Excellent foreshadowing.
it wasn't foreshadowing
Excellent foreshadowing.
(not a reader of the comics, so please don't spoil anything when quoting me)
i don't think it's about intelligence as it is about "getting Eugene to DC" being a goal worth surviving for.
Even if he had doubts that Eugene could be bullshitting him, what would those doubts get him. Right now he has a goal, that - should Eugene be telling the truth, how unlikely it may be - is something worth pursuing. I don't think he's someone who'd just survive for survival's sake.
But yeah, he's not quite fleshed out yet, but that's mostly due to Season 4 being all over the place, not allowing for much character development.
(which is also why seeing Sasha with Bob was kind of weird, because we knew nothing about Bob other than him being an ex-alcoholic who can be kinda sorta useless at times, also annoyingly optimistic.)
now we're back to condensing out characters (at least geographically), so we should get more interesting interactions.
I loved how Tara told Maggie about her being on the wrong side at the prison straight away. I was afraid that would turn out to be some weird tension thing they'd drag along for a while.
What was the point of the whole "tainted meat" nonsense? Just so we could see a grown man shove fingers down his throat to throw up?
Oh no they ate the meat of someone who has been bit! I wonder what will happen to them?
Machete to the face.
That's what.
Most pointless crap ever.
Easy peachy.
Excellent foreshadowing.
They can't have gone too far. According to the wiki, the Prison was just off Highway 34, which is around south Metro-Atlanta (Peachtree City area). The only other "big" city relatively close by would be Columbus. But idk, as a Atlanta native, that looked like Atlanta to me.
As opposed to yelling at each other really loudly or firing half a dozen shots blindly into the woods like they did earlier in the episode...Rifles draw attention from walkers and other humans.
Enjoying the brisk pace of this season and how shit is getting constantly resolved.
Beth next Sunday doe...
the OG atlanta/prison group have been through so damn much that they are basically trained soldiers at this point lol. That's what I loved about the cannibals getting wrecked. They thought they were smart and organized. They know nothing.
I made a T-dog gif yesterday. No reason to post it whatsoever, but I am anyway.
Rest easy, t-dog.
I don't think anyone in this gif is on the show anymore. Looking back at season 1/2 almost seems like an entirely different show (which I guess it practically was considering all the showrunner swapping before our lord and savior The Gimp took command).
Who is that between Lori and Dale though?
Who is that between Lori and Dale though?
Could be maybe Andrea or one of Maggie's sisters.
I think it's Andrea.
Yeah I think it's andrea because I've seen many andreas in my time.
Really liking the season so far. The suspense and drama is high. They hit all the right character notes so far. Won' top the flawless season 2, but it's at least on the track to be one of the more entertaining streaks of The Walking Dead.
As opposed to yelling at each other really loudly or firing half a dozen shots blindly into the woods like they did earlier in the episode...
What was the significance of the big red A on the church wall when they found Bob?
Good spot. Cheers.The Terminus group was labeling the Church the same way they labeled the Train Cars where they kept their victims before eating them.
Hopefully they are listening to the fans and won't deviate from what, to this point, is making the season so good.I'm just happy that they finally nailed a comic arc and it turned out awesome. Sure, it's a short one but I feel that's what makes it great too. Show is delivering so far.
the OG atlanta/prison group have been through so damn much that they are basically trained soldiers at this point lol. That's what I loved about the cannibals getting wrecked. They thought they were smart and organized. They know nothing.
Loving season 5 so far but I am worried. Lots of suggestions suggest that they are moving towards the. I have a feeling the show could really slow down soon. I guessAlexandria camp.they spend a long time at the Alexandria camp in the comics
Tainted Meat isn't actually a thing because it can't be a thing and still be logically consistent. Everyone is infected already. What causes the turn is dying. Bites cause the turn because whatever fever that happens after a bite kills the person. So all the meat the people at Terminus have been eating *is* tainted meat. There's no difference between Bob and everyone else in terms of being infected.
Loving season 5 so far but I am worried. Lots of suggestions suggest that they are moving towards the. I have a feeling the show could really slow down soon. I guessAlexandria camp.they spend a long time at the Alexandria camp in the comics
I have a feeling that Carol may be dead and Daryl has came back with only Beth.
Season 3 wasn't THAT bad since it did kill of Andrea and Lori.Hopefully they are listening to the fans and won't deviate from what, to this point, is making the season so good.
I'm trying to pretend Season 3 never happened.
Alexandria is happening. There are set photos of the town and the walls getting built
I have a feeling that Carol may be dead and Daryl has came back with only Beth.
I can't remember, have Morgan and Daryl or Carol ever met? If so, I bet it's Morgan. The episode 1 setup meant they're going to run into him again.
I can't remember, have Morgan and Daryl or Carol ever met? If so, I bet it's Morgan. The episode 1 setup meant they're going to run into him again.
Sorry to drag this up from a few pages ago but there are two kinds of infection. One which everybody has which turns you when you die, and one which causes infection, fever and death within a day or two at most, caused by bites from the turned.
Think about it, if a cow had some kind of infection which would kill it dead in 48 hours straight then would you eat the meat from it?
It was just Bob freaking them out to get the last laugh. That's it.
I also think it was the reason they sent Bob back to the church instead of eating the rest of him.
This is the way I think of the virus. There are two versions of the same virus, dormant and active.
The virus is dormant and can only be activated by death.
The dormant form can be transferred to other people, probably through contact. Hence why the entire group is contagious and infected.
When somebody is bitten by the dead, they receive the active form of the virus directly, which then kills them.
Hence, Bob had been infected by the active virus and hence if the cannibals ate him they would be infected with the active virus assuming the heat didn't kill it off.
Who knows if a virus could behave this way in the real world, but this is a made-up virus. I think it would match up well with how the writers handle the behavior of the virus so far.
Vice versa wouldn't matter to me. Carol is staring to become badass, would be stupid to just kill her in favour of a character as Beth.
This.. doesn't work. The contact theory doesn't work because people and corpses who had no contact with others are still infected and reanimate. The dormant/active doesn't make much sense given that it's dormant in the living except when bitten or blood to blood transfers from dead to living. Fever is the sign of the body trying to fight an infection but why would the virus be dormant except when bitten? Active or Dormant, the virus wouldn't be able to tell whether the living host had been bitten or not. So it should either be always dormant in living, bite or not, or always active in living.
Also if there were two strains, that would've been revealed by CDC guy in S1.
So maybe it's airborne then? Why would the virus be dormant except when bitten? It requires some kind of catalyst that only death can cause to make it active. It seems to make a lot more sense to me than the the other theories, because it clashes a lot with the story For example, one would then theoretically be able to beat the fever and live if it was the fever that was the cause of the death and not the virus itself. Have we seen any examples of somebody getting bitten and living?
As for the CDC guy, he whispered to Rick about being infected as he was getting ready to blow himself up. He wasn't exactly Mr. Flowing with information guy. At that point all he wanted was death and wasn't too considered with the others, in fact, his plan was to kill them.