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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 5, Part 2 – S6 premieres Oct 11th

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To be fair.. neither was the whole CDC stuff from season one. They've been able to input some of their own stuff but they tend to go right back towards the comic timeline to this point. It can change obviously though. The Wolves aren't in the comics but rumors are they are based on
The Scavengers
from the comic. We'll see.
The Wolves definitely have to be the
scavengers from the comics, I just seeing them doing them a little different like they did with the cannibals/terminus. Build them up to seem like more of a threat for the viewers. Of course I still think Ricks group will wipe out the wolves pretty quickly just like in the comics. That way then the herd and eventually negan show up it makes it a whole new ball game to see our group struggle so much once again after how badass they've gotten.


Just watched it. That wasn't a very good series finale at all. Not because of no one dying it was just really boring. Ah well back to the staus quo it seems. I wouldn't have actually minded if Carol died though. Shes just awful now. Also Glenn not dying in that situation is ridiculous. Thats taking plot armour too far.


Fuck FINALLY! We can finally have Morgan and Rick join up again. The wait for next season will be long, as it's always great to see these two together. It'll be interesting for sure.


Yeah, I could see them doing that.
But what would his dying words be seeing as so much of the scene's impact was Maggie helplessly witnessing it all?
Also (comic spoiler)
I like that they didn't end this season with The Herd, which gives more time for the Rick/Jessie romance to develop and making what Rick ending up doing to her even more brutal.
i could see him saying what glen does which was, "please.....please don't." Morgan values life now to the point that he didn't even kill the wolves. Would make sense for him to say something like in a sort of begging way like glen did cause he wants to live so badly. Of course who knows honestly. Daryl could die in that scene also and have carol get impacted and become leader of hilltop. They can do anything but in my opinion it needs to be a season 1 person and I want to see Daryl make it to all out war as Ricks right hand man. It would be crazy to see someone like Morgan go through all these trials and change only to get beat down by some asshole who doesn't value life in the same

it was really smart to wait for the herd. I really hope they make the Rick leaving Jessie scene just like the comics. That had the potential to be one of the best scenes in the entire show.


I just realized from someone’s comment here, the entire town was at the meeting for rick and was held on someone’s porch so what 10 Alexandrians + The Rickocracy?.. So they could get swarmed by 10-20 walkers and it’ll be game over. In the comics, weren’t there hundreds of people in Alexandria? Maybe they should use some CGI budget on more townsfolks…

Yea AMC is so cheap, so Rick's group outnumbered everyone in the town? They need to spend some money on extras to have around Alexandria, place looks empty.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Why is everyone a professor of anthropology on this show? Just say what you mean
It's funny how in the show you get people being philosophical and withholding information in moments where they should just say what they mean while in the comics Kirkman usually makes characters be crystal clear to the point of verbosity or repeating themselves. I enjoy both the comics and the TV show and I understand different medias work differently, but it amuses me how the writing works in opposite directions in both of them.


Good finale. A little drawn out. I wished that Gabriel and the guy who tried to kill Glenn were killed off (who doesn't?) but I expected it to end that way with Rick taking over. Next season is going to be even better.


Carol is something else.

Rewatching that final scene is pretty fucked up. Rick is ready to take out Pete as soon as he shows up sword in hand, but Carol stops him, as if knowing Pete was about to dig his own grave by escalating the situation even futher and irreversibly. She just stands there cool as shit when Pete does somethign stupid, and then, as Dianna's husband is dying, she looks at her, and then Rick, as if to signal that the right time to commence the Ricktatorship.

Carol on some devious shit.

Yeah, didn't quite catch this my first time watching but I think you hit the nail on the head. She knew Pete had to do something before Rick could put him down and she more than likely understood that it had to mean him killing somebody for Deanna to side with Rick on Pete's execution.

Also, regarding comic spoilers, how far has the show deviated from the comics so far? Are comic spoilers still meaningful?

Under Gimple's direction, the show has been following the comic closer than ever before so definitely watch yourself with highlighting those black bars!

Ie. is that a reasonable chance that the show won't follow the comics which makes comic spoilers fairly safe to read?

