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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 5, Part 2 – S6 premieres Oct 11th

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Here's hoping for a moment where Rick looks in the mirror and sees Shane's face taking the place of his... maybe some epic Shane dialogue too.

"Ayye man, y'know that baby ain't yerrs, right? I'm a better father than yeww, Rick! And I'm not even uhhlive! Ohh, uh... Lori says hi. Take it easy, brother!"

fuckin LOL



Here's hoping for a moment where Rick looks in the mirror and sees Shane's face taking the place of his... maybe some epic Shane dialogue too.

"Ayye man, y'know that baby ain't yerrs, right? I'm a better father than yeww, Rick! And I'm not even uhhlive! Ohh, uh... Lori says hi. Take it easy, brother!"

I'm guessing the wrinkle with this town is that it's filled with pussies, and the danger they represent is basically the threat of inducing the group to become as weak and soft as they are in an inhospitable world?
2 things about Noahs death.

Makes Beth's death even more stupid and useless

This show really doesn't like black people. The mkers HAVE to be aware of this rep by now right?

I really don't get this, TWD has the most black main characters in any show I have ever seen, yeah most of them are dead but overall more white characters have died.
and soon a black main character that has been alive since episode 1 will join the team hopefully.
I really don't get this, TWD has the most black main characters in any show I have ever seen, yeah most of them are dead but overall more white characters have died.
and soon a black main character that has been alive since episode 1 will join the team hopefully.
It's not like they only kill black characters and the main characters stick around for a few seasons.

T-Dog = Season 1 to 3
Tyreese = 3 to 5
Bob = 4 and about a quarter of 5
Oscar = part of 3
Noah = part of 5
Morgan = 2 episodes + post credit scenes
Everybody Hates Chris out, Morgan hopefully in. I was unfortunately wrong about it being the preacher being the one got replaced first but hey, sometimes the show just throws you a curveball!.

Also, We learn Rick is a fan of the Broken windows theory. I had a good chuckle.
2 things about Noahs death.

Makes Beth's death even more stupid and useless

This show really doesn't like black people. The mkers HAVE to be aware of this rep by now right?

Except that most of the most compelling characters have been black.

Michonne? Tyrese? Noah? Sasha? Bob? Both the guys from the first season? And when they've died its usually been heroically.

Also I haven't seen many black zombies, so many more whites have clearly died.

I mean I've made this same joke about the show but I mean....come on. Not remotely seriously.
What did Aiden admit to Glenn just before he died? Didn't quite catch it.

It sounded like he said "the others, they didn't obey. We did. It was us."

This, along with the foremans quote to abraham "WE HAVE A SYSTEM HERE -PUNCH-" and then the subsequent meeting with deanna and her husband:

"are you sure?" "Yes, if abraham had followed my orders, (whats her name) would be dead."

Definitely points to their system being "take no risks, survive at any cost, those who fall behind stay behind" Or something along those lines.

And if that truly is the system that has kept them alive this long, and ricks company comes in and challenges that notion by showing that people dont have to die, then not only has deanna put ricks co. In positions of power over her own people, but her own position is in jeopardy.

If the townsfolk see that even their leader has failed them, they will SEEK a coup. Or a mutiny, what have you.
I think it was "They didn't panic. We did, it was us". Not obey

But definitely agree that leaving people to die seems to be the Alexandrian way.

Edit: according to another site, the subtitles were:
"Okay, it was... it was us. The others before, they didn't panic, we did. It was us."
I think it was "They didn't panic. We did, it was us". Not obey

But definitely agree that leaving people to die seems to be the Alexandrian way.

Edit: according to another site, the subtitles were:
"Okay, it was... it was us. The others before, they didn't panic, we did. It was us."

Oh ok cool, ya I wasn't sure it was obey, my wife heard bank, which nade no sense and even though I didn't hear obey my mind wanted that to work since it made sense.

I wanted to add, I thought it was interesting that when rick was having his interview with deanna he said something like "out there its all about survival, what you can use, what you can take from others to survive." The whole time I felt like he was describing deanna.

Seems a little odd that she talked about being VERY good at reading people, then she gave everyone jobs that played on their emotions.

Ricks a cop that ones obvious, but daryl as an emmisary? Just genious. She knows he's an outcast and she puts him in a position like that. Bam, he's already looking like he's drinking the alexandrian kool aid. She's manipulating all of them.


I think Rick's group is doing a good job. I mean he is doing his role as 5-0. Abe getting shit done on the construction front. Eugene solving their power issues. Glen going out on patrols.

