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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 5, Part 2 – S6 premieres Oct 11th

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But they weren't terrible. Everyone's entitled to their opinions, but the general consensus says otherwise

Intense zombie moments, character development, drama and edge-of-your-seat stuff that didn't rely on killing a main character...

Im impressed. I thought it was so bad i would come here and people would be demanding the show to end or something bizarre like this

I just kept checking the time and saying "why nothing has happened yet?"

I'm seeing the 'you're going to cry a lot' quote sometimes, who said it?

I think it was norman reedus


Good episode, weak finale.

Anyone else feel like the season/story order for the show is kind of messed up? Let me try to explain:

I think S3.2 and S4.1 should have been one season (Governor vs Prison), and S4.2 and S5.1 should have been one season (Rick and crew looking for their new home). Now it seems like S5.2 is only going to get resolved in S6.1 (The Wolves).

It seems like the season finales usually end on some kind of cliffhanger or unresolved plot point (Governor's half-assed attack on the prison at the end of S3, "They're messing with the wrong people!" at the end of S4). These plot points are then resolved half-way into the next season. It's like the seasons don't contain full story arcs.
Terminus and the Governor were each like 3 episodes in their second seasons.


Can someone explain what the Wolves speech in the beginning was supposed to mean?

I'm guessing that the walkers that are marked were originally Wolves that were killed or attacked? Since the living members mark themselves?

Great finale, indeed. At first, I was hoping for a more dramatic meet, like they give each other big hugs of love. But, I really liked how it played out. Last time we saw Rick meet Morgan, Morgan was, as he said it, "cray cray" and Rick talked him back to sanity. Now, Morgan meets Rick, and there's that role swap. It's great.

I've got a question about the "W" guys. At the beginning of the episode, I think missed parts of the one W-dude's speech (the one who pointed the gun at Morgan). The only thing I got from him was something like: "There's a tribe that were once wolves and became people. Now people are.. you know." Did I miss anything important? I tried to rewatch and think I still missed some parts.

confused also. No spoilers for the comics please. just what the dude at the start was trying to say.


I thought it was so bad i would come here and people would be demanding the show to end or something bizarre like this

huh. I thought the episode was one of the seasons best - writing was top notch, shots were framed fantastically. Are there really many people who were disappointed by this?

now to be fair -
Glenns off-film escape can be seen as cheap - but how else to surprise the viewer when he jumps Sissypants?

Great send off - looking forward to S6.
confused also. No spoilers for the comics please. just what the dude at the start was trying to say.

He was making an allusion to the original settlers and natives placing a bounty on wolf heads to drive them out of the area to extinction. He was also saying that his group with the "W" mark are wolves in nature like the native Americans believed that some men were wolves transformed.


Wanted to pop in and say I'm so pleased that they didn't feel the need to wipe a main character just for the sake of the finale. I also really liked the theme of forgiveness that was at play with Sasha, Maggie, & Gabriel, as well as Glenn and that asshole. It would have been so easy to take the boring way out and have them just kill those two, but instead the writers took the more interesting route of forgiveness. I really really appreciated that.

On the other side of that, seeing Rick finally take out that wife beater was oddly satisfying. I read the comics so I knew it was coming, and I know it goes against everything I just said for Glenn and Sasha, but I like seeing Rick in charge and having that moment where Deanna basically came down to Rick's level and he delivered for her.

I have these weird double standards at times, I know. I usually root for the group to eliminate anyone who does anything overtly stupid or threatening but this time I didn't know that I wanted peace until they gave it to us. Very cool.


It seems like the season finales usually end on some kind of cliffhanger or unresolved plot point (Governor's half-assed attack on the prison at the end of S3, "They're messing with the wrong people!" at the end of S4). These plot points are then resolved half-way into the next season. It's like the seasons don't contain full story arcs.

The magic of TV Advertising and Marketing. Seasons end with Cliffhangers. Viewers feel the urge to tune back in to continue the story. This drives word of mouth interest. Bringing in new viewers. More viewers = higher price for advertisement space. Last night there were new commercials made specifically to drop in the finale of the highest rated TV show on television. It is working as planned.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
If the wolves are the alexandria exiles, why is it that they suddenly decide to come back? They seemed happy enough in their part of the woods. There's also that scene where they're looking and the pictures and seemingly finding out about alexandria. There's also the fact that if they are the exiles then they couldn't do much since they seem to kill everyone they meet; no chance to build a group up.

I think the wolves are an already established group with no prior connection to alexandria.

