31 Days of Horror: Invasion |OT| The October Movie Marathon

Kagey K

3. Scary Movie ⭐⭐⭐⭐

A parody of horror in Naked Gun style. Mostly Scream/I Know What You Did Last Summer. Some great jokes and references, lots of teen sex jokes.

scary movie hello GIF

4. Willys Wonderland ⭐⭐⭐

A mute old AF Nick Cage stars in Five Nights at Freddys the movie.
Nicolas Cage GIF

5. Childs Play ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

A dying man transfers his soul into a doll, meets a 6 year old boy and they become friends to the end.

childs play chucky GIF
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Cutty Flam


Directed by Adam MacDonald

A highschool student grow discontent with her mother and regrettably performs an occult ritual

A great horror film, this one will require your patience. The acting and the suspense are excellent, I found myself really loving the work of the two leads. Especially Laurie Holden's performance. The isolated setting in Pyewacket commands the attention of its viewers and the story craftily creeps inch by inch towards the worst possible scenario and outcome in the end

We've probably all once wondered at one point or another, "is black magic real and will it work if performed?" and pondered the question deeply. This film is the answer telling you do not tamper with it. The ending was so horrific to watch. After finally getting the chance to properly step away and grieve her loss and heal, and after doing her best as a mother, her fate at the end was just horrific to see. Even for a movie. It was so realistic, it really seemed like her daughter threw gasoline on her, ignited the flame and burned her mother right there on set. Watching her mom parish in that way was grueling to watch even if it's only fiction. Definitely the craziest depiction of a burning in cinema I think we'll see for a long while

Felt bad for all parties involved with this murderous demonic spirit. I couldn't tell if the director intended for Pyewacket to be a demonic force, or a witch even though it should be a witch? I want to say witch due to the scene in the store that the mom liked and Leah was staring at a Halloween Witch Ornament. But I always thought that witches were purely physical, feminine entities? And the chilling part is, the demon used fear to absolute perfection to accomplish the killing that was called for. The worst thing Pyewacked did was take bodies from their resting points and place them in the woods, cause a little bit of damage physically. But in actuality, the demonic presence used its intelligence to educe uncontrollable primal fear within its victim to then carry out the final bit of the ritual. It wasn't Pyewacket who killed the mother in the end, it was the daughter. Pyewacket strung the teen along like a puppet and accomplished the desired result that Leah had first called for in the woods...

Pyewacket likely wont have adults terrified but nevertheless it's an unnerving horror that delivers in several ways. Worth the watch at least once. And it's not going to elicit breathtaking fright within its viewers, but this chapter in horror is well shot and well told. Here's a little bit of trivia that may add to the movie. Pyewacket may or may not be real, but the entity has been referenced by a real witch according to an interviewer in the 1600s:

The name "Pyewacket" comes from the 1647 British pamphlet "The Discovery of Witches," in which author Matthew Hopkins claims to have interrogated witches in Essex County. One witch names many familiars, including the spirit Pyewacket which appeared to her as some sort of animal


messed up my quote at first, sorry, wrote it on my phone at 2am.

October 2nd

4. Malignant - 2021
October 3rd

5. Fear Street Pt. 3 : 1666 - 2021


Origins of the whole thing + Conclusion to the trilogy

I didn't expect much out of those movies, ended up having a good time with the serie

that said, boy was most of those accents in 1666... wrong to say the least, the whole thing had a very amateur feel to it, I'm sure it plays better for younger crowds and first comers to horror movies. It ties everything decently but kind of falls flat. overall if you started it and enjoyed it, i would still encourage to finish it, it is more of the same

October 4th

6. Knock Knock - 2015 🍈🍈


Do i even need to tell you where this is going ? it also has keanu reeves as lead, happily married and loving father of two.

yes they look amazing naked.
it's on netflix too.

7. The Block Island Sound - 2020 (y)


Older father has episodes where he seems to "sleepwalk" but sometimes takes his boat on the water. Said father disappears during an episode, His son starts having the same episodes. all that on a very grey island.

