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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 5, Part 2 – S6 premieres Oct 11th

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Hunky Nostradamus
Yeah, looking at everything that's been said by the cast and crew...
I predict an OG member of the cast to bite it this weekend. Specifically, somebody who's been around since Season 1/2. Considering Reedus and McBride have been announced to be on Talking Dead, my bets are they are both safe. So for me the only remaining candidates are Glenn and Maggie... ;_;

It's hard to predict who's going to die at this point...(comic)
I can't see Glenn dying after just having witnessed Noah's death - I think that will be something that effects him for quite some time. I also think Maggie is safe since she's learning the ropes from Deanna (clearly setting her up as the future leader of the Hilltop).

Rick, Carl, and Michonne are obviously safe. I feel like Abraham, Eugene, and Rosita are also safe because they haven't really been fleshed out as much as the other characters yet.

Sasha is comic Andrea, so she'll be around for a while. I also feel like they're planning on something bigger for Gabriel since the comic really didn't do much with him and I can't see them just letting Seth Gilliam fade away into the background.

Tara seems like the obvious choice since she's critically wounded and the village doc was messed up by Rick, and the fact that Daryl and Carol are on The Talking Dead also has me worried. At the same time, I feel like both are safe and that either could die.

There's also Morgan, but I think it would be a dumb waste to tease him out over the course of the whole season only to kill him off in the finale. (I also certainly don't believe he's the decapitated dude in the forest, lol)
Not including the finale, lets do some season ranking!

5(Evolution of Carol and Rick)>4=3>1....................2(Loud/obxious Shane and Lori the instigator ruined it for me)

This very recent stretch is pretty much only time in the show's history that it hasn't been mediocre(or worse) on a consistent basis. Rick's meltdown, and Michonne's slugging him is peak Walking Dead



I'm kind of partial to S1, but that's because it was only 6 episodes and I thought they did a great job of introducing the world, the characters, the dangers and the conflicts.

S2 spent way too long on the farm.

S3 meandered too much and had a fail of a finale.

S4 started the turnaround but the latter half with the split up episodes were too slow.

S5 has been great and I'd consider it at the top except you're all forgetting that horrible hospital arc.



The really good thing about this show right now is that it feels like Ricks group was out there too long. Who is really in the right and in the wrong now? It's the friggin zombie apocalypse, does the same moral standings apply that we have in our non apocalypse society?

I think I'm just rooting for Rick and what ever his group does out of bias, since I've followed them for a long time.


Neo Member
Who is going to trust him now? The only people that matter lol. His group will trust him. Rick's long term plan is to live in Alexandria. The problem is the alexandrians ineptitude isn't just putting those idiots in danger but it's putting his whole group in danger. They already lost Noah due to it. What if some shit ACTUALLY popped off? It could be a lot worse. They don't know what they're doing. They've been sheltered and got lucky. They're actually lucky that someone like Rick is the one to go crazy on them rather than the claimers or the governor or whatever else is out there.

Rick has good intentions in the end. And more importantly, Rick delivers results. Everyone else is all talk. He knows that though. He knew he was going to be the asshole of the group the second he gave his ricktatorship speech.

Like I said before, everyone else is a hypocrite. They like to think they haven't become as crazy as him but the SECOND something pops off they're all willing to lean on the dude to get them out of a mess.

I'm really torn with this... I mean, in one side I understand Rick. I mean, hell is lose on the outside and these women are debating about the book club.
But isnt what he is thinking about doing the exact same thing the governor did? These people were going by just fine in their delusional state, but were getting by nonetheless. Up until the moment he pulled the gun at Deanna, he was OK. He didnt try to kill Pete and was trying to help/fuck Jesse. But then he went crazy and he is no more able to hide his intentions to run the place. And that is my biggest problem with the character... he is just an egomaniac with control issues that happens to be unable to stand still while having a conversation ( it really bugs me).
I really hope Michonne is able to put some sense into his head...

Anyway, [comic spoiler ahead]
when the zombies take over Alexandria and Carl gets shot in THE FUCKING EYE!! everything will go back to the way it was...
Rick was absolutely right, But if she didn't take him down, it'd probably end badly for both sides.
How can it end badly for Rick's side? Deanna's side doesn't even have rent a cops, let alone someone who can take on his group.