Deanna knows that her people are inferior and she has no choice but to let Rick's group run things. When she hears about these deaths she will be devastated but guess what, the group has lost way more and Rick lost his damn wife. This is small potatoes.

Time to GIT real. WHO'S DEANNA?

Oh I think they are all damn capable, they have been through the fire and are legit survivors at this point. They will naturally gravitate towards the top jobs, but that will inevitably lead to conflict. And Rick & co. could do some thangs to forestall anything serious.

If I was Rick, and he's seen a few of these kinds of places fail, I'd be pushing for some sort of democratic council or something. You need to get everyone involved and invested. At the moment Alexandria is a benevolent dictatorship. That needs to change if its going to grow and survive.

And I think Carol is actually becoming a bit of a liability, there could be a bit of conflict with Rick - she's been banished before for being a rogue agent - but I think Rick is happy to have her around because he thinks he's going to have to take over at some point: Ricktatorship 2.0.


surprised to see so many people sad that noah's gone, i thought he was a really shitty character and never liked him at all.


Great episode, but when they constantly miss the opportunity to remove danger it gets frustrating as hell.

A bunch of walkers pressed against a chainlink fence? You have pointy objects to hand that could easily fit through said chainlink fence? Kill the walkers with no danger to yourself before the fence breaks or some idiot leaves a door open!
Great episode, but when they constantly miss the opportunity to remove danger it gets frustrating as hell.

A bunch of walkers pressed against a chainlink fence? You have pointy objects to hand that could easily fit through said chainlink fence? Kill the walkers with no danger to yourself before the fence breaks or some idiot leaves a door open!

One thing that has always irritated me with this show, or with any other zombie show. If you have the advantage and capabilities to remove the threat, god damn do it.


One thing that has always irritated me with this show, or with any other zombie show. If you have the advantage and capabilities to remove the threat, god damn do it.

Never mind that they run around with assault rifles and tiny daggers when if they worked in teams of two, one with a wide broom to hold them back and the other with a sharpened broom handle to finish them, they could clear pretty much any building with ease...
Never mind that they run around with assault rifles and tiny daggers when if they worked in teams of two, one with a wide broom to hold them back and the other with a sharpened broom handle to finish them, they could clear pretty much any building with ease...
Would make for a pretty boring show.


Why exactly does Rick "have" to kill the abusive dad? Carol's blood-lust is a little inappropriate.

For her it make sense but I would hope Rick is able to see beyond it. Pete sadly isn't expendable. He's the town's only doctor and actual surgeon. He can't just kill him. This is unfortunately the needs of the many out weight the needs of the few. Can you deal with hi outside of killing him? Certainly and I hope Rick goes in that direction. Even on that front though how do you deal with him in such a way that it doesn't stop people from actually going to him for medical needs when they really need to and should for the safety and heath of everyone else?

Carol clearly isn't looking at the bigger picture here. Nor should she given her experiences but it's another reason why Rick is the leader and she's not. I just hope Rick's desire for Jesse doesn't cloud his judgement and make him trigger happy. This is really a complex situation here and I hope the show treats it as such.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I wish they'd show sober Pete actually doing doctor stuff, like checking on Carl's health or something. Would make his drunk scenes less black and white.
Heh, I actually think it would improve it. They could spend more time on character development and the whole 'rebuilding society' aspect of it if people weren't dropping like flies through sheer incompetence.
I don't have that much trust in the show that they would make that development very interesting. Most of the dialogue is pretty bad and hasn't seen much improvement over the years.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
For her it make sense but I would hope Rick is able to see beyond it. Pete sadly isn't expendable. He's the town's only doctor and actual surgeon. He can't just kill him. This is unfortunately the needs of the many out weight the needs of the few. Can you deal with hi outside of killing him? Certainly and I hope Rick goes in that direction. Even on that front though how do you deal with him in such a way that it doesn't stop people from actually going to him for medical needs when they really need to and should for the safety and heath of everyone else?

Carol clearly isn't looking at the bigger picture here. Nor should she given her experiences but it's another reason why Rick is the leader and she's not. I just hope Rick's desire for Jesse doesn't cloud his judgement and make him trigger happy. This is really a complex situation here and I hope the show treats it as such.
I'm not sure that Carol was saying you have to kill him now, or that he should murder him. It was more that it is an inevitability, that eventually it's going to come to that.


