So do Rick and co have super immune systems? How many times have people been showered in rotting blood and guts and not get sick? Rick got brain and eyeball juice all over his face.
Deanna is having some really shitty luck with our group lol.. what can she be possibly thinking? her son and husband are murdered after inviting these people in. "It was all good just a week ago". It was bs that they didn't show how Glenn got away, that was really lazy and my only problem with the finale.
Also I'm actually really excited for next season, I wanna know more about the wolves, can anyone recall what the guy said to Morgan in the beginning? Did he admit that they were the exiled people from Alexandria?
So do Rick and co have super immune systems? How many times have people been showered in rotting blood and guts and not get sick? Rick got brain and eyeball juice all over his face.
Maybe the virus is most concentrated in walker's saliva or teeth. In this show you have to get a direct bite to get infected. There have never been a case that a person turns into a walker by exposing to walker's body fluid.
Deanna is having some really shitty luck with our group lol.. what can she be possibly thinking? her son and husband are murdered after inviting these people in. "It was all good just a week ago".
I don't get this either. Super annoying to hear it. It was like when I watched the Sopranos all those years and would watch a great episode-then go online and see everyone saying "NO ONE GOT WHACKED!"
That said- I fucking loved this episode. Great stuff all around. That dope Gabriel is amusing to watch. Just fucks up everything he touches-can't even close a gate properly.
I had no idea how Darryl and Aaron were going to get out of that car.
Ending was so good. Carol knows those people too well. She knew Rick needed to let shit happen because it was the only way Deanna and crew would pull their heads out of their asses.
They lived in their fantasy land so long that they let it trick them into thinking the world was ok. Deanna even made the snide response to Maggies the things we've lost. Deanna finally seeing the world for what it is by having shit breakdown within the walls. Her sons death and others have always happened outside the walls which was always another world.
I like the setup for next season with the Wolves or whatever those guys are called. It felt like the group were only fighting themselves (as in fighting their own demons) this season.
Oh yeah, and Carol's 'come at me' was the highlight for me.
Pretty decent finale and easily one of the shows strongest seasons so far for me. Nice to have Morgan joining up with the group. Though there may be some issues after he walked in on Rick shooting someones head off ha.
Maybe the virus is most concentrated in walker's saliva or teeth. In this show you have to get a direct bite to get infected. There have never been a case that a person turns into a walker by exposing to walker's body fluid.
Some people are still complaining after such a fantastic episode? This was top tier Walking Dead. If you thought this episode was bad how the hell did you make past season 4 and the hospital arc earlier this season? This episode had character development, tension, and awesome zombie kills. What more could you have possibly wanted?
Some people are still complaining after such a fantastic episode? This was top tier Walking Dead. If you thought this episode was bad how the hell did you make past season 4 and the hospital arc earlier this season? This episode had character development, tension, and awesome zombie kills. What more could you have possibly wanted?
Man, I fucking love Morgan. Ya'll have no idea how happy I am that he and Rick are finally reunited. Let us pray to BasedGimple that he is given the plot armor of Rick, Carl and Daryl combined. <3
I'll be honest, I legit thought Morgan, Daryl and/or Glenn were gonna eat it tonight. All of their scenes when they were in danger had me on edge.
Interesting that the gun that the Wolf pointed at Morgan when they met was empty. I'm guessing it just mean that they ran out of bullets but they still use it threaten people.
It's REALLY difficult to sympathize with Gabriel... I hope the ending scene where Maggie is praying with Gabriel and Sasha means the latter two finally find peace by the opening of Season 6.
Fucking love Abraham: "There is a vast sea of shit out there that ya'll have no idea about. Rick has experienced every grain of said shit... and then some." xD
All this while Rick is inserting his pistol into the skull of a walker starting at the base of its jugular. Then he blows a cap into its brain and bathes in its face juices. That was incredible. LOL
Really curious to see what happens with Nicholas. I wanted Glenn to end him so bad. I hope they at least try to give him some redemption arc because if this just leads to him continuing to try and fuck the group over, that's just lame.
The way Rick executed Pete without even a second's more of hesitation was too perfect. Didn't even blink the moment after Deanna said "do it". gotdayum
Sounds like Lennie James still won't be a regular in Season 6. That's a shame.