I feel like the less i say about this movie the better if you want to watch it. It's placed in prime H.P. Lovecraft county and sure feels like it.
the parallels they make at the end really cracked me up but is kind of true, but dumb.

The movie is worth a watch.


*1 - The dead don't die - 2019 :pie_starstruck:


Zombie comedie with all those people on the poster.

Fell in love with that movie when I first watched it, felt like watching it again while doing meal prep
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First few movies watched over the weekend.

#1 Fear Street: 1978 (2021)


I've always loved summer camp settings ever since I watched Meatballs as a kid, but I didn't like the first movie in this series much, as it felt like a 90s movie made by millenials and covered in YA dressing. I enjoyed this one a tad more, even if it takes itself way to seriously and most of the dialogue is very uninteresting (and there is too much of it). You'd still be better off watching an actual 70s slasher.

#2 The Unholy (2021)


Religious / occult horror is one of my favorite all time subgenres. This movie succeeds in its setup and atmosphere, but doesn't really go all out and the ending is a bit of a cop out. Forgettable, but not as bad as the critic's make it seem.

#3 Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988)


Took a bit of a gamble here, as I wasn't sure if I had ever watched it, but turns out I didn't. Suprisingly decent entry in the series, exactly what you'd expect which in this case is a good thing. Also that ending!

#4 Creepy (2016)


I was really into J-Horror when it was big in the late 90s, and Cure was one of my favorites. This outing from Kiyoshi Kurosawa didn't really work for me at all tho. Even if the atmosphere and style was great, the story didn't make a lick of sense, but not in a the intriguing manner of his earlier movies. Also this was tagged as horror almost everywhere, but it really is a thriller.
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Won't be doing 31 days but we're aiming to get at least a dozen done throughout the month. Our anniversary is Halloween so we usually go out for dinner then come back drunk and watch a classic.

So far we've done:

Creepshow: always a good kick-off for the season, that or another anthology like Trick 'r' Treat
Psycho Goreman: great comedy tribute to shlocky B-movies, does a good job poking fun at tired tropes and the costumes are fantastic, but many will find the lead girl very annoying I think
Host: well done British Zoom-based horror, there's a bunch of these but this seems to be the best and clocks in at under an hour which is perfect

Just picked this tasty number up, this is an annual watch but now in glorious 4K!

First few movies watched over the weekend.

#1 Fear Street: 1978 (2021)


I've always loved summer camp settings ever since I watched Meatballs as a kid, but I didn't like the first movie in this series much, as it felt like a 90s movie made by millenials and covered in YA dressing. I enjoyed this one a tad more, even if it takes itself way to seriously and most of the dialogue is very uninteresting (and there is too much of it). You'd still be better off watching an actual 70s slasher.

your words are inspiring me to give this one a go. I really WANT to like/watch this mini series, but i had to turn off the YA trash halfway through the first 90s one. love summer camp settings. I think its a generational thing, as that was a really common vibe/setting in the 80s/90s across all media. so it taps into peoples nostal-g-spot quite easily
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Here's my list so far:

Angel Heart
Sleepaway Camp
The Ninth Gate (more of a mystery/thriller, but deals in the occult)

Gonna try to stick to older stuff. A lot of modern horror is borderline unwatchable to me.
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3. Orphan (2009)


I've seen this before but it's always worth a rewatch around this time of year. Great performance by the lead Isabelle Fuhrman.

I would highly suggest to go in to this movie without knowing anything about it. The story is incredibly gripping and has some really great twist and turns.

It has to be one of my favourite final acts of a horror movie.​


1. Nightbooks (Netflix)
2. Midnight Mass (Netflix)

3. Spell (Hulu) - The synopsis ("After surviving a plane crash in rural Appalachia, a man tries to break free from a woman's dark magic and save his family from a sinister ritual before the rise of the blood moon") sounded really interesting but I really didn't like this one - it was more of a torture film and I am NOT a fan of those.


