And then that causes him to run into the arms of Aaron, breaking fangirls hearts everywhere and producing even more tears from damn near every demographic.
Not this demographic. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
And then that causes him to run into the arms of Aaron, breaking fangirls hearts everywhere and producing even more tears from damn near every demographic.
This demographic would be crying tears of joy, jus' sayin'Not this demographic. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
I get that but so has Michonne,Glen and Maggie. They want it to work. Rick and Carol were plotting to take over the place from the start. Even Daryl wasn't too enthusiastic about the idea.
Fair play to Michonne. Ricks stubborness has been annoying me lately. He keeps repeating that they have to live in the real world but apart from pete I can't see anything else that was going wrong in the town.
If they're going the same route as the comics,So what does everyone think the inevitable cliffhanger will be?
I say something with Daryl. They like to use him in cliffhangers to tug at everyones heart strings. He will be in some sort of dangerous situation or something.
No they weren't. Rick explicitly said "If they can't make it work, we take this place". Like if Alexandria turns out bad, or if people will have a problem with Rick's group staying there.I get that but so has Michonne,Glen and Maggie. They want it to work. Rick and Carol were plotting to take over the place from the start. Even Daryl wasn't too enthusiastic about the idea.
Since Melissa McBride will be on Talking Dead for the finale I think she will get killed by Pete. Getting killed by another abusive husband would be one sad form of irony but if she dies it will truly make people go in tears
lol, Daryl being killed would collapse the internet.
lol, Daryl being killed would collapse the internet.
I like(d) Michonne but da fuq is she doing knocking Rick out like that? The man was just stating the truth. The residents of Alexandria are living in some sort of fucked up fantasy land. Rick just dropped the reality bomb on those motherfuckers, and he would've made them begin to see sense had it not been with Michonne interferring and knocking him out. Man, fuck Michonne.
lol, Daryl being killed would collapse the internet.
What was with the Casserole Carol made? I didn't see what was written on the card.
Exactly. It doesn’t matter if Rick wasn’t wrong in what he was saying, he was off his rocker, bloodied and screaming with his gun out. People who are saying “fuck Michonne” think everyone should just agree with him in that situation and go “ok Rick, you’re right. Kill Pete and we can move on. You’re our own Dredd now, viva la Ricktatorship."? lmao. She flat-out saved Rick when she clocked him.Do you really think that?
Seems to me he was working himself up into a lather, and with him flayling around with the gun in his hand, it was an accident waiting to happen.
Michonne did Rick the biggest favour of his life.
Fair play to Michonne. Ricks stubborness has been annoying me lately. He keeps repeating that they have to live in the real world but apart from pete I can't see anything else that was going wrong in the town.
What was with the Casserole Carol made? I didn't see what was written on the card.
(Comic spoilers)So to the guys and gals that have read the comic;
What do we see first? The guys tying naked girls to trees and carving 'W's into foreheads, or the herd? How far apart are the two events?
Surely the finale will start with Rick being either restrained or kicked out, shit hits the fan and the Alexandria softies realise they need Rick and Co? Cue ass-kicking and heroic last stands, with the dust settling on an Alexandria that appreciates the dangers beyond the perimeter fence?
I can deal with any death coming apart from Rick and Daryl. Please not Daryl. :-(
So to the guys and gals that have read the comic;
What do we see first? The guys tying naked girls to trees and carving 'W's into foreheads, or the herd? How far apart are the two events?
Surely the finale will start with Rick being either restrained or kicked out, shit hits the fan and the Alexandria softies realise they need Rick and Co? Cue ass-kicking and heroic last stands, with the dust settling on an Alexandria that appreciates the dangers beyond the perimeter fence?
I can deal with any death coming apart from Rick and Daryl. Please not Daryl. :-(
(Comic spoilers)In the comics, there were no Wolves, but another group called the Scavengers. But they were really more of a plot device than a threat: 1) To show Alexandria how Rick and co can protect them from threats and 2) so the battle can attracts the attention of a massive herd. I imagine that the show's going to a similar route
Pretty useful against mindless hordesI suppose there's various ways they could spin the source material. Given the length of the finale, I would guess it's not just your normal horde knocking on the door/fence, and gives enough time to reveal/expand/develop anything else.
