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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 5, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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I don't think shes getting much work beyond TWD. They have to pay the bills somehow so until they start getting noticed and cast in other stuff I suspect they'll be here for the long haul or until the writers think its time to cull the herd.

You're right. Poor Emily Kinney. Though I've heard last night on the Talking Dead that she's got a new single coming out pretty soon, so that's a good thing I guess.

But I just got the feeling that the writers are gonna get rid of a strong character next season (whether they're getting work elsewhere or not), and Michonne or Carol both feel like the "safest" bet.

Rick, Carl, Darryl and Glenn are like always in a life-threatening situation but somehow they always survive, so I really don't see them going anywhere anytime soon.
You're right. Poor Emily Kinney. Though I've heard last night on the Talking Dead that she's got a new single coming out pretty soon, so that's a good thing I guess.

But I just got the feeling that the writers are gonna get rid of a strong character next season (whether they're getting work elsewhere or not), and Michonne or Carol both feel like the "safest" bet.

Rick, Carl, Darryl and Glenn are like always in a life-threatening situation but somehow they always survive, so I really don't see them going anywhere anytime soon.

It sucks that a "death" has to be the "surprise". I understand you can't keep everybody alive but I wish they'd focus more on discovering what caused it or go down that route more-so than what seems to happen:

1) find group
2) group may be shady
2a) group is shady
2b) group does shady things
3) fight group
4) somebody from Rick's group dies

I don't mean like Resident Evil where they fight the 'corporation' but at least the lies Abraham's group were stating (even though OBVIOUSLY a lie) was a plot point I would have been willing to follow.

While I do 'get' that it's just people surviving, and their 'acceptance' of their life, I just feel some of the more driven characters (Rick mostly) would be looking for ... more. More than just survival.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I'm shocked that so many people have trouble getting this.

And before someone for the umpteenth time reminds us how stupid a decision it was and how smart they are and how they'd dominate the zombie apocalypse, remember that characters are flawed and in this case it was a spur of the moment decision. And it did work.
It just didn't make sense to me. I mean Noah took a beating for her, and the look of satisfaction she had when he escaped showed it meant a lot to her to have him free. But the two groups were at a stand off - she could have just demanded that Noah come with them and cajoled him into doing so. I just feel like there was something I missed about the hospital set-up that meant that Dawn was more of a problem than the other cops. I had some kind of inkling that maybe it has something to do with her killing the original leader. Like he was stamping out the abuse and this was causing tension with the other cops and so she killed him and took over and allowed abuse to occur so as to keep everyone in line. I dunno, they just never made it clear enough what the dynamic was - Dawn seemed conflicted, she seemed downright dismayed she had killed Beth, but it just wasn't clear if she was allowing bad things because she felt she had to, or because she wanted them to happen but felt bad about wanting that.


It's a mid-season finale, so ofc we had to kill somebody prominent even though she's a good character and it was a move that could have caused everybody else to die.

It's a mid-season finale, so ofc we have to come with some bullshit to make the group to leave their current shelter.

Shame, because it was not bad at all until the end. It didn't devolve into shootouts with psychopaths.


It sucks that a "death" has to be the "surprise". I understand you can't keep everybody alive but I wish they'd focus more on discovering what caused it or go down that route more-so than what seems to happen:

1) find group
2) group may be shady
2a) group is shady
2b) group does shady things
3) fight group
4) somebody from Rick's group dies

I don't mean like Resident Evil where they fight the 'corporation' but at least the lies Abraham's group were stating (even though OBVIOUSLY a lie) was a plot point I would have been willing to follow.

While I do 'get' that it's just people surviving, and their 'acceptance' of their life, I just feel some of the more driven characters (Rick mostly) would be looking for ... more. More than just survival.

I totally agree with your point regarding Abraham's quest. I was actually pretty exciting to see where this could lead us. But then again, Eugene has always looked a little sketchy so I wasn't surprised that this storyline just got cut short so quickly. Just disappointed.

We're now back to square one. They don't have any safe place anymore so they're on the move and grieving from yet another loss. I get that it's just bound to happen in such a post-apocalyptic world, but a storyline more engrossing would be nice for a change. Still this season has been quite pleasing to watch so I'm not complaining too much.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
I just don't understand why Beth even made that attack. What was the best case scenario? The likeliest outcome was a shootout with many dead right? Is she that dumb? And in the end that one guy ended up staying with the hospital voluntarily?
I just don't understand why Beth even made that attack. What was the best case scenario? The likeliest outcome was a shootout with many dead right? Is she that dumb? And in the end that one guy ended up staying with the hospital voluntarily?

Noah you mean? He didn't stay.


I just don't understand why Beth even made that attack. What was the best case scenario? The likeliest outcome was a shootout with many dead right? Is she that dumb? And in the end that one guy ended up staying with the hospital voluntarily?

