Agreed and I'm actually glad we don't have to watch her mourn Beth. We didn't hear a bunch of shit about her not mourning Hershall and his death was gruesome and everyone saw it. Honestly, after watching Rick mourn Lori for a season, I am fine with the show giving only a passing moment to this stuff. It's often so overblown and drags the show down terribly.It was six weeks between the hospital and where Tyrese died and probably a few more since then. Maggie never expected Beth to be alive, and to be fair, she was wrecked when she saw her and for some time since. She's lost a lot of people by now, she has probably become an expert at eventually compartmentalizing her pain.
I agree 100% with whoever noticed the writing and directing this episode though. Every conversation made sense and sounded like things actual humans would say.
Add me to the list who thinks it's Pete who is the abuser. I'm mostly basing this off of the flinch she gave him when he tried to touch her after the party, and him being drunk and inappropriate so often. But it would be an interesting twist if it turns out to be the wife. I'm ok either way.
Next week should be really good. I haven't enjoyed The Walking Dead this much for a while. It's firing on all cylinders.
RIP Noah. I actually liked his character a lot. It was nice having some enjoyable but less hardened characters. Not everyone can be a bad-ass all the time but Noah and Tara fill a role that the show needs. Decent people. Rick's group seems low on those at the moment.