What Deanna accomplished successfully was pitch Rick's group against one another. The only real holdouts are Carol, Rick and Sasha. Rest want to live the dream. Darryl will come back when things go sour. Not sure about Abraham Fox.


Don't think anyone from the main group will die for the finale but I do think it will finish with a cliffhanger.

So glad I have the Monday off work so when I get up I can watch it right away.


Why would you post that without spoiler tags?

EDIT: It's a good thing i'd already seen that or I would have been spoiled... again.


I wish they had found a real police/state trooper uniform to give Rick. He looks so stupid in that Mall Security Guard outfit.


It's hard to predict who's going to die at this point...(comic)
I can't see Glenn dying after just having witnessed Noah's death - I think that will be something that effects him for quite some time. I also think Maggie is safe since she's learning the ropes from Deanna (clearly setting her up as the future leader of the Hilltop).

Rick, Carl, and Michonne are obviously safe. I feel like Abraham, Eugene, and Rosita are also safe because they haven't really been fleshed out as much as the other characters yet.

Sasha is comic Andrea, so she'll be around for a while. I also feel like they're planning on something bigger for Gabriel since the comic really didn't do much with him and I can't see them just letting Seth Gilliam fade away into the background.

Tara seems like the obvious choice since she's critically wounded and the village doc was messed up by Rick, and the fact that Daryl and Carol are on The Talking Dead also has me worried. At the same time, I feel like both are safe and that either could die.

There's also Morgan, but I think it would be a dumb waste to tease him out over the course of the whole season only to kill him off in the finale. (I also certainly don't believe he's the decapitated dude in the forest, lol)

Yeah, it just feels like everyone still has more left to their story... but then again, it seemed like the same for Tyreese and Noah when they went out. :(

EW just released an interview with Gale Anne Hurd: http://www.ew.com/article/2015/03/25/walking-dead-finale-gale-anne-hurd-promises-sad-losses

(Minor S5 Finale Spoilers)
Are people going to have to pick a side in this finale?

You know, we have a few surprises up our sleeve —I would throw that out there. But yes, we’re seeing more of the division, not only among the Alexandrians and our group, but within our group as well.

Give me one good tease for the 90-minute finale.

You can rest assured that not only walker blood will be spilled, but there will be a few surprises and some sad losses that no one, I think, will be able to predict.

That should be interesting. Didn't expect for people in Rick's group to actually become divided.

(Comic Spoilers)
Obviously comic fans know that both Pete and Reg are more than likely done for but it's interesting that she mentions "sad losses" that no one will be able to predict. That's gotta mean somebody from Rick's crew for sure... My bet is on Tara, Maggie, or Carol (even though McBride was announced for Talking Dead)... or it could very well be Morgan since that would definitely do the job of making us scream at our TVs (according to Norman Reedus), piss us off (according to Michael Cudlitz) and be sad/cry (according to everyone).

Also, Season 6 HYPE!

Where are you guys in terms of mapping out season 6?

As luck would have it, last week Scott Gimple and his fantastic team of writers pitched out eight episodes of season 6 and let me tell you, it is going to be quite the rollercoaster. It is really exciting and also caused our line producer to start pulling out his hair.


Rewatching season 1 and 2, it's crazy just how far some of these characters have come. Like Rick, Carol and Daryl.

I miss Dale.


Don't think anyone from the main group will die for the finale but I do think it will finish with a cliffhanger.

So glad I have the Monday off work so when I get up I can watch it right away.

Either Carol or Darryl are done. Both of them are having problems with/in Alexandria - Darryl didn't even shower and took the first opportunity to head back out again, Carol went into full Walter White mode.
Also, with Sasha's sniper level increasing and if (CB Spoiler)
Jesus shows up next season
and/or Morgan joins the group there's simply going to be way too many badasses for just one show.

Somebody has to bite it and I fear
that there's going to be a lot of tweets, gaf posts even, from people who never want to watch this fucking show again.


Another finale tease from Sonequa Martin-Green:

What can you say about this supersized, 90-minute season finale? How does it compare to past seasons’ finales?

