31 Days of Horror: Invasion |OT| The October Movie Marathon


Resident Cheap Arse

The Mist - Black and White version. A mysterious mist decends upon a small town, bringing horrors with it as many of the townfolf find themselves trapped in a store.

Brilliant horror film and one of the better Stephen King adaptations. Frank Darabont really knows how to handle the source material. This is the black and white version and tbh it's the only version I watch now. The film looks better, the feel is better and it's like watching an old horror made modern. I really like the "monsters outside versus the monsters among us" angle that ramps up through the movie and the primary antagonist is perfectly cast and acted, a truly deplorable and opportunistic character who eventually makes the horrors outside look like the lesser evil.

I even like the ending and think it fits the tone and events perfectly. Stephen King said that he wish he'd though of that ending as he liked it so much and I can't disagree with him.
31. Halloween (2007)
Rewatch, I think? I was in the mood for some brutal kills and it delivered. The ending was lame, but the guy playing MM (Tyler Mane) really nailed the physicality of the part. He played Sabretooth way back in the day and this made me wish they'd done more with him there.

32. Friday the 13th Part 7 (1988)
First watch. Total 'meh.' I dozed off a few times and didn't feel like I missed anything.

33. The Shining (1980)
Rewatch, many times. Brilliant movie, esp. the atmosphere at the end (exterior shots in particular). Best haunted house movie ever?

34. The Head Hunter (2019)
First watch. This thing I found on Shudder. I respect what they did on, like, zero budget, but total miss for me.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
UPDATE - 24/31

I'm in, going with the decade of the 80's:


Thoughts as we go along:

  1. Possession
    It was aiight. Not sure it was worth buying the DVD and all

  2. Something Wicked This Way Comes
    Technically, this is supposed to be a kid's movie. It has more tension and genuinely creepy moments than many modern "horror" films

  3. Creepshow
    Man these 80's horrors wanted their viewers to imagine the pain huh? 3/5

  4. Silver Bullet
    Not bad, I've seen worse movies in the genre

  5. Videodrome
    I honestly don't know what the hell I just watched. It didn't help I ate a powerful gummy first, but whoa. I'm going to have to rewatch this one later

  6. The Lost Boys
    Cry little sister! Still one of the greats. 80's time capsule of a movie. Completely unique take on the vampire movie genre as far as I know

  7. The Changeling
    Not bad. Really spooky at times. I had the feeling of de ja vu many times while watching it. I wonder if this has been remade since then, maybe given a different name

  8. Night of the Creeps
    It's like some old pulp sci-fi horror lept off the paperback and onto the 1980's silver screen. Gross, entertaining, titillating (just kidding)

  9. The Stuff
    This movie was gross but I loved it. I wouldn't show it to children

  10. The Evil Dead
    Great horror movie all around, I see why it's a classic. I have seen a lot of crazy stuff since embarking on this 80's horror fest, but I didn't expect to see a woman get fucked by shrubbery

  11. Christine
    It was OK, some decent acting from the lead. The premise was just kind of silly, and I feel like it was too difficult to simply go indoors to escape a killer car in the 80's

  12. The Howling
    Better than Silver Bullet, more going on, but still not that great

  13. Razorback
    I am surprised I never heard of this. As far as early creature features goes this was pretty good

  14. Phenomena
    Great film. I need to watch more of this director's work

  15. Scream
    I took a break from the 80's to rewatch a 90's classic. Still holds up. Still the best metacommentary on slasher films to that point in time

  16. Fright Night
    I hadn't seen this in a while. It still holds up. Some of these sequences are so trance. A better Read Window

  17. Prince of Darkness
    Well, definitely a creative story. All of the hallmarks of a John Carpenter joint

  18. The Fog
    I feel like this one didn't age well, but it was an interesting premise

  19. The Beyond
    This one felt like it was from the early 70's, all of the common horror techniques from that era

  20. The Hitcher
    This one was kind of sad. The villain is almost supernatural in his ability to simply get away with anything. It had me wondering if there actually was some kind of supernatural element to him in the end, or if the writer was just like "fuck it, just suspend all disbelief viewer"

  21. The Fly
    One of Goldblum's best. Probably the best overall movie in this list. Forgot how gross it gets

  22. Spell
    Decided to watch a modern horror. I don't recall ever seeing a movie that tackles the cultures and region this one does in horror. Good for a low budget horror. Slow build.

