Let's be honest, all he did was seal the deal for Alexandria because now The Group is going to have to do a hostile takeover when they get kicked out.Really good episode. Although I'm worried that wuss Gabriel has now ruined everything for The Group.
I hate, hate, hate how they killed Noah off right when they give him something to do.
How so? I actually had no problem with that. We've seen armoured walkers before at the prison, it's not unreasonable for one to have a grenade. And accidentally shooting a grenade would set it off.
Ummmm that's obviously not going to happen. He's going to lie and accuse Glenn of getting Aiden killed and Deanna is probably going to believe him because she would be in no emotional state to think rationally once she finds out her son just died (plus Gabriel just planted seeds of doubt in her mind as well). That's going to cause a rift in the community which would build towards the season finale.
How so? I actually had no problem with that. We've seen armoured walkers before at the prison, it's not unreasonable for one to have a grenade. And accidentally shooting a grenade would set it off.
What did Rick's group ever do to the Preacher?
And that after letting his entire flock turn into walker chowder.Saved his life.
The guy is a fucking coward that can't reconcile his faith and outdated notions of goodness with what it takes to live in this world.
Eugene, Tara, and Noah all got screen time so they kept us guessing this episode. Well hopefully Tara's not deadHaven't you noticed the pattern with this show yet.
Whenever a minor character gets slightly more screen time, the end is near.
The fences and sheer number of walkers made it seem like there may have been some kind of relief center there. Maybe.Well, it's really about the context if you think about it. Armored zombie at a prison isn't unusual, but a lone one with a grenade inside a civilian warehouse, it doesn't make much sense.
What did Rick's group ever do to the Preacher?
They might want to hold off on killing Dr. Jerk until he's fixed up Tara.
Carol is a crack dealer
Nothing just like normal.Wait, what's Maggie's job here?
:lol :lol"I need to speak with you, all the black people around me are dying"
Eugene, Tara, and Noah all got screen time so they kept us guessing this episode. Well hopefully Tara's not dead
So who's gonna fill those four graves?
Sadly one I think will be for Sasha. She's gonna go nuts in the watchtower and they'll have to put her down. Plus, she's black and that's never a good sign.
Oh I forgot to mention that the kid trying to be friendly with Carol after she scared the shit out of him was really odd.
Was in this in a promo?So who's gonna fill those four graves?
Sadly one I think will be for Sasha. She's gonna go nuts in the watchtower and they'll have to put her down. Plus, she's black and that's never a good sign.
Standard rules apply: after the 9PM ET/6PM PT airing of a new episode, the details of that episode may be discussed openly without the use of spoiler tags. Please remember to spoiler tag any preview and/or promo discussion for episodes that have not aired.
People get blown in half and are still alive for some small amount of time after, it's pretty believable. I agree though, this episode was notably gruesome.How the hell was Aiden still alive while his guts were being ripped out? And they lingered on that shot way too long for my tastes. Had to look away.
And Noah, well, I had the same question and thought. Double brutalities. Jebus.
Was in this in a promo?
Can people please not openly discuss this stuff without spoiler tags.
Noah's death was awesomely gruesome.
But... an individual walker's strength seems kinda ridiculous. They're decaying tissue (at least slower than normal anyway) and should be mostly mush but here they are with strength greater than most living people.
Because it's a spoiler for an episode that hasn't aired yet. As is what you just said.
I'm wondering if the show would be ballsy enough to have Rick/Michonne summarily execute Nicholas (with approval of course) for being a dick and getting people killed. I hope so because I don't want Tara to die.
Looks like Everybody ate Chris.
Without a doubt my biggest problem with the show. Characters never actually converse with each other but instead offer vague one-liners grunted out about 'survival' or something else just to set the mood. Even when Carol comes to Rick with her suspicion about Pete, they don't talk with each other like you would think two people who have known each other for quite awhile and been through some shit together would actually talk. There is just never any rhythm to the dialogue.- I was actually impressed at the begining when Noah was talking with that guy... they had a direct conversation, that made sense, about stuff that mattered. This is kind of unusual for The Walking Dead
Noah's death was so brutal. It will be nightmare fuel for Glenn. He will never forget that. That was the supply run from hell.
That was exactly the kind of stuff I've been asking since the first episode of TWD and I've been mostly denied so far.
TWD's world in hell on earth and it should feel like it. The deaths in the latest episodes helped to bring that point back.
I've always liked the show, but this half season has been uncanny. Did they get new writers or something?Well that was great. Episodes like that are why I keep watching this show. Pleased with how everything is coming together for the last episodes.
You know what fuck Gabriel, he had people counting on him and he turned them away at least Rick and co. do what they can to keep their group together and save each other. He wouldn't even be there if it wasn't for them, I mean the horrible thing he witnessed them do was killing cannibals how is that even a terrible thing they deserved it.
Im kinda impressed that everybody took Noah´s death so hard. Because i was watching and thinking ♫Everybody haaates Chriiiis....
TWD characters have never been consistent with regards to motivations people do whatever the plot calls them to do. I've just learn to turn my brain off and ride the train to wherever it does.
I don't think Gabriel specifically has been around long enough to call this inconsistent. In fact, it seems rather consistent with his character actions so far, after running away from the church, disregarding his faith after the long road trip, etc. Seems he has a pattern of pushing things away instead of dealing with them. Now being in this "safe" environment and being asked to lead a church again is messing with his head, as it is many other members of the group.
Regarding Noah's death, I wasn't watching too closely but was it the other guys fault?