So best, worst, and most badass moments of the season?
Best for me would have to be Carol going all one-woman army on Terminus.
Worst would be Tyresse getting bit because he was too engrossed by pictures to actually fully check the house. Come on, you're cautious enough to tap at the door to draw walkers out, but don't kill that one walker just to be safe?
Most badass has to be Morgan showing off his Donatello skills. I don't know where those skills came from but it was amazing. The fact that people were saying Morgan had been killed made the scene even more tense and his Book of Eli ninja moves even cooler
Rambo Carol was awesome indeed but that would probably come in second in the best/badass categories for me.
Best: the scene with Gareth finally revealing they were cannibals followed by Bob's"tainted meat" hysteria. Lawrence Gilliard Jr. and Andrew J. West both gave their best performances on the show for me in the scene to cap off episode 502 and the opening of 503.
Worst: Probably the ending of episode 507 when Officer Lamson is able to escape because his first name is also coincidentally Bob and he pulls the old "made ya look" on Sasha because she was acting like a simp. That whole setup and execution was terribad, like, CBS TV show level of cheesy. At least they made it up with the awesome intro of the midseason finale. "Shut up."
Most badass: SEAL Team Rick.
*two Termites sniped*
(somewhere in the shadows) "Put your guns on the floor."
Gareth: Rick, we will shoot right through that doo- *Gareth's index and middle finger are shot off*
(Rick reveals himself from the shadows with suppressed pistol aimed) "Put your guns on the floor and KNEEL."
Gareth: No point in begging, right?
*Rick eyefucks Gareth into oblivion*
Rick: No.
Gareth: Still, you could've killed us when we walked in here! There had to be a reason for that!
Rick: We didn't wanna waste the bullets.
*eyefucking intensifies*
*camera zooms in on red-handled machete*
Rick: Besides, I already made you a promise.