What did Pete mean when he was yelling, "This is him", while on the ground before Rick killed him?
I took it that he was blaming Rick for everything that was happening.
What did Pete mean when he was yelling, "This is him", while on the ground before Rick killed him?
Sorry, you're only allowed to complain about the "obvious" black character quota on this show. /Kappa
I still feel a little sad for the architect.
Alexandria has no doctor and no architect. Those professions are highly valuable in an apocalypse.
wait, what?
Not sure about Tara but Alanna Masterson, her actress, is American, according to her Wikipedia page. (and a scientologist, wat). I could have sworn she was Latino too, but I guess not.
Rosita is Hispanic.
I was tired, and it was what the wikipedia page said, I rolled with it."American" is an ethnicity now?
I lost it at the coma and eyebrows pics. Good shit lol
Oh man.
"American" is an ethnicity now?
SourceFollowing the record-breaking season 5 finale of The Walking Dead, today brings news that Stephen King has been tapped for season 6. An avid Walking Dead fan himself, Stephen is thrilled to announce that he has agreed to write an episode. What can fans expect? Heres what Stephen has to say about the direction he plans to take:
Ive been asked to write the opening series of Season 6, where three major characters are to be killed off. No spoilers, but one of them carries a crossbow.
More information to come.
Lost it at the dad joke, lmao
All I saw on Reddit was "Stephen King to write episode of The Walking Dead" and got really excited.
So it totally got me
It would be awesome though.
I feel like we are at a major turning point in this show.
Black people don't need to be scared anymore, it's the engineers turns to die.
All I saw on Reddit was "Stephen King to write episode of The Walking Dead" and got really excited.
So it totally got me
It would be awesome though.
What? You think Rick's group should have killed "many of them"? Why? That makes no sense.
That's the kind of finale you wanted?
The build-up was leading to a shift in leadership, not a massacre/take over. Deanna telling Rick to kill Pete was a clear indication that, at least IMO, she realized he was right and that her idealistic way of survival can't work
Right... kill a bunch of them...
wait, what?
When you realize some people feel like bloodshed, main characters dying, and big fights are the only way to raise the stakes or for it not to be a boring show, then it's clear why some think the show sucks.
The town is perfectly capable of handling zombies without Rick's group, but they're woefully prepared for human antagonists like the Governor or those "W" guys. They would have allowed the latter to walk right through the gates and welcomed them into their little homes.
I doubt it. Considering that the community lost people in the past due to Alexandrians being cowards, has a rule of leaving people behind, and people like Aiden making stupid decisions like playing loud music while out on a run and catching walkers to get payback, I doubt they could handle walkersThe town is perfectly capable of handling zombies without Rick's group, but they're woefully prepared for human antagonists like the Governor or those "W" guys. They would have allowed the latter to walk right through the gates and welcomed them into their little homes.
Aiden*I doubt it. Considering that the community lost people in the past due to Alexandrians being cowards, has a rule of leaving people behind, and people like Aaron making stupid decisions like playing loud music while out on a run and catching walkers to get payback, I doubt they could handle walkers
That's what really got Noah killed. That he wanted that sweet engineering knowledge.I feel like we are at a major turning point in this show.
Black people don't need to be scared anymore, it's the engineers turns to die.
The town is perfectly capable of handling zombies without Rick's group, but they're woefully prepared for human antagonists like the Governor or those "W" guys. They would have allowed the latter to walk right through the gates and welcomed them into their little homes.
They weren't even prepared to handle zombies. That was thoroughly demonstrated by Diana's stupid son and the construction crew collapsing under an attack.
I doubt it. Considering that the community lost people in the past due to Alexandrians being cowards, has a rule of leaving people behind, and people like Aiden making stupid decisions like playing loud music while out on a run and catching walkers to get payback, I doubt they could handle walkers
What if Morgan turns out to be an engineer?
That final scene was great. Morgan being loony is what brings Rick into sanity last time he went bonkers. In the final shot of the season we see Morgan being sane (and a badass) meeting Rick who is now loony.
Don't worry about the architect they can use Noahs detailed notes on what he learned from him.Alexandria has no doctor and no architect. Those professions are highly valuable in an apocalypse.
Don't worry about the architect they can use Noahs detailed notes on what he learned from him.
Don't worry about the architect they can use Noahs detailed notes on what he learned from him.
Rick isn't loony any more, IMO, but it seems he's assumed the same totalitarian posture exhibited on the night before the group found the prison.
The final scene of S2 and the beginning of S3 are eight months apart, by the way.
8 mos? Didn't know that, damn.
So, does anyone think the W guys are lead by? Or are they theNeganscavengers