Oh yeah, a lot of movies already watched by you guys

I started with Freddy's 6th movie, to finish all of them

1 - Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare - 6,5 / 10

2 - Freddy's Nightmares - 6,5 / 10

It's not like the first movie, but it's been a lot of time since I watched Freddy's movies, and for me at least, it's very funny and enjoyable to watch, both of them

3 - Intruder - 6 / 10

Nice 80's slasher movie, but could be better

4 - No One Gets Out Alive 6 / 10

Horror made by netflix, above average

Cutty Flam


The Host
Directed by Bong Joon-ho

As the advertising on the front cover says, it truly is a gripping monster film. Bong Joon-ho also directed Parasite in 2019. Heard that The Host was just as good in its own ways so gave it a whirl and it delivers. From the very beginning, the movie gets straight to the point. Right to the point and within 10 minutes give or take, the pandemonium has already begun. Epic storytelling here

The Host has it all. It's a complete movie and I simply love it. The only thing is, The Host is not frightening. It's not as traumatizing as something like Cloverfield. But this is the greatest monster film I've seen to date; a very entertaining watch with a story that will impress and stick with you. Overall, scores somewhere around 9.3/10

This is a 2005 film but the subtitle lettering has a very old, blurry, kind of pixelated font that you'd see from 90s VHS movies. Kind of feels like a 90s film too, in some ways, but yea the font style is reminiscent of the 90s

If you have any interest at all in watching a high quality monster film then I would say go for it, this should be you pick, The Host


October 3rd

5. Fear Street Pt. 3 : 1666 - 2021

October 4th

6. Knock Knock - 2015 🍈🍈

7. The Block Island Sound - 2020 (y)


*1 - The dead don't die - 2019 :pie_starstruck:

October 4th pt. 2

8. Escape Room: tournament of champions - 2021

I guess this is the sequel to a first movie. Went to see it with a friend in theaters and he forgot to mention it... I should have forced him to go for titane, next time...

man with too much money to spare imprison young adults in a deadly "escape room"

I didn't feel like I was missing much by not seeing the first one. I was slightly aghast when the movie started with a FAST pace flashback of what i presumed was the backstory. turns out it was the first movie.
it is exactly what you think it's gonna be. the rooms were fun to see but I don't think it's a must see in theatre but I've done much worse with my money before.

Gonna have to watch the first one (that I am starting as i write the following 2 entries). enjoyed itenough, kind of making me want to watch saw ( that i should do instead of watching the 1st entry...) - will retroactively grade this after seeing the first movie.

October 5th

9. Urban Legend - 1998 - 🏕️⭐


Follows a group of college "kids" around killings that resembles urban legends.

Classic 90's slasher movie with a lot of charm and 90's swagger. picked it out of a "lets pick the first movie in the horror section of netflix because I don't want to actually think about it too much" ended up really liking it. It was not a smart movie, but a really fun watch. would recommend for camp!

10. Escape Room - 2019


people are trapped in an escape room Pt 1 I guess ^^'

I by far preferred the room designs in that one. the characters were much more detestable and didnt seem like just victims which made them slightly more believable as characters. all around better movie than the sequel, would've prefered the lack of obvious teaser for the sequel in it.

Very watchable but not quite a recommend yet.
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Resident Cheap Arse

Villains - Home invasion gone wrong.

It's been done far better by a lot of other movies. This one tries to add a bit of quirk and humour to both the villains and the antagonists but it doesn't do much to elevate a pretty mundane script. Forgettable.


Outpost - Bunch of mercenaries fight nazi zombies.

Low budget and as derivative as they come. It's watchable but it's completely by the numbers and predictable. Not a great choice, but not awful.


The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It - I'm not sure what really happened here. I love the first and it had some great scares in it. The second wasn't quite up to par but had an unsellting feel, some good ideas a few good scares in it. This however is completely devoid of any scares of atmosphere and is more of an investigative thriller with a supernatural angle.

Watchable, but in light of it's predecessors it's pretty damn poor and not something I'd watch again. Not at all scary or even unnerving. Felt like it wasn't even a horror.


Late Phases - A decent warewolf film.