She severs dawn's tendon so that that dawn can't lift the firearm to shoot her!
I like how every climactic moment on this show hinges on a dumb character making a stupid decision.

Like, how does some of this stuff even get pitched in the writers' room.


I really didn't understand how Dawn had her gun pointed at Beth's head that fast when it was holstered as she got stabbed in the shoulder.


Sucked that Beth had to go. Tbh I would've preferred it to be Sasha- I'm getting real tired seeing her mope about Bob. We've already seen Rick sulk because of Lori, Andrea for her sister, Carol for Sophia, Tyreese for Karen (though this one was stupid since the characters were so new that I was hardly attached to them), and undoubtedly Maggie and Daryl will for Beth. The last thing the show needs is yet another character brooding, which isn't itself a bad thing, but spending so much screen time on them is. Don't get me wrong I like Sasha and Bob, but I don't feel their budding relationship warranted all the time she gets mourning him. At least Sasha dying would have finally gotten Tyreese to man up or something (after the mandated grieving screen time ofc), and Beth staying alive could've allowed her to keep all the character development she got these past few episodes.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
To be fair despite that one stupid decision Sasha has been getting things done, and most of her grieving has been keeping to herself while she slices and shoots. It's Tyrese who keeps approaching her with the "are you ok? don't you want to talk about the thing?" talks.


The whole episode was terrible. The priest is the most annoying character in the entire show and I want nothing less than for him to die a horrible death. Beth dying in the way that she did made no sense at all and just removed a good character for no reason. The only good part of the episode is Rick running over that asshole.

Bah humbug.


Killing Dawn removed the last figure powerful enough to really dominate the hospital group. It kind of is a free for all now. The new chick seems to be more reasonable though. But nobody had the courage to stand up to Dawn. Everyone was trying to hold on to what they've got. Don't rock the boat. That was the whole theme of the hospital group. Beth freed them from their fear of standing up to Dawn.

How do we know the "new chick" will now be the leader of the group? Also what about all the men who raped women? I have to rewatch the last scene but there were 7 cops at the end? 2 women and 5 men. What exactly has changed now? Dawn is gone and suddenly the other cops won't rape women or treat others like dirt? I mean Dawn allowed it because she wanted to stay in charge but also feared they would get rid of her if she showed a sign of weakness and she was right. The cop that heard the conversation between her and Beth wanted to tell the other cops about it.


I did a marathon on season 5a last night and overall I actually thought the season was entertaining but with crazy flaws.

The dialogue is always written so terribly. I cringed listening to it. It's like they pick out the worst timing to give a speech or they try to give a deep conversation and it comes off flat. Bad character logic still kills me. Off the top of my head, Michonne and Carl breaking down the barricades to help the priest, thus putting Judith at risk. I also laughed when Bob didn't react to his leg missing until after that dude pointed out that "Hey! We just fed on one of your leg btw!"

I felt nothing for Beth's death. Daryl did a good job at selling it though. How did Maggie know Beth was even dead from that distance? Sure, Rick walked out shaking his head, but that could mean anything. Beth could've just been knocked out, but you had Maggie already breaking down from a distance. It's nitpicking but the show defies logical thinking so often, it infuriates me.

Ricktator is still a badass.
Carl wasn't that bad actually.
I don't mind Glenn this time around. He's not as mopey.
Tyreese is terrible with his self righteousness.

Blah, I'm leaving work before finishing my thoughts. All around, season 5a gets a C+ from me.
Points of half season:
Go find cure
Rescue Beth

Results of half season:
The cure is a lie
Beth got herself killed

Waste of 8 episodes.
lol I thought Beth was gonna go all Assassins Creed on her ass and have those scissors slide out the cast and stab her right in the neck.


Well....at least I can say that Beths death was more emotional than Andrea (completely forgot her name and had to google it) if only because of how graphic it was and Daryls/Maggies reaction.

When that priest dies I have a feeling that I'll enjoy it more than Andreas. That stunt really crashed his promising character arc.


Junior Member
It sucks that a "death" has to be the "surprise". I understand you can't keep everybody alive but I wish they'd focus more on discovering what caused it or go down that route more-so than what seems to happen:

1) find group
2) group may be shady
2a) group is shady
2b) group does shady things
3) fight group
4) somebody from Rick's group dies

I don't mean like Resident Evil where they fight the 'corporation' but at least the lies Abraham's group were stating (even though OBVIOUSLY a lie) was a plot point I would have been willing to follow.

While I do 'get' that it's just people surviving, and their 'acceptance' of their life, I just feel some of the more driven characters (Rick mostly) would be looking for ... more. More than just survival.

The show is less about the zombie epidemic and more about personality changes in the face of the zombie apocalypse.