  23. Evil Dead 2
    It's pretty much just a retelling of the first entry but with a larger budget and grander scope. You could see the roots of so many later Raimi creations here

  24. The Shining
    Another rewatch for me. It's still good, but I wish I could see it again for the first time to relive the slow build of dread and tense mood. It's just not the same when you know all that will happen and what's going on


Resident Cheap Arse

Hubie Halloween - Waterboy in Salem

Okay, so it's not really a horror, but it's Halloween themed and I wasn't in the mood for another gamble after the last so I'm putting this one in here. I'll get back to the proper horror tomorrow.

Actually quite an enjoyable comedy. Adam Sandler is basically playing the waterboy again, albeit a more grown-up version but it works and gives us a film that is closer to his golden days rather than the less than stellar comedy work he's put out over the past decade. Has some good running jokes (his mother's t-shirts, the projectile dodging, and the super thermos) and includes the line "he has sex hope" which is gold.

It's halloween themed, it's fun and it's an easy watch.
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Cutty Flam


Creep 2
Directed by Patrick Brice

Creep is engaging, but Creep 2 is mesmerizing most of the way, thought it was very entertaining. Much of the same formula from the first but Creep 2 offers more imo. Not sure if there will be a sequel to this one but there probably should be

35. Underwater (2020)
First watch. It wasn't terrible. I thought the end was a letdown and I had a problem with the opening, but the middle had some solid tension and atmosphere. The movie basically starts as the trouble starts, so you get zero time with the characters as they normally are. It got me thinking about how many movies learned the wrong lesson from Alien.

36. Ringu (1998)
First watch, although I watched the American version back when it released. Really really liked it. My only real problem was that it took me a while to realize that in the movie's world, there's other supernatural/ghost stuff happening besides the main storyline. Plus, an unexpected Hiroyuki Sanada! He's the best.

37. The Descent (2005)
Rewatch, seen it many times but it's been a few years. I honestly think that this might be the best horror movie from the last few decades that 'normal folks' haven't heard about it. It's just brilliant. There's a bunch of character development they do early on with little details that pay off later. And it's very tense even before shit really starts to go wrong. And of course, great monsters and great performances. Love it.

And that's it. Hit 37 for the month. I got to see a bunch of things I hadn't seen before that I wouldn't normally watch, including some classics, which is what I had mainly wanted out of this. Not gonna lie, I'm looking forward to not watching a horror movie tomorrow!


Resident Cheap Arse

K-Shop - Sweeney Todd, Kebab shop edition

One of my favorite random gambles from a previous year and a movie I can keep going back to. Set in England and focussing on a town centre kebab shop that has to deal with a lot of footfall from late night revellers, the story focusses on a young man who is in fulltime education and has a promising future ahead but upon visiting his father in his Kebab shop finds himself caught up in a downward spiral that sees him driven to a dark state of mind and a murderous life.

I must admit, I think part of the appeal of this film is it's gritty setting and style and how well it portrays the terrible state of town centres in the UK during the nightlife hours. The people are arseholes, their behaviour is abhorrent, the poor staff of these shops are subject to all kinds of abuse. The main character is excellently portrayed and I felt that the movie did a good job making his downfall somewhat sympathetic, albeit abhorrent. He's a sympathetic character and it does a good job of showing how events can turn your world around and poison your midset to such an extent that an otherwise promising life can be corrupted and brought to ruin.