Well worth a watch. Decent setting, acting is good and the script is solid. IN the shit-pit that is warewolf focussed horror movies this one actually has a decent take and is probably one of the better ones.
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wow. first time watching this. watched Hellraiser 1 last year... what a pair of glorious films. I absolutely loved both, and honestly I think I loved the second one even more than the first. they handled it really well. I do think the movie could have used a little more connective exposition, but overall i really enjoyed it. its creative. its gory. great makeup and costume design. its a straight up continuation of the first with characters and cast reprising roles. biggest miss for them as a whole imo is that the story is a bit too convoluted, or just not explained clearly at least. honestly I wouldn't mind a reboot of this series, with just a clearer overall story. perfect for Del Toro's imagination.
Just saw this thread today but I've been doing this on my own this year (for the first time). Here's what I've done so far:

1. Venom (2018)
Rewatch. A gloriously bad movie and I plan on seeing the sequel when I can get a chance.

2. Poltergeist (1982)
First watch. Liked it a lot, good build up and pacing.

3. Underworld (2003)
Rewatch. Goofy dumb fun.

4. The Wolfman (2010)
First watch. I admired the way it really went all in, just got crazy and goofy. Wouldn't say I actually enjoyed it.

5. Vampyr (1932)
First watch. Wow, this felt a lot more modern than I was expecting (in its editing and how it conveyed its story). Not gonna lie though, I had to check a few plot details online afterward.

6. Ven Helsing (2004)
Rewatch but I barely remembered anything from it. 2/3s of the movie is going for a Mummy-style Ole Timey Monster Movie thing and the other 1/3 is, lord I don't know.

7. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
First watch. Great stuff, and a great argument for practical effects.
5. Trick ‘R Treat (2007) - ⭐⭐⭐️ - Saw some
movie themed decorations at Spirit Halloween and decided I finally needed to check this one out and it didn’t disappoint. I understand it’s cult popularity now.

6. Event Horizon (1997) - ⭐⭐⭐️ - For years I’ve tried to get into this movie and it reminded a lot of Alien but it’s a satisfying sci-fi horror flick and I do remember this movie having great sound and some good scares.


October 4th pt. 2

8. Escape Room: tournament of champions - 2021

October 5th

9. Urban Legend - 1998 - 🏕️⭐

10. Escape Room - 2019

October 6th ! (# 11 I finished at 12:30 so felt kind of obligated to add to 6th and not 5th)

11. End Of Days - 1999 - just an action movie, barely horror, don't know why i expected otherwise

It's 1999 which means the end of the world is neigh except this time it's because of satan of course. Thank God the great cop from NYC, Arnold Schwarzenegger, is here to save the day, maybe.

So when I googled this one I'm pretty sure it was classified as Horror/Action which i interpretted as mostly a horror movie, with Arny which got me hyped. It's not, but it's still a movie with Arny so it was a fun time either way, just not what I actually wanted out of it. Last thing about Arnold, I think this is one of his most interesting characters.

The action and suspense were very enjoyable, the light horror touches were fine but overall not a "halloween horror" type of movie that i wanted.

12. Rascal does not dream of Final Girls-senpai - 2015 🍿⭐


Horror movie Isekai switched it up by following a virgin girl for once!

At first i feared it was going to be too meta, ended up being just the right amount without feeling cynical or ironic. I really enjoyed it, loved how they played with the tropes and all. great watch would recommend!

13. House at the end of the street - 2012


terrible things happen in the house at the end of the street. Jennifer Lawrence moves in next door to said house with a totally well adjusted, slightly older than her, but loner neighbour who is newly an orphan and main love interest.

so yeah Even with my shitty description i'm pretty sure you can guess all about the movie and you'd be right. I chose it because it was on netflix, Jennifer Lawrence was on the cover, and I never saw it. It is incredibly cliché, I didnt have much expectations and they met them so, yay? I really wouldn't recommend it unless you're at work and able to watch a movie on netflix. nothing about it stands out as good, but neither does it stands out as bad.