The thing is, Aaron talked about three Wolves/"exiles." We've seen four "W" marks on people (and I think one more? Not sure). One was a zombie Rick, Daryl, and Carol all saw while talking outside the place Rick planted that handgun on. The other was the girl that Daryl and Aaron crawled away from under the trailer at the trap.

That's two.

Add in the W's on the Morgan attackers, that's four.

Which means the Wolves either recruited (possible, highly likely) and the two attackers took on their own devices to become extremely brutal (killing the red poncho dude at the end) and kill the original exiles, or something is going on.


Okay finale, but most of it felt like a waste outside of a few key moments, and most came right at the end of the episode.

Morgan the Badass showing up early in the show and making short work of a pair of wolves, though his attitude on Life is precious might get him killed. We also get to see how much prep these wolves have, just not their numbers. That trailer trap was pretty insane, but I'm still kind of surprised Daryl easily fell for it. Finally, Rick putting away the crazy and showing up the Alexandria group and telling them they are flat out screwed was a good redemption moment for him. Rick also was able to show his and his group's dominance of this new town. The bonus meetup at the end was icing on the cake, along with Gabriel being outed as insane to at least a portion of the group (and not just the viewer).

The rest of the episode was time filler, pure and simple. Glenn's side story was just there, the time with Gabriel outside of the wall was just there so he could leave the gate open. Carol is absolutely insane now and will end up getting herself killed, and the rest of the town garbage was boring.

I've got high hopes for season 6 and the wolves, I just hope there are more than the two of them.
Either it means that they were all Wolves (since they were marked) or the Wolves marked some walkers. I don't think it necessarily means that all marked walkers were Wolves

What in the ever living fuck was that bullshit?!?!?
It's kind of funny how clear the divide is between those who enjoyed the show and those who didn't


Always been a fan of the show, but getting a little tired of all the crying going on in the show. I get why they have to do it, but more than half of them now have turned into huge babies


Either it means that they were all Wolves (since they were marked) or the Wolves marked some walkers. I don't think it necessarily means that all marked walkers were Wolves

It's kind of funny how clear the divide is between those who enjoyed the show and those who didn't

Dude I LOVE THIS SHOW! I liked the entire season up until the end of this season. I have been here since day one. Just what the fuck. It wasn't a bad episode it just floundered way to much. Now I know why the people making the show said people will be pissed.

Edit - Sorry. Posted literally right after watching it. Still processing it. Just seemed like a lame finale for such a great season.
Could someone please spoile me? What happens in the comics with Morgan/Rick? Are they still friend? (I hope so)
Morgan was with Rick before they arrived at Alexandria but he (Morgan) got bit by a zombie and died.
But they might do something different with him in the TV show.


Rick killing Pete ended up being satisfying not because of the issues between Rick, Jesse, and Pete, as horrible as that was, but mostly because I actually liked Reg. That started when he was willing to take Noah and teach him. :( I wanted to see more of him and could have seen him fill a similar role that Hershel filled. This whole triangle is something I haven't really been feeling. The fallout of it (from the talk in the beginning, to the conversation with Michonne, and the end) on the other hand has been really interesting to watch.


Morgan was with Rick before they arrived at Alexandria but he (Morgan) got bit by a zombie and died.
But they might do something different with him in the TV show.

comic Morgan went out the way TV Tyreese (since Hershel pretty much took his comic death) for the most part? Dying right before they reached Alexandria but likely not in the same way.
Curious as to what will happen now if that's the case.


Morgan was with Rick before they arrived at Alexandria but he (Morgan) got bit by a zombie and died.
But they might do something different with him in the TV show.

comic spoilers:
He's also no where near as combat-ready as TV Morgan. It takes him a long time to get over the death of his son in the comic.
Needless to say, I do like TV Morgan a bit more than comic Morgan.


Either it means that they were all Wolves (since they were marked) or the Wolves marked some walkers. I don't think it necessarily means that all marked walkers were Wolves

It's kind of funny how clear the divide is between those who enjoyed the show and those who didn't

Doubtful - they cut all the torsos of the people they killed in Noah's town and carved W's in their heads - they fell out of the truck in the woods. I assume they are marking everything they touch with a W. Just like Cowboy X from Sesame Street.
comic Morgan went out the way TV Tyreese (since Hershel pretty much took his comic death) for the most part? Dying right before they reached Alexandria but likely not in the same way.
Curious as to what will happen now if that's the case.
Nah, he died in Alexandria
but I'd have to spoil it further to tell you how that went down.


comic spoilers:
He's also no where near as combat-ready as TV Morgan. It takes him a long time to get over the death of his son in the comic.
Needless to say, I do like TV Morgan a bit more than comic Morgan.
Tv Morgan is definitely a lot more badaas then comic book Morgan which is why im thinking
he won't die anything like in the comics, needs to be something bigger and more badass at this point. I could see Morgan taking Glens place and dying from negan.