Highly Recommended for those willing to give it a try.
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1. Nightbooks (Netflix)
2. Midnight Mass (Netflix)
3. Spell (Hulu)
4. Gretel & Hansel (Paramount+)

5. There's Someone Inside Your House (Netflix) - I thought it was predictable and I didn't really like the cast. Meh.

6. Night Teeth (Netflix) - A little longer than it needed to be but I enjoyed this one.

7. The Block Island Sound (Netflix) - This one was pretty creepy and had an interesting twist/ending!

8. Hush (Netflix) - I loved Midnight Mass so I decided to check out some of Mike Flanagan's films, starting with this one. It was great but one of the deaths was totally the main character's fault, haha.

9. Ouija: Origin of Evil (Blu-Ray) - I watched the original movie last year and didn't realize this one was a prequel and was written/directed by Mike Flanagan! It was a lot better than the first film.

10. Absentia (Tubi) - One of Mike Flanagan's earliest films - very low-budget but the story was interesting.

11. Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin (Paramount+) - I really enjoy this franchise and was surprised to hear there was a new installment! It wasn't amazing but I really enjoyed the second half.

12. Lake Mungo (Tubi) - I'd heard this was 'one of the scariest movies ever made' but I found it to be pretty dull.

I had an extremely frustrating month in terms of work/life stuff so I sadly won't be able to hit 31 movies this year but I have today completely free so I'm going to binge as much as I can from this stack of my favorite Halloween/Horror movies:


Happy Halloween!
1. Nightbooks (Netflix)
2. Midnight Mass (Netflix)
3. Spell (Hulu)
4. Gretel & Hansel (Paramount+)

5. There's Someone Inside Your House (Netflix) - I thought it was predictable and I didn't really like the cast. Meh.

6. Night Teeth (Netflix) - A little longer than it needed to be but I enjoyed this one.

7. The Block Island Sound (Netflix) - This one was pretty creepy and had an interesting twist/ending!

8. Hush (Netflix) - I loved Midnight Mass so I decided to check out some of Mike Flanagan's films, starting with this one. It was great but one of the deaths was totally the main character's fault, haha.

9. Ouija: Origin of Evil (Blu-Ray) - I watched the original movie last year and didn't realize this one was a prequel and was written/directed by Mike Flanagan! It was a lot better than the first film.

10. Absentia (Tubi) - One of Mike Flanagan's earliest films - very low-budget but the story was interesting.

11. Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin (Paramount+) - I really enjoy this franchise and was surprised to hear there was a new installment! It wasn't amazing but I really enjoyed the second half.

12. Lake Mungo (Tubi) - I'd heard this was 'one of the scariest movies ever made' but I found it to be pretty dull.

I had an extremely frustrating month in terms of work/life stuff so I sadly won't be able to hit 31 movies this year but I have today completely free so I'm going to binge as much as I can from this stack of my favorite Halloween/Horror movies:


Happy Halloween!
I saw what you did there, lol.


Resident Cheap Arse

Bad Milo! - One man and his butt demon

A stressed out and badly done by man comes to find that he has a nasty little moster living inside his butt that emerges to wreak bloody vengance upon anyone who angers or upsets him. It's a fun film, has some decent gore, a lot of black humor and a decent cast.

Solid choice.


Resident Cheap Arse

Halloween - Incel versus thots, 1970's style

Still holds up. Some of the acting for the kills is comically bad but the atmosphere and setup is on point. The slow build through the day and the gradual transition to night works well and sets up the small town feel well. Michael is less the unstoppable beast he became in later movies and I like the feel of him being just an unhinged guy taking advantage of the night to strap on a mask and get some killing done.


Halloween 2 - Less setup, more makeup

Picks up exactly after the events of the first movie. Michael is on the loose and now he's double stabby. One of the most jarring things for me is the sudden hair and makeup applied to Jamie Lee Curtis who apparently had time to put her face on and glam her hair while waiting for the ambulance to take her out. From plain jane to scream queen in just the amount of in film time it took for the police to turn up. Michael has moved more into the unstoppable engine of death role and while it works and the series was built on it, I did miss the more grounded feel of the first movie.

