Damn... what an amazing episode. I mean, I just don't know what to say to people saying "worst episode ever." Just stop watching the show, I guess.
Tyrese was such a tragic character when you reflect, at least in the show, I am not sure how differently he is portrayed in the comics (and I'm told he's different). A massive beast of a man who could wreck shit like no one else as shown in the hammer.gif but deep down a kind hearted individual who at this point in the zombie apocalypse doesn't have a place in the world.
I can see how the whole ninja zombie scenario is getting played out, though. I do feel like these characters need to start dying in a more badass or eventful way, though the episode redeemed itself in spades once he did get bit. I can understand why people consider his hallucinations corny or "trying too hard to be deep", but it really was an effective way to portray Tyrese's pent up emotions and demons that were haunting him the entire time. We all hate Martin, but he brings up valid points. Would things be differently, or was Bob right in saying it was meant to be? It was eerie seeing Bob, Beth, and the kids try to console him saying everything would be alright now, as if death is better then living at this point. Tyrese confronting the Governor on why he forgave Carol and why he didn't and won't give up was powerful. This entire time Tyrese never talked to anyone about this and it must have been killing him, to finally come to grips and be at peace with his decisions and who he is as a person was a relief to see.
The whole radio broadcast was a really nice touch, as well. It was obviously another hallucination (not sure how people could think it was real). I thought it was an imaginary broadcast of someone reporting on their own crew that we see as surviving and being good people but the broadcast making them sound like monsters. I mean, we know these characters and have seen them from the start. To us, they are good people. We are close to them in a sense because we've been with them this entire time. To someone who just meets them, ala Gabriel, they are barbaric monsters. However, someone brought up the point that it could have just been about the group that attacked Noah's village, which after hearing the broadcast again probably makes more sense. Either way, having Tyrese ask Bob to turn off the radio and Bob asking "you sure?" was a chilling moment and one where you knew he was ready to die. He was tired of this life and what it makes you, listening to the radio and just surviving in this world was the high cost of living, and he was through. It was a nice way to go back on his talk with Noah in the car regarding his father and the radio.
I also thought it was a wonderfully shot episode, as well. As for Noah's village, the carved zombie foreheads, and the halved zombies in the truck, I just feel it's a group of people who raid villages and intentionally loot/rape/and turn people into walkers and leave. I guess we'll find out, though...