Well, it’s totally different from past season finales, just because the world has totally changed. We’ve never been in this environment before, and it’s hard for everyone to get used to, hard to get acclimated to the new surroundings, the clean surroundings, this new life. It’s a very transitional time for everyone, for us telling the story and for viewers watching the story. So many things are going to come to a head in the finale. We’re very excited for the extra time, for the “supersized” finale, as you said — I love that. It’s going to cover so much, so jam-packed, and it’s going to be thrilling.


Rewatching season 1 and 2, it's crazy just how far some of these characters have come. Like Rick, Carol and Daryl.

I miss Dale.
Yeah, it's crazy how far they have come. I remember in season 2 or so there was a discussion if they should kill a guy they took prisoner or not.

Current Rick would execute the guy on the spot while eating a sandwich.


I'm gonna go ahead and make a prediction which probably has been made before..

Since all this promo talk about how we're gonna get some sad unpredictable losses, and as a reader of the comics I think that the most devastating loss for our group without it being super devastating to the fans, as in we could easily regroup from it would be: SLIGHT COMIC SPOILERS AHEAD
That Carl might be the one to die this Sunday, and it would absolutely make for great TV seeing Rick fall deeper into the rabbit hole and it would be really sad as a TV moment and probably a bit unexpected.. I doubt they'll go the comic route and leave Carl a cyclops, so the next thing that makes sense is that they just end up killing him quite possibly with something that has to do with Enid


I'm gonna go ahead and make a prediction which probably has been made before..

Since all this promo talk about how we're gonna get some sad unpredictable losses, and as a reader of the comics I think that the most devastating loss for our group without it being super devastating to the fans, as in we could easily regroup from it would be: SLIGHT COMIC SPOILERS AHEAD
That Carl might be the one to die this Sunday, and it would absolutely make for great TV seeing Rick fall deeper into the rabbit hole and it would be really sad as a TV moment and probably a bit unexpected.. I doubt they'll go the comic route and leave Carl a cyclops, so the next thing that makes sense is that they just end up killing him quite possibly with something that has to do with Enid
Makes sense.
I doubt they'd go the eye route because it would be difficult to have him in such heavy make-up every time he appears on screen, or to have his hair always covering one half of his face


Am I too late to rank the seasons too?

1 > 3 > 2 > 5 > 4

I throughly enjoyed all of Season 1, even the CDC stuff. Guts, Vatos and Tell it to the Frogs are all still really great episodes.

With Season 3 the the first half was fantastic. The episode where T-Dog and Lori die remains my favorite in the series. Everything from getting into the prison and the stuff that followed was all great and you had the impression that anything could happen at any time. Axel's death in particular came out of nowhere and was such an amazing moment. That said the back half sort of dragged as they focused more and more on Andrea but it wasn't as terrible as some people made it out to be. The second half of the season also had great episodes like Clear and the one where Merle died. "I ain't gonna beg!" The season finale was a wet fart at the end of a really fucking great season.

Season 2 was great because the characters were still fairly naive. You were seeing them adjust to their situation and there was the power struggle between Shane and Rick.

The back half of season 5 has been fantastic, on par with the first season. The start of the season with the cannibals was good and so was the stuff at the church. But yo that fucking hospital arc. The hospital arc was fucking terrible and looking back on it now there was really no pay out from it. It is literally the lowest point this series has ever been. Everyone at the hospital was such a flat, boring character. It is bad enough to drag the great parts of the season down and make it rank this low on my personal list.

Season 4 was pretty terrible and all over the place. It had some great moments sprinkled throughout like Tyreese taking on the horde of zombies with just his hammer and Rick bitting that dudes neck but by and large it was just meh. The first half of the season felt like they wanted a do over after fucking up the season 3 finale but they took too long to get there. The second half of the season after the prison explodes was just sort of meh. Nothing particularly interesting happens.


Great episode. Great season. I hope the finale continues the trend.

Oh and I'm fully expecting Glenn to die. Why else would the TWD Facebook page post a picture of him to build hype for the finale? He dead.....D E D


Am I too late to rank the seasons too?