Anyone have any idea what the decapitated walkers from the mid season premiere was about? Also the whole stamp thing at the party from last episode. You guys think that's just some stupid kid thing the lil boy was doing or is it something more? Such as some subtle indication of who's important to the community and less expendable than others?


Im watching the first season again...

its really good!. No wonder the show got so many fans, we are all still expecting it to be as good as the first season, or as good as the first season promised us the show would be.


I finally caught the recent episode. I've got mixed feelings on it. On one hand, I like developments like Abraham taking over the construction crew. That whole thing played out pretty much exactly like the comic. Those are the kind of small developments that add up and make a great show. Its a big deal for that community to trust Rick's group enough to hand over authority like that and I think it feels authentic. Smart people who would be alive 1-2 years into this thing WOULD know their limits and admit it when the better person for the job came along.

On the other hand, the show's need to please idiot gorehound fans gets absolutely cringe-worthy at times. Noah's death was ridiculous. I couldn't even take it seriously. The whole thing was ruined because they pressed him up against the glass like "HEY LOOK AT THIS HE'S GONNA DIE WOAH!" and all I could hear in my head was the sound of Fangoria's subscriber base beating their dicks raw over it. Its just stuuuuuupid. Same goes for the guy who got disemboweled in the warehouse. Even the way the camera was aimed down at him was annoying. I get it, there are a lot of jerkoffs who really dig gore because they've never seen any real shit in their lives. FINE. I just think its amateur hour stuff that keeps the show from ever reaching its full potential. They just linger on that shit too long and too often.

I wish the show could just make that last jump from A/B-Tier to S-Tier. Its always on the line, ready to cross, but then dumb stuff keeps holding it back.
i'm no fan of excessive gore either but how else would you portray characters being eaten alive by zombies? it serves a purpose. glenn will be forever changed by the fact that he had to sit there and watch noah get ripped to shreds, inches away from him, completely powerless to help. it's impactful to attempt to give the viewer that same feeling of helplessness.
Never mind that they run around with assault rifles and tiny daggers when if they worked in teams of two, one with a wide broom to hold them back and the other with a sharpened broom handle to finish them, they could clear pretty much any building with ease...
It's not like Rick's group was able to clear out an entire prison yard


They were like a finely tuned SWAT team back in Season 3. You'd think Glenn and others would use those strategies

I finally caught the recent episode. I've got mixed feelings on it. On one hand, I like developments like Abraham taking over the construction crew. That whole thing played out pretty much exactly like the comic. Those are the kind of small developments that add up and make a great show. Its a big deal for that community to trust Rick's group enough to hand over authority like that and I think it feels authentic. Smart people who would be alive 1-2 years into this thing WOULD know their limits and admit it when the better person for the job came along.

On the other hand, the show's need to please idiot gorehound fans gets absolutely cringe-worthy at times. Noah's death was ridiculous. I couldn't even take it seriously. The whole thing was ruined because they pressed him up against the glass like "HEY LOOK AT THIS HE'S GONNA DIE WOAH!" and all I could hear in my head was the sound of Fangoria's subscriber base beating their dicks raw over it. Its just stuuuuuupid. Same goes for the guy who got disemboweled in the warehouse. Even the way the camera was aimed down at him was annoying. I get it, there are a lot of jerkoffs who really dig gore because they've never seen any real shit in their lives. FINE. I just think its amateur hour stuff that keeps the show from ever reaching its full potential. They just linger on that shit too long and too often.

I wish the show could just make that last jump from A/B-Tier to S-Tier. Its always on the line, ready to cross, but then dumb stuff keeps holding it back.
Pretty sure it's not that. It's a zombie show. Gore and crazy violent kills are expected. Hell, Nicotero worked on the OG Dawn of the Dead.

And Aiden's death was probably a homage to this


I wish they'd show sober Pete actually doing doctor stuff, like checking on Carl's health or something. Would make his drunk scenes less black and white.
Does Sober Pete even exist?

Even at the party where he initially seemed the most lucid, he was a drink or three in the can and off to get more after introductions.

We may have only seen Sober Pete once thus far when Rick and Jessie were proudly displaying their handstamps to each other and I'm pretty sure that was more Hungover Pete than Sober Pete.

Pete's medical prowess in terms of what he brings to the table goes out the window in terms of value if he's always intoxicated.
Just like Aiden saying he was part of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps. A lot of good that training did him.