Kagey K

15. Trick r Treat - ⭐⭐⭐⭐

An anthology movie that teaches you Halloween is fun, as long as you follow the rules.

16. The Ring - ⭐⭐⭐⭐

I‘ll let you know in 7 days….. If I’m still alive.

I didn’t get as many movies as usual done, ended up watching more horror TV and playing Shocktober games than usual.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!

Hubie Halloween - Waterboy in Salem

Okay, so it's not really a horror, but it's Halloween themed and I wasn't in the mood for another gamble after the last so I'm putting this one in here. I'll get back to the proper horror tomorrow.

Actually quite an enjoyable comedy. Adam Sandler is basically playing the waterboy again, albeit a more grown-up version but it works and gives us a film that is closer to his golden days rather than the less than stellar comedy work he's put out over the past decade. Has some good running jokes (his mother's t-shirts, the projectile dodging, and the super thermos) and includes the line "he has sex hope" which is gold.

It's halloween themed, it's fun and it's an easy watch.

I actually liked this one too. I acknowledge it's corny as shit sometimes, but it was a nice throwback kind of "fuck it" comedy horror, just relax and laugh type deal.


Resident Cheap Arse
Just want to say thanks to ThatStupidLion ThatStupidLion for creating this year's thread, and to all of the posters who posted the movies they have watched. Thanks to this thread and you all I've got a nice stack of new movies to add to my watch list based on the recommendations and notes people posted up and that's a big win when it comes to horror and the challenge of finding the good stuff among the sea of shite.

So, thanks all.

Kagey K

Just want to say thanks to ThatStupidLion ThatStupidLion for creating this year's thread, and to all of the posters who posted the movies they have watched. Thanks to this thread and you all I've got a nice stack of new movies to add to my watch list based on the recommendations and notes people posted up and that's a big win when it comes to horror and the challenge of finding the good stuff among the sea of shite.

So, thanks all.
I concur.

This is always my fav thread of the year, see you guys next year..... hopefully.

Cutty Flam

Agreed. Thank you ThatStupidLion ThatStupidLion for this amazing thread. This was a very fun challenge, and my first time trying it out. Also a surprisingly tough challenge, as I only watched 18/31 during the 31 Days of Horror

Next time im gonna try to plan it all out last two weeks of September, film for film day for day that way it’s only entertaining selections and there is no second guessing

Favorites were, in no order, Trick ‘r Treat, Coherence, House on Haunted Hill, Pyewacket, and The Conjuring 2

The Host
was also excellent

Old Retro

journal entry #3 - Dia de los Muertos


October 21 - October 30

Wolfen 1981 - First time seeing it and was amazed by special effects that would be used in other 80s horror/scifi movies. Great cast! I thought it would be a pure werewolf film and was pleasantly surprised it wasn't.
Scanners 1981 - Features the voice of Sam Fisher and the exploding head meme, it's more of a scifi movie than horror, but still a thriller. I can see the future predictions at the time coming true soon.
Dead & Buried 1981 - Not a lot of star power in this one and doesn't need it, but has a young Robert Englund. Film is about a small coastal town with weird fuckin people doing weird shit. It's a slow burn but the ending is tremendous. Don't sleep on this one!

Warlock 1991 - Hokey low budget good vs satan/apocalypse time traveling movie. Might be worth a watch if you have Prime.

Donnie Darko 2001 - Saw it on cable in 2002 and hated it. Directors cut was much better. After 2 decades I can understand the mental health thing way better now.
Thi13en Ghosts 2001 - It must have cost a damn fortune to make this one. It's not spectacular but a good haunting story with pretty good action. Good cast too.