The thing is, Aaron talked about three Wolves/"exiles." We've seen four "W" marks on people (and I think one more? Not sure). One was a zombie Rick, Daryl, and Carol all saw while talking outside the place Rick planted that handgun on. The other was the girl that Daryl and Aaron crawled away from under the trailer at the trap.

That's two.

Add in the W's on the Morgan attackers, that's four.

Which means the Wolves either recruited (possible, highly likely) and the two attackers took on their own devices to become extremely brutal (killing the red poncho dude at the end) and kill the original exiles, or something is going on.
We've seen way more walkers with W's on their heads than that though. Sasha blew one away at the gate last week, and in the episode Tyrese died we saw the remains of the Wolves' work (legs and arms littered around), and when they were trying to get Tyrese out of there and peeled out into the other vehicle, a bunch of torsos and heads spilled out and they all had W's on their head as well. It seems they mark their victims as well as themselves. It seems clear to me there's a larger group than the two we saw with Morgan and poncho guy anyways.


Halfway through the episode, I thought the whole town was going to be overrun with zombies and everyone would be forced to flee again, just like the farm and prison. Thought to myself, "If that shit happens again, I am done with the series". But that ending was something else. Glenn not pulling the trigger. Sasha not pulling the trigger. Glenn helping Nicholas back and Maggie clasping hands with Gabriel. And Rick with that speech. Plus Morgan kicking ass throughout. What an episode. Once again, it wasn't paced well but overall, the finale delivered. It hit the right spots and provided a satisfying conclusion to the season. No cheap cliffhanger as well which is good.

Also, regarding comic spoilers, how far has the show deviated from the comics so far? Are comic spoilers still meaningful? Ie. is that a reasonable chance that the show won't follow the comics which makes comic spoilers fairly safe to read?


I just realized from someone’s comment here, the entire town was at the meeting for rick and was held on someone’s porch so what 10 Alexandrians + The Rickocracy?.. So they could get swarmed by 10-20 walkers and it’ll be game over. In the comics, weren’t there hundreds of people in Alexandria? Maybe they should use some CGI budget on more townsfolks…
Halfway through the episode, I thought the whole town was going to be overrun with zombies and everyone would be forced to flee again, just like the farm and prison. Thought to myself, "If that shit happens again, I am done with the series". But that ending was something else. Glenn not pulling the trigger. Sasha not pulling the trigger. Glenn helping Nicholas back and Maggie clasping hands with Gabriel. And Rick with that speech. Plus Morgan kicking ass throughout. What an episode. Once again, it wasn't paced well but overall, the finale delivered. It hit the right spots and provided a satisfying conclusion to the season. No cheap cliffhanger as well which is good.

Also, regarding comic spoilers, how far has the show deviated from the comics so far? Are comic spoilers still meaningful? Ie. is that a reasonable chance that the show won't follow the comics which makes comic spoilers fairly safe to read?
The last scene was pretty much a 1:1 adapation of the comics. Same with the scene with Rick fighting Pete and Michonne knocking Rick on his ass. The show's probably closer to the comics than it's been in a long time


comic spoilers:
He's also no where near as combat-ready as TV Morgan. It takes him a long time to get over the death of his son in the comic.
Needless to say, I do like TV Morgan a bit more than comic Morgan.

Yeah the comic never had the stuff that the show did with Morgan basically having his own little town all set up with boobytraps. Come to think of it, TV Morgan is a lot like Bill from The Last of Us. I mean, that area is literally called "Bill's Town". Ha! TV Morgan's town should be called Morgantown or something.

Now that Morgan is finally there, I really really hope they keep him around for a long time and let him be a badass. The group is now stronger than its EVER been in the show OR the comics. We've got:


All really capable men who can handle their own. Each one could basically act as a captain of sorts when Alexandria inevitably goes to war with Wolves or some other group or people.

That's not even counting the very capable women on the show either:


All immediately come to mind. I'm sure there are others that could do well, but I consider those four to be the best.