Anyone have any idea what the decapitated walkers from the mid season premiere was about?
Noah had some ideas about them which is why he was so concerned about reinforcing the walls last week.
And we saw an identical 'W' carved into a skull less than two weeks ago. It's likely something that will be explored in full force during the finale.
When the decapitated walker torsos from Shirewilt show up again on the "Previously on the Walking Dead" bumper (those things give so much away), you'll know disclosure is coming.


Im watching the first season again...

its really good!. No wonder the show got so many fans, we are all still expecting it to be as good as the first season, or as good as the first season promised us the show would be.

The first season is when i thought we were finally getting an "intelligent" take on the zombie holocaust genre, for some reason.
I thought TWD would somehow reboot the entire literature by portraying original and believable situations and deep characters using some sense to deal with them, but the show and characters quickly became clichés for the most part.

Then again, we have to allow characters and situations to be dumb, or the zombies would *never* become a real threat.
In the real world, a zombie apocalypse on such scale could never happen.

It's still entertaining, with the occasional great moments, and i don't want to sound like those who keep watching the show just to comment on how dumb/boring/bad it is.
TWD is good, just not the novelty i was hoping for.


It's not like Rick's group was able to clear out an entire prison yard


They were like a finely tuned SWAT team back in Season 3. You'd think Glenn and others would use those strategies

Ignoring that a prison yard isn't a building so different tactics apply, how many times did they get into 'close calls'* where they let the zombies get too close and had to be saved by someone else in claiming the prison? Standing in a circle with machetes is a retarded way to go about it. As long as there isn't an overwhelming number of zombies, just drive into the yard with people on top of a tall van and some sharp broom handles and take them out from above in zero danger. When finished, load the bodies into the van and take them away, one free prison.

Basically, I'm confident that, with a friend, I could do better in a zombie apocalypse armed with wooden brooms than Rick's group have done with any number of guns, grenades etc..

* I get that it's 'dramatic' and that's the real reason why they do it constantly, but it grates after a while is all I'm saying.


Heh, I actually think it would improve it. They could spend more time on character development and the whole 'rebuilding society' aspect of it if people weren't dropping like flies through sheer incompetence.

Or they could cover themselves in zombie blood... How long has the team known that this makes them essentially immune to attacks? Since season 1?

Still, I digress. I think this has been one of the best seasons of the show, and they've really set up a great dynamic in Alexandria. They could go a bunch of different directions... We'll see what they do.


A bunch of walkers pressed against a chainlink fence? You have pointy objects to hand that could easily fit through said chainlink fence? Kill the walkers with no danger to yourself before the fence breaks or some idiot leaves a door open!

I've seen this brought up repeatedly so I'll just say that I believe it was the correct decision to move on. They weren't there to set up camp. They were there on a mission. Get in. Get the package. Get out. Promptly get it done with as little dicking around as possible. You figure that the walkers were in the building for quite a while and if they were gonna break through chain link they would've done so already. Not to mention, with the entrance of the building flooded with walkers, who knows how many more would've kept lining up to the fence, getting more aggressive the longer each person presented themselves to them.


I'm also in the camp that killing the walkers should be a lot easier than they make it look half the time (when they're not getting perfect headshots the other half)

They call them walkers for a reason. The part where abraham was on on the side of the dump truck, they were basically funneling in one after another in which case he took them out as they approached with ease although the entire scene is played as if he was in some inescapable danger.

I don't understand why funneling them through doorways or into corridors doesn't seem to be par for the course.

Anything more than 3 walkers at a time and these guys just lose their shit.
Or they could cover themselves in zombie blood... How long has the team known that this makes them essentially immune to attacks? Since season 1?

Still, I digress. I think this has been one of the best seasons of the show, and they've really set up a great dynamic in Alexandria. They could go a bunch of different directions... We'll see what they do.

I think they will get sick if they do that a lot.
in Morgan's Safehouse he wrote that he got sick after Blood cover, which I assume is the same as what Rick and Glenn did in Ep2.
You can see it here:

Not to mention they'll have to move slow and act like a zombie, and also who the fuck want to smell like sewer vomit every time they go on a run.


I wish they'd show sober Pete actually doing doctor stuff, like checking on Carl's health or something. Would make his drunk scenes less black and white.
Yeah, considering I guess it was Pete Aaron was talking to Noah about before they reached Alexandria. Remember how he was such an amazing doctor and Aaron had seen him do amazing things for people? And all we've seen is this drunk and creepy dude who's married to Jesse. He's become completely one-dimensional and that is boring.
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