14. Saint Maud - 2019 ⭐


Young fervent nurse who is increasingly more obsessed by her patient tries to save her soul


I had gut wrenching moments throughout the movie, I was glue to the screen from start to finish, it is one of the most uneasy i felt in recent YEARS it is gorgeous to look at, the pacing is fast for a movie like that, and thank god it is only 1h24. This movie made me feel like shit and I loved it.

also, it's on netflix!
5. Trick ‘R Treat (2007) - ⭐⭐⭐
I feel personnally slighted here, i would've reported for pure heresy if your username wasn't the best thing ever.
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Cutty Flam


Directed by Radio Silence

Southbound is drenched in horror elements from start to finish and the viewer will not be feeling comfortable at any point during this watch. This film was crafted by Radio Silence, a trio of filmmakers in Roxxane Benjamin, David Bruckner, and Patrick Horvath. This is the first work I've seen of theirs, but after seeing Southbound I'm definitely going to have to check out some of their other work

To describe this one properly, it would take a long review. It's best to simply watch it. But in a sentence, if the devil were to have a modest collection of horror movies, say 100 of them, you might expect to see this among that collection. At first, I thought it was going to be cheesy. Based off the first minute. But then within the span of another minute, there we were, right in a situation you would never want to find yourself in. And it only got crazier from there

Southbound is all these things (long list incoming): Twisted but not just twisted - as twisted as it gets, demonic, brief yet severe in its suspense, cold blooded, gory as fuck, haunting, sick, hellish and satanic, eerie, confusing, grotesque, depressing, odd...extremely strange and off-putting, horrific, extremely violent, psychologically damaging, and filled with terror-stricken scenarios. Basically if you watch this, you are going to witness a portion of hell on earth. This is one trippy horror flick

Southbound might be as hardcore as it gets and it's probably not going to be for everyone but the directors of Southbound seem to be masters of horror. Very clever work; very twisted movie and it left me thinking and wondering after it was finished. While it didn't traumatize me or frighten me, psychologically speaking, this is a strong film and probably something only the most hardcore of horror fans are going to be able to stomach and appreciate. Give it a try one night and see what you think



Resident Cheap Arse

Girl on the Third Floor - Man buys haunted house

I'd heard a lot of positive comments about this one. It pops up a lot on people's underrated horror lists so I was looking forward to seeing if it lived upto the low key hype.

...it didn't.

Dull and devoid of any real scares. Instead it goes for the gore and unnerving threat of horror but largely falls short. The final act fumbles the build-up quite badly with some terrible acting from the main antagonist. Disappointing.


Don't Breathe - Home Invasion gone wrong

I'm trying to stick to a rule of watching films I haven't seen before but thus far my score card is poor to say the least, so I'm adding in a couple of repeat watches.

This is a solid horror that does a good job of turning the tables and making a character who would typically be a liability and kill fodder due to his disability into a genuinely intimidating and respectable villain. Well shot, good premise and decent acting all around. Nice twist added in mid-way through the film which ups the horror nicely.


1. Nightbooks (Netflix)
2. Midnight Mass (Netflix)
3. Spell (Hulu)

4. Gretel & Hansel (Paramount+) - I'd been interested in watching this one since it came out a few years ago but I was absolutely exhausted last night so my experience with this film was:
-Watched up until the kids are invited into a strange old woman's house
-Woke up to see some random younger woman being burned alive while the kids leave the house

Uhhh, I guess it was good? lol
October 6th ! (# 11 I finished at 12:30 so felt kind of obligated to add to 6th and not 5th)

11. End Of Days - 1999 - just an action movie, barely horror, don't know why i expected otherwise

12. Rascal does not dream of Final Girls-senpai - 2015 🍿⭐

13. House at the end of the street - 2012

14. Saint Maud - 2019 ⭐


I feel personnally slighted here, i would've reported for pure heresy if your username wasn't the best thing ever.
5. Trick ‘R Treat (2007) - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
October 6th ! (# 11 I finished at 12:30 so felt kind of obligated to add to 6th and not 5th)

11. End Of Days - 1999 - just an action movie, barely horror, don't know why i expected otherwise

12. Rascal does not dream of Final Girls-senpai - 2015 🍿⭐

13. House at the end of the street - 2012

14. Saint Maud - 2019 ⭐


I feel personnally slighted here, i would've reported for pure heresy if your username wasn't the best thing ever.
Didn’t see it in OP,
But you should totally add TUBI and Crackle to the free streaming list.

both are free, and there are some truly great films on there, including;

Train to Busan
The Wailing

and many others.

