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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 5, Part 2 – S6 premieres Oct 11th

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Membero Americo
My reaction to this episode:


This Ninja Zombie business is seriously bullshit. Are there rules? If you look at a zombie, if you are aware of its presence, you hear it, but the moment you aren't aware of a zombie's presence, you can't hear it for shit?

The hallucination thing was cool, but the death itself is just bullshit.

And does TWD have a quota on black character or something? Come the fuck on.
My reaction to this episode:


This Ninja Zombie business is seriously bullshit. Are there rules? If you look at a zombie, if you are aware of its presence, you hear it, but the moment you aren't aware of a zombie's presence, you can't hear it for shit?

The hallucination thing was cool, but the death itself is just bullshit.

And does TWD have a quota on black character or something? Come the fuck on.
Hmmm, let me see if I can answer your questions.



The Walking Dead is the most divisive show on TV. A quiet majority like it while a decent chunk hate it. And episodes lie this show why this show will never be able to please everyone.

Yet we still all watch it!

Probably because for all its problems it's still a unique show on TV. Seriously, where are all the zombie TV show knock-offs from other channels?


Also I just found out that the DVD and Blu-ray version of season 4 actually has the uncensored "they're fucking with the wrong people" as the final line, which is awesome as that's what it should be. Why AMC has to be such goddamn prudes about swear words I don't know.

Escape Goat

Beth dies and we got no reflection from the only person related to her or the only person she bonded with (Darryl). I bet next episode should have came first but because of pacing they had to put a character death in before we get Beth fall out.


My reaction to this episode:


This Ninja Zombie business is seriously bullshit. Are there rules? If you look at a zombie, if you are aware of its presence, you hear it, but the moment you aren't aware of a zombie's presence, you can't hear it for shit?

The hallucination thing was cool, but the death itself is just bullshit.

And does TWD have a quota on black character or something? Come the fuck on.

Still doing this shit?



All the comic readers have been like, "Just wait til they get to Tyreese." "When Tyreese joins the show, it's gonna be off the hook." "Tyreese is the most badass character, he's going to kick all sorts of ass."

Tyreese was a great character. I liked seeing him go through hell only to realize that peace was a better thing to strive for instead of becoming a dead inside cold killer like Rick and Glenn have. Also he got that bad ass hammer scene.


Escape Goat

Tyreese was a great character. I liked seeing him go through hell only to realize that peace was a better thing to strive for instead of becoming a dead inside cold killer like Rick and Glenn have. Also he got that bad ass hammer scene.


Badass? More like bullshit. Tyrese should have enabled God mode this episode.


This Ninja Zombie business is seriously bullshit. Are there rules? If you look at a zombie, if you are aware of its presence, you hear it, but the moment you aren't aware of a zombie's presence, you can't hear it for shit?

Most of the time it just boils down to jump scare bull shit, but with Tyreese's death I felt ok with it. Probably because Ty looked lost within his mind in a fit of rage staring at the photograph of Noah with his brother and as a result his sensory acuity went to shit.

Beth dies and we got no reflection from the only person related to her or the only person she bonded with (Darryl). I bet next episode should have came first but because of pacing they had to put a character death in before we get Beth fall out.

Apparently there was quite a large gap in time between the mid-season finale and the back-half season premiere, so maybe Daryl and Maggie already had their time of mourning.
Most of the time it just boils down to jump scare bull shit, but with Tyreese's death I felt ok with it. Probably because Ty looked lost within his mind in a fit of rage staring at the photograph of Noah with his brother and as a result his sensory acuity went to shit.
True. Sometimes you can get so fixated on something that you aren't that aware of what's going on around you.


This whole season has been progressively getting worse. All the introspective shit is really getting out of hand. This episode was useless, as killing Tyrese has no impact on the show. He's been a non-factor since he went all pacifist.


Cool episode. Can't say I'll miss Tyrese all that much though.

But... That radio. Was it a hallucination? That was telling the truth? What was it saying about people going nuts and killing children with machetes? The same people reaponsible for the fucked up torso truck? I don't get it.


My reaction to this episode:


This Ninja Zombie business is seriously bullshit. Are there rules? If you look at a zombie, if you are aware of its presence, you hear it, but the moment you aren't aware of a zombie's presence, you can't hear it for shit?

The hallucination thing was cool, but the death itself is just bullshit.

And does TWD have a quota on black character or something? Come the fuck on.

You've never zoned out in class before?

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Great start, I was hoping he'd make it but I figured he was done for.
Cool episode. Can't say I'll miss Tyrese all that much though.

But... That radio. Was it a hallucination? That was telling the truth? What was it saying about people going nuts and killing children with machetes? The same people reaponsible for the fucked up torso truck? I don't get it.

I assumed it was him remembering the radio from before the zombies, if I remember right he said he would listen to it with his dad or something to that effect, and how horrible stuff always seemed so far away when it was on the radio even if it was on the other side of the world or down the street. Don't super remember that part though.

As for the broadcast, it sounded like something you would hear from Rwanda if it was lifted from a real report and not made for the show. Real or not it fit thats for sure.


I personally enjoyed Rick and Glenn's reflection about killing Dawn, Rick wanting to kill her even though he knew she didn't mean to kill Beth and whether it actually mattered who pulled the trigger.

These people have pretty much lost everything that they knew about themselves and now they have to explore how far gone they really are, what's left, and what can they become next.

And as Gimple explained, there's a very definite purpose for it all:

You guys were all telling me recently about how the back half of the season is gonna feel a lot different from the first half. Tell me what you mean by that.

