the movie about 30-40 minutes before the end, kept watching with a coworker and we both were pretty dis-interested by that point so... take that as you may.


Resident Cheap Arse

Tumbbad - Indian mythological horror

An Indian film which has a very good IMDB rating and which I've heard good things about.

Pretty good. Very well shot and featuring a well written script, this one is a must for anyone who enjoys horror based around the mythology and religion of particular people and nations. It focuses on 3 generations of a family who come across a temple dedicated to the first born son of a goddess who it is forbidden to worship. I can't really say much more without risking spoiling the film, but it nails the contrast of the ill-nature of people against the horror of the mythical. The ending is good and suitably unsettling. Quite far removed from anything else I've seen come out of Indian cinema, so don't be expecting anything remotely bollywood.

Kagey K

Anyone watching Midnight Mass on Netflix? The annual Joe Flanagan show, following Hill House and Bly Manor. This one is sloooooow as fuck but still has that bit of hook to keep me watching. If they don't go all Innsmouth on me I'm gonna be real pissed though.
It was decent. It is a slow burn and most of the good stuff happens in the last couple episodes, but it’s much better than bly manor was.

Kagey K

6. ThanksKilling - No rating.

A jive talking Turkey terrorizes a group of teens.

Its Thanksgiving weekend in Canada so I thought this would be an appropriately themed movie. My second time watching this and I’m still undecided on it. It’s low budget, the dialogue is terrible and I still can’t tell if it’s so bad it’s good or just plain bad.

7. Addams Family Values - ⭐⭐⭐

Morticia and Gomez have a baby, Fester gets married and the kids go to summer camp.

Not as good as the first movie, I remember being disappointed in it as a kid, but it's somewhat more tolerable today. Watched due to some Thanksgiving themes.

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7. American Psycho (2000) - ⭐⭐⭐⭐️- loved it when it came out and I love it even more today.

8. Halloween (1978) - ⭐⭐⭐⭐️- a masterpiece of suspense. Looks great on the new 4KUHD. I may have to add the extended TV cut to the list.

9. Beetlejuice (1988) - ⭐⭐⭐⭐️ - just one of my favorite movies ever. Need to get out of my comfort zone, though.
12. Batman: Long Halloween Parts 1 and 2 (2021)
Rewatch for Part 2, First watch for Part 2. Not a horror movie, but it had Halloween in the title so I'm counting it. Honestly, it's been so long since I read the series I couldn't remember the original story so I couldn't tell what they changed. It was fine, but I need to reread the book to compare.

13. A Quiet Place Part 2 (2021)
First watch. I really liked it--and it was a lot better than I was expecting (I was expecting a Last of Us, "man is the greatest enemy" type of conflict, but it's smarter than that). Cillian Murphy and Emily Brunt are great as always.

14. The Hills Have Eyes (1977)
First watch. Low budget Wes Craven classic. It made me think of Easy Rider--you can tell why it's a classic, but it's also got a "we're filming whatever we think of next" vibe.
6. Dawn of the Dead (2004)


Still one of my favourite opening scenes of any horror movie. It really makes zombies terrifying because of how fast and agile they are. How quickly it spreads.

The original is an awesome movie but I think Zack Snyder did a great job making it his own. I like the fast pace and the cast is fantastic. Ving Rhames is badass.

Much like 28 Days Later, I find the infected to be scarier when they can actually run at you. The slow walking zombies are obviously the classic, but don't scare me nearly as enough.​

Kagey K

8. V: The Original Mini Series (Part 1) - ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Aliens show up on earth and come in peace, not long after the science/medical communities conspire against them (or so they would have you believe)

I haven’t watched this since I was a kid, and was inspired by the other thread to do so. This movie is mostly set up and there’s not a ton of action/face ripping the series is known for.

I also didn’t pick up on the parallels of the aliens and their propaganda/conspiracies to the Nazis/Hitler regime, when I was a kid. Only now it’s scientists who are being oppressed.

Probably going to watch part 2 tomorrow and then continue the series from there, it was one of my fav shows when I was a kid and I don’t really remember much from it.
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Resident Cheap Arse

Happy Death Day - Groundhog Day: Murder edition

A regular watch of mine, Happy Death Day was criminally mis-marketed as a typical teen slasher rather than what it actually is - A horror comedy.

The premise is that a somewhat bitchy and mean popular girl on a college campus finds herself waking up in a guys room after a heavy night drinking, only to find herself being stalked and killed by a murderer in a baby face mask. Each time she dies she wakes up back at the start of the day all over again. It doesn't hide what it is and even makes mention of Groundhog day at the end of the film, but it does have a lot of fun with the concept and we get to see our victim/heroine go to some extreme lengths in order to uncover the identity of her murderer. Jessica Rothe really carries the film and her character undergoes some great development. The tone goes from serious, to funny, to serious again and it's all handled with respect for both the slasher flick and Groundhog day with homages and easter eggs for both throughout.

Great film. One I always enjoy.