I think Kirkman even said, in the first issue of the comics, that this series is about the changes Rick and crew undergo.

It's fascinating to return to the early episodes. Andrew Lincoln has done a decent job of making his character unrecognizable personality wise.


So I got curious about Emily Kinney's music and went to go take a listen. Found Just Pretend and couldn't help but wonder what Herschel would think.

My progression was "is this...no can't be...wait...yes, yes it definitely is"


My money's on Judith. Not that I think they'll ever find a cure or whatever.

I hope not, judith is the perfect lunch meal for a rotter.

So I got curious about Emily Kinney's music and went to go take a listen. Found Just Pretend and couldn't help but wonder what Herschel would think.

My progression was "is this...no can't be...wait...yes, yes it definitely is"

Why you making me hate Beth by proxy?


This is who should die at this point:

What!? NO! Let Carol and Daryl live and kill Abraham's group instead, I don't even know why they are still in the show, they are boring as fuck.


Late on watching the mid-season finale and wasn't all that surprised by who died. Still shocked that Carol is still alive and kicking. She must have a ton of fans pulling for her to just wake up and walk out of a hospital after suffering internal injuries only a day or two prior. I can see them culling the group in the 2nd half of the season during what appears to be their trip towards Washington, at least if that's what was hinted at in the after credits scene.
Rick is the Danerys Targaryen of The Walking Dead. He goes to different holdouts (farm, woodbury, hospital), frees the people by killing their leader (Guvner, Dawn), and asks them to join his kingdom. He also destroys bad people in the process (Cannibals, woodbury crew).

But unlike Danerys, Rick is actually a badass mofo and not a pompous, foolhardy child-idiot.


You're opposite man. You find boring shit interesting and interesting shit boring.

There's really nothing interesting about Abraham's group after finding out the nerd didn't know shit, now they're just 3 random people floating through the show with no purpose.
The people who lament the fact that the hospital serves no purpose at all in terms of the story or the plot are completely missing the point of the show. This is a series about how people survive in a post-apocalyptic zombie world. There is no grand overarching plot or story. It is about how people live in the world and how they interact with other people in that world. The hospital showed how another community of people lived and their values and how they survive in a hostile environment. To me, that is an interesting premise in and of itself and something like that can only be explored in a TV series. If you're looking for something more plot-driven, you might as well go watch one of the countless zombie movies out there.

My only complaint about the hospital is that it is yet again another highly dysfunctional community with a "villain" for its leader.
But maybe that's the point. In a breakdown of society you need a charismatic, yet a fascist asshole to run things, pretty much how bronze age panned out. You can't expect the survivors to cast votes and elect a parliament and a prime minister that function under a democratic, power-sharing government. No. It's always the person that is the most dominant that is the alpha of the group.


But maybe that's the point. In a breakdown of society you need a charismatic, yet a fascist asshole to run things, pretty much how bronze age panned out. You can't expect the survivors to cast votes and elect a parliament and a prime minister that function under a democratic, power-sharing government. No. It's always the person that is the most dominant that is the alpha of the group.

Yup, and if you want to flesh out a little more Rick is the "villain" of the group the show focuses on. He's has systematically started executing people.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
These episodes need more Rick. I'm tired of entire episodes featuring like 30% (or 0...) Rick when episodes from earlier seasons featured much more.

Ever since Rick became the True Ricktator (aka, post-neck bite) and reached final form, they've been showing less and less of him. I'm tired of this shit. Fuck all these nonsense lames. I gave 0 fucks when Dawn was tussling with that one dipshit only for him to be pushed into hell.

Beth getting the boot kinda sucks, I'd rather have the idiot Tyrese or the other idiot Sasha get marked. But whatever
Rick is Shane. And it's about time.

As for death's I don't think there needs to be a big cull but there are too many bulletproof badasses. Time was it was just Daryl. It has grown to Daryl, Rick, Michonne, Carol, Abraham and (when he isn't being a mincing pussy) Tyrese.

At least 3 of those guys need to go. the group needs to be weak and vulnerable again.
I really think staying in the hospital would have been safest.

Was it just that they were too traumatized about Beth being killed there not to stay ?


Rick is Shane. And it's about time.

I would disagree.

Shane was only out for himself. He "acted" as if he had the groups interests in mind but he was only concerned with keeping Lori for himself.

Rick though, yes he has taken a darker turn, but he still has everyone else in mind when he does what he does now.

Shane, if allowed to go on would have just gotten everyone killed and broke out on his own when shit hit the fan.

Escape Goat

I really think staying in the hospital would have been safest.

Was it just that they were too traumatized about Beth being killed there not to stay ?

From what Noah told them I doubt Rick even considered it.

Sure, guys. Let's hole up with these rapists and murderers for awhile. It'll be like we're at camp!
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