Absolutely not! They're remixing a few things and changing the roles of a few characters but all of the key events and plot points that happen in the comics are still there in roughly chronological order.

Rick vs Everybody in town (like... 8 people)
= Rick, your friends will explain to these people what you´ve been through, so the Alexandria people can understand you. Unfortunally your friends are forbidden of detailing the events, so they just speak about your amazing qualities like a birthday video made by your co-workers

The lack of detailing in the events really bugs me. Like they need to just throw it out there. "We were farmed into a train car by cannibals and Rick got us the fuck out of there." or "We overtook a Prison where we flourished and made a farm. Then we got attacked by a One-eyed maniac with a tank. Rick regrouped us and saved our ass."


The lack of detailing in the events really bugs me. Like they need to just throw it out there. "We were farmed into a train car by cannibals and Rick got us the fuck out of there." or "We overtook a Prison where we flourished and made a farm. Then we got attacked by a One-eyed maniac with a tank. Rick regrouped us and saved our ass."

Same here. They threw out generic reasoning why Rick was okay, but I still don't think anyone was or SHOULD be convinced Rick is on their side.

Funky Papa

I'd like to note that Dianna looks positively ghoulish when angry or bothered. There were points during the finale and the previous episode where she could have passed for a walker.


I always assumed that the videotaped interviews the group did upon arrival in Alexandria would have gone into greater detail of what they survived out there. Then I gave benefit of the doubt and then assumed that the town gossiped amongst themselves and word of their "adventures" became known well enough.

But maybe I'm being to kind to the show.


Yeah, didn't quite catch this my first time watching but I think you hit the nail on the head. She knew Pete had to do something before Rick could put him down and she more than likely understood that it had to mean him killing somebody for Deanna to side with Rick on Pete's execution.

Carol can really work people. The whole casserole visit turning into a knife threat wasn't happenstance - she knew damn well a domestic abuser like Pete could not handle a woman putting him in his place. A man he could brawl with, but he knows there's no hope for him if he attacked Carol, regardless of the reason. So now he has all those hours to just sit there drinking and getting angrier and angrier...

Carol is Rick's pocket aces.


TV Morgan already so much better than comic Morgan.

Since Sasha is now (comic spoiler)
Comic Andrea
I think they are basically making Morgan and Darryl
into Comic Jesus
Which I think is a good idea especially since
comic Morgan ends up being a weak ass bitch


Watch Nicholas make a 180 and become a fan favourite next season. The Glenn beatdown was just what he needed.

I feel like Glenn sparing him was pretty implausible. He's contributed to at least 6 people dying, and then shot Glenn and left him for dead. How many people would he have to let die before Glenn pulls the trigger? Glenn already spared him once before after beating him when he was threatening Eugene. You'd have to be an idiot to let him go again.

I'm hoping he dies in the most grisly manner possible.
I feel like Glenn sparing him was pretty implausible. He's contributed to at least 6 people dying, and then shot Glenn and left him for dead. How many people would he have to let die before Glenn pulls the trigger? Glenn already spared him once before after beating him when he was threatening Eugene. You'd have to be an idiot to let him go again.

I'm hoping he dies in the most grisly manner possible.

I thought it was very in character. It's very Glenn. He hasn't gone over the edge yet. He is one of the few that hasn't. Maggie hasn't either.


I enjoyed the episode. Carol just cracks me up with her act and false sincerity when addressing the towns people. I'm glad we have Morgan back, finally. I enjoyed the actor's character in Jericho too, so it'll be interesting to see what he brings to the show in hopefully an extended amount of time.


It was dark, so maybe there were hundreds standing in the dark beyond the range of the fire? ;-) See, AMC can make it work without having to fork over money to make it actually seem realistic :-D

Good point!!

About that nightfall, Rick was looking for the walkers in daylight and in the next scene it's pitch black and get's walker ninja'd..

I guess the sunset is faster because of the walls...
not serious
When Aaron and Daryl were in the car
surrounded by walkers about to do a Helm Deep final charge, I thought for sure that Daryl would take Aaron's hand for a moment. Something subtle enough to be a nice moment, but big enough to launch a million Tumblr posts.