I'd really like to see the show not kill anyone from that group next season as well. There's just no need for it. Its easy to write a death onto the show, its harder to find worthwhile arcs for so many characters, much less such likeable ones as the ones I just listed. That's where the show needs to improve, IMO. Its good now, but its still not on the level of Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad. I want it to get there! It certainly has enough characters that people are excited about, and the premise of the show is fairly unique to television, so I just want to see it make that extra jump in quality now. :)

Very excited for next season. I really enjoyed that finale. I had a fistpump moment when Michonne talked to Rick early on. I told my wife that some idiots online actually called her a traitor after last week and my wife laughed.

Somebody asked earlier about Fear TWD and what we think about it. I was thinking its really cool that the "hero" or star of the show is Kim Dickens (Treme, House of Cards, Sons of Anarchy, Gone Girl, etc) but when I look at the IMDB cast page for the show, she's near the bottom of the list and the rest are all people I am not familiar with at all. The top billed guy is some fucking rapper I've never heard of. Great. I have visions of some guy holding a pistol sideways and talking all "street".

*shoots zombie with sideways gun*
"Dat's RITE boyee! Come git you some, son!"

*Gets up in Kim Dickens' face during an arguement*
"I'm from da streets! Thangs weren't no diffrent from now in mah neighbo'hood. Erry DAY was a struggle!"

I'm worried it'll be a shittier version of the main show, but I'm hopeful that it could be good. I'm definitely looking forward to having more Walking Dead in the summer. :)


Was a bit boring and slow and not much happen with the Wolves business, but still cool.

Ricktatorship flor life.

And Michonne wants that rick dick.
Also, regarding comic spoilers, how far has the show deviated from the comics so far? Are comic spoilers still meaningful? Ie. is that a reasonable chance that the show won't follow the comics which makes comic spoilers fairly safe to read?
Most of the timeline thus far has followed the comics (and almost to a T.) Some characters are different but for the most part what happened in the comics has happened in the show.
Yeah the comic never had the stuff that the show did with Morgan basically having his own little town all set up with boobytraps. Come to think of it, TV Morgan is a lot like Bill from The Last of Us. I mean, that area is literally called "Bill's Town". Ha! TV Morgan's town should be called Morgantown or something.

Now that Morgan is finally there, I really really hope they keep him around for a long time and let him be a badass. The group is now stronger than its EVER been in the show OR the comics. We've got:


All really capable men who can handle their own. Each one could basically act as a captain of sorts when Alexandria inevitably goes to war with Wolves or some other group or people.

That's not even counting the very capable women on the show either:


All immediately come to mind. I'm sure there are others that could do well, but I consider those four to be the best.

I'd really like to see the show not kill anyone from that group next season as well. There's just no need for it. Its easy to write a death onto the show, its harder to find worthwhile arcs for so many characters, much less such likeable ones as the ones I just listed. That's where the show needs to improve, IMO. Its good now, but its still not on the level of Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad. I want it to get there! It certainly has enough characters that people are excited about, and the premise of the show is fairly unique to television, so I just want to see it make that extra jump in quality now. :)

Very excited for next season. I really enjoyed that finale. I had a fistpump moment when Michonne talked to Rick early on. I told my wife that some idiots online actually called her a traitor after last week and my wife laughed.

Somebody asked earlier about Fear TWD and what we think about it. I was thinking its really cool that the "hero" or star of the show is Kim Dickens (Treme, House of Cards, Sons of Anarchy, Gone Girl, etc) but when I look at the IMDB cast page for the show, she's near the bottom of the list and the rest are all people I am not familiar with at all. The top billed guy is some fucking rapper I've never heard of. Great.

I'm worried it'll be a shittier version of the main show, but I'm hopeful that it could be good. I'm definitely looking forward to having more Walking Dead in the summer. :)
Cliff Curtis is the lead actor for FTWD
I know him from Training Day, not much else


Most of the timeline thus far has followed the comics (and almost to a T.) Some characters are different but for the most part what happened in the comics has happened in the show.

Up until this point, anyway. The Wolves are not in the comics, so they could be starting to have the TV show be a bit more of it's own thing.


Tv Morgan is definitely a lot more badaas then comic book Morgan which is why im thinking
he won't die anything like in the comics, needs to be something bigger and more badass at this point. I could see Morgan taking Glens place and dying from negan.

Yeah, I could see them doing that.
But what would his dying words be seeing as so much of the scene's impact was Maggie helplessly witnessing it all?
Also (comic spoiler)
I like that they didn't end this season with The Herd, which gives more time for the Rick/Jessie romance to develop and making what Rick ends up doing to her even more brutal.


Up until this point, anyway. The Wolves are not in the comics, so they could be starting to have the TV show be a bit more of it's own thing.