Just a heads up.
Tubi is great for saving me money from all those awesome 4K releases from Arrow.
4. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019)


This was pretty fun. I would say I enjoyed it more than Goosebumps. Despite being PG-13 it has some decent scares, and I love that it respected the source material.

I think the Scarecrow part was probably the creepiest, and I loved the way that part was filmed.

Performances were mostly solid as well from the young cast. I would say don't go in expecting to get scares like an Rated R movie. It's good at what it sets out to do.​


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
A few I've watched so far this month:

1. The Giant Claw (1957)


A fun flick where a giant bird (which looks like a turkey) starts terrorizing commercial airplanes. Everyone agrees, "it's the size of a battleship!" (I guess everyone in 1957 knew the relative size of battleships). Protag gives off weird rapey vibes, even kisses the female lead out of the blue while she's sleeping - but I guess in the 1950s that was all pretty kosher and expected. Obviously, science saves the day.

2. The House on Haunted Hill (1959)

A Vincent Price classic that still holds up pretty well today. Some good jump scares and creepy moments throughout. The moving skeleton at the end was pretty well done.

3. I Was a Teenage Werewolf (1957)

This one was a hoot - a young Michael Landon undergoes hypnosis to correct his mood swings, but also becomes a werewolf that starts killing people. An extremely out of place musical number at the beginning part of the film. No werewolf lore is intact (can be killed by regular bullets, becomes werewolf in broad daylight, etc.) but still a fun movie.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!

Watched this last night. It involves a lady that has visions of murders in her dreams being committed by a serial killer (Robert Downey Jr). It was pretty bad all around. RDJ is the only reason to watch this garbage film and he doesn't actually show up until almost an hour in. Stay away from this one.

I found it really sad when her husband got stabbed in the eyeball.

Downey Jr said he was so high on heroin while making that film that he doesn't remember it. He even gave long, seemingly sober interviews about it and doesn't even remember them.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
4. House of Wax (1953)

Another classic Vincent Price flick. Pretty good story and the mystery elements still hold up surprisingly well. Strange can-can sequence right in the middle of the film. Surprisingly good effects, and the wax dummies they made for the film looked incredibly lifelike!


I found it really sad when her husband got stabbed in the eyeball.

Downey Jr said he was so high on heroin while making that film that he doesn't remember it. He even gave long, seemingly sober interviews about it and doesn't even remember them.

That was my first thought when I found this movie. "How fucked up was RDJ when they made this?"

Cutty Flam


Trick 'r Treat

Directed by Michael Dougherty

Great horror movie, thoroughly enjoyed watching this one. The visuals are excellent, loved the cinematography. Probably what I enjoyed the most from watching Trick 'r Treat is how well it celebrates Halloween. And I would definitely recommend a watch if you haven't seen already. Trick 'r Treat excels in a variety of categories and it's flooded with gruesome Halloween spirit. What's more is that it's both very fun to watch unfold and fairly grim at the same time, an impressive combination to bring about in a horror film. If you love Halloween this is a must watch imo; highly entertaining and well made. Overall, going with a strong 8.6/10
It's always interesting watching these. I noticed that this particular one almost feels like it was filmed for a target audience that may have be directed towards teens but then, it's really several notches past anything a teen should probably see. I can't believe that fat kid from Bad Santa got killed like that! Kid must have been what, like 12 when he acted in this one? And at at the end of his story he's shown not only decapitated, but his decapitated head was being treated like a carving pumpkin too lmao. One hundred percent he took one for the team and gave us a shocking scene in a classic horror movie

The virgin costume party arc had an interesting twist to it

Loved the school bus urban legend

The Trick 'r Treat pumpkin fiend was also excellent


14. Saint Maud - 2019 ⭐
October 7th !

15. Hush - 2016


Deaf/mute woman is the prey of a maniac stalking her from outside her home.