Not that there's anything wrong with that!
Man when Morgan came up at the beginning I thought all was lost and he was dust and I was gonna be upset the whole night. But then he became the book of ELI and I was jumping with jou

Yup, that was amazing! When he started pulling those surprise moves on those two guys I was so thrilled.



We also need one of Morgan with the lightning fast staff moves at the beginning. :)

It took Morgan about 7 minutes to become one of the most badass characters in the show.

It was glorious.

I keep waiting for her to tell Ensign Paris to engage.

Haha :D

Fucking love Abraham: "There is a vast sea of shit out there that ya'll have no idea about. Rick has experienced every grain of said shit... and then some." xD

Damn that line was SO good, LOL.


I'm pretty sure there weren't hundreds of people in comic Alexandria it was pretty sparse too. Comic spoiler
The other community Hilltop and the King tiger dudes group were much larger.
Also it didn't look like everyone from the town was at the meeting. Seemed like there were more people at that party.
Rick putting himself in it with Morgan is a really fucking weird beat to end the series on.

I've seen every episode of the show, and while I would only describe myself as a casual viewer (in that I don't really care what the hell happens), I'm really struggling to understand why the audience is expected to give two hoots about Morgan, let alone be excited about a very Morgan-heavy finale.

From what I remember the character offered a nice parallel to Rick in that he was another father trying to protect his family, and he offered Rick/the viewers an insight into how else things might go down. But now he just seems to have deteriorated into a pure vessel of fan service, stupid stick waving and all. What gives?

Also I have to agree that the stuff with Glenn was really cheap. Put him in a situation that appears to finally be certain doom, cut away for a while, cut back and he's completely fine. YOU SAY WHAT? If only the writers had some balls, they would have cut away, then later revealed Glenn as a walker with no build up. Want to tug at some heart strings? Give a major character an off-screen death a live with the consequences!
Rick putting himself in it with Morgan is a really fucking weird beat to end the series on.

I've seen every episode of the show, and while I would only describe myself as a casual viewer (in that I don't really care what the hell happens), I'm really struggling to understand why the audience is expected to give two hoots about Morgan, let alone be excited about a very Morgan-heavy finale.

From what I remember the character offered a nice parallel to Rick in that he was another father trying to protect his family, and he offered Rick/the viewers an insight into how else things might go down. But now he just seems to have deteriorated into a pure vessel of fan service, stupid stick waving and all. What gives?

On Talking dead they hinted that there might be some delving into Morgan's backstory to explain how he got form guy who booby traps a town to guy who refuses to kill anyone.

Also explained that Morgan locking those guys in that car and honking the horn wasn't to attract walkers to the car, it was to see if that was a safe spot to leave them. He doesn't even want to kill those guys.


When Aaron and Daryl were in the car
surrounded by walkers about to do a Helm Deep final charge, I thought for sure that Daryl would take Aaron's hand for a moment. Something subtle enough to be a nice moment, but big enough to launch a million Tumblr posts.

Not that there's anything wrong with that!
If that had happened there would have been fanfiction up before the finale even ended.
If that had happened there would have been fanfiction up before the finale even ended.

Daryl slowly grasped Aaron's hand in to his and looked longingly in to his eyes. The two knew they would be alone in the vehicle for potentially hours before any one else would arrive. Daryl has a brief grin on his face and Aaron knew what was up. They quickly dove in to the backseat to get more relaxed and ready to burn the next few hours away.

Yeah.. did I really just type that out? -_-
I thought the episode was fantastic. Watching it with no commercials probably helped but the last half plus the start was intense as fuck. Glenn not going for the kill was a tad too much though. Should have at least left him there.

Glad no one died and Wolves story line looks interesting. I'm hoping it's more than 2 dudes though. Not really sure how much of threat they can possibly be when Morgan schooled them with a broom stick. Maybe they hinted at it being a bigger group and just didn't notice.
On Talking dead they hinted that there might be some delving into Morgan's backstory to explain how he got form guy who booby traps a town to guy who refuses to kill anyone.

