Jesus christ, this episode was terrible
Its like they got a few random scenes and then put it together
Huge buildup for something not that interesting to happen in the last few seconds.
Glenn vs Dj Bobo = oh yeah. great. they have a fight that last the whole day, glenn is shot and have 10 zombies on top of him, escapes magically and in the end they both decide to be friends. Wow, great way to spend time on the last episode of the season
Gabriel is crazy = yeah, we know. Crazy and annoying as fuck. Its a priest in a zombie world, of course he would make no sense. The real problem here is that someway, somehow, they just cant take anything interesting out of it, and all his scenes are just wasting time
The W people = its a buildup for the next season. Thanks for hyping the next season in the middle of this season finale. Like "Yeah, there´s nothing to see here... but wait for next season! It will be great"
Rick vs Everybody in town (like... 8 people) = Rick, your friends will explain to these people what you´ve been through, so the Alexandria people can understand you. Unfortunally your friends are forbidden of detailing the events, so they just speak about your amazing qualities like a birthday video made by your co-workers
The WHOLE TOWN = ..... this is the whole town?
Morgan The Invincible Fighter in: Morgan the Invincible Fighter = i actually liked that.
"The events of last night" = Last night????? Why is everybody calling rick and pete fighting "last night"? It was totally clear, it was day! Here is a gif
And they say "last night" several times (i bet this has an explanation and im missing something obvious)
All in all, what the hell.... this was REALLY bad. And the actors interviews hyping this disaster... please, no more Walking dead actors interviews... they are horrible, embarassing