Very decent home invasion-ish thriller with a twist, few things bothered me during the movie like every reaction he had was a bit predictable, he never tried to force entry or break a window to get in, things like that. but that is a small nitpick to an otherwise enjoyable thriller with an okay payoff. it's on netflix if youre looking for one of those.

16. Oculus - 2013 - ⭐


Haunted mirror killed their parents, now theyre out for revenge

Not gonna lie purely watched this one for Karen Gillian, ended up surprisingly pleased with it. the perception altering and sometimes dizziness of it is really a fun experience. it makes you wonder at all time if what's happening is actually happening. quite fun this one, loved the crux of the movie, just at some poiint it got slightly too repetitive with the flashbacks. Way better than i expected, recommending it, it's also on netflix (PS when i say on netflix, its on canadian netflix, not sure if everywhere on netflix)

17. The hole in the ground - 2019


Changeling movie about a single mom and her boy

I loved the the moments of violence in that movie, they were few and far between but when they hit, they hit HARD. I think that the movie couldve use to be less showing tho. I know this kind of contradicts what i'm saying but in a changeling case i always found doubt a better route than overtly showing it. Now I'm left wondering if there is a good changeling movie out there. Guess I'm gonna have to check out changeling movies soon enough. this one wasnt bad, just left me wanting for a better version of the story.

18 - Dark Skies - 2013

alien movie following a family that are being a little strap for cash.

I love to watch creepy alien movies, they very often give me the creeps way more effectively than most other horror subgenre. this one is no different. it uses those aliens sparingly but might show them a little too early, I'd prefer to doubt about aliens than straight up see them in the first few minutes. also theres a scene with J.K. Simons in there that I'm sure I've seen in another movie, can't remember what tho.

overall decent, not quite a recommend but you could do worse.
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Resident Cheap Arse

Double Date - Guy looking to lose his V card ends up on a double date with sisters who have been killing men and are looking for a virgin to sacrifice

This was a lot of fun. This is exactly the kind of film that makes digging through all the unknowns and gambling on horrors I haven't seen worth it.

A horror comedy that genuinely made me laugh. Has some great situational comedy in it as well as some cringe that had me peeking through my barely parted fingers as much as any serious horror scene could. It's got the horror elements too. The main antagonist is extremely well played and comes across as the unhinged nut job you don't want to be on a date with, while her sister plays a contrasting reluctant participant very well. I'll probably pick up the dvd/blu-ray (if available) and add it to my collection as it's another that'll likely be lost to time.

Great stuff. Recommended. I caught it on Amazon Prime Video in the UK. It may be available for other countires too.
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Resident Cheap Arse

Hellarious - A collection of horror-comedy shorts

Taking a break from feature length movies I decided to give this one a go. A collection of seven horror-comedy shorts by various directors. I went in with the usual expections that I have for these kind of flicks - namely, I expect to get at least a couple of duds but hopefully they'll be mitigated by some stand outs that raise the overall quality (e.g. Trick r Treat, V/H/S etc.). Sadly, the balance on this one isn't there.

First two are decent, the rest aren't really worth hanging aorund for

1. A tale of a killer shopping trolley murdering the employees of a supermarket - kinda fun and the director plays to the right mix of deliberate cheese and horror.
2. A short about a redneck battling el chupacabra - it's played for laughs by another self aware director who knows what he's working with.
3. One about a busker given a satanic guitar - short and lacks imagination.
4. One about four guys who kill their partners but find it goes awry - alright-ish, maybe.
5. There's one about school dinner ladies - derivative, FAR too long and almost had me turning it off.
6. Bite - Kinda imaginative one which turns around the warewolf trope
7. One about a satanic ritual - okay but not nearly as clever as it thinks it is.

I'm counting this choice as a miss. If you're stuck for a short horror fix then by all means watch the first 1-2, but I can't recommend the rest.
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Just watched:
Deathgasm - stupid, irreverent comedy 'zombie' horror movie with some nice practical effects
#LIKE - not a traditional horror, but has a horror back bone to it. Tackles some real issues, sexual objectification of young girls especially in the digital age, the demonization of men, the lack of oversight of social media - but is more trying to bring the problems into the light than offer trite solutions. I thought it was exceptional but it's not for traditional horror fans.