1 > 3 > 2 > 5 > 4

I throughly enjoyed all of Season 1, even the CDC stuff. Guts, Vatos and Tell it to the Frogs are all still really great episodes.

With Season 3 the the first half was fantastic. The episode where T-Dog and Lori die remains my favorite in the series. Everything from getting into the prison and the stuff that followed was all great and you had the impression that anything could happen at any time. Axel's death in particular came out of nowhere and was such an amazing moment. That said the back half sort of dragged as they focused more and more on Andrea but it wasn't as terrible as some people made it out to be. The second half of the season also had great episodes like Clear and the one where Merle died. "I ain't gonna beg!" The season finale was a wet fart at the end of a really fucking great season.

Season 2 was great because the characters were still fairly naive. You were seeing them adjust to their situation and there was the power struggle between Shane and Rick.

The back half of season 5 has been fantastic, on par with the first season. The start of the season with the cannibals was good and so was the stuff at the church. But yo that fucking hospital arc. The hospital arc was fucking terrible and looking back on it now there was really no pay out from it. It is literally the lowest point this series has ever been. Everyone at the hospital was such a flat, boring character. It is bad enough to drag the great parts of the season down and make it rank this low on my personal list.

Season 4 was pretty terrible and all over the place. It had some great moments sprinkled throughout like Tyreese taking on the horde of zombies with just his hammer and Rick bitting that dudes neck but by and large it was just meh. The first half of the season felt like they wanted a do over after fucking up the season 3 finale but they took too long to get there. The second half of the season after the prison explodes was just sort of meh. Nothing particularly interesting happens.
I can agree with this!

I definitely would probably put 5 over 2 though despite how badly 5 has missed opportunities. Like you said the Hospital arc probably will go down as the worst arc in the series at the end of the day. Because there was no payoff other than minor characters getting off'd for very stupid reasons to save a new minor character who dies soon after.

2 However just lingered on and on. They had that one episode where pretty much nothing happened (the one where they try to get water from a well) and too much indecisiveness with Lori and Shane and such. It just dragged for too long.

3 and 4 are kind of tied for me. 3 was good but gets dragged down by the awful finale and anything Andrea related. 4 was kind of weird but had good Governor bits and some interesting character episodes with Carol in particular.
Great episode. Great season. I hope the finale continues the trend.

Oh and I'm fully expecting Glenn to die. Why else would the TWD Facebook page post a picture of him to build hype for the finale? He dead.....D E D

If we lose one? My money is on Carl. If we lose 2? Carl & Glenn


Season 2 and 3 were all over the damn place but they still had some of my definite favorite episodes of the entire show. These include episode 207 (finally sold me on the show), 208, 212, 301, 302, 312, 315. In the end, they're pretty much equal to me with or without their finales.

A lot of people hate on season two, and while it did drag on there were a lot of great moments. Conflict between Rick and Shane, Shane and Otis, Sophia in the barn and Rick stepping up when nobody else wanted to, two guys walk into a bar, 18 miles out, showdown between Rick and Shane, "I killed my best friend for you people - this is not a democracy anymore"

I definitely would probably put 5 over 2 though despite how badly 5 has missed opportunities. Like you said the Hospital arc probably will go down as the worst arc in the series at the end of the day. Because there was no payoff other than minor characters getting off'd for very stupid reasons to save a new minor character who dies soon after.

The writers killing Beth was a big mistake in my book. Her character grew a lot during her time at the hospital and I think she would have come out of that place much more capable than she ever was before. Once she was out they could have continued with what had been going on between her and Daryl. Tyrese's death comes one episode later and would have been enough to satisfy the blood lust of the viewers, but as it sits the only two people who spent a great deal of time at the hospital are gone.


With all the comparisons people have been making towards current Rick and Shane, there's one thing Andrea said to Shane back in Season 2 I feel is applicable now; about how he's making all the right calls, but "it's your presentation which leaves something to be desired." Something along those lines.