(Comic Spoilers
Davidson name drop by Aaron!! :O Ok, so it sounds like they're definitely gonna have the Wolves as being the three Alexandria exiles to give Davidson more of a story. I know Kirkman didn't care much about exploring his story in the comic so that's definitely a different angle I could see them making of The Scavengers. Although I feel like things are gonna be mixed up a little bit in the first half of Season 6. The Wolves don't appear to have any guns to speak of so I doubt they'll just waltz up to the gates of Alexandria and demand to be let inside. Also, the herd is introduced almost immediately after The Scavengers are dispatched... so I predict the first 4 or so episodes will be about dealing with the Wolves, last 4 dealing with the herd and mid-season finale cliffhanger is "Dad?" with back half opening up with Rick and company annihilating the herd and realizing they can deal with them. Negan being introduced in the Season 6 finale is definitely plausible but I predict they'll save his welcoming party for Season 7.
show's version of the herd? Because that would be pretty disappointing. Would be cool if the herd that Abraham sees is the one that overruns Alexandria
I thought the brilliant aspect of this episode was it had the feeling that one of these main characters were going to die and so it kept the tension high the entire time, so it was a constant tension, relaxation, tension, relaxation, etc.
The only thing I haven't liked about the last couple of episodes is Carl being mainly absent. My favourite part of this show is the "Monster in me" story of Carl.
Maybe the virus is most concentrated in walker's saliva or teeth. In this show you have to get a direct bite to get infected. There have never been a case that a person turns into a walker by exposing to walker's body fluid.
What "More_Badass" wrote. Everyone is already infected (with the death-turns-you-into-a-walker-disease) and the bites add nothing to that. IIRC Kirkman himself said that it's not the Zombie-germ that kills you when bitten, but blood loss, infection by other germs (they're rotting corpses!) etc. basically trauma and sepsis.
show's version of the herd? Because that would be pretty disappointing. Would be cool if the herd that Abraham sees is the one that overruns Alexandria
I think It wont be related to the trucks. Out on their scouting mission its commented on how many more walkers are in the area compared to what used to be. Something is bringing them in the area and its likely just migration.
The area was supposed to be evacuated based on the story Deanna gave so there cannot be that many targets for the Wolves. The one guy mentions to Morgan that he only sees someone every few weeks so live people are pretty rare.
The most jarring aspect of this episode was the jump from day to night. Rick runs off after seeing the gate and suddenly it's night. What? That really bugged me
The most jarring aspect of this episode was the jump from day to night. Rick runs off after seeing the gate and suddenly it's night. What? That really bugged me
But covering yourself in walker guts doesn't harm you? Makes no sense.
And they always die of a fever when bitten.
Or what about Andrea's death? She was bitten by someone who ~just~ turned into a walker. Surely the 'other germs' wouldn't have been potent enough on a corpse that's been rotting for 30 seconds.
Does Rick have to choke a Zombie? That strength. Also found it hilarious how he came with the body and just dropped it in front of everyone. Okay episode. The core characters always find a way out to the point any danger they are in is never believable. Was hoping Glenn would get eaten for being so damn passive with that dude once the reached back to the community last time around but alas even he got out from under 3 Zombies.
But covering yourself in walker guts doesn't harm you? Makes no sense.
And they always die of a fever when bitten.
Or what about Andrea's death? She was bitten by someone who ~just~ turned into a walker. Surely the 'other germs' wouldn't have been potent enough on a corpse that's been rotting for 30 seconds.
Ever fell down and suffered a bleeding wound outdoors? potentially lethal, as our soil around the globe is home to "flesh eating bacteria" that can actually kill within hours and are time and time again treated with amputation.
The answer to the first sentence/questions is probably yes, but obviously you're still around: because not enough germs entered your system, which is even more easily avoidable with intact skin.
Like you said, the show (and comic books) aren't consistent and usually people die too fast. Also getting that stuff in your eyes should have nasty consequences, at least for the make-up department. Only suspension of disbelief helps you over that.
The most jarring aspect of this episode was the jump from day to night. Rick runs off after seeing the gate and suddenly it's night. What? That really bugged me
Yeah that was really weird, it was bright when Rick saw the gate was open, and by the time he found the walkers it was already dark and then the meeting was happening already lol.
that is, anyone who was alive when the zombie virus was airborne. current fan theory is that anyone born after it spread is immune. judith, for instance.
Yeah that was really weird, it was bright when Rick saw the gate was open, and by the time he found the walkers it was already dark and then the meeting was happening already lol.
It's funny, out of all the finale teases we got, Tovah Feldshuh (Deanna) "teased" it best:
I dont know what Im at liberty to tell you, but clearly like any good finale, certain things are brought to a head. But unlike a symphony, not much is brought to a resolution.