Red Riding Hood 2011 - Amanda Seyfried is pretty good in this film, with Gary Oldman channeling his inner dracula. Gorgeous scenery and settings, very Castlevania-ish. Good twists and turns to keep you guessing.

From Dusk Till Dawn
1996 - All star cast and Salma Heyak in gold metal form. Nice and violent vampire flick!
Scream 1996 - Talkin bout my generation! Lots of easter eggs in this one from Wes Craven. Love how it mocks and embraces the horror genre. Saw this a few times since magical year of 96.

All Hallows Eve
Halloween II 1981 - Opening scene with kid at the hospital made me not trick or treat for years. Xraying candy was a thing afterwards. Has a bunch of mistakes like Michael's self cleaning blade but no biggy. Love how it picks up right after first movie. Classic!
The Simpsons season 3 episode 7 - Treehouse of Horror II 1991 - I remember that night almost perfectly. After watching that Simpsons, me and some friends we dressed up in all black and went trick or treating.

Till 2022! 🧛‍♀️


The Manor - Trailer was better than the movie. Grandma checks herself into old folks home, creepy shit happens, and everyone dismisses her as having dementia. Takes 2 hours to come to the dumbest ending ever.

Train to Busan - I'm tired of these goddamned zombies on this muther fuckin train. Fun movie with a good cast of characters. Also "hey, it's that guy from Squid Game."

No One Gets Out Alive - Let's sacrifice illegals to this not-hellraiser box: the movie. Started out with a decent premise but got stupid near the end. I feel like a few edits to the plot could have made this one great.

Malignant - RLM warned me it was bad. My wife still wanted to watch it. It was dumb. So very very dumb.
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31 - There’s Someone Inside Your House


Thank you guys, it was a great month watching horror and sharing with you
I'm taking notes of the movies posted here to watch on 2022
As I already said, this is the only way I can feel the vibes of Halloween

I hope next year we can have more users joining
See you next year!!!

Cutty Flam

I liked this one, plus is has the classic trope of an absolute BOMBSHELL redhead somehow being a shy reclusive girl :p

It's more of a weird tale than straight horror, that is for sure.
It's a pretty fucked up tale, I thought about a lot of the scenes after the fact. Usually a sign that the film was made well in some regard at least. I enjoyed pondering the outcomes of certain aspects more than I did the film itself while it played I think. It's one of those movies that psychologically leaves its mark, but it's more science fiction than horror. Whoever categorizes these movies needs to realize that in order for something to qualify as horror, there ought to be elements in play during a feature that bring about fear, dread, or shock. Sea Fever does little of any of that. Very depressing film. Sea Fever relies a lot on the outcomes each character will face, but the progression of the story and the characters themselves are nothing impressive. You watch this one purely for its ending. But even then, after it's finished you'll be on the fence wondering if it was even worth the time/watch. Just barely it is
All the deaths were harsh. Especially the main character's death at the very end. Her death was especially interesting. We know little about her tbh besides the fact that she's a hell of a scientist. I found it interesting that she got infected, had nothing to say about any goodbyes to her family or anyone, she simply accepted her fate, said goodbye to the engineer, and dove deep beneath the sea towards the life form / monster that would cause her death. She chose to see it up close before her death, with her very own eyes. She dove straight towards the abyss where the monster was posted deep below in the the ocean, no fear could have been present for her to do that... Essentially her curiosity as a scientist greatly outweighed her fear in these final moments of her life. She accepted the outcome of her infection and came to terms with the fact that she was going to die and could do absolutely nothing about it or the monster that caused it so she instead swims towards it for a final look, a glimpse before she either drowns or is possibly attacked or consumed by said monster. A very interesting choice that only she as an individual probably would have made. She was after all, adamant about not bringing any infectious disease back to the populace. So after contracting the disease herself, she stuck firmly to her beliefs and owned them in the end. The psychological trauma the guy endured seeing all his crew mates go out the way they did must have been profound. There's no telling if that ship decided to rescue him either
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