This was my movie for October 10th. I'd guess most people in this thread have seen it already. Really impressive sets and effects - makeup, costumes, camera work, etc. Film is just as much a love story, but it balances that with reasonable amounts of gore and horror. Parts of this film are genuinely unsettling. Especially when Johnathon Harker arrives at Dracula's castle.

Forget to include Popcorn.


Great lesser-known slasher flick. I think I've recommended it in other threads. The whole movie has been uploaded to YT. Sidney Prescott Sidney Prescott you might want to check this out if you haven't already. I've read in multiple places that this served as inspiration for Scream.
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Kagey K

9. V: The Original Mini Series. (Part 2) - ⭐⭐⭐⭐

A group of rebels take the fight to the visitors after they overstay their welcome.

As a standalone series it has a self contained story line but it leaves some stuff open as it's very obviously setting up for the TV series that was set to follow it.

10. Childs Play 2 - ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Unhappy with the way the friendship ended last time, a boy and his doll are reunited so they can be friends to the end…... Again.
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Cutty Flam


Lake Mungo
Directed and Written by Joel Anderson

An Australian Mockumentary about the death of sixteen year old Alice Palmer

Alice Palmer, beloved sister and daughter to the grieving family she left behind after a tragic incident at the lake. It's a Mockumentary and much of Lake Mungo consists of a series of interviews and actual filming alternating throughout. Takes a bit of patience while watching at times, but I still enjoyed this one a lot after all revelatory events sort of found their way to the family. Watching carefully pays off in the end during the final stretch, which would be thirty to twenty minutes here. There are times when it gets eerie, creepy, unsettling and above all the word that probably best describes Lake Mungo is disturbing. The way Joel Anderson combines secrets, what's left behind, and the unknown is brilliant

There were a few developments throughout that were kind of shocking. And I had to pause the movie several times because it was getting to me a bit so there are definitely a handful of scenes that get a little intense. Horror movies like these that aren't so over the top but have more believable kinds of stories, those are the type that can haunt the psyche and make one question things. Lake Mungo feels very natural in that sense, and it loses all sense of being fiction at times so the fear can settle in every now and again. It's considered a cult classic and it's not difficult to see why once you've seen it. Overall, this is a strong and kinda alarming story and I think it offers something distinct. It's 100% worth a watch for horror fans. 7.7/10 overall score but for its budget and how well the director did with everything I wouldn't mind bumping the score up to the level of maybe an 8.3/10 because it is great
7. The Haunting in Connecticut (2009)


I enjoyed this one on Netflix but it's flawed for sure. Starts off very strong with an intriguing storyline but relies a bit on cheap scares and thrills towards the end.

Still had a really good time watching it and it definitely creeped me out to a satisfying degree. I'd say give this one a chance, and you'll probably enjoy it.

For some reason it has a 17% on RT which seems incredbly harsh. I was trying to figure out why it would be that low as it does a lot of things well.​


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Watched 'Spiral - a Saw soft reboot'.
Was ok, it was actually better before all the jigsaw, spiral or whatever stuff really kicked in. Chris Rock is much better as a comedian than when he is being serious and he has much more of a chance to do that early on.


10 - Tourist Trap - 6/10
Looks like House of wax, but it's not. There's some good stuff here, worth a watch

11 - Grandmother's House 7/10
Maybe my judgment isn't fair due to my love to 80's and 90's movies, but I liked it.


12 - Fear Street 1994 - 8,5 / 10
Again, people said this movie isn't good, but I liked a lot, pretty fun to watch, it's a good fan service for anyone who like 90s horror movies
There's famous songs, atmosphere from 90's, and most important, it really looks like RL Stine movie
This is a fun Italian zombie movie the zombies were cool that’s what I like about Italian zombie movies their zombies were awesome,but boy is it weird the boy and his mother in the cover have a scene where the boy puts his hand under her dress and diddles her she seems to like it but stops him and slaps his face,the boys response is but I’m your son and runs away.the actor who played the boy was 25 at the time,but played a child. 8/10


Resident Cheap Arse

Edge of the Axe - Axe killer terrorizes small town. Guy and gal play with personal computers.

80's... very, very 80's.

Bad acting, bad writing, kinda funny watching people getting whacked with a plastic axe that sprays blood onto them though. Goes for a "twist" ending that was predictably predictable. Not great. This one's a miss.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Had to have a few days off Gaf and the internet. Coming back slowly, and what better way than a horror flick thread! This is what I'm watching tonight. The second best Werewolf movie ever made and a cult classic. I'll also play along from today and try and watch a horror film every day up to 31st October.



This was my movie for October 10th. I'd guess most people in this thread have seen it already. Really impressive sets and effects - makeup, costumes, camera work, etc. Film is just as much a love story, but it balances that with reasonable amounts of gore and horror. Parts of this film are genuinely unsettling. Especially when Johnathon Harker arrives at Dracula's castle.