5 - Ghost Town - 6,5/10
Western + Trash from 80's, lacks some gore, but it's enjoyable and funny to watch


6 - Sorceress - 6/10
From the same director of Chopping Mall, I thought that will be more horror, but it's almost a softcore lol, I liked it

So far, I've watched the following:
  1. I Know What You Did Last Summer - ⭐/5 - Watched this just because Scream and Scary Movie are on my list this month as well. Such a poor entry in the Scream era of slashers.
  2. Curse of Chucky - ⭐⭐⭐/5 - Leans a bit too heavily on the horror atmosphere, when Child's Play has had a humorous edge from the very beginning.
  3. Bride of Chucky - ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 - Leans the complete opposite direction and goes full camp. Highly entertaining.
  4. Poltergeist - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 - A horror classic - not really much to say about this, but I can't think of a haunted house movie that is better.
  5. House of Wax - ⭐⭐/5 - Better than IKWYDLS by at least biting a more original concept (the 1953 original) than the typical slasher. Not sure why Paris Hilton is in this, but at least Elisha Cuthbert gets most of the screen time.
  6. Saw - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 - Classic indie-horror with a lot of gore, twists, and turns. I'm not normally a torture-porn type of horror fan, but Saw gets an exception.
  7. Slither - ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 -Horror, guts, gore, and Gunn. An entertaining comedy-horror entry, and the CGI didn't age that terribly.


18 - Dark Skies - 2013
October 8th already, I've been going quite hard last few days, gonna have a quiter week-end tho

19. Creep - 2014 - ⭐

Guy with a camera (aaron) responds to an ad on craigslist to film a guy (Josef) for a whole day.

Very decent creep factor to that one, I like that he's not shown to be obviously a killer in the movie and leaves you wondering if he's just a weirdo or a maniac. I found it to be clever with how they handled the conversations, it always had a uncanny valley feel to it. It never portrays him as a killer but he never has what we'd call normal answers or reactions.

I feel like occulting what happens past mid point is better if you haven't seen it because the first part where you're wondering if he's crazy or not is a very interesting part and if you know what happens, it could negatively affect the outcome of your viewing experience.

I really enjoyed the movie and it has really good intrigue and payoff! The title says it all.

20. Creep 2 - 2017

Sara has a webserie called "encounters" where she meets with people who post craiglists ad and fulfill them, she has been left quite unfulfilled with prior encounters and hopes it will change with that next one. She meets with Aaron who wants to make a documentary on himself à la Interview with the vampire.

Sara brings another type of energy to the interview compared to the first movie where Aaron was more passive, Sara is Proactive. She remains calm to jumpscares, she's not unsettled by his antics, welcomes them and joins in.

When I saw there was a creep 2 I was quite skeptic as how it could replicates the first one's feel and it doesn't sadly it reverses it, you get left wondering when it's going to happens and not if it is.
I've used the names they call themselves in the movie intact, but it is in fact still Josef in here and not Aaron.

The ending was quite underwhelming and the movie lost his creep factor from the first one I found. While still very enjoyable it is sadly inferior and lost most of it's creepiness by knowing.

21. Goedam - 2020 - Korean "TV series" of 8 episodes of 10 minutes AKA an anthology

Anthology of 8 different 8-15 minutes stories.
I enjoyed all of them to a different degree except maybe the last one which I found was lacking, I'm having trouble talking about the episode without saying too much due to their short nature I would've like more "interconnected-ness"
So yeah... decent stories, would recommend the first 7 and if youre still feeling like it watch the last. theyre a short fun watch divided by stories on netflix.

22. The Wolfman - 2010

Werewolf period piece

So many things going for it, yet it fell short for me. I love Hopkins, Benicio, Emily Blunt, Elrond, and werewolves, but not that movie. I think I felt interested at first but it slowly faded to leave me watching slightly numb. I don't think it's a bad movie, just not an interesting one, maybe a bit too much of a drama for my taste or something. just not the movie for me.
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