What did Aiden admit to Glenn just before he died? Didn't quite catch it.
It sounded like he said "the others, they didn't obey. We did. It was us."
This, along with the foremans quote to abraham "WE HAVE A SYSTEM HERE -PUNCH-" and then the subsequent meeting with deanna and her husband:
"are you sure?" "Yes, if abraham had followed my orders, (whats her name) would be dead."
Definitely points to their system being "take no risks, survive at any cost, those who fall behind stay behind" Or something along those lines.
And if that truly is the system that has kept them alive this long, and ricks company comes in and challenges that notion by showing that people dont have to die, then not only has deanna put ricks co. In positions of power over her own people, but her own position is in jeopardy.
If the townsfolk see that even their leader has failed them, they will SEEK a coup. Or a mutiny, what have you.