You’ve hit upon a couple of the things, which are big things. We’re not gonna see the group split up as much. They’re gonna be dealing with survival, really hardcore survival. The dynamics of that story are different than what we had in the previous eight episodes. Beyond that, we’re gonna see these characters really ground-down, really tested. Somebody could probably grab that quote from me regarding last season, but this is gonna be a test in many ways of how much they can emotionally withstand. Like I said, things are gonna get worse before they get better, and these people are going to be pushed to their emotional breaking point as well. And then the story will shift quite a bit and we are going to see a show that in its look and circumstances is very, very different from what we’ve seen on the show.
I personally enjoyed Rick and Glenn's reflection about killing Dawn, Rick wanting to kill her even though he knew she didn't mean to kill Beth and whether it actually mattered who pulled the trigger.

These people have pretty much lost everything that they knew about themselves and now they have to explore how far gone they really are, what's left, and what can they become next.

And as Gimple explained, there's a very definite purpose for it all:
I really hope that the last sentence by Gimple there means that after seeing them get beat down we might see a little bit of hope. Maybe that's where the morgan/rick reunion comes into play and also possibly finding a new home.
Episode was GARBAGE!

and seriously why is it every time a new black male character shows up the other one gets killed??

we got rid of the guys from the wire for everybody hates Chris guy and the preacher dude

fuck this show


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Shitty episode. Story is going no where and writers are just bullshitng now. I skipped past most of the scene in this episode.


Damn... what an amazing episode. I mean, I just don't know what to say to people saying "worst episode ever." Just stop watching the show, I guess.

Tyrese was such a tragic character when you reflect, at least in the show, I am not sure how differently he is portrayed in the comics (and I'm told he's different). A massive beast of a man who could wreck shit like no one else as shown in the hammer.gif but deep down a kind hearted individual who at this point in the zombie apocalypse doesn't have a place in the world.

I can see how the whole ninja zombie scenario is getting played out, though. I do feel like these characters need to start dying in a more badass or eventful way, though the episode redeemed itself in spades once he did get bit. I can understand why people consider his hallucinations corny or "trying too hard to be deep", but it really was an effective way to portray Tyrese's pent up emotions and demons that were haunting him the entire time. We all hate Martin, but he brings up valid points. Would things be differently, or was Bob right in saying it was meant to be? It was eerie seeing Bob, Beth, and the kids try to console him saying everything would be alright now, as if death is better then living at this point. Tyrese confronting the Governor on why he forgave Carol and why he didn't and won't give up was powerful. This entire time Tyrese never talked to anyone about this and it must have been killing him, to finally come to grips and be at peace with his decisions and who he is as a person was a relief to see.

The whole radio broadcast was a really nice touch, as well. It was obviously another hallucination (not sure how people could think it was real). I thought it was an imaginary broadcast of someone reporting on their own crew that we see as surviving and being good people but the broadcast making them sound like monsters. I mean, we know these characters and have seen them from the start. To us, they are good people. We are close to them in a sense because we've been with them this entire time. To someone who just meets them, ala Gabriel, they are barbaric monsters. However, someone brought up the point that it could have just been about the group that attacked Noah's village, which after hearing the broadcast again probably makes more sense. Either way, having Tyrese ask Bob to turn off the radio and Bob asking "you sure?" was a chilling moment and one where you knew he was ready to die. He was tired of this life and what it makes you, listening to the radio and just surviving in this world was the high cost of living, and he was through. It was a nice way to go back on his talk with Noah in the car regarding his father and the radio.

I also thought it was a wonderfully shot episode, as well. As for Noah's village, the carved zombie foreheads, and the halved zombies in the truck, I just feel it's a group of people who raid villages and intentionally loot/rape/and turn people into walkers and leave. I guess we'll find out, though...
It was an alright episode.. But darn.. How much did AMC profited from this (or any other) episode? If you dont count actors/crews fees they are probably just spending around $100 per episode.
Episode was GARBAGE!

and seriously why is it every time a new black male character shows up the other one gets killed??

we got rid of the guys from the wire for everybody hates Chris guy and the preacher dude

fuck this show

Tyrese went out the same way Omar did on the wire. Got caught slipping
I'm becoming a little desensitized by this show.. Every time a character dies i find myself caring less and less and less.

We get it.. there's no hope.. the only hope is you try to live as long as you can before you die.. which isn't very long.. everyone's going to die in this world.. So now that we've established that over almost 5 seasons I'm not surprised nor do I care.

The only way for there to be shock or feelz IMO is if Rick and/or Carl die before the last few episodes ever of this show.

Escape Goat

Just watched the episode. Thought people would have loved this one... never change, gaf lol

It would have been good if they hadnt tried to give Tyrese characterization in the same episode he dies. The payoff was hollow. If I pretend to care about Tyrese it was pretty good.


Super Member
Is it possible to blame Tyreese's death on the actor having other commitments? A bunch of characters left when Darabont left too, right? They need to lock down actors if they really care about telling a proper story.
lol who am i kidding

though keeping shane through season 5 would've been fun
I thought I saw something painted on the side of the barn/house while they were driving. Then at that community it had something painted like the wolves will return on the wall.

Could this be a group chopping people up?

Overall episode wasn't good. Can't believe they debated about going to dc when they are so close. Almost like they were going to turn around and go back to Georgia.


"Pretentious" continues to be the most misused word on the internet.

I really hope that the last sentence by Gimple there means that after seeing them get beat down we might see a little bit of hope. Maybe that's where the morgan/rick reunion comes into play and also possibly finding a new home.

(Comic Spoilers)
Gimple or Kirkman essentially confirmed in an interview with EW that we'll be in Alexandria by the Season 5 finale. :3
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