Also explained that Morgan locking those guys in that car and honking the horn wasn't to attract walkers to the car, it was to see if that was a safe spot to leave them. He doesn't even want to kill those guys.

it would be nice to see them flesh out more stuff with his son like
the scene where he gets him the new gba with batteries as a christmas gift


Daryl slowly grasped Aaron's hand in to his and looked longingly in to his eyes. The two knew they would be alone in the vehicle for potentially hours before any one else would arrive. Daryl has a brief grin on his face and Aaron knew what was up. They quickly dove in to the backseat to get more relaxed and ready to burn the next few hours away.

I don't like her simply because of how eager she is to threaten children and kill people.

That's what makes her so great.

She's the absolutely practical version of Rick, in a sense. She is just about full sociopath at this point (with a few exceptions -- still cares about battered wives and kids). But ultimately she sees in these people exactly the kind of person she was at the beginning -- helpless and unwilling to do what's needed to survive because they don't even KNOW what's needed. She hates that part of herself and I think hates these people for it as well.

I don't think she would ever hurt the kid, but she knows firsthand how effective a really strong threat can be.

That scene didn't quite gel for me. Dianna didn't even need 30 seconds to process what happened before laying the Ricktatorship's hammer on that fool.

Well, she did just lose, like, her entire known family within the last few days or so. Exactly the kind of instability and insecurity that leads people to want the Ricktatorship.


Michonne gon' goof this up somehow.

Rick is such a badass. Man. Is there a better character on tv right now?
Quite a few.

Rick and wife beater looking like marv from sin city
They both look a lot closer to their comic book counter parts.

If the wolves are the alexandria exiles, why is it that they suddenly decide to come back? They seemed happy enough in their part of the woods. There's also that scene where they're looking and the pictures and seemingly finding out about alexandria. There's also the fact that if they are the exiles then they couldn't do much since they seem to kill everyone they meet; no chance to build a group up.

I think the wolves are an already established group with no prior connection to alexandria.
I can see them letting Alexandria get fatter and fatter until there is enough people for them to attack. Though, if that W looking those photos that observant, they may feel they have to attack the town now since it might have new blood who have an actual chance in defending it.

They aren't real so them being super strong (yet cant break a car window) and also super fragile makes since in the make believe world of The Walking Dead, like how Vin Diesel can drive a car through the top of a sky scraper into another sky scraper. Suspension of disbelief brah.

I take it as like a monster in a D&D game. Their strength is very high with high critical chance but their HP and defense is incredibly low which allows people to kill them very easily.
Man, if I was a writer, I would so try figuring that this sickness was weaponized for all of this to make sense. Seriously, they need to start adding in new Walkers and emphasize that this illnesses is preventing them just becoming bones.

Man, this summer gonna be stacked with good shit while we wait for season 6. FTWD is supposed to air this summer. We got Daredevil out on Netflix in less than two weeks. Game of Thrones season 5. That's just what I'm most excited for.
Meh, Hannibal is the main attraction.


And they say "last night" several times (i bet this has an explanation and im missing something obvious)
Yeah, gets the impression the finale was made before that episode and zero oversight on continuity.

This finale did absolutely nothing for me.
They didn't take any chances.
Better to use their aces then throwing them away that is followed by even shitier writing.

Enjoyable, if very different, finale. Hoping for things to pick up next season.

What are your thoughts on the spin-off? They're teasing how the outbreak began. Good/bad idea?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCyjdBac6p4 Good idea.

Rick putting himself in it with Morgan is a really fucking weird beat to end the series on.

I've seen every episode of the show, and while I would only describe myself as a casual viewer (in that I don't really care what the hell happens), I'm really struggling to understand why the audience is expected to give two hoots about Morgan, let alone be excited about a very Morgan-heavy finale.

From what I remember the character offered a nice parallel to Rick in that he was another father trying to protect his family, and he offered Rick/the viewers an insight into how else things might go down. But now he just seems to have deteriorated into a pure vessel of fan service, stupid stick waving and all. What gives?
Lennie James admits he doesn't know for sure why he has such a huge following other then the first episode where he couldn't shoot his wife really resonated with the audience.

Suppose it also helps that Clear is one of the best TV episodes ever.
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