Yeah the comic never had the stuff that the show did with Morgan basically having his own little town all set up with boobytraps. Come to think of it, TV Morgan is a lot like Bill from The Last of Us. I mean, that area is literally called "Bill's Town". Ha! TV Morgan's town should be called Morgantown or something.
Now that Morgan is finally there, I really really hope they keep him around for a long time and let him be a badass. The group is now stronger than its EVER been in the show OR the comics. We've got:
All really capable men who can handle their own. Each one could basically act as a captain of sorts when Alexandria inevitably goes to war with Wolves or some other group or people.
That's not even counting the very capable women on the show either:
All immediately come to mind. I'm sure there are others that could do well, but I consider those four to be the best.
I'd really like to see the show not kill anyone from that group next season as well. There's just no need for it. Its easy to write a death onto the show, its harder to find worthwhile arcs for so many characters, much less such likeable ones as the ones I just listed. That's where the show needs to improve, IMO. Its good now, but its still not on the level of Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad. I want it to get there! It certainly has enough characters that people are excited about, and the premise of the show is fairly unique to television, so I just want to see it make that extra jump in quality now.
Very excited for next season. I really enjoyed that finale. I had a fistpump moment when Michonne talked to Rick early on. I told my wife that some idiots online actually called her a traitor after last week and my wife laughed.
Somebody asked earlier about Fear TWD and what we think about it. I was thinking its really cool that the "hero" or star of the show is Kim Dickens (Treme, House of Cards, Sons of Anarchy, Gone Girl, etc) but when I look at the IMDB cast page for the show, she's near the bottom of the list and the rest are all people I am not familiar with at all. The top billed guy is some fucking rapper I've never heard of. Great.
I'm worried it'll be a shittier version of the main show, but I'm hopeful that it could be good. I'm definitely looking forward to having more Walking Dead in the summer.