No lies here, but Coppola's version of Dracula is one of my favourite films of all time. Almost 30 years later and still nobody has done a better adaptation of the Bran Stoker classic. The sound design in this film is on another level. I might save this one for Halloween.
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
5. The Lighthouse


While not much of a horror movie in the traditional sense, this movie gave off some really creepy vibes. Willem Defoe was amazing as always, and this is probably the first movie I've seen with Robert Pattinson where I didn't want to punch him in the face. This movie has a lot of layers to it (I'll spoiler tag my thoughts on this)

1) Willem Defoe's character seems to have killed his previous assistant. The entirety of the movie, he is gaslighting Pattinson and making him question reality. "It's been weeks since the storm started", "you destroyed the life boat" (when we clearly saw him do it himself), etc. Presumably he planned on killing Pattinson as well.
2) Rober Pattinson's character seems to have killed his previous boss. Combined with the above, it makes for a really interesting dynamic. Pattinson definitely plans (and eventually follows through) to murder Defoe.
3) There is a lot of allegory here, almost too much to unpack in a single sitting.


Resident Cheap Arse

The Perfect Host - Fleeing bank robber takes refuge in the wrong house.

Yet another in the home invasion gone wrong theme. Caught my attention because it has motherfucking Niles Crane (David Hyde Pierce) as the psycho dinner party host, and that just seemed like the perfect casting in light of his most famous role. Unfortunately, it's not much of a horror - really more of a psychological thriller. Pierce plays an unhinged character and the overall setup is played out well enough if not terribly original. Goes for a twist 2/3rds of the way though which doesn't add a lot and kills what little creepiness there was left in the movie. The final scene and behaviour of one of the characters is beyond stupid which also hurt the film and made for a very hard to swallow ending.

Eh... give it a go if you've ever wanted to see Niles being a bit crazy, otherwise it's probably best skipped.


Resident Cheap Arse

Duel - Guy gets on the wrong side of a truck driver and a chase ensues

A made for TV movie from 1971 by a then little known director called Steven Spielberg, this one is fantastic. Set entirely during the day, our main character is a businessman on a cross country trek during which he gets on the wrong side of a psychopathic truck driver who procedes to chase, harrass and just outright terrorize him along his journey through a largely desolate landscape.

It's impressive just how much the tension ratchets up during this film. The subject has been done to death by other films and more well known modern examples, but despite having a far greater budget and making use of the night, blood, gore and special effects, none come close to the unease and growing frantic tension that this film manages to build. Dennis Weaver is great in the main role portraying the frantic and desperate decline of his characters mental state and growing paranoia.

It doesn't feel like a made for TV movie. I could easily believe this one was made for the cinema so don't let that put you off. Recommended.
15. Crawl (2020)
First watch. I liked it--good tension and build-up, reasonable/understated body count. Plus it was set nearby!

16. Scream (1996)
Rewatch, but it had been a long time. The meta-aware stuff wasn't interesting anymore, but I dug it as a flashback to the era. Plus the performances were good, esp. Neve Campbell. Courtney Cox sucked, but I was glad (and surprised) to see W Earl Brown (Deadwood! Last of Us!) as her camerman.

17. Superdeep (2020)
First watch. It lagged sometimes, and I'll be honest, I was cooking and eating dinner at the beginning and I wasn't sure on some plot stuff. But it had a ton of atmosphere and a good ending.

18. An American Werewolf in London (1981)
First watch. Thought it was solid, but it didn't do a ton for me. The leads gave quite good performances.

Cutty Flam


Sea Fever
Directed by Neasa Hardiman

Not much a horror unless you yourself are a sailor or fisherman, some kind if seaman who has an intimate connection with being out at sea. I found Sea Fever to be a depressing watch with no real excitement, but it is interesting. The acting is very strong from all cast members so the film never drags, but I thought this would have been much more suspenseful as well as eventful. The entire movie can be described as “an unfortunate turn at sea” but nothing horrific about this one. The suspense is fairly tame too. I thought it was an okay story but it’s tough to recommend Sea Fever as a horror. Watch this if you’ve seen nearly everything else but if you’re looking for something frightening or chilling and suspenseful you will be disappointed. Everything is just enough to stay interesting throughout the span of one watch. About as mediocre as can be with its horror elements or lack thereof but the story and acting made it a decent watch despite expecting more based off the reviews written. My favorite scene was the third and second to last scene, the ending concludes the story nicely but again, this was completely underwhelming as a horror

Rotten Tomatoes scored Sea Fever like an 86% approval from critics and around 44% of the audience approved. The audience is right, this should be skipped over. A sound project and effort overall, but it does not deliver as a horror. 5.5/10 score and I would say it's not worth watching during the 31 days of horror challenge. Select something else that will actually bring the suspense and horror

Cutty Flam


Directed by James Ward Byrkit

Eight longtime friends meet for a dinner party hosted in Northern California during the night of the passing of Miller's Comet

Cerebral. A hidden gem. To get to the point, this is a must watch. Put it at 9.7/10 because it's that engrossing. Loved the beginning. I found the suspense to be very high from the first moment when the viewer comes to the conclusion that something is up, something is off. The story is intelligent and had me guessing and wondering until the end, and at the end it was clear that this is a film that demands a second watch. Coherence is a movie that I would love to share with others and watch a second time at some point, most entertaining horror movie to date. Coherence and Trick 'r Treat are tied for my favorite horror films watched this October
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