They kind of need a longer TV only arc as I wasn't even expecting them to reach Alexandria until now. While not super close to the actual comic, they did speed things right along in the second half of season five.


Now that I have time to digest the episode I have to say it was good. I just felt like something cataclysmic was going to happen and it didn't. I still don't know If I like that or not considering the trend with the show. Highly expectant of the next season and I DON'T WANT TO WAIT FUCK. Fuck time.


Halfway through the episode, I thought the whole town was going to be overrun with zombies and everyone would be forced to flee again, just like the farm and prison. Thought to myself, "If that shit happens again, I am done with the series". But that ending was something else. Glenn not pulling the trigger. Sasha not pulling the trigger. Glenn helping Nicholas back and Maggie clasping hands with Gabriel. And Rick with that speech. Plus Morgan kicking ass throughout. What an episode. Once again, it wasn't paced well but overall, the finale delivered. It hit the right spots and provided a satisfying conclusion to the season. No cheap cliffhanger as well which is good.

Also, regarding comic spoilers, how far has the show deviated from the comics so far? Are comic spoilers still meaningful? Ie. is that a reasonable chance that the show won't follow the comics which makes comic spoilers fairly safe to read?

Agreed with your sentiment about the finale! :)

As for comics spoilers, I think the show is running fairly close to them right now, but in terms of specific characters, its really different in many ways. Spoilers for those who haven't read the comics and are considering doing so: There are so many characters that are comic dead/TV alive or vice versa and the specific actions are all mixed up.
Andrea is alive in the comics and playing the role of Sasha for example. Never had a romance with the governor. Plus she's actually Rick's girlfriend in the comics.

There's a lot of that kind of stuff that makes it impossible for even the most devoted comic readers to predict how the show is going to turn. Daryl isn't even IN the comics for example and look how important he is. The whole thing with Beth and the hospital group where Noah came from? Not in the comics at all.

Really, I'd just say go read them and enjoy yourself. Seeing what is the same and what is different has been fun for me and I'm thinking most people who have doubled up would tell you the same.


Cliff Curtis is the lead actor for FTWD

I know him from Training Day, not much else

Hmm. I was going by the order they are listed on IMDB. I don't feel better knowing that Cliff is the lead. He looks like a guy that would've bit the dust on the main show after hanging around for an episode.


I just realized from someone’s comment here, the entire town was at the meeting for rick and was held on someone’s porch so what 10 Alexandrians + The Rickocracy?.. So they could get swarmed by 10-20 walkers and it’ll be game over. In the comics, weren’t there hundreds of people in Alexandria? Maybe they should use some CGI budget on more townsfolks…

It was dark, so maybe there were hundreds standing in the dark beyond the range of the fire? ;-) See, AMC can make it work without having to fork over money to make it actually seem realistic :-D
Up until this point, anyway. The Wolves are not in the comics, so they could be starting to have the TV show be a bit more of it's own thing.

To be fair.. neither was the whole CDC stuff from season one. They've been able to input some of their own stuff but they tend to go right back towards the comic timeline to this point. It can change obviously though. The Wolves aren't in the comics but rumors are they are based on
The Scavengers
from the comic. We'll see.


To be fair.. neither was the whole CDC stuff from season one. They've been able to input some of their own stuff but they tend to go right back towards the comic timeline to this point. It can change obviously though. The Wolves aren't in the comics but rumors are they are based on
The Scavengers
from the comic. We'll see.

Completely forgot about them, but that's a good catch.

Tbh...I'm fine with the original stuff they do as long as it makes some sense and is written well enough. I'd say most of the second half of season 4 had some good original moments. Terminus, while short-lived, was also pretty solid. I just hate it when they drag out comic arcs for the sake of time. At least they seem to have gotten away from that after absolute garbage called season two and the odd story choices and extension of the governor arc in season three and four.
Oh God, I'm so lost. Who is the new black dude (has he been in it before?), who are the other dudes with Ws on their heads, why is Sahsa such a whiny little bitch? Why is Garbriel still in the show? Are Daryl and the other dude ever gonna go full on with tongues?
Oh God, I'm so lost. Who is the new black dude (has he been in it before?), who are the other dudes with Ws on their heads, why is Sahsa such a whiny little bitch? Why is Garbriel still in the show? Are Daryl and the other dude ever gonna go full on with tongues?
Morgan was in the pilot and in Season 3's Clear. And the post-credit scene's this season
Awesome finale. And this season was very good. Rick is so badass, love him.
I hope Alexandra Breckenridge becomes a regular in season 6. Rick and Jessie have very good chemistry.
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