I definitely think that's the issue now. I think Rick's making the right calls, I've no idea how this place survived so long with how it was when Rick first got there, but he's just going the wrong way about changing it and, just like what happened to Shane, people are now seeing him as the bad guy because of it. Sadly it seems like something huge and horrible will have to happen before they finally start listening to Rick straight away, who's trying to avoid that being necessary in the first place.
Regarding all the Rick vs Shane comparisons we've been seeing:

You could argue that there are parallels at a very basic level, but let's not pretend the two are interchangeable at this point.

That picture completely oversimplifies things, Shane thought that Rick would get people killed because of a lot more, especially that Rick was happy to play lasso-the-walkers with an old man and store them 10 feet away from where the group slept. Present day Rick would laugh hysterically at that mistake past Rick made.

I don't think they're interchangeable, but it's not only a fundamental level either. They're different people completely, but Rick is definitely applying lots of Shane policies nowadays - which is fine, Shane was right about a lot of things, he just guessed them instead of learning by trial and error.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
The situations are not interchangeable, but take Lori and Jessie out of the equation and things would have gone down way differently in both scenarios. Their lust made them go out of control regardless of how "right" they might have been.

Rick keeps framing it simply as "it's about survival in the zombie apocalypse", but he flat out tells Jessie he wouldn't do that for anyone else. Of course Pete had to be dealt with, but Rick would have gone about it in a very different way if he didn't have a thing for Jessie. You can't have a leader going out of whack because he's craving pussy. Hopefully Michonne clocking him will help him regain his senses.
The situations are not interchangeable, but take Lori and Jessie out of the equation and things would have gone down way differently in both scenarios. Their lust made them go out of control regardless of how "right" they might have been.

Rick keeps framing it simply as "it's about survival in the zombie apocalypse", but he flat out tells Jessie he wouldn't do that for anyone else. Of course Pete had to be dealt with, but Rick would have gone about it in a very different way if he didn't have a thing for Jessie. You can't have a leader going out of whack because he's craving pussy. Hopefully Michonne clocking him will help him regain his senses.
How do you know he meant it? Because Rick i know, would do that for anyone. Maybe he just said that, because that's what Jessie wanted to hear.
And Rick was very calm, but then Pete hit him and adrenaline kicked in.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
How do you know he meant it? Because Rick i know, would do that for anyone. Maybe he just said that, because that's what Jessie wanted to hear.
And Rick was very calm, but then Pete hit him and adrenaline kicked in.
He may have said that just so she agreed, but it doesn't change the fact that the only approval Rick deemed important for what he wanted to do (get rid of Pete) was Jessie's. He didn't tell anyone in his group that he was going to confront him (aside from Carol who was in on it from before) and he didn't care about what Deanna thought after she disagreed with him. But even then he still needed Jessie to agree with his protection. He cares about her feelings in a way he wouldn't if his actions were only about longterm survival.

Also, he may have started calm, but he wasn't in his right mind. More than once he was reaching for his gun whenever Pete was around. Pete did jump on him, but imo Rick only needed a little push to jump on his guts. I feel like even if Pete moved out it wouldn't have ended there for Rick.

Still, even though I'm thinking this way I still don't disagree with Rick. I just think the way things went down were heavily influenced by his feelings for Jessie and that can't be ignored. If it was, say, Deanna's husband hitting on her instead I'm sure Rick would have tried to solve it firmly, but not as harshly as he did here. He would also have talked with others in his group about it before acting on it too (at least with Michonne, Daryl and Glenn). He wasn't himself and it's something that has been boiling up in the last few episodes.


Ay ay ay, this last episode was terrible...

it wasnt the worst episode ever, because the worst episode ever is the one where Daryl has hallucinations

But damn, characters need to be stupid for something to happen?

Carl and annoying girlfriend running in slow motion? Really?

Also, annoying girlfriend is dead set on making something stupid to make something happen

And crazy sasha... what a lame topic... she could at least count how many she killed, come up with new, economic ways to kill zombies... but no. Infinite ammo + hollywood gun silencer

Ricks breakdown was the best part, but was also bad.


I posted the FULL summary of 5x16 "Conquer" in the Spoiler Thread if anyone wants to read it. MAJOR Spoilers obviously.
I was wondering.. How do you guys think Rick and company would do if the zombies (ok walkers) were like the ones in the Dawn of the Dead remake. Personally, I think they would be screwed..
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