I thought Glenn was going to be the one to die leading up to the season finale. Glad he didn't.
I know that dying will turn you as everyone already has the infection.
But in some cases being bitten shouldn't kill you.
Such as Hershel being bitten. His bite was pretty tame and could have been cleaned imo but instead they went for the chop and cause more blood loss.
Also, its weird that the Cannibals could eat people seeing as everyone was infected but then when Bob was bitten, it was a problem to eat him..
The most jarring aspect of this episode was the jump from day to night. Rick runs off after seeing the gate and suddenly it's night. What? That really bugged me
Maybe the virus is most concentrated in walker's saliva or teeth. In this show you have to get a direct bite to get infected. There have never been a case that a person turns into a walker by exposing to walker's body fluid.
This is not a big deal, but this bugged me as well, haha.
Like, why do the meeting at night by torch light or whatever. So the rest of the place is asleep? To make it extra creepy and ominous?
And how the passing of time and location orientation was weird to me. Like some michael bay transformers or Hobbit 3 last battle stuff. Like, what was he doing to pass the time till night. Where was he, how big is this place, where was Glenn and dumbass in relation to the compound. How far was big D away.
Like, WAT, lol.
If by Big D you mean Darryl, he and Aaron were about 50 miles from Alexandria; they say as much.
Just like good kegel muscles.I thought the brilliant aspect of this episode was it had the feeling that one of these main characters were going to die and so it kept the tension high the entire time, so it was a constant tension, relaxation, tension, relaxation, etc.
The only thing I haven't liked about the last couple of episodes is Carl being mainly absent. My favourite part of this show is the "Monster in me" story of Carl.
Glenn not telling anyone the guy climbing over the fence and the gate thing with Gabriel and Spencer...Jesus Christ what contrived ways to rack up tension. It just makes so many people look stupid for convenience. Enjoyed it regardless.
They're right to judge him. The man is still not mentally balanced.And fuck yes Rick, put those sheep in their place. The audacity of them judging him.
Man fucking Sasha, Gabriel are fucking annoying. Go kill yourself man. Stop crying over everything fucking pussies. Seriously, every time I see these two, I just want to punch them so hard
They've probably gotten use to the smell.On the subject of Sasha, her lying with the zombies was a bit much for me. I get that she has a death wish, and I get why, but still. Those things have to reek.
Actually, the fact that people aren't alerted to zombies by their odor is something I'm still trying to get my head around.
I like what the father said to the son when he gave him a watch that had been handed down through generations. He said: 'I give you a mausoleum of all hope and desire which will fit your individual needs, no better than it did mine and my father before me. I give it to you not that you may remember time, but that you may forget it. For a moment, now and then, and not spend all of your breath trying to conquer it.'
Man fucking Sasha, Gabriel are fucking annoying. Go kill yourself man. Stop crying over everything fucking pussies. Seriously, every time I see these two, I just want to punch them so hard
They weren't expecting to be dealing with a post-apocalyptic Donatello.Wait, so am I suppose to believe that the two guys who can create such an elaborate trap, able to herd a vast number of walkers without getting themselves killed, were the same two people that got their asses kicked by Morgan and weren't smart enough to know they were beat? I am sorry, that just does not make sense to me after thinking about it.
So going back to Dale's speech from season 1, what do you think the writers are trying to say by having all the Alexandria episode titles reference that speech?
Alexandria is supposed to be the "mausoleum of all hope and desire", a hope for normalcy among an ocean of shit?
Episode titles were:wat?
A mausoleum is a grave, a memorial to something that is gone. IMHO Alexandria is quite the opposite.
This. Considering what Rick was saying and what Deanna was so desperately trying to maintain until that last scene, I'd say Alexandria is definitely a memorial to something that is gone. Normal life, the way things were.In a way, it actually fits.
And Morgan was giving off some serious Book of Eli vibes
So these Wolves arent actual wolves but the name of the people?
That's pretty sad.
I wanted zombie wolves.
This. Considering what Rick was saying and what Deanna was so desperately trying to maintain until that last scene, I'd say Alexandria is definitely a memorial to something that is gone. Normal life, the way things were.
So these Wolves arent actual wolves but the name of the people?
That's pretty sad.
I wanted zombie wolves.
yes canines were taking knives to the foreheads of undead humans
They aren't real so them being super strong (yet cant break a car window) and also super fragile makes since in the make believe world of The Walking Dead, like how Vin Diesel can drive a car through the top of a sky scraper into another sky scraper. Suspension of disbelief brah.As badass as this shot was it again shows how soft and mushy the zombies are. How are they supposed to have the strength to tear people apart?
They're right to judge him. The man is still not mentally balanced.
The Alexandrians may be soft, but Rick has been out there too long. Both sides have got to meet in the middle.
except he didnt
Rick and wife beater looking like marv from sin city
Well he didn't actually save them. He attracted walkers to the car to kill them, but he gave them a chance to survive. This is the new MorganDude saved 2 Wolves... Morgan gonna regret that.
Well he didn't actually save them. He attracted walkers to the car to kill them, but he gave them a chance to survive. This is the new Morgan
This. Considering what Rick was saying and what Deanna was so desperately trying to maintain until that last scene, I'd say Alexandria is definitely a memorial to something that is gone. Normal life, the way things were.
I understand that which is why I'm not too bothered about it. It just occasionally takes me out of it when I see it.They aren't real so them being super strong (yet cant break a car window) and also super fragile makes since in the make believe world of The Walking Dead, like how Vin Diesel can drive a car through the top of a sky scraper into another sky scraper. Suspension of disbelief brah.
I take it as like a monster in a D&D game. Their strength is very high with high critical chance but their HP and defense is incredibly low which allows people to kill them very easily.