I think a Walking Dead interpretation of the Battle at Helm's Deep, only with Morgan playing Gandalf, would be awesome. Sasha and Michonne can be Legolas and Gimli. /fantasy ideas.
That's an idea; siege weapons. Surely they have their place in a zombie apocalypse?
Pretty useful against mindless hordes
Pretty sure Eugene and Deanna's husband can come up with some trebuchets.
Would be good for large herds, as well as getting rid of Gabriel.
Yes! I'm picturing it in my head right now.
BTW, am I the only one kind of wondering how they're going to fill 90 minutes this week? I'm having a hard time imagining it being 100% interesting the whole time. I kind of expect an hour and ten minutes of mostly nothing and then twenty minutes of being on the edge of our seats....
there‘s this huge discrepancy between how the town is presented and how it has resulted. i guess for the sake of tv magic it had to be a town that is already functioning but needs rick but it‘s a surprise it hasn‘t been overtaken or overridden already. the town surived this long but it isn‘t because of what they‘ve been doing but in spite of what they‘ve been doing, that‘s rick‘s angle.
90 minutes is with commercials. Episode lenght will be around 50-55 minutes. So just 10 minutes more than the usual.Yes! I'm picturing it in my head right now.
BTW, am I the only one kind of wondering how they're going to fill 90 minutes this week? I'm having a hard time imagining it being 100% interesting the whole time. I kind of expect an hour and ten minutes of mostly nothing and then twenty minutes of being on the edge of our seats....
Yvette is so awesome. One of my favorite fans to listen to talking about the show. She needs to permanently co-host Talking Dead with Hardwick. Bring back that wrestler guy too.
I really don't see them getting rid of Daryl just yet. I think he's far to important to the fan base at the moment. Carol on the other hand would provide enough anger if she was killed off and how they handle it though and lead up to it could be satisfying. Especially if she goes out saving everyone and Rick gets revenge for her.
Comic question.They've pretty much killed off characters or the equivalent of comic characters that shouldn't be alive at this point save Carol and Tara right? Daryl is a original creation but he might be taking part of a role meant for a comic character I last heard if I'm not mistaking due to now being a recruiter. Sasha from what I've understand is getting content that was meant for comic Andrea. The only ones this isn't being done with is Carol and Tara I believe. Comic Carol was long gone by now right? Tara is an original creation.
I think Tyreese is still alive at this point in the comics, as is Sophia. Tara was a minor character in the comics but was given a bigger role in the show, Carol is basically an original character at this point.
He was on the finale last year.Has Andrew Lincoln ever been on talking dead? I've only watched talking dead once or twice.
Ah, my bad. I haven't actually read the comics (working on buying them soon) but I've done a lot of reading of wiki's and stuffNot quite.Tyreese got beheaded by the governor. Sophia is still alive though.
That's been five seasons and I'm still surprised when I hear Lincoln talk in his normal voiceHe was on the finale last year.
He's also regularly in the taped/behind the scenes segments they show.
Comic question.They've pretty much killed off characters or the equivalent of comic characters that shouldn't be alive at this point save Carol and Tara right? Daryl is a original creation but he might be taking part of a role meant for a comic character I last heard if I'm not mistaking due to now being a recruiter. Sasha from what I've understand is getting content that was meant for comic Andrea. The only ones this isn't being done with is Carol and Tara I believe. Comic Carol was long gone by now right? Tara is an original creation.
Comic question.They've pretty much killed off characters or the equivalent of comic characters that shouldn't be alive at this point save Carol and Tara right? Daryl is a original creation but he might be taking part of a role meant for a comic character I last heard if I'm not mistaking due to now being a recruiter. Sasha from what I've understand is getting content that was meant for comic Andrea. The only ones this isn't being done with is Carol and Tara I believe. Comic Carol was long gone by now right? Tara is an original creation.
The only characters that were dead in the comics at this point, but are still alive in the show are Carol and Judith (unless I'm forgetting someone), and Carol is basically a completely different character from her comic counterpart.
I don't thinkJudith is dead in the comics though. Unless I'm just forgetting. I can't remember her dying.
She was crushed by Lori